79 Educators providing Courses




Forfar, Angus, Scotland

Welcome Dear One,   I am Namura, a spiritual teacher, advisor and healer in service of the Light.  From an early age, my connection to the spiritual world led me to explore various meditation, healing and psychic development techniques, both on my own and by attending spiritual development workshops and classes. Being driven to further help others, I therefore got trained as an Archangel Life Coach, Angelic Medium  and as an energy healer practitioner through the Angelic Reiki Association. Always guided by Spirit in my personal practice as well as when working with clients I have become comfortable to mix and match a plethora of tools and methods, such as Energy Healing, Channeling, Psychic Guidance, Light Language, Sacred Geometry, Past Life Regressions, Crystal Healing and more. I also enjoy creating channelled art, which people found to be very healing and powerful. Most of the techniques and meditations presented in Namura's World workshops and classes are a result of my personal experience and my channelling of various Light Beings, such as Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Galactic Light Beings and more. I am combining this with information acquired from trusted sources and I'm really happy to be sharing it with you.   I always treasure people's feedback and here's some of it: "I just attended Namura's online zoom/ workshop "The Empowered Empath" and had one of the most powerful experiences on my spiritual journey... She is an amazing Teacher, very well built up, lots of information and an amazing meditation with Light Language channeled through... Thank you very much Namura!" (Heidi, UK) "Attending to her workshop was one of my best decisions! Not only I had a high-quality knowledge intake, I have also discovered the root of my fears! For that alone, I can’t thank you enough! I highly recommend Namura and her services! She’s there with you and for you!" (Diana, UK) "Namura is a very gifted mentor and healer, displaying a high degree of integrity and professionalism, an impeccable conduit for the Divine. Beyond learning from what she says (her words hold power and wisdom), I learn a tremendous amount by observing her conduit and connection with the Spirit; she is an excellent role model that teaches by example. " (Ioana, Canada) "Powerful and insightful session. A very genuine and connected energy that goes deep and wide and is very beautiful - it was a wonderful experience. I highly recommend it. Also I just love the light codes - it’s so special and delighting.' (Joanna, Canada) “I had the most amazing channelling experience with Namura. This is as close as it gets to a blissful feeling! It was very profound and powerful. Thank you Namura for a wonderful connection. You have a great gift.” (Emma, UK) "You are a very powerful healer and thinker and my life has never nor will ever be the same since meeting you." (Holly, USA)   Love and blessings, Namura x  

Infinite Soul Circle

infinite soul circle


We are a paid monthly spiritual learning community. We support and encourage growth through self learning courses and interactive spiritual circles, rituals, manifestation, and live psychic readings. We are intuitive, connected, inspired, and empowered. IMAGINE A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF YOURSELF AND OTHERS. Imagine empowering yourself as you work with your natural intuitive skills to harness magic and manifestation to enhance your life. Imagine a peaceful inner environment that allows you to enjoy a stress free and balanced lifestyle. How would your life be different if you were free from self-limiting beliefs and in control of your internal environment through understanding and perspective? How would you feel if you were fully empowered to live your life the way you wanted? Imagine living without the stress or weight of other people’s views and opinions… There is enough room in this world for everyone to embody their true selves. TIME ASIDE FOR YOURSELF, FOR YOUR OWN GROWTH AND HAPPINESS? How would it feel to step into who you truly are? When you join us at Infinite Soul Circle, you learn to take the aligned action that’s right for you. You understand the importance and value not only of yourself but also of everyone around you. You learn to lead from a place of trust in your own intuition without needing validation from those around you. DO YOU DESIRE SUPPORT AND DIRECTION IN FINDING YOUR SOULS PATHWAY? The confidence to learn and express your inner wisdom. To learn about divination, intuition and psychic abilities and the power of your own self-awareness. Connect to other like-minded spiritual seekers and build friendships based on trust and shared experiences. We are a learning space that gives you the tools you need and allows you to pick them up at your own pace, understanding that every pathway is unique. To not only learn, but also to want to take part in live psychic readings and spiritual chats and talk to your tutors regularly. Your monthly subscription gives you access to weekly circles, rituals, and live classes.

Shimmering Light

shimmering light

I am Felicia and I am the founder of Shimmering Light. I have learnt a few of holistic therapies, such as Reiki, crystal healing. As well as mediumship and psychic art. I have recently created an online Holistic shop, as part of Shimmering Light umbrella. I am pretty sure that this path found me more than once. But only until am i ready for this journey. Lessons learned? I don’t know, but what I do know is, is that I’m still learning. Just like you are. From when I was young, I was surrounded by the spirit world, essential oils, reiki and crystals. My Mum, learned Reiki and worked with essential oils. Both sides of my family have the intuitive gift, see Spirit and have a knowing. From a young age, it was noticed that had been gifted with mediumistic/psychic skills. In my late teens, I shut down my mediumship. The reason being because no one understood the world I saw. I couldn’t explain things I had already seen and how I knew things, that I couldn’t possibly know. I guess I wanted to be “normal”. But is only when you get older, you learn to accept yourself for who you are. Around 3 years ago (2015), when my Grandmother died; was the time my mediumship started opened back up. Bit by bit, therapies started to pop up. A few months after the funeral, I booked on to a Reiki course — level 1. Which opened my sense up more. The difference this time was I felt ready for it. I joined an open development circle. Went on to do Reiki level 2 and then I was invited into the closed development circle. On top of that, I started to learn spiritual healing. I wanted to know the difference between Reiki and Spiritual Healing. I continued to develop my mediumship and psychic art skills at the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted. My journey didn’t stop there! After Reiki 2, I created a business. Just like that, October, 2015 - Shimmering Light was born. Little did I know, the plans spirit had for me! After 6 months, of being a business I had signed up for my first exhibit at Olympia, April 2016. The one thing about being spiritual, and dealing with energy, is that you never have an idea when your vibration is going to change. In 2016, I was suffering with severe depression and anxiety. I was signed off work for a total of 6 months. I was lost in my own darkness. I focused on the darkness rather than the stars which was showing. Now, I reflect back on it, I find myself wondering if my depression was triggered because I found something I got satisfaction from but I didn’t own it. I felt tied to my Monday - Friday job. I stuck at it because I felt like I had to. Until June 2018, I took the leap of faith. I left that job, with nothing under me. I’m letting the universe catch me. Writing this has given me a little awakening. The more I fought against my soul’s desires the more I fell sick. The stronger my will came to follow what I really wanted to do, I became happier and hardly sick.

The Natural Wellbeing Academy

the natural wellbeing academy


Kinross, Perthshire

- Accredited Practitioner Qualifications & Online Training, - The Complementary Medical Association (CMA) Approved Training School - 1-1 Healing, Group Workshops - Multi-Dimensional Living - Founded in 2014 - Practicing meditation since 1986 Find relief from: *anxiety, *depression, *tiredness, *energy draining and *energy leakage, *overwhelm, *inner child issues, *trauma, *low self-esteem, *limiting beliefs, *conditioning & patterns, *ancestral trauma, *psychic attack, *Implants, *entities and *attachments, *energetic imbalances: *mental, *physical, *emotional and *spiritual imbalances, *addictions, *toxic relationships, *asthma and *respiratory ailments How it works 💎 non-invasive 💎 natural 💎 self-paced 💎 with integrity 💎 empowering 💎 heart based 💎 life-skills and self awareness toolkit 💎 heals the 'seed' of the issue, not papering over the cracks Our Formula to Wellbeing, over decades of experience is: *integrity: to fearlessly live the authentic truth of who you are *empowerment: expanding your truthful integrity & creating your life your way, which offers breathing space for others to find their unique way *growth: Fruitful experiences as we embody these practices Mind, Body & Soul We work with the 'Spirit' of the person, aiding conscious, heart-based living; making life more meaningful and fulfilling. By going to the 'seed' of the issue, not papering over the cracks for it to appear somewhere else in the future this methodology helps people understand and heal themselves in a compassionate manner. About Your Guide: Lynda offers an Integrated Approach, treating the whole person in a holistic manner * Energy Healer Practitioner and Teacher Trainer * Crystal Healer  * Healing Diets Coach  * Yoga Siromani * Reflexologist * practicing Transcendental Meditation (T.M) since 1986 Spiritually she works as an empath, channel, psychic, is a Lemurian elder, works with Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels, Galactic Beings, works with Lady Gaia, Stone Circles, ancient monuments and any other landmarks which connect with her. Alongside online courses and Teacher Training Lynda launched a pioneering Healing Centre in 2014 which housed a plethora of therapists and the City's first vegan cafe.  

Helen Grieve

helen grieve


I’ve been an holistic therapist since 1996 gosh!!! having always been different I suppose you would call me an eclectic blend of witch, druid, Buddhist, spirit, star-seed and light-worker all rolled into one. Having studied a variety of beliefs, traditions and religions, I’ve taken what I’ve liked and left the bits I don’t. I’ve always lived a busy life style you know …. work, travel, going to clubs , circles, groups and Moots. My life was happy and fulfilled . I’ve worked for myself making lotions and potions , I’ve always been called a Witch, but i don’t mind.., I’ve traveled the world, life was good until I returned from Vietnam having had my booster jab at my Gps surgery. Recovering.. In 2016 after a Hepatitis vaccination left me with my body attacking its self , with stroke like symptoms unable to move more that a few feet let alone walk, talk or look after myself. I was added to the list of random side effects and given a diagnosis of ME/CFs . later on that years fibromyalgia was added to the list having had all joints in my body attacked leaving me in pain like I’ve never experienced (except for child birth..) So, it’s been an up hill struggle these last few years. I’ve returned to my roots seeking out like-minded people and those who can offer healing on an energetic level. I trained in Angelic Reiki and what an experience that was.. Beautiful if not profound connection with the Angelic Realm, I often call upon them when times are hard. My grand-pier had passed to the world of spirit not long before I got sick and during that same year I must have gone to 20 funerals. Three of my friends passed within two weeks and over that 10 month period it became a stand joke, no one would stand near me.. I don’t know how I would have made it through if I didn’t know where they were going or if they were alright. But, I do know where they are, I have that comfort and often feel them around me, I wish you all felt what I feel, the love and support they send, and you can..