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Educators providing Web3 courses in Liverpool

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Web development fundamentals


By Systems & Network Training

WEB DEVELOPMENT TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This three-day course helps build a foundation in the development of Web applications. This is not a HTML course but covers the technologies needed to develop web applications. Technologies covered include: ASP.NET, XML, AJAX and HTTP error codes. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Program Web applications. * Work with data and services. * Troubleshoot and debug Web applications. * Work with client side scripting. * Configure and deploy web applications. WEB DEVELOPMENT TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone looking for an introduction to web development. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days WEB DEVELOPMENT TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Programming web applications * Customise the layout and appearance of a web page CSS; tables; embedding images; page layout for navigation. * Understand ASP.NET intrinsic objects Request; Server; Application; Session; Response; HttpContext. * Understand state information in web applications Understand how state is stored based on application design and hardware; understand different types such as session state, view state, control state and application state. * Understand events and control page flow Application and page life cycle events; page events; control events; application events; session events; cross-page posting; Response.Redirect; Server.Transfer; IsPostBack; setting AutoEventWireup. * Understand controls Understanding various types of controls, including user, server, web and validation controls; know which is the appropriate type of control for a scenario. * Understand configuration files Understanding the usage of web.config and machine.config, and the settings that can be made. * Working with data and services * Read and write XML data Understanding XML, XML validation Does not include: Web services; XPath syntax; XmlDocument; XPathNavigator; XPathNodeIterator; XPathDocument; XmlReader; XmlWriter; XmlDataDocument; XmlNamespaceManager. * Distinguish between DataSet & DataReader objects The ability to choose the proper data object to use based on application requirements/design. * Call a service from a web page Creating a basic WCF service or web service so that it can be consumed; App_WebReferences; configuration. * Understand DataSource controls LinqDataSource: ObjectDataSource; XmlDataSource; SqlDataSource. * Bind controls to data by using data binding syntax Ensure that data is updated and displayed in data-aware controls. * Manage data connections and databases Database connections; connection objects; connection pools; transaction objects. * Troubleshooting and debugging web applications * Debug a web application Use in conjunction with custom error pages to display appropriate error information to the appropriate user; implement tracing of a web application, Trace.axd, Trace=True on @Page directive. * Handle web application errors HTTP error codes. * Working with client-side scripting * Understand client-side scripting Purpose of client-side scripting; various client-side scripting languages. LE/370 and Intrinsic Functions. * Understand AJAX concepts ASP.NET AJAX implementation; working with client-side libraries, EnablePartialRendering, Triggers, ChildrenAsTriggers, Scripts, Services, UpdateProgress, Timer, ScriptManagerProxy, extender controls. * Configuring and deploying web applications * Configure authentication and authorisation Forms authentication, Windows authentication; authorisation; file authorisation; impersonation Does not include: Windows Cardspace authentication, Passport (Windows Live ID) authentication, Custom authentication. * Configure projects, solutions and reference assemblies Local assemblies; shared assemblies (GAC); web application projects; solutions; configuration files; AppSettings. * Publish web applications Choosing the appropriate method to deploy an application based on existing or intended environment; updatable vs. not updateable; MSI deployment; Internet Information Server (IIS) installation and configuration. * Understand application pools Purpose of application pools; effect of application pools on web applications.

Web development fundamentals
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