194 Educators providing Courses

Healthcare Quality Quest

healthcare quality quest

Ower, Romsey

We develop … Multiprofessional teams in healthcare organizations to — agree on what needs to be improved for patients test commitment to making the improvements needed establish valid and reliable baselines that show the effects of current practice on patients analyse the root causes of problems affecting practice and act on the causes measure again rapidly to show the impact of action. In-house healthcare quality, patient safety, risk management and clinical governance specialist staff to — develop multiprofessional teams to carry out improvement projects and governance functions use quality and safety measurement and improvement tools correctly change staff attitudes and behaviours relating to quality and safety improvement, managing risk and governance redesign processes and systems to benefit patient care achieve measured improvements in practice. Healthcare organizational capability to be accountable for the quality and safety of patient care through — identifying organizational problems related to being accountable for the quality and safety of patient care and helping organizations overcome the problems formulating practical and workable strategies for developing teamwork and effective support for teams to deliver improvements clarifying lines of accountability for patient care quality and safety drafting evidence-based policies and standards developing the right structures and systems to deliver accountability for quality and safety using internal indicators to evaluate success.

Wellspect HealthCare

wellspect healthcare


Ask a Wellspect employee – what is it that unites us? The answer would be: passion. The passion for making life better for people with bladder and bowel dysfunction. And that’s why we decided to make a statement – a passion statement: “We passionately strive to make a real difference every day to everyone who needs our products and services.” Our Culture There is a special spirit among Wellspect employees, noticed by everyone who works with us. We have created a culture of team spirit, where sharing knowledge and finding new ways to tackle challenges together is key. We commit ourselves and care about the impact of our efforts. We have the courage to challenge ourselves and our colleagues and we explore new ways of thinking to find innovative solutions. We believe in the power of collective effort and endeavor to collaborate across disciplines and geography – teamwork is our way. We care about each other and meet our challenges with a joyful spirit and mutual respect. iLean and Feedback Wellspect is currently undergoing a transformation towards Lean Product Development (LPD). LPD involves the whole of Wellspect since a Lean organization understands customer value and focuses on its key processes to continuously improve them. iLean is a philosophy, completely in line with our Culture Vision. Most of us are familiar with feedback as a tool. Within the iLean program, developing a strengthened feedback culture defines a common feedback language. We believe everyone will become more confident in continuously giving, receiving and asking for feedback, extending beyond our colleagues to project teams and company–wide relationships – committing, challenging and exploring new opportunities for ourselves, our teams and our company. Most importantly, delivering the benefit to our users. Our Values Wellspect is a business with a heart. We listen carefully to our network of users, healthcare professionals and scientists to find ways to improve continence care. That’s why ‘Advancing together’ has become a common value, which we apply both internally and externally. We also do this in a genuine and compassionate way, demonstrating a genuine curiosity and concern for our users’ needs. This deep understanding is strengthened by our vast knowledge and experience within the field, ensuring that together, we find the most relevant solutions.