162 Educators providing Courses




Hi! I’m Kate - mum of 2, yoga teacher, core and pelvic floor specialist. My mission is to get women feeling great in their own body, no matter what stage of life: pregnancy, postnatal, menopausal or anywhere in between. As a yoga teacher and core and pelvic floor trainer, I love blending these disciplines together as part of a holistic model of care. The breath, core and pelvic floor work together for optimal health.   Yoga increases strength and flexibility, and improves posture and balance. The breath can help restore core function - as you inhale diaphragmatically, the pelvic floor muscles naturally lengthen out and down, and poses like child’s pose can also relieve tightness.   Yoga improves the mind-body connection and decreases our fight-flight response; the pelvic floor responds best when the nervous system is balanced and we are calm. I teach friendly, relaxed classes that bring women together to enhance wellness and build a supportive community, with a strong focus on core and pelvic floor rehabilitation. The Breathe Principle™ is a 7-Step Plan to follow to help you fix your diastasis recti. It is not a 'spot fix' because assessing, treating and rehabilitating a new mum for abdominal separation needs to move away just doing tummy exercises. It needs a broader, full-body approach to get your system working and functioning in a more optimal way. My 7 Steps to Fixing Abdominal Separation method is based on a whole-body, ‘everything working as one’, proper unit-type system....

B Pilates and Yoga

b pilates and yoga

To say I am a fan of Pilates is somewhat of an understatement – It has changed my life quite fundamentally. I discovered Pilates in 2012 and the impact has been profound. I am both physically and mentally stronger, I have more energy, I have more stamina, and yes, I look better. Let me explain each one of those rather dramatic statements. The basic principles of Pilates are breathing, concentration, control, centering, precision and flow. I am stronger physically due to the nature of the exercises – they’re intense. Pilates was originally developed in the early 1900s by Joseph Pilates from a combination of yoga, martial arts, boxing, and weightlifting. It’s not a high impact cardio routine, but controlled, precise movements that challenge the body to promote strength, flexibility, and balance – and it just works. The body becomes stronger, firmer and better aligned to cope with daily life more easily. I feel energised because I have learned how to breathe properly and I have improved my posture significantly – I have asthma – quite a scary condition I find – and understanding the effect of posture has been a massive help and taking control of my breathing has empowered me – I feel in control and less scared as such I am stronger mentally. I find daily activities don’t leave me drained as I have much more energy. I’m 43 and my world revolves around my family; a very active husband, he’s the current Masters National Champion and used to swim for his country; our brilliant daughter Emma, she’s 6 so every day brings something new; our busy busy dog Oscar, a working cocker who nobody told is nearly 11; and this year we added a couple of loppy bunnies to the team. We are more active than the pre-Pilates me would have been able to be – I’m so grateful I discovered it – the lifestyle it affords me is wonderful. I didn’t start Pilates to lose weight (there are faster routes if that’s your ambition) but lose it I have – not a particularly massive amount – I was never a candidate for Britain’s Biggest Loser but it looks like I have lost more than the scales suggest – just because engaging the core muscles brings about an improved posture that looks better. The lower abdominals and hips are where it’s most significant – and the strength that comes with that is clear. Pilates exercises are applicable – and adaptable – to suit pretty much anybody, whether you’re an active individual or not. Free from back pain, joint pain or in need of some rehabilitation, then I can help you.

Marie Page Yoga

marie page yoga



I first explored yoga in a workplace Iyengar class nearly 30 years ago. I was not remotely flexible and remember having to use a virtual scaffold of blocks and blankets to get into alignment for some postures. A recurring back injury (I have multiple bulging disks in my thoracic and cervical spine as well as significant degeneration – see the photo!) began troubling me several years ago and forced me to give up the high impact sports that I had previously enjoyed. An MRI scan showed my spine to look like that of a 70 year old and each day began in pain and extreme stiffness. yoga-help-back-pain-problems I rediscovered yoga after a brief foray into Pilates and gradually found that my pain eased as my flexibility and core strength increased. Since I’ve been more in control of the yoga I do (as a teacher I’m obviously writing my own lesson plans), I’ve found my back has become incrementally better. All my classes are taught with an awareness of back issues. They all incorporate plenty of stretches designed to reduce back pain, and work to improve core strength. I will often plan a series of classes specifically for lower, middle or upper back pain. If you’d like to attend one just let me know! Always Teaching My obsession with yoga grew and I began attending multiple classes each week and travelling to workshops and retreats all over the world occasionally dragging my family with me (the photo here that you will see if you are viewing the website on a computer rather than a phone is of me and my son Alfie who is something of a calisthenics specialist). I’ve taught in virtually every other aspect of my life. I have a PGCE in adult education, have taught on University Masters courses (I’m a digital marketing specialist in my non yoga life) and have delivered business training in the UK and North America. Training to be a yoga teacher was therefore a natural progression albeit somewhat unusual to take such a dramatic career change in my 50s. Accreditation I have a 250 hour yoga teacher training qualification with Yoga Alliance and am also a member of the British Wheel of Yoga. I continue to hoover up whatever other yoga-related knowledge I can with specialist workshops covering a range of aspects from accessible yoga teaching to Ashtanga, Iyengar, Scaravelli-influenced approaches, somatic yoga, transformational breath work and deep dive retreats where just occasionally I attempt to simply “be” rather than striving always to learn. My teaching reflects the main styles of yoga that have influenced me and most weeks I incorporate some new posture or approach that I’ve discovered in a recent workshop. I hold insurance with Covea – policy reference COBI3200184XB. My classes are held in Henfield where I now live. My previous Rickmansworth classes are now taught by Annette Henn.



For years I was a PA for small and large companies but always had a passion for Yoga and other fitness concepts, however I always came back to Yoga. I have suffered with sciatica and I also have Spondylolisthesis and was referred to a physiotherapist. My condition was treated and Pilates was recommended. I noticed that my posture was misaligned, due to age, sitting down for long periods of time and generally bad habits. After sessions with a chiropractor and physiotherapist because I was suffering with headaches, I discovered I had Spondylolisthesis in my lumbar spine and arthritis in my cervical spine. I had not at that time experienced any real pain and because I was practising Pilates and Yoga regularly I was doing what I needed to. I know what can aggravate it and avoid back bends which I also have experienced sciatica which is painful and debilitating and can be a bi-product of spondy. Both of these conditions are painful and Spondylolisthesis can be progressive and would need an operation is I got to Level 3. Since I was diagnosed in 2010 at Level 1-2 I have not experienced any problems and hope by putting in the work with Pilates and Yoga I can keep an operation at bay!!! I started my training for my own personal reasons however, because the benefits are huge, I decided to start teaching and haven't looked back. My posture has improved immensely and I am aware that Yoga and Pilates is a lifetime improvement programme, one tried and tested over the years. I completed my Yoga 200 hour alliance training with FRYOG, their motto is "Friendly yoga with a smile". I particularly enjoyed learning the philosophy and history of yoga and enjoyed reading and studying the spiritual texts, and have benefitted hugely in my life practising pranayama and meditation.