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338 Voyage courses

Web Design (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap) Complete Course


By Studyhub UK

OVERVIEW Dive into the vibrant world of web design with our comprehensive course: 'Web Design (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap) Complete Course.' Embarking on this learning journey, you'll start from the foundational bricks of web creation: HTML. Grasp the art of tagging, creating headers, adding links and images, and various other core components that shape a webpage. Progressing further, delve deep into CSS, the style mastermind behind every website's appealing look. Enhance your design with intricate details like classes, borders, text styles, and the magic of positioning. The voyage doesn't end here! With Bootstrap, the popular framework that makes web designing a breeze, you'll swiftly create responsive designs, including landing pages and business sites. And, once you've crafted your masterpiece, the final module ensures you're well-equipped to host and showcase your project to the world. LEARNING OUTCOMES WEB DESIGN (HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP) COMPLETE COURSE 1. Comprehend the foundational principles of HTML and its applications in web design. 2. Implement CSS intricacies to stylise and enhance webpage aesthetics. 3. Master the Bootstrap framework for efficient and responsive web design. 4. Construct diverse web pages, including landing pages, business sites, and portfolios. 5. Acquire the know-how to host and maintain websites seamlessly. WHY BUY THIS WEB DESIGN (HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP) COMPLETE COURSE? 1. Unlimited access to the course for forever 2. Digital Certificate, Transcript, student ID all included in the price 3. Absolutely no hidden fees 4. Directly receive CPD accredited qualifications after course completion 5. Receive one to one assistance on every weekday from professionals 6. Immediately receive the PDF certificate after passing 7. Receive the original copies of your certificate and transcript on the next working day 8. Easily learn the skills and knowledge from the comfort of your home CERTIFICATION After studying the course materials of the Web Design (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap) Complete Course you will be able to take the MCQ test that will assess your knowledge. After successfully passing the test you will be able to claim the pdf certificate for £5.99. Original Hard Copy certificates need to be ordered at an additional cost of £9.60. WHO IS THIS WEB DESIGN (HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP) COMPLETE COURSE FOR? * Aspiring web designers seeking foundational and advanced knowledge. * Business owners aiming to establish a robust online presence. * Freelancers wishing to expand their service offerings. * Graphic designers keen on integrating web design into their skill set. * Students and hobbyists exploring a new digital art medium. PREREQUISITES This Web Design (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap) Complete Course was made by professionals and it is compatible with all PC's, Mac's, tablets and smartphones. You will be able to access the course from anywhere at any time as long as you have a good enough internet connection. CAREER PATH * Web Designer: £25,000 - £50,000 annually * Front-End Developer: £30,000 - £55,000 annually * UI/UX Designer: £35,000 - £60,000 annually * Web Developer: £28,000 - £52,000 annually * Bootstrap Specialist: £32,000 - £56,000 annually * Website Administrator: £24,000 - £47,000 annually COURSE CURRICULUM Web Design (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap) Complete Course Module: 01 1.1 Intro 00:03:00 1.2 Install the Tools and Get Started 00:05:00 Module: 02 2.1 Intro to HTML 00:01:00 2.2 What is HTML 00:11:00 2.3 Start a New HTML File & Use Tags 00:12:00 2.4 Header Tags 00:05:00 2.5 Edit Text 00:09:00 2.6 Links 00:09:00 2.7 Images 00:10:00 2.8 Lists 00:04:00 2.9 Challenge 00:16:00 2.10 HTML Outro 00:01:00 Module: 03 3.1 CSS Intro 00:04:00 3.2 Add CSS Styles 00:16:00 3.3 Classes and IDs 00:07:00 3.4 Borders 00:06:00 3.5 Sizing 00:04:00 3.6 Padding and Margin 00:07:00 3.7 Text Styles 00:04:00 3.8 DIVs 00:08:00 3.9 Postioning 00:08:00 3.10 Hover 00:03:00 3.11 Easily Center Elements 00:02:00 3.12 Fonts 00:06:00 3.13 Challenge 00:23:00 3.14 CSS Outro 00:01:00 Module: 04 4.1 Intro to Bootstrap 00:02:00 4.2 Install Bootstrap 00:10:00 4.3 Indenting and Containers 00:07:00 4.4 The Grid System 00:16:00 4.5 Images 00:07:00 4.6 Buttons 00:06:00 4.7 Challenge 00:11:00 4.8 Bootstrap Outro 00:01:00 Module: 05 5.1 Landing Page Intro 00:01:00 5.2 Sketch Your Landing Page 00:05:00 5.3 The Top Section 00:16:00 5.4 Polish the Top Section 00:06:00 5.5 Adding Images 00:11:00 5.6 The Main Points Section 00:14:00 5.7 Collecting Emails With an Opt-In Form 00:11:00 5.8 Challenge 00:03:00 5.9 Landing Page Outro 00:02:00 Module: 06 6.1 Business Site Intro 00:01:00 6.2 Sketch Up 00:03:00 6.3 Using Fancy Font Logo 00:07:00 6.4 Carousel Basics 00:10:00 6.5 Carousel Extras 00:09:00 6.6 Text on Images 00:15:00 6.7 Phone Number Icon 00:04:00 6.8 Google Maps 00:13:00 6.9 Font Awesome 00:09:00 6.10 Challenge 00:08:00 6.11 Business Site Outro 00:01:00 Module: 07 7.1 Intro 00:01:00 7.2 Portfolio Sketch 00:08:00 7.3 Jumbotron 00:10:00 7.4 Nav Bar 00:24:00 7.5 Panels 00:11:00 7.6 Challenge 00:13:00 7.7 Portfolio Outre 00:01:00 Module: 08 8.1 Hosting 00:01:00 8.2 Bluehost 00:06:00 8.3 Uploading 00:05:00 8.4 Tips 00:11:00 8.5 Hosting Outro 00:01:00

Web Design (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap) Complete Course
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Do It Yourself Local SEO For The Small Business Owner


By Studyhub UK

Are you tired of losing your small business in the vast digital ocean? Dive into our course, 'Do It Yourself Local SEO For The Small Business Owner,' where we empower you to navigate the complexities of online visibility. Crafted specifically for entrepreneurs like you, this course offers a transformative journey towards mastering the art of local SEO. From establishing a robust online presence to leveraging powerful tools and strategies, embark on a voyage that promises to elevate your business to new heights. Unlock the secrets of local SEO with our comprehensive curriculum designed to demystify every aspect of online visibility. Learn to build a simple yet effective website that serves as your digital storefront. Discover the intricacies of platforms like Google+ and Yelp, harnessing their potential to attract local customers. Dive into the world of social media and business listings, harnessing their power to enhance your online footprint. Armed with invaluable insights and practical skills, you'll emerge equipped to conquer the digital realm with confidence and finesse. As you traverse through our course, you'll not only gain proficiency in essential techniques like content writing, social syndication, and link building but also cultivate a deeper understanding of customer engagement and reputation management. With each module, you'll inch closer to your business goals, with the knowledge and tools necessary to thrive in today's competitive landscape. Join us on this transformative journey and witness firsthand the remarkable impact of mastering local SEO. Learning Outcomes: 1. Establish a professional website tailored to your business needs. 2. Harness the power of Google+, Yelp, and social media for enhanced visibility. 3. Master the art of content creation and syndication to engage your audience effectively. 4. Build a robust network of citations and backlinks to boost your online authority. 5. Implement strategies for soliciting and managing customer reviews to bolster your reputation. WHY BUY THIS DO IT YOURSELF LOCAL SEO FOR THE SMALL BUSINESS OWNER? 1. Unlimited access to the course for a lifetime. 2. Opportunity to earn a certificate accredited by the CPD Quality Standards and CIQ after completing this course. 3. Structured lesson planning in line with industry standards. 4. Immerse yourself in innovative and captivating course materials and activities. 5. Assessments designed to evaluate advanced cognitive abilities and skill proficiency. 6. Flexibility to complete the Course at your own pace, on your own schedule. 7. Receive full tutor support throughout the week, from Monday to Friday, to enhance your learning experience. 8. Unlock career resources for CV improvement, interview readiness, and job success. CERTIFICATION After studying the course materials of the Do It Yourself Local SEO For The Small Business Owner there will be a written assignment test which you can take either during or at the end of the course. After successfully passing the test you will be able to claim the pdf certificate for £5.99. Original Hard Copy certificates need to be ordered at an additional cost of £9.60. WHO IS THIS DO IT YOURSELF LOCAL SEO FOR THE SMALL BUSINESS OWNER COURSE FOR? 1. Establish a professional website tailored to your business needs. 2. Harness the power of Google+, Yelp, and social media for enhanced visibility. 3. Master the art of content creation and syndication to engage your audience effectively. 4. Build a robust network of citations and backlinks to boost your online authority. 5. Implement strategies for soliciting and managing customer reviews to bolster your reputation. PREREQUISITES This Do It Yourself Local SEO For The Small Business Owner does not require you to have any prior qualifications or experience. You can just enrol and start learning.This Do It Yourself Local SEO For The Small Business Owner was made by professionals and it is compatible with all PC's, Mac's, tablets and smartphones. You will be able to access the course from anywhere at any time as long as you have a good enough internet connection. CAREER PATH * SEO Specialist: £25,000 - £40,000 per annum * Digital Marketing Manager: £30,000 - £50,000 per annum * Social Media Coordinator: £20,000 - £35,000 per annum * Content Writer: £22,000 - £35,000 per annum * Marketing Consultant: £25,000 - £45,000 per annum * Business Development Executive: £25,000 - £40,000 per annum COURSE CURRICULUM Introduction To The Course Setting Up a Simple Website for Business Do You Build Your Own Website Or Pay Someone Else To Build It? 00:02:00 Why Your Website Must Be Mobile Friendly in 2015 00:02:00 Learning WordPress - A Simple Content Management System 00:04:00 Squarespace - Simple For The 'Do It Yourself' Crowd 00:03:00 Setting Up Your Google+ Business Page Introduction To Google+ For Business 00:02:00 A Poor Google+ Business Page Vs. a Good Google+ Business Page 00:06:00 An Example Google+ Business Page Setup 00:05:00 Using Canva To Create a Header Image 00:02:00 Posting on Google+ For Business 00:02:00 Setting Up Your Yelp Business Page Setting Up a Yelp Business Page 00:02:00 Basic Social Media Setup Facebook Business Page Setup 00:03:00 Setting Up a LinkedIn Business Page 00:02:00 Setting Up a Twitter Profile 00:02:00 Run a Social Media Contest To Generate Buzz 00:02:00 Creating Business Listings for Local SEO Name, Address, and Phone Consistency For Your Business 00:03:00 Building Citations (aka Business Listings) 00:09:00 What are Data Aggregators? 00:03:00 Tools For Building Citations, Rank Tracking & More Check Citation Errors For Free With Moz Local 00:06:00 Using Brightlocal for Building Citations, Monitoring Reviews, Tracking & More 00:07:00 GeoRanker For Checking Your Rankings 00:01:00 UpCity Local SEO 00:12:00 Optimizing Your Website for Local SEO Adding Name, Address, and Phone (NAP) To Your Website 00:04:00 Using The 'WordPress Local SEO' Plugin For Your Site 00:02:00 Local SEO Articles Worth Reading 00:05:00 Content Writing Why Content Is So Important 00:05:00 Building Content Pages For Your Services 00:03:00 The Google Keyword Planner - Keyword Research 00:04:00 Adding Heading Tags 00:01:00 Adding an 'Alt' Tag To Your Images 00:04:00 Hiring a Writer for Only $5 00:06:00 Link To Other Relevant Content On Your Website 00:03:00 Social Syndication Setting Up JetPack To Post On Social Media Automatically 00:03:00 Asking for Reviews From Your Customers Why reviews are very important for your small business 00:04:00 The Review Generator Handout 00:02:00 Getting Links From Other Websites aka Backlinks What Are Backlinks? 00:04:00 Simple Ways To Get Backlinks for Small Businesses 00:02:00 Other Business Sites To Consider Signing Up On Thumbtack 00:02:00 Angie's List & HomeAdvisor 00:02:00 Where To Go From Here Your Overwhelmed - If Your Willing To Hire Someone 00:02:00 Conclusion Wrapping Up 00:03:00 Assignment Assignment - Do It Yourself Local SEO For The Small Business Owner 00:00:00

Do It Yourself Local SEO For The Small Business Owner
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Master Spring boot 3.0 and MongoDB


By Studyhub UK

Embark on a transformative journey into the realm of cutting-edge development with our course, 'Master Spring Boot 3.0 and MongoDB.' Crafted with precision and innovation, this course is a gateway to mastering the intricate dance between Spring Boot and MongoDB, providing you with the skills to revolutionize your coding prowess. Immerse yourself in an engaging learning experience, where each section unfolds like a chapter in a captivating novel, unveiling the secrets of MongoDB, the nuances of Bootstrapping applications, and the artistry of integrating OpenAPI. It's more than a course; it's an odyssey into the heart of modern development, beckoning you to embrace a new era of programming possibilities. In this dynamic learning adventure, traverse through the course curriculum like an explorer unraveling a map to success. From laying the groundwork in the introduction to conquering complex queries and MongoDB templates, you'll navigate the landscape of development with confidence. The course is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's about transforming that knowledge into practical expertise. Whether you're a novice eager to embark on a coding expedition or a seasoned developer seeking to enhance your skills, this course is your compass to navigate the vast territories of Spring Boot and MongoDB, promising a voyage filled with discovery and mastery. Learning Outcomes * Develop a profound understanding of MongoDB, from environmental preparation to advanced query methods. * Master the art of bootstrapping applications, gaining hands-on experience in crafting robust and efficient systems. * Uncover the intricacies of collections relationships and the use of DBRef, adding a layer of sophistication to your database interactions. * Seamlessly integrate OpenAPI into your projects, enhancing the accessibility and documentation of your applications. * Acquire expertise in document queries and MongoDB templates, empowering you to build scalable and efficient databases. WHY CHOOSE THIS MASTER SPRING BOOT 3.0 AND MONGODB COURSE? 1. Unlimited access to the course for a lifetime. 2. Opportunity to earn a certificate accredited by the CPD Quality Standards and CIQ after completing this course. 3. Structured lesson planning in line with industry standards. 4. Immerse yourself in innovative and captivating course materials and activities. 5. Assessments designed to evaluate advanced cognitive abilities and skill proficiency. 6. Flexibility to complete the Course at your own pace, on your own schedule. 7. Receive full tutor support throughout the week, from Monday to Friday, to enhance your learning experience. 8. Unlock career resources for CV improvement, interview readiness, and job success. WHO IS THIS MASTER SPRING BOOT 3.0 AND MONGODB COURSE FOR? * Aspiring developers keen on mastering the Spring Boot-MongoDB synergy. * Software engineers looking to deepen their understanding of advanced database operations. * Students and coding enthusiasts eager to explore the latest tools in the development landscape. * Professionals seeking to upgrade their skill set in line with industry demands. * Entrepreneurs or tech enthusiasts aiming to build robust applications from the ground up. CAREER PATH * MongoDB Developer: £40,000 - £60,000 * Spring Boot Engineer: £45,000 - £70,000 * Database Architect: £55,000 - £80,000 * Full Stack Developer: £50,000 - £75,000 * Java Developer (Specializing in Spring Boot): £45,000 - £65,000 * API Integration Specialist: £50,000 - £70,000 PREREQUISITES This Master Spring boot 3.0 and MongoDB does not require you to have any prior qualifications or experience. You can just enrol and start learning. This Master Spring boot 3.0 and MongoDB was made by professionals and it is compatible with all PC's, Mac's, tablets and smartphones. You will be able to access the course from anywhere at any time as long as you have a good enough internet connection. CERTIFICATION After studying the course materials, there will be a written assignment test which you can take at the end of the course. After successfully passing the test you will be able to claim the pdf certificate for £4.99 Original Hard Copy certificates need to be ordered at an additional cost of £8. COURSE CURRICULUM Section 01: Introduction What is MongoDB 00:02:00 The Difference Between SQL and NoSQL 00:03:00 How to Choose Between SQL and NoSQL 00:04:00 Section 02: Prepare The Mongo Environment MongoDB UI Tools 00:01:00 Why Use Docker for Development 00:01:00 Create an Empty Docker Compose File 00:02:00 Mongo Server (Docker Compose) 00:04:00 Mongo Express (Docker Compose) 00:03:00 Run and Test 00:03:00 Section 03: Mongo Terms Collections and Documents in Mongo 00:03:00 Section 04: Bootstrapping The Application Create a New Spring Boot 3.0 Project 00:04:00 Project Structure 00:02:00 Include the Docker Compose with the Project and Run It 00:04:00 Project Architecture 00:03:00 Connect to MongoDB 00:03:00 Create a New Database 00:01:00 Understand Admin - Local and Config Databases 00:05:00 Create a Java Class 00:04:00 Transform the Java Class into a Collection 00:02:00 Create a Mongo Repository 00:02:00 Insert the First Data into the Collection 00:06:00 Create a Product Service 00:04:00 Save the product 00:03:00 Find Product by ID 00:01:00 Find All Products 00:01:00 Delete Product 00:01:00 Section 05: CRUD Operations Create Product Controller 00:02:00 Save Product Operation 00:02:00 Find All Products 00:01:00 Find Product by ID 00:01:00 Delete Product 00:02:00 Test the CRUD Operations 00:06:00 Section 06: DBRef And Collections Relationships Extend the Product Model 00:02:00 Create Category Java Class 00:02:00 User Category as a Field 00:03:00 Relationship between Category and Product 00:01:00 Transform the Category to a Collection 00:01:00 Create a Category Repository 00:01:00 Insert Categories at Startup 00:02:00 The Issue in Linking Collections 00:03:00 Add Relationship Between Collections 00:04:00 Section 07: OpenApi Integration Add OpenApi Dependency 00:02:00 Test and Play with Swagger UI 00:06:00 Section 08: Documents Queries And Mongo Template Extend the Product Model 00:02:00 Create a Search Service 00:01:00 What is MongoTemplate 00:02:00 Is() Query 00:07:00 Testing the Is() Query 00:02:00 Regex() Query 00:06:00 Lt() Query 00:03:00 Gt() Query 00:02:00 Sorting Data 00:05:00 Paging and Sorting 00:06:00 Section 09: Query Methods Create a Query Method Service 00:03:00 FindByX Query 00:06:00 FinByX Ignore Case Query 00:02:00 FinByX starting with query 00:03:00 FinByX ending with query 00:02:00 FinByX containing query 00:04:00 FinByX less than 00:02:00 FinByX greater than 00:01:00 FinByX between 00:02:00 FinByX and SortByY 00:04:00 Paging and Sorting 00:07:00

Master Spring boot 3.0 and MongoDB
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Solidworks: Beginner to Advanced


By Studyhub UK

Step into the riveting realm of Solidworks, where imagination meets precision, and ideas transform into tangible designs. 'Solidworks: Beginner to Advanced' is a meticulously crafted journey tailored for curious minds keen to master the art and science of this software. Embark on a voyage starting from a foundational understanding, glide through sketches, part modelling, and eventually delve into intricate assemblies, drawings, and captivating animations. By the culmination, you'll possess the prowess to bring your creative visions to life with unparalleled precision. Learning Outcomes * Acquire proficiency in navigating and utilising the core functionalities of Solidworks. * Transform rudimentary sketches into detailed and precise 3D models. * Master advanced part modelling, assembly techniques, and drawing intricacies. * Immerse in the world of appearances, scenes, and produce realistic renderings. * Execute captivating animations that showcase dynamic design components. WHY CHOOSE THIS SOLIDWORKS: BEGINNER TO ADVANCED COURSE? * Unlimited access to the course for a lifetime. * Opportunity to earn a certificate accredited by the CPD Quality Standards after completing this course. * Structured lesson planning in line with industry standards. * Immerse yourself in innovative and captivating course materials and activities. * Assessments are designed to evaluate advanced cognitive abilities and skill proficiency. * Flexibility to complete the Solidworks: Beginner to Advanced Course at your own pace, on your own schedule. * Receive full tutor support throughout the week, from Monday to Friday, to enhance your learning experience. WHO IS THIS SOLIDWORKS: BEGINNER TO ADVANCED COURSE FOR? * Novices keen to explore the intricacies of Solidworks. * Engineers looking to enhance their design capabilities. * Product designers aspiring to elevate their 3D modelling skills. * Architecture and design students keen on a comprehensive software learning experience. * Industry professionals aiming to stay abreast of cutting-edge design tools. CAREER PATH * CAD Designer: £25,000 - £35,000 * Mechanical Engineer: £30,000 - £50,000 * Product Design Engineer: £28,000 - £48,000 * Solidworks Draughtsperson: £24,000 - £34,000 * Design Manager: £40,000 - £60,000 * 3D Visualisation Artist: £23,000 - £40,000 PREREQUISITES This Solidworks: Beginner to Advanced does not require you to have any prior qualifications or experience. You can just enrol and start learning.This Solidworks: Beginner to Advanced was made by professionals and it is compatible with all PC's, Mac's, tablets and smartphones. You will be able to access the course from anywhere at any time as long as you have a good enough internet connection. CERTIFICATION After studying the course materials, there will be a written assignment test which you can take at the end of the course. After successfully passing the test you will be able to claim the pdf certificate for £4.99 Original Hard Copy certificates need to be ordered at an additional cost of £8. COURSE CURRICULUM Introduction About the course 00:02:00 Course concept 00:01:00 Getting to Know Solidworks Creating a New Document 00:01:00 User Interface 00:02:00 Mouse Movements - Sketch 00:02:00 Mouse Movements - Part 00:03:00 Sketch Creating a Sketch Document 00:02:00 Basic Sketch Tools 00:07:00 Dimensions and Relations 00:12:00 Mirror Entities 00:02:00 Linear and Circular Sketch Pattern 00:06:00 Units 00:02:00 Sketch to Part Conversion 00:03:00 Opening/Saving Part Document 00:01:00 Part Modeling Basics Extruded Boss Base 00:03:00 Extruded Boss Base Additional 00:04:00 Extruded Cut 00:03:00 Sketch on the Part 00:02:00 Sketch on the New Plane 00:05:00 Draft 00:03:00 Shell 00:02:00 Fillet and Chamfer 00:03:00 Convert and Offset Entities 00:02:00 Lofted Boss 00:03:00 Revolved Boss 00:02:00 Swept Boss 00:05:00 Part and Sketch Modification 00:02:00 Part Modeling Advanced 3D Sketch 00:03:00 Density and Material 00:02:00 Measuring Tools 00:03:00 Linked Dimensions 00:04:00 Equations 00:05:00 Mirror 00:03:00 Hole Wizard 00:03:00 Reference Geometry 00:03:00 Feature Scope 00:02:00 Configurations And Design Table Creating a Design Table 00:06:00 Adding Configurations 00:05:00 Assembly Basics Inserting Part Relative to the Origin 00:02:00 Inserting Parts Relative to Planes 00:02:00 Standard Mates 00:04:00 Move Components 00:02:00 Mirror Component 00:01:00 Assembly Advanced Distance and Angle 00:04:00 Profile Centre 00:04:00 Symmetry and Width 00:05:00 Path Mate 00:05:00 Linear Coupler 00:06:00 Collision Detection 00:02:00 Interference Detection 00:03:00 Assembly Features 00:02:00 Subassembly 00:03:00 Drawing Basics Creating a Drawing Sheet 00:01:00 Orthographic Views and Edit Sheet 00:04:00 Projected View and View Properties 00:02:00 Smart Dimension and Model Item 00:05:00 Saving Options 00:01:00 Relative to Model View 00:03:00 Section View 00:04:00 Auxiliary View 00:03:00 Detail View 00:02:00 Broken Out Section 00:02:00 Break View 00:02:00 Alternate Position View 00:02:00 View Focus 00:02:00 Drawing Advanced Bill of Materials (BOM) 00:03:00 Bom Sort 00:01:00 Missing Item in Bom 00:02:00 Custom Properties 00:02:00 Equations in Bom 00:03:00 Show/Hide Component 00:02:00 Linked Notes 00:02:00 Measuring Tool 00:02:00 Isometric Section View 00:01:00 Appearance, Scene and Rendering Applying Materials 00:08:00 Appearance 00:05:00 Working with Woods 00:05:00 Working with Glass 00:04:00 Scene 00:04:00 Light 00:07:00 Camera 00:04:00 Decals 00:07:00 Text 00:05:00 Options 00:04:00 Rendering Panel 00:03:00 Schedule Rendering 00:02:00 Animation Creating Motion Study 00:02:00 Animation Wizard 00:08:00 Applying Motor 00:04:00 Appearance and Camera Position 00:07:00 Walkthrough Part-1 00:09:00 Walkthrough Part-2 00:06:00 Resources Resources - Solidworks: Beginner to Advanced 00:00:00 Assignment Assignment - Solidworks: Beginner to Advanced 00:00:00

Solidworks: Beginner to Advanced
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Complete Italian Course - Beginner


By Skill Up

Let's start an exciting voyage through our online Italian course, covering levels A1, A2, and A2+. Attain fluency in Italian and earn a certification! Enrol today!

Complete Italian Course - Beginner
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French Cooking


By Skill Up

Unleash the culinary genius within you with our French Cooking course! Learn the secrets of French cuisine, from classic sauces to decadent desserts, and master the art of creating delicious and authentic French dishes at home.

French Cooking
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Witness Investigation


By Skill Up

Master essential techniques for gathering evidence and navigating legal complexities to ensure justice prevails.

Witness Investigation
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Studies in the History of the Renaissance


By John Academy

Embark on a captivating journey through the transformative epochs of the Renaissance with our 'Studies in the History of the Renaissance' course. Explore the revival of art, literature, and philosophy, unravel the mysteries of global exploration and trade, and witness the political and cultural shifts that defined this extraordinary era. Immerse yourself in the Northern Renaissance, revel in the melodies of the period's music, and contemplate the decline and enduring legacy of this pivotal chapter in human history. Uncover the nuances of a bygone era that continues to shape our world today. Enroll now for an enriching exploration of the Renaissance's profound impact on the course of Western civilization.

Studies in the History of the Renaissance
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Educators matching "Voyage"

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Voyage MCR

voyage mcr


Hi, I'm Bec and welcome to Voyage MCR. A place where we can work together to provide you with the tools and confidence to take on life's journey. Since I can remember, I have always had a passion for helping and supporting others. This passion, along with my strong interest in both the conscious and subconscious mind, mental health, and psychology, have led to my journey as a mindset and wellbeing coach. I was once told, 'find passion, find purpose' so that is what I have done. I was an eager psychology student with a dream of becoming a clinical psychologist. I completed a Bachelor's degree in Applied Psychology and went on to complete a Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology. In between both degree's, I completed a mental health placement in Sri Lanka, went travelling around parts of Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, and worked and lived abroad. However, as time went on and as my mind opened due to all of these experiences, I realised the 'dream' of becoming a clinical psychologist, was in fact never my dream at all. Although I gained valuable experience within clinical, my true passion has always been positive psychology, which teaches us the power of shifting one's perspective. This realisation led me to complete a practitioner and master practitioner course in NLP and hypnotherapy and find my purpose as a coach. My goal now is to help others let go of their limiting beliefs, transform their mindset, build confidence and resilience, improve mental wellbeing and give people the tools to lead a happier and more fulfilling life. Remember, your thoughts create your reality, so together let's make your mind a safe and positive place to be.

Inner Voyage Meditation TEacher & holistic Therapist College

inner voyage meditation teacher & holistic therapist college

Founding Principal of the Inner-Voyage College (2008) Author of the IMTTA Certificate in Meditation Teaching & Holistic Human Development (IICT Accredited) Author of the Diploma of Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapies (IICT Accredited) IMTTA Postgraduate Course Author and Researcher Holistic Therapist and Meditation Teacher Trainer Member of the International Association of Meditation Instructors Member of the International Institute of Complementary Therapist Member of the Association for Humanistic Psychology Member of the International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry Member of the Complementary Medical Association Member of the Board International Meditation Teachers Association Founder of Inner Voyage Holistic Human Development Motivated by a passionate desire for the life-affirming and profoundly healing benefits of self-awareness focused therapies to be available to every person, Isabelle established the Inner-Voyage College in January 2008 after a lifetime of practising Meditation and almost three decades studying, researching and teaching Meditation and a range of associated Wholistic therapies, and practising as a Meditation Therapist, Holistic Counsellor, Integrated Creative Arts Therapist, Herbalist and Mind/Body Medicine Practitioner. Self-awareness changes our lives. It heals us and keeps us healthy. It awakens us to the beauty in ourselves and in the world. It makes us whole and connects us with that part of ourselves that believes all things are possible.