1549 Educators providing Courses

Menopause Support Coach Certification

menopause support coach certification

The Menopause Support Coach Certification is a dual certified and doubly accredited CPD and ActiveiQ online course.  A 3 month program that trains students to be compassionate, alert to & effective in menopause support and to become a worldclass MSCC level coach.  This is fully delivered online via a learning portal with private log in and is for anyone ... * Working with and supporting women in their life business, career and happiness journey e.g. health & fitness coaches, PTs, Life Coaches, Business Coaches, Mindset Coaches, Women’s Health Coaches * You want to deepen your knowledge of the menopause and women’s health space to offer a new level of support in your coaching * You want to become part of a community of like-minded people and open up new exciting opportunities for yourself * You want to make a long lasting impact on the world in a big and positive way You’ll learn: * –  Menopause well-being nutrition to understanding your clients better, * –  How to coach menopausal clients towards their goals, * –  How to hold space for where they are right now, * –  The basics of HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) to be able to guide your clients through their journey safely and successfully. Not only that but It’s going to open up new and exciting opportunities in a growing industry of women’s health, as well as equip you as a coach in this space to enable your business to expand or niche. Sign Up to the waitlist for further details on the next cohort intake 

She Almighty

she almighty

As a coach I’ve been powering women for over half a decade to take a stand for their best selves, careers and lives. I’ve worked with thousands of women to shift from survive mode to strive and thrive and honestly, I’m just getting started ;) I love what I do and I’ve got big dreams, you could say I’m a woman on a mission! But I didn't always have it this figured out… The truth is I didn’t know what I wanted to do when I grew up. I spent my twenties trying to figure it all out, often feeling lost, frustrated and like I wasn’t realising my potential. In 2013 I’d reached a low point, I wasn’t happy in my job, living situation, relationship, I certainly wasn’t operating as the best version of me and I knew I had to make some big changes. That’s when I discovered coaching. Coaching and personal development became the catalyst for hugely positive change in my life. Of course, Rome wasn’t built in a day. I had plenty of figuring out to do, life decisions to make, and big action to take to create the career and life of my dreams. In fact, I switched jobs 3 times before I finally plucked up the courage to set up my business. But at the end of 2016, She Almighty was born - just before I turned 30. There’s nothing quite like a birthday milestone to create some urgency! I chose my freedom, and I haven’t looked back since. She Almighty has become my vehicle - to empower me and empower other women worldwide and I’d love you to be a part of that! Are you here because you feel like you need to take a stand for you, your best self and life? Are you ready to create the space, do the inner work, get the clarity and take the necessary action? If so, that's exciting - I promise, but then you are in my sweet spot! My mission is to free you from your limitations, expectations, the shoulds, the coulds and the what ifs, so that you can step courageously and confidently into your power, shine bright, thrive and create the impact you are destined to have. You only get one go at this thing called life, there’s no time to settle or put up - we must embrace, live and love who we are and what we do. Because when we do that, we live a life of purpose, joy and fulfilment and we lead others to make our world a better place. She Almighty is now an incredible community of aspirational mission-led and impact-driven women, and we recently launched our new home She Almighty Collective - be sure to check it out! Needless to say, I am delighted that you are here and I’m looking forward to supporting you on your unique life journey, so that you can be your best, happiest, most powerful and peaceful self.

Spark Succeed Coaching And Consulting Ltd

spark succeed coaching and consulting ltd



I'm the founder of Spark Succeed Coaching & Consulting. I'm a coach, strategist, speaker and podcaster. As an experienced senior leader myself, I believe you've got what it takes to be a good leader - even a GREAT leader. But you're feeling a little stuck. Lacking the motivation or know-how to get you to the next level. I have a special talent - helping you uncover your leadership superpower. A people person through and through, I've always been passionate about coaching and mentoring! I've mentored many aspiring, new & established leaders - launching the "Realise your Career potential" program in my last organisation - resulting in a 100%+ increase in performance against transfer/promotion targets over the duration. After a successful corporate career, including senior leadership & non-exec board roles, I was keen to put my leadership and coaching experience to good use. And so Spark Succeed was born! I continue the legacy I started in my corporate career to empower leaders, entrepreneurs and organisations to lead better so they can build thriving businesses with maximum growth & impact. I work with them to spark possibility, motivation and momentum - helping them to realise their true passions in their career is the ultimate in satisfaction! Spark Succeed Coaching & Consulting Ltd is based in Bromley, South East London. Our flexible offering means we work with clients nationally and internationally. I'm delighted to have been named amongst the "LinkedIn 1000+ women who inspire through their work" (2022). As the host of the podcast show, How to Spark Success, I interview global leaders and share their success secrets. It's a fantastic resource - why not have a listen in?