197 Educators providing Courses

Inklusive Developments

inklusive developments


The Inclusive Bangladesh Development (IBD) is the one of the intelligence supporting Build Bangladesh. It has commenced its journey by investing in human capital. IBD is based on the strong foundation of social empowerment, economic entrepreneurship and environmental sustainability works demonstrated by the Impress Group through their media stream Channel I over last 16 years. Their impact based works on agriculture, awareness of health and hygiene among young girls, campaign supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and social entrepreneurs, nurturing and rewarding creative and talented young children, men and women as gateway to the entertainment industry, supporting disadvantaged children and young people to become future leaders, basic skills development for girls from remote villages and developing educational games to promote ‘spirit of Bangladesh’. In addition, it has also been influencing government policy through its ground breaking media journalism and issues based discussion forums. IBD has a not for profit role nurturing and promoting skills development (e.g. vocational education and training), social entrepreneurship and awareness programs all over Bangladesh. It will operate countrywide and will be politically and denominationally neutral. It will create opportunities for corporate sectors, global Bangladeshis and individual investors to invest in human capital in Bangladesh through various best practice models such as Social Impact Bonds (SIB), Social Impact Investments (SII) including Corporate Social Impact Investment (CSII).

Cricket Green School

cricket green school



Cricket Green School is a community in which we aim to educate and develop children, in order that they lead independent, fulfilled and happy lives. We aim to enable pupils to make informed choices and to develop greater levels of independence together with an increased awareness of themselves as learners, as individuals and as members of their local community. With this aim in mind, we work hard to ensure that each pupil has many opportunities during their school life to develop skills, qualifications and confidence. We have a highly-skilled staff of teachers, assistants, lunchtime supervisors and office staff. We work hard to ensure that each pupil has many opportunities during their school life to develop skills, qualifications and confidence. We aim for pupils to increase their employability options, use their leisure time and enable each one to make a contribution to their community. Pupils follow a curriculum based on the National Curriculum. We enable pupils to develop their Maths and Literacy skills through direct teaching and real life experiences. Much of our learning is done through our Creative Curriculum thematically based blocks of learning that enables skills development. Our older pupils follow personalised learning plans and gain accreditations in a range of subjects and interests. Cricket Green is a school for pupils within the age range 4 to 19 who have diverse learning needs. At Cricket Green School everyone has the right to be treated equally regardless of gender, culture, belief or exceptional need.