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B Pilates and Yoga

b pilates and yoga

To say I am a fan of Pilates is somewhat of an understatement – It has changed my life quite fundamentally. I discovered Pilates in 2012 and the impact has been profound. I am both physically and mentally stronger, I have more energy, I have more stamina, and yes, I look better. Let me explain each one of those rather dramatic statements. The basic principles of Pilates are breathing, concentration, control, centering, precision and flow. I am stronger physically due to the nature of the exercises – they’re intense. Pilates was originally developed in the early 1900s by Joseph Pilates from a combination of yoga, martial arts, boxing, and weightlifting. It’s not a high impact cardio routine, but controlled, precise movements that challenge the body to promote strength, flexibility, and balance – and it just works. The body becomes stronger, firmer and better aligned to cope with daily life more easily. I feel energised because I have learned how to breathe properly and I have improved my posture significantly – I have asthma – quite a scary condition I find – and understanding the effect of posture has been a massive help and taking control of my breathing has empowered me – I feel in control and less scared as such I am stronger mentally. I find daily activities don’t leave me drained as I have much more energy. I’m 43 and my world revolves around my family; a very active husband, he’s the current Masters National Champion and used to swim for his country; our brilliant daughter Emma, she’s 6 so every day brings something new; our busy busy dog Oscar, a working cocker who nobody told is nearly 11; and this year we added a couple of loppy bunnies to the team. We are more active than the pre-Pilates me would have been able to be – I’m so grateful I discovered it – the lifestyle it affords me is wonderful. I didn’t start Pilates to lose weight (there are faster routes if that’s your ambition) but lose it I have – not a particularly massive amount – I was never a candidate for Britain’s Biggest Loser but it looks like I have lost more than the scales suggest – just because engaging the core muscles brings about an improved posture that looks better. The lower abdominals and hips are where it’s most significant – and the strength that comes with that is clear. Pilates exercises are applicable – and adaptable – to suit pretty much anybody, whether you’re an active individual or not. Free from back pain, joint pain or in need of some rehabilitation, then I can help you.

Wellbeing in Your Home

wellbeing in your home

The Art of Living Well at Home. Meet the team behind Wellbeing in Your Home Gosia Federowicz Yoga, Creativity & Cooking, Co-Founder of Wellbeing in Your Home Gosia loves teaching yoga and meditation, which she’s been doing since 2012 and has over 700 hours of yoga teacher training including 500h Yoga Alliance certified Advanced training. She’s been teaching corporate yoga and meditation classes since 2014, both in offices in person as well as via digital platforms. Her passion is seeing her students transform through yoga and meditation, becoming calmer, more focused and productive. Her yoga path has taken her through many different styles over the years, which has strengthened her own practice and her teaching, as well as helped her become a more confident person and lead a healthier life overall. Gosia is a mum to 2 year old Sophia and when not practicing or teaching yoga, she looks after her vegetable and flower garden, loves writing, mixed media art, baking and cooking, as well as learning Spanish and travelling. Her motto is ‘to just step on the mat and take it one breath at a time’. Zach Fairbanks Mindfulness Meditation & Aikido, Co-Founder of Wellbeing in Your Home Zach is a qualified Mindfulness Meditation teacher completing his training with Mindfulness Now recognised with the British Psychological Society(BPS). A bulk of his knowledge and experience comes through Aikido which he currently holds 5th Dan so Hombu at the World Headquarters Aikikai. Zach has been practicing Aikido for over 35 years and has travelled to the Headquarters in Tokyo Japan several times for regular instruction. Zach says ‘Aikido is a training system for mind and body. It has martial, spiritual, mental and physical fitness benefits’. There are many principles to be learnt and discovered though constant practice that can be applied in many situations of work and life – Connection over Attachment, Harmony, Centring and Shoshin – beginners mind. Essentially, Aikido is an embodiment of Mindfulness Meditation’ Zach openly suffers with anxiety and it can very often take its toll, especially when attempting too much multi tasking or chasing perfection. In order to help with this, Zach started yoga to compliment Aikido. Then, through yoga, he learnt to meditate something that is very much part of Aikido. “When I finally understood the point of meditation and practiced it daily, I became more grounded and centered”.