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10214 Courses

Ushering The Team Back To The Workplace

By Dickson Training Ltd

Most organisations and businesses are trying to navigate the best way back to a functional working framework. But two things need to happen - 1. The working practices need to be efficient, sustainable and compatible for meeting the demands and needs of the organisation; it’s clients, it’s workforce and it’s Leaders 2. The culture needs to be welcoming, authentic and supportive otherwise there will be disenfranchisement and potentially a churn of staff and loss of talent What has been proven to be a very successful approach to mitigate the dangers of demotivated team members and poor efficiency levels is a bespoke ‘Ushering the Team Back to the Workplace’ workshop. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAMME OUTLINE Below is a template of an actual Programme that has been delivered very successfully for clients such as the NHS; Claranet; Jotun Paints & Workspace. This, however, can be modified to suit any group or size. It will be designed to reflect the Organisation’s preferred Hybrid working framework and communication systems. The options of having the innovative Real Play technique to help handle delicate conversations is especially effective. The biggest gain is to reconnect the relationships via the activities and exercises, which would be selected carefully. Key commitments and buy-in is always the priority outcomes - which this programme will help deliver in just 1 day. The objectives include: * Making the transition back to working as a collaborative team * Enhancing the Leadership skills of the team * Reviewing/establishing the Hybrid working protocols * Galvanising the Team spirit * Maintain inclusivity among full-time; part-time and Region based team members * Energising and motivational * Fun! EXERCISE – ROUND THE BEND The team are to follow the instructions delivered as they walk (and jump) through the route – always keeping a safe distance apart. The instructions become more complicated as they progress. DEBRIEFING POINTS: * Dealing with Change * Attention to Detail * Adapting approach * Optimising results EXERCISE - NUMBER CRUNCH (3 x Cohorts of 12/13) The team must be effectively led and motivated to work as one unified group to reach their objective of visiting each numbered location within a very tight deadline. DEBRIEFING POINTS: * Support and co-ordination * Strategy and planning * Adapting approach * Optimising results TUTORIAL – TEAM DYNAMICS * Tuckman model * Phases of Development towards Maturity EXERCISE - JUGGLING (3 x Cohorts of 12/13) The group(s) will be invited to optimise the number of ‘clients’ (juggling balls) they can manage at one time. This involves devising a sequence between the group to achieve maximum results without making any mistakes. We introduce different balls which represent different degrees of complexity, challenging the group’s preparation and approach to a variety ‘customers’ needs. DEBRIEFING POINTS: * Ensuring effective communication * Clarifying the approach for dealing with the unexpected * Setting expectations and reviewing delivery * Treating every colleague with care and respect TUTORIAL - EMAIL ETIQUETTE * The primary standards – best practices * ABSURD model * Preparation and planning * Top Tips WORLD CAFE The team are split into 5-6 sub-groups – each with a specific review focus:- * What recommendations do you have to engage the team back into the Workplace? * How do we ensure the framework is efficient? * What are the best ways to optimise team working strategically when most/all team members are in the office? * What potential barriers are there? * How do we accommodate for the Regional team members? * What are the benefits to bringing the team back to the workplace? Each session has 2 – 3 rounds with each table’s ‘host’ sharing feedback for applying to the Team Action Plan – or Charter. DEBRIEFING POINTS: * Each Syndicate’s recommendations and capture the key actions they generate 'REAL PLAY' We offer an innovative solution to bring real Leadership/team scenarios to life. We use actors who improvise scenarios which have been specified by the group. * The group is split the group into 2 sub-groups, one with the Actor, the other with the Trainer. * Each group has a brief and has to instruct their Trainer/Actor on how to approach the scenario supplied. * The Actor and Trainer perform the role play(s) as instructed by their respective teams; however, during the action they can be paused for further recommendations or direction. * The outcome is the responsibility of the team(s) – not the performers Assign 24 x ‘Directors’ (4 for each Player – Phil & Julia – for each Real Play. POTENTIAL REAL PLAY SCENARIOS: * Engaging with a team member as to how the new working plans will be applied. * Overcoming concerns to the new working practices/framework * Addressing issues where a team member feels excluded from the teamworking practices/culture Debrief the Programme Individual Action Plans Team Priorities for application into the workplace

Ushering The Team Back To The Workplace
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Bardsey & 4 more
Price on Enquiry

Femoroacetabular Impingement and Rehabilitation

By Physiotherapy Online

Do you often find yourself yearning for the latest knowledge and skills to better serve your patients? Are you looking for a convenient way to earn CPD points without compromising your busy schedule? Discover the future of professional development with our specialized online CPD courses for physiotherapists. DISCOVER EXCELLENCE IN PHYSIOTHERAPY EDUCATION Our online CPD physiotherapy courses are meticulously designed to meet the unique needs of professional physiotherapists. We understand the importance of continuous professional development (CPD) and offer a range of courses that fit seamlessly into your busy lifestyle. Our curriculum covers essential and advanced topics, ensuring you stay at the forefront of your profession. FEMOROACETABULAR IMPINGEMENT AND REHABILITATION This physiotherapy Femoroacetabular Impingement Rehabilitation webinar [https://physiotherapyonline.net/courses/femoroacetabular-impingement] is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) Syndrome, the most common cause of hip-related pain. FAI is a clinical syndrome that results in abnormal contact between the femoral head and acetabulum, leading to cartilage labral damage and hip pain. FAI is often mistaken for osteoarthritis of the hip, making it a critical condition for physiotherapists to diagnose and treat accurately. Participants in this webinar will gain a deep understanding of the pathophysiology, population demographics, and symptomatology of FAI, covering Pincer, cam, and combination FAI. The webinar will also delve into radiographic findings and evidence-based rehabilitation techniques. Participants will learn how to identify and diagnose FAI accurately, enabling them to develop targeted treatment plans that address the underlying pathology. The course is designed to provide practical skills and knowledge that participants can apply in clinical settings, improving patient outcomes and quality of life. TOPICS COVERED IN THE WEBINAR: * Pathophysiology of FAI Syndrome * Population demographics and symptomatology * Pincer, cam, and combination FAI * Radiographic findings * Evidence-based rehabilitation techniques LEARNING OBJECTIVES: * Differentiate between the pathophysiology of the three types of FAI (Pincer, cam, and combination FAI) to accurately diagnose FAI syndrome and develop targeted treatment plans. * Identify the symptomatology of the three types of FAI to improve diagnostic accuracy and develop effective treatment plans for patients. * List three rehabilitation strategies for FAI to improve patient outcomes and quality of life, including evidence-based techniques for strengthening, flexibility, and pain management. WHO SHOULD ENROLL: * Physiotherapists * Occupational Therapists * Nurses * Physiotherapy assistants * Occupational therapy assistants CPD CREDIT HOURS: * 2h 29 min AUTHOR: * Brian Schiff, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS READY TO TRANSFORM YOUR PRACTICE? Enroll in our physiotherapy short courses online and join a community of professionals dedicated to excellence in patient care. Whether you're looking to specialize or simply stay current with the latest advancements, our online CPD physiotherapy courses [https://physiotherapyonline.net/courses] offer the flexibility and depth you need. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your skills and elevate your practice. Sign up for our CPD physiotherapy courses online today and take the next step in your professional journey. Enroll Now By and Become CPD certified in FAI Rehabilitation  [https://physiotherapyonline.net/courses/femoroacetabular-impingement]

Femoroacetabular Impingement and Rehabilitation
Delivered Online On Demand

Safeguarding Children (Awareness to L3)

By Prima Cura Training

To increase your awareness and understanding of what safeguarding children means, in order to increase your confidence to enable you to make a positive contribution towards the process.

Safeguarding Children (Awareness to L3)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Team Building & Team Development

By Dickson Training Ltd

Our Team Building Programmes are 'simply excellent' (quote from Unilever). They always deliver much greater energy' motivation and efficiently accelerates to a galvanised, integrated team for their Manager/Team Leader. They're great fun and very commercially orientated - the best of both key elements to a successful and long-lasting high performance team. A successful company is always made up of successful teams. Teams that can work autonomously with a clearly defined set of goals, roles, vision, responsibility and culture will always reach for and achieve far greater success than a team that works just as a group of individuals. Our team building solutions are individually built and geared towards teams at any level within an organisation, providing an independent and objective perspective to promote a common purpose such as the creation of a 'high performance team'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUT WITH THE OLD Traditionally, team building events have been restricted to certain levels of management where they head off site for a bit of archery, quad biking and paintballing or something along those lines. Then over some coffee and cocktails, business plans and more efficient ways to work are casually discussed. Whilst being out having fun instead of being at work may improve an individual person's mood, the effect will only be short-term, and will not go far in creating permanent and cohesive teams who are able to overcome challenges together and drive the business forward when back in the workplace. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN WITH THE NEW Today's business thinking is more strategic and certainly has to look for returns on the investment. That is why Dickson Training Ltd's team building programmes are bespoke and built to your requirements through research, understanding your business and, most importantly, what results and achievements you are looking to get out of the programme. Once "what success looks like" has been established, we create tasks and activities that will test your leadership, problem solving, communication and team work skills. When the tasks have been completed, the learning - both practical and theory - is debriefed to the group as well as how it will translate back in your business. Not only are our events great fun, but they provide participants with learning points they can act upon to improve or enhance the working practices/environment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM BUILDING THAT GETS RESULTS We have a highly innovative team who design team builds to suit all budgets and time or space restrictions. Large or small, we will develop the perfect event to meet your commercial objectives, keeping in line with your values and company culture. More recently we have combined team galvanising events with ways to engage the participants with and support their local communities. This solution has proved extremely popular with our clients and we are continuing to develop more and more programmes doing exactly this. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Phil did everything in a very professional and focused manner, without losing sight of the overall aims or having 'fun'. When I moved to Airbus UK and subsequently European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS), I had no hesitation in recommending Phil and the team to deliver the required training and team events.  Without doubt Phil and his team are excellent providers of training, to suit even bespoke requirements, and I would not hesitate in recommending the team to any business in the future. " Glenn Brown, Systems & Expertise Manager, Airbus Personnel Service -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUGMENTED SKILLS – AN ESSAY BY PHIL DICKSON All of you, who are reading this, and all the people you meet and work with will have – ‘Augmented Skills’. So – if you are an IT Engineer or a Pharmacist; perhaps you are, or know, a Departmental Leader and you work with a Logistics Project Manager; these roles will demand core skills, whether they be technical know-how or qualifications in the discipline. But to be that bit better; more reliable; more effective & productive and therefore more valuable and, frankly, marketable – capitalizing on ‘Augment Skills’ comes into play. The I T Engineer who was a Chess Champion at Uni, which would indicate that they possess some key ‘Augmented skills’ including how they plan 3 steps ahead and are always prepared for the unexpected. The Pharmacist, who is a keen sportsperson in their private life, will likely be tenacious, team-orientated and disciplined – again these are superb qualities to have in this – or any – role. Your colleagues, as well as yourself, will have ‘Augmented Skills’ that will be an asset if only they are explored and applied to their role and indeed, career. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN 'SUPER-POWER' If they love gardening, they are probably strategic, patient and inclined to research; if they cook or bake, they are usually well organized and comfortable with multi-tasking. A big reader will tend to be considered and possess good critical thinking faculties, and an amateur mechanic or keen DIY person will often be practical, resourceful and very determined. I have observed that many new Parents discover they have ‘Augmented Skills’ they didn’t know they had... such as getting order out of chaos and displaying industrial amounts of patience and good grace when they really do not feel like it. They very often become far more compassionate and empathetic. Most people have their very own ‘Superpower’. Invite your team members to offer their ‘Augmented Skills’ to your work-place – and just watch as it elevates the motivation levels and improves results. It’ll be very rewarding for all concerned – and for meeting the Team’s objectives, to encourage the person who is a talented artist to be a sounding board on some of the marketing imagery and layouts; for the team member who is great at Maths or resolving crosswords to be asked for their input to solving a problem that is causing logistical or operational headaches. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVER EXPLOIT A TEAM MEMBER’S UNIQUE SPECIAL SKILLS AT THEIR EXPENSE I would like to stress, however, that it must never be an area where a team member gets exploited by harvesting their unique special skills to coerce them into taking on greater responsibilities and tasks without providing them with the commensurate salary and status. To do so would be immoral and, ultimately, counter-productive as it would lead to resentment and disenfranchisement. This is about encouraging people’s capability and inviting their input to boost confidence and enhance the team’s capability. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFTEN, WE NEED TO BE MORE THAN WHAT OUR JOB DESCRIPTION SAYS It is also important to highlight that whatever a person’s role or function is – they will definitely need to have additional capabilities to be effective. The best example of this is when we designed and delivered a range of ‘Advanced Customer Care skills’ training sessions for the Met Office a few years ago…we met so many remarkably super-bright Meteorologists, many of whom were having to make significant adjustments to answering questions from Customers that seemed to be illogical and often, obtuse. It wasn’t enough for these Meteorologists to be highly skilled at interpreting data and identifying patterns – they needed ‘Augmented skills’ to make that information accessible to members of the public (and Council workers and Air Traffic controllers and Shipping agents) and many other people, as to what that particular weather system was going to be like in their area and at what time. They have to know how to ‘de-jargonise’ the material and provide succinct, clear, and yet temperate, descriptions without ever appearing exasperated, impatient or judgmental in response to sometimes quite silly questions. For a highly trained scientist – that can be counter-intuitive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEING PHILOSOPHICAL... AND A WEE BIT PRETENTIOUS At the risk of being a little Philosophical (and probably a wee bit pretentious) – in my own role of Trainer – my core skills have to include – being a very good communicator, an active listener and have innovative and engaging ways to convert an idea, or a model, into practical application that my Delegates and Clients gain tangible benefits from. This is how it applies to me... I really enjoy composing short, light classical-style piano pieces. Now, to do this well, you need to be able to find a transition from one chord or melody to a different theme or key. It has to be worked out very carefully to have incremental transitions and pleasant-sounding developments as the piece unfolds. I think I have become better at this as I have honed my skills as a composer. But I have realized that these very same skills have ‘Augmented’ my ability to help a Manager, or a Team, move from a state of conflict; tension; disfunction; disenfranchisement; lack of confidence to a place that is more harmonious with far greater productivity. The very same process of careful listening, considering options, taking well-considered steps, having a creative, sometimes brave, move towards a resolution are at play in both Training and Piano Compositions! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULED COURSES Unfortunately this course is not one that is currently scheduled as an open course, and is only available on an in-house basis. Please contact us for more information.

Team Building & Team Development
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bardsey & 4 more
Price on Enquiry

Risk Assessing

By Prima Cura Training

This course is designed to enable learners to increase their understanding of risk assessment and risk management in Health and Social Care settings.

Risk Assessing
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Health & Safety Level 2

By Prima Cura Training

This Health & Safety in the Care Sector Course works alongside, and helps, learners understand Standard 13 of the Care Certificate. This Standard touches on the legislation, policies & responsibilities relating to Health & Safety in the care sector, as well as looking at accidents and sudden illnesses.

Health & Safety Level 2
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Health & Safety Awareness

By Prima Cura Training

This Health & Safety in the Care Sector Course works alongside, and helps, learners understand Standard 13 of the Care Certificate. This Standard touches on the legislation, policies & responsibilities relating to Health & Safety in the care sector, as well as looking at accidents and sudden illnesses.

Health & Safety Awareness
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Customer Problem Solving


By Sterling Training

Your grumpiest customers can become your biggest advocates if you solve their problems quickly, effectively and permanently. We supply the top tips for dealing with tricky customers so your teams can create positive outcomes from every interaction with some simple techniques that make a difference to relationships straight away. Bespoke courses include: Customer needs and expectations Communication styles and how to influence them Assertiveness The 4 psychological fears Dealing with difficult customer behaviour The power of your behaviour Five steps to customer problem solving

Customer Problem Solving
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Southampton
Price on Enquiry

Handling a Difficult Customer

By Nexus Human

Duration 1 Days 6 CPD hours This course is intended for This course is intended for individuals who desire to become more skilled at handling difficult customers. Overview Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to deal with difficult customers in a way that increases productivity and customer service, and decreases unhappy customers. In this course, students will gain a valuable skill set to deal with difficult customers in various situations. 1 - GETTING STARTED * Housekeeping Items * Pre-Assignment Review * Workshop Objectives * The Parking Lot * Action Plan 2 - THE RIGHT ATTITUDE STARTS WITH YOU * Be Grateful * Keep Your Body Healthy * Focus on Positive Thoughts * Invoke Inner Peace * Case Study 3 - INTERNAL STRESS MANAGEMENT * Irritability * Unhappiness with Your Job * Feeling Underappreciated * Not Well-Rested * Case Study 4 - EXTERNAL STRESS MANAGEMENT * Office Furniture Not Ergonomically Sound * High Noise Volume in the Office * Rift with Co-Workers * Demanding Supervisor * Case Study 5 - TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS * What is Transactional Analysis? * Parent * Adult * Child * Case Study 6 - WHY ARE SOME CUSTOMERS DIFFICULT? * They Have Truly Had a Bad Experience and Want to Vent * They Have Truly Had a Bad Experience and Want Someone to be Held Accountable * They Have Truly Had a Bad Experience and Want Resolution * They Are Generally Unhappy * Case Study 7 - DEALING WITH THE CUSTOMER OVER THE PHONE * Listen to the Customer?s Complaint * Build Rapport * Do Not Respond with Negative Words or Emotion * Offer a Verbal Solution to Customer * Case Study 8 - DEALING WITH THE CUSTOMER IN PERSON * Listen to the Customer?s Complaint * Build Rapport * Responding with Positive Words and Body Language * Besides Words, What to Look For? * Case Study 9 - SENSITIVITY IN DEALING WITH CUSTOMERS * Who are Angry * Who Are Rude * With Different Cultural Values * Who Cannot Be Satisfied * Case Study 10 - SCENARIOS OF DEALING WITH A DIFFICULT CUSTOMER * Angry Customer * Rude Customer * Culturally Diverse Customer * Impossible to Please Customer * Case Study 11 - CUSTOMER ONCE YOU HAVE ADDRESSED THEIR COMPLAINT * Call the Customer * Send the Customer an Email * Mail the Customer a Small Token * Handwritten or Typed Letter * Case Study 12 - WRAPPING UP * Words From The Wise * Review Of The Parking Lot * Lessons Learned * Recommended Reading * Completion Of Action Plans And Evaluations

Handling a Difficult Customer
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Basic First Aid (Unaccredited)

By Prima Cura Training

The course covers primary and some secondary skills allowing the flexibility to add extra subjects where needed.

Basic First Aid (Unaccredited)
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry