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530 Educators providing Volunteer courses

Workington Transport Heritage Trust

workington transport heritage trust


Steelworking still has a presence in Workington in the shape of the TSP heavy engineering works. The last part of the main steelworks disappeared in 2005 with the closure of the rail mil and long welded rail plant. Rails had been made in Workington and exported over the world for 128 years. Leyland established its national factory in 1971 at nearby Lillyhall. Over a life of less than a quarter of a century the factory despatched thousands of Nationals, Lynxes, Olympians, Titans and rail buses. As well as being bus (and rail) enthusiasts, we want to mark the unique contribution of the town to the country’s economic and cultural development. WTHT (Workington Transport Heritage Trust) Our vehicles include a number of buses, fire engines and other vehicles some of which are used in community events. Volunteers are engaged in restoring, maintaining and operating these historic vehicles. We have an extensive archive of local bus and rail material. This includes posters, signs, publicity materials, books, magazines, drawings, photographs, and petrol pumps. Our shop at Workington railway station sells hot & cold drinks, snacks, souvenirs, WTHT branded items and second hand books. It is by the main waiting room and, in normal times, it is open Mon to Saturday from 9am to 2pm, closed on bank holidays. All hours are subject to volunteer availability. Using our heritage buses, we usually run local free bus services on Boxing Day, plus park and ride services at a number of local shows. Our premises are home to around 16 of our own vehicles plus 11 privately owned guest vehicles. Not all of these are currently fit for the road. We work with groups which include Cumbria Omnibus Group, The 550 Group, Barrow Transport Group, Carlisle Bus Group, and a number of individual owners. We have two sites only one of which has a building – but we are working on curing this fault! We are grateful for the support of our members, and local businesses including Stagecoach North West and Northern Rail. We have volunteering opportunities in all aspects of restoring, maintaining and driving vehicles. Also in buildings and site maintenance, cataloguing & running our archive, producing educational materials, running trips and events, and fundraising.

Beeches Learning And Development Trust

beeches learning and development trust


Burnham Grammar School’s aim is for every individual student to ‘Embrace Challenge’ on their journey to academic and personal success. This success is delivered through our school aims, which are reflected in our homepage images. All students will be: Responsible Learners; Prepared for the Future; Happy Healthy and Safe; Caring Individuals and Active Citizens. We have a reputation for the pursuit of excellence, and students and staff are proud of our success at GCSE and A level. “outcomes for pupils have improved significantly over time and the school is popular and oversubscribed” Ofsted February 2017 We are a caring school where good relationships are fostered and every student is valued. We get to know our students as individuals to personalise the support they need to fulfil their potential. “In class, the learning atmosphere is very positive and pupils are confident, self-motivated, keen to learn and not afraid to make mistakes. They exemplify the school’s motto of ‘embracing challenge’.” Ofsted February 2017 Our friendly but purposeful environment produces well-rounded individuals and exam success. We expect our students to embrace the unique opportunities to volunteer, mentor younger students and participate in the wide range of sporting, arts and charity events. “The personal and social aspect of the curriculum is particularly strong and helps pupils to stay safe, prepare for examinations and to become responsible citizens…. Pupils appreciate the range of extra-curricular opportunities to help them to develop their wider skills.” Ofsted February 2017 We have active industrial corporate partners to extend and enrich our curriculum, provide training and employment opportunities and to help our students to make the right decisions about their futures. We want our students to be excited by and enjoy each day and to leave us with the enthusiasm, knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable them to confidently and responsibly take their places in the world. Burnham Grammar School is an idyllic learning community where the relationships and teamwork provide the support and reassurance for our students to strive to be their very best. We are holders of Investors In People Gold award and a south of England IIP Champion and finalist for Gold Employer of the Year.

Scottish Universities International Summer School

scottish universities international summer school

About Us The Scottish Universities’ International Summer School (SUISS) offers an intense, challenging and diverse programme of study that takes place annually during the months of July and August in Edinburgh, the world’s first UNESCO City of Literature. We offer three courses in Text and Context: British and Irish Literature from 1900 to the Present, one course in Creative Writing, and one course in Contemporary British and Irish Theatre and Performance. Our literature courses offer extensive examination of Modernism, Contemporary Literature and Scottish Literature, while our Creative Writing course allows students to develop their personal writing portfolios. The Theatre and Performance course, which explores both theoretical and performative approaches to drama, coincides with the Edinburgh International Festival and the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and is delivered in partnership with the Scottish Playwrights’ Studio. We are located at the University of Edinburgh, and run by a team of hard-working individuals, led by the Administrator and Co-Directors. This core team, along with our advisory committee, oversees the lecture programme and management of the summer school each year. In the summer, we employ volunteer student hosts, who are SUISS graduates themselves. They are on hand to address the needs and concerns of our visiting students. Our very talented tutors, who are usually in the process of completing a PhD in a literature related field, instruct the seminars. Around 4 million people visit Edinburgh every year, many of them for the Edinburgh International Book Festival in August – the largest public celebration of the written word in the world – but many to explore the literary city and all it has to offer the book lover. Edinburgh is an acclaimed centre of learning. The National Library of Scotland (NLS) is a copyright library, and holds a copy of every book published in the United Kingdom. One of the largest and finest collections in the British Isles, the NLS provides outstanding facilities for research in all fields. The resources of the NLS are complimented by The University of Edinburgh Library, the extensive collections of which are designed to meet the needs of both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Trust House Lancashire

trust house lancashire

Trust House Lancashire is a Specialist Rape and Sexual Assault Support Centre based in Preston and working across the county to deliver a range of services to support survivors of any kind of sexual violence to recover from their experience of abuse. Trust House was established in 2013 with funding awarded to The Survivors Trust who project managed the setup of Trust House. This was in recognition of the gap in specialist provision across the county, and to offer a range of services to survivors in Lancashire. Service delivery commenced in April 2014 and this last year has seen us complete our fifth year of service delivery. Trust House delivers a range of services to men, women, children from aged 4 years and their families; • Counselling • Play Therapy • Art Therapy • Pre-trial Therapy • Family Support • Parent Peer Support Group • Creative Wellbeing Group • Training • Volunteer Placement Opportunities Trust House is committed to empowering survivors and their supporters to work through and beyond their experience of abuse. We recognize the uniqueness of individual experience, and appreciate that each experience demands an individual and creative response. We support working in ways that; • Recognize human dignity • Appreciate the variety of human experience • Demonstrate a commitment to showing justice in dealing with others • Encourage continual development and improvement of professional knowledge. Until 2014 there was limited specialist support available to survivors of sexual violence and abuse in Lancashire. Trust House was established by a Ministry of Justice grant in recognition of this gap in specialist provision. Since April 2014 Trust House has seen an increasing number of survivors of rape and sexual assault seek their support. Many of those coming to Trust House are seeking support for the first time and have never disclosed or reported previously. We are able to understand the therapeutic needs of individuals that have experienced a high level of trauma as a result of sexual violence whilst also able to successfully navigate complex criminal justice processes in a way that holds clients and ensures their resilience at a time of immense distress. Our successful establishment over our first few years has led to our independent registration with the charity commission in October 2017, and a transition to an independent CIO over the last 18 months.

The Horticultural Correspondence College

the horticultural correspondence college

Founded in the 1930s, HCC was one of the first specialist horticultural distance learning colleges, enabling people from anywhere to gain rewarding skills in horticulture and gardening. We are proud that people consider us to be one of the most respected colleges for gaining horticultural skills whilst studying at home. Our former principal Oliver Menhinick was recognised for his contribution to horticultural education with awards including an MBE. He sadly passed away in 2013, however we are proud to carry on his work - helping people gain valuable skills and knowledge so they can enjoy fulfilling new careers or more from their interests. As a college that deeply cares about helping our students succeed, we always appreciate their feedback*: “I really enjoyed the course and have just started a job as a gardener in Nottinghamshire and I'm loving it. Thank you.” “I've found the course material easy to use, well-structured and it is providing me with an excellent grounding in gardening. I am already using the knowledge gained in my own garden and putting it to use as a volunteer assistant gardener at a stately home!” “Staff are very helpful. I had lovely comments from the tutor who marked my assignments.” “Everyone I have dealt with has been most accommodating. The constructive comments from my tutor have been very helpful it has been a pleasure doing the course. The books and material I have accumulated throughout the course has been useful in projects around my garden thank you.” “Challenging but in a fantastic way! I can’t believe how much I am learning!” Our courses We provide a comprehensive range of fulfilling courses and career pathways across gardening, garden design, floristry, arboriculture, forestry, and farming. Our course materials are straight-forward to understand and break topics down into simple steps, making them easy to digest. This style enables our students to study at times and places that suit them – with the convenience of being able to fit their studies around their work and family commitments. Upon successful completion of your course you will either be awarded the HCC Certificate1 which, because of HCC’s reputation, can be a useful addition to your CV or a qualification issued by one of the awarding bodies below. Some of our courses also prepare learners for exams or produce portfolios towards qualifications from respected external awarding bodies, including: Royal Horticultural Society Royal Forestry Society ABC Awards Quality License Scheme

Education And Employers Taskforce

education and employers taskforce



Education and Employers is a UK based charity launched in 2009 which aims to“provide young people with the inspiration, motivation, knowledge, skills and opportunities they need to help them achieve their potential”. The charity believes that every young person in our country, wherever they live, whatever their parents or carers’ circumstances, should have the opportunity to meet a diverse range of volunteers and hear first-hand about jobs and the world of work. To help make this happen the charity works with state schools, employers, the national bodies that represent them and a wide range of other partners including the government and third sector organisations. Its flagship service, Inspiring the Future, uses innovative online match-making technology to connect schools and colleges across the country with tens of thousands of volunteers working in different sectors – for free. These volunteers, from a huge range of jobs – from app designers to zoologists, and at all levels – from apprentices to CEOs, have signed up to share their knowledge, experience and enthusiasm about their jobs with young people. The charity’s research has shown that meeting people from the world of work helps to broaden young people’s horizons, raise their aspirations and increase motivation to learn which leads to improvements in attainment. It also helps tackle the ingrained stereotypical views children often have about the jobs people do based on their gender, ethnicity or socio-economic background. People can volunteer from an hour a year in a local primary (Primary Futures) or secondary school to chat informally, either in person or virtually, about their job and career route, take part in career speed networking sessions, give young people careers insights, mock interviews or feedback on CVs. There is also the opportunity to link up with schools for workplace visits, job shadowing, and mentoring. Tens of thousands of volunteers have enabled over two million interactions between volunteers and young people to date. Inspiring Governance launched in 2016 and is funded by the Department for Education. The free matching service connects highly skilled volunteers who wish to become governors or trustees with state schools across England, helping to increase the diversity of governing boards and raise school standards. Education and Employers also undertakes research into the effectiveness of employer engagement in education. It aims to bring together academics, researchers, policymakers and practitioners from around the world to consider what interventions have most impact.

Papu Jordan - Reiki, Meditation, Mantra, Sound

papu jordan - reiki, meditation, mantra, sound

Papu Jordan is a fully qualified Reiki Practitioner & Teacher and Massage Therapist with a particular interest in women’s health issues. She is also a Sound Healer, Meditation Teacher and workshop facilitator. Papu was brought up in an immigrant family in which western medicine was used alongside more traditional methods and natural treatments, and so whilst developing a career in teaching, she continued gaining knowledge and experience of Complementary Therapies and using them in her own life. Papu now lives in Harpenden with her husband & Springer spaniel and has been using complementary therapies with her family for many years. She chants every day, is studying the ancient language of Sanskrit and has attended the Teacher Training programme at Sanskrit@St James’, London, which is further informing her work with Mantra & Meditation. Papu Jordan Holistic Therapies for Women was established in 2006 with a view to helping and supporting busy women with the stresses of modern life through Complementary Therapies. Since then, the practice has grown with many clients coming for short term sessions to deal with acute issues or as a treat. Others require longer courses of treatments to help with more chronic conditions or as maintenance/preventative therapeutic sessions. Many have gone on to do Reiki training with Papu and become part of her local Reiki network of students and practitioners through Reiki shares, workshops and other events. Papu has experience treating all ages – from babies & children right through to the elderly; and in supporting people with a wide variety of conditions, including life limiting ones, both as a Grove House volunteer therapist and in private practice. She has undertaken Cancer Care courses at Mount Vernon Hospital and attended courses and workshops led by Estelle Edwards, William Lee Rand, Frank Arjava Petter, Pamela Miles, Kathleen Prasad, Phillip Permutt, Jo Rose, Laura Joy Mason, Gabriella Burnel (Gaiea Sanskrit), Sue Pready (College of Sound Healing) and Bodhi Aspirations, Sanskrit@St James’ amongst others, as well as running collaborative workshops with other local therapists and teachers. Most of our clients are from Harpenden, St Albans and the surrounding areas including Redbourn and Wheathamstead but also come from further afield including Hemel Hempsted, Berkhamsted, Codicote, Kensworth, Luton, Dunstable, Watford, Ware & London, + online from other parts of the UK, Europe, the USA & Australia.

Eof Hackspace

eof hackspace


EOF Hackspace is an open community of makers and repairers who come together to share knowledge, tools and space. Our location at Makespace Oxford offers us a much needed workshop space to work on all kinds of projects, including collaborations with Brookes University, Oxfordshire County Library, the Ashmolean Museum and more. The tools we purchase and the direction in which we expand will be primarily decided by our members. If you would like us to acquire a particular tool, please join the co-op and make your case! We also take suggestions from non-member users, however it may take longer to action them. How we operatePermalink As a user of the space you can use any tools provided. You can also use the consumables available, provided you replace them regularly or make a small donation. Your subscription money goes into a pot that pays the bills and anything extra gets apportioned to improving the space. Activities in the space are organised by keen volunteers so if you want to learn anything new please find an experienced member and ask them to host a workshop. A good place to do this is in chat. Making changes to the space and the direction we take is done through regular meetings with the members of the co-op (How to Join). These meetings are also open to non-members on the understanding that they are present as advisors. We are keen for our members to make the workshop better suited to their needs, while respecting the needs of others, so small improvements only need a couple of people to agree they are suitable and do not need to be brought to the meetings. Sometimes the tools will break. We are not a professional service and as such unless a tool makes financial sense to replace we expect our members to fix them. That may mean that your favourite tool might be out of service for a while. Please highlight it when it happens but be understanding since everyone in the group is a volunteer. FacilitiesPermalink We currently offer the following tools: Malyan m200 3D printer Soldering station Oscilloscopes, power supplies, and other electronics bench equipment Workstation computer Mould casting consumables Workloads we’re aiming to support in the near future: Metal casting from 3D printed shapes TIG Welding

Harrison's Hope

harrison's hope


Our executive team has over 120 years of healthcare experience and works with our leadership teams and board of directors to support our caregivers.Harrison’s Hope knows that hospice care is equally about managing symptoms and addressing concerns of the patient and supporting and educating families and loved ones. A longtime employee Kristi Hartway shared, “We have always been very focused on the families.” Our Testimonials and Blog highlight a number of ways in which we have worked with patients and families to make final wishes come true. Many employees of the company have been touched by hospice themselves and truly understand the hospice benefit. These employees have seen firsthand the value, special care and services that are provided in the final months of life. Veteran care has also been a priority for Harrison’s Hope since the very beginning. In fact, the agency was one of the first hospices in the area to launch a “We Honor Veterans Program.” Veterans continue to be an important population for Harrison’s Hope and employees recognize Veterans each month through pinning ceremonies. specialized plans of care, assistance with Veteran benefits, a Veteran to Veteran volunteer program and much more. It is your choice to decide when the time for hospice is right for you. To the extent possible, hospice emphasizes quality of life and tries to give back to patients their own independence and control. Individuals who elect hospice care find that every effort is made to keep them comfortable; allowing them to spend their final months with their loved ones in the place that they call home. Ideally patients are referred to hospice when their life expectancy is approximately six months. Choosing hospice earlier allows the patient and their loved ones to make the most of their end-of-life journey. The hospice team is always there to guide them through the process and provide support – neither prolonging life nor hastening death. Please fill out our contact us form or call us at 208-286-1300 to learn more about how Harrison’s Hope can help you and/or your loved ones, today. We have hospice offices in the Boise and Twin Falls area and serve many surrounding counties. We also have sister agencies in four other regions that operate as Serenity Hospice, Hospice of Virginia, Hospice Partners, and Alamo Hospice.

P & K Training Services & Event Cover

p & k training services & event cover

King’s Lynn,

P & K Training Services has been based in King’s Lynn, Norfolk since 1998. We run a variety of scheduled training courses at our Riverside Business Centre but can arrange on-site training anywhere in the Eastern region. We have the expertise to tailor courses for all types of businesses and private individuals. Whether you are a beginner, need to update first aid skills, or require advanced skills and medical gases training for the workplace – we have a course to suit everyone. Angela Pilkington – Managing Director / First Aid Trainer Angela PilkingtonAngela has been involved with first aid since the 1970’s when she trained in First Aid at Work and became a member of the British Red Cross Society. She gained the IHCD (Pearson) BTec Level 3 Ambulance Crew Award and has for more than 3 decades, carried out ambulance work for the Society and also worked for an independent ambulance company – mainly covering motorsports at Snetterton race circuit. She is also experienced in covering other sports events – rugby, football, horse jumping; public fetes, concerts, and NHS patient transfers. For several years during the 80’s Angela was a volunteer manager for the Red Cross Therapeutic Care Service, responsible for a team of volunteers working in hospitals and centres across the region, fitting this in with her other work. For 3 years Angela worked as a school nurse at a large senior school in Norwich, during this time she was invited to become a part-time First Aid and Child Carers Tutor at City College Norwich. During her time there gaining qualifications in management, marketing and a degree in education. Angela then became full-time Commercial Training Manager for Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Essex Red Cross. As well as organising a big team of Trainers part of her role was acting as an NVQ Internal Verifier and training Trainers. Along her varied career path she has built up a wealth of knowledge and expertise which reflects in the training courses and level of event cover P & K Training Services can offer. Qualifications: BA in Post Compulsory Education Post Graduate Certificate in Education Post Graduate Certificate in Management Further and Adult Education Teachers Certificate NVQ Assessor and Internal Verifier IHCD ambulance Qualification CIEH Advanced Food Hygiene, Health and Safety, Manual Handling, COSHH, Conflict Resolution & Personal Safety City & Guilds Hairdressing Health and Safety for the Hair and Beauty Trade Diploma in Remedial Camouflage