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15 Unconscious Bias courses in London

Emotional Intelligence for Today’s Leadership and Management

By Dickson Training Ltd

EQ is a pattern of how people's biases in their thinking leads them to think one choice or thing is better than another, as well as their clarity in differentiating within those biases to exercise clear and sound judgement. Where your thinking and responses lie within your biases spectrum, and your ability in adjusting to the situation you find yourself in, will determine responses equating to poor or strong Emotional Intelligence (EI). This course will enhance and promote the skill set necessary for any working leader or manager, allowing our in-depth emotional intelligence knowledge to be applied into your working environment. From an employer's perspective, this award can be a significant long-term return on investment by further developing your leaders and managers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT DOES THIS COURSE OFFER? Our program offers an EQ-SWOT™ assessment and EI Model in detail, and through activity and discussion we explore how applying and possibly adjusting, you may offer an improved Emotional Intelligence. Our learning experiences are successful because the outcomes are quickly embedded and demonstrate an immediate visible impact on the day-to-day working environment. Our engaging learning inspires employees to want to personally add value to the companies they work for. We also offer our Paradigm EQ-SWOT™ online assessment and report as a frame of reference within the program. This assessment should be completed before attending the program, and will be expanded upon during the program delivery. COURSE CONTENT The Emotional Intelligence for Today’s Leadership and Management course covers the following topics: * What makes EI so important within the workplace * Self-Awareness and your EQ Profile * The EQ unpacked * Unconscious Bias & EI * How to develop your EI quotient ACCREDITATION ACTIVITY Our accredited tutors deliver training that encourages delegates to confidently and practically apply all they have learnt as soon as they get back into the business. To achieve this award, delegates need to prepare and deliver a 3 minute presentation* on the highlights of their learning and immediate application avenues when back in their working environment. *Participants will be given 30 minutes during the program to prepare for their 3 min presentation at the end of the program. SCHEDULED COURSE DATES Unfortunately this course is not currently scheduled as an open course as it is primarily run as an in-house programme. For more information, please contact us. IN-HOUSE COURSES This is our own management training course which has been developed and refined over the many years we have been providing it to delegates from organisations in virtually every industry. This means that the course syllabus is extremely flexible and can be tailored to your specific requirements. If you would like to discuss how we can tailor this management training course for you and/or run it at your premises, please contact us.

Emotional Intelligence for Today’s Leadership and Management
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Bardsey & 4 more
Price on Enquiry



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

* Solution-Focused Coaching Model * Grow Coaching Model * 0SKAR Coaching Model * CLEAR Coaching Model * AOR Coaching Model * FUEL Coaching Model * WOOP Coaching Model COACHING PROCEDURE FOR COACHING FOR CEOS: * Pre-session check-in and questionnaire and assessment * Mindset Analysis and introspection testing * Psychological analysis * Follow up for feedback and well-being and progress check-up calls * Accountability Coaching * Anxiety Coaching * Target-driven coaching helpful for individuals with procrastination issues or issues tackling challenging career goals * Leadership Coaching and Self-belief Coaching * Organizational objective coaching * Bring awareness to self-talk and unconscious biases * 24/7 ACCESS TO YOUR COACH * Coach available on Whatsapp, Phone, Zoom, and Face to Face   CEO Coaching helps coach the world’s best CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, and companies to increase revenue and grow their business. Our coaches have extensive real-world experience in overcoming the challenges, inherent in entrepreneurship and executive leadership. Consult with a CEO coach today to receive a customized business plan that will enable you to achieve extraordinary results. We work with you by understanding the business issues and strategic imperatives of the enterprise. We then use a combination of 360 feedback (including Board members) and formal assessment tools to ensure we have a clear picture of you as an individual leader and the environment in which you need to create success. We assess your team and work with you to understand where you’ve got the capability and where the team may be vulnerable. https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/coaching-for-ceos-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/coaching-for-ceos-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

EDI Roundtable Event/ The Six Stages Framework Conference

By Dr Shungu M'gadzah

Join us for a day of discussions and insights on EDI and the Six Stages Framework at our in-person event on June 28, 2024! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------     THE EDI ROUNDTABLE & SIX STAGES FRAMEWORK CONFERENCE 2024 Navigating & Challenging Everyday Racism and Discriminations. Embedding EDI into your Workplace & Schools Frameworks for Measuring Impact & Progress   Don't miss out on our Annual trailblazing event! Our pioneering event is back by popular demand. Empower your own self development and improve diversity and inclusion in your organisation or workplace. Check out testimonials from last year. [https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/post/exploring-equality-diversity-and-inclusion-through-different-professional-lenses-the-six-stages-fr-2]   Tickets are now on sale. Only £30 including lunch!   Book now [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl]     https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl]   Join Us In Creating a More Inclusive World.   Are you ready to dive deep into the complexities of equality, diversity, and inclusion? Have you ever wondered how different sectors can collaborate to enhance racial justice and belonging in our ever-evolving society?   Online agenda and details of speakers and panelists https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-agenda/ [https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-agenda/]   Check out our Speaker/Panelists and Hosts. https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-round-table-2024/ [https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-round-table-2024/]   https://youtu.be/DDfQtNJsNKE [https://youtu.be/DDfQtNJsNKE] https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl]    Information for Schools https://www.sixstagesframework.com/schools/ [https://www.sixstagesframework.com/schools/]   What's Involved? This one-day event is not to be missed. We understand the challenges many face in embedding EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) into the fabrics of their organisation.    The Six Stages Inclusive Framework helps organisation (and schools) go beyond performative measures: cultural celebrations, conversations about unconscious bias and white privilege to real action and implementation.    It supports evidence-based practice and data gathering, obtaining base line measures through the Six Stages Framework Diversity Assessments which enable you to chart your progress.   Who’s the Conference For? * Corporate Organisations * Schools & Local Authorities * Health Services * Higher Education * Police and Criminal Justice * Anyone passionate about EDI   An amazing venue!   The Conference will take place at St Martin-in-the Fields, Trafalgar Square, WC2N 4JJ on June 28th, 2024, set in the heart of London. Take a 3D tour of our venue here: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=74N3JkZtuq4 [https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=74N3JkZtuq4]   Engage with Visionaries   Check out our Speaker/Panelists and Hosts. https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-round-table-2024/ [https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-round-table-2024/]   Start your day with groundbreaking insights from leading experts. Our opening address and keynotes will set the stage for a series of powerful discussions, including:   Diverse Cross-Functional Roundtable: Engage with top professionals in a dynamic panel discussion, followed by an audience Q&A. Exclusive stimulating and thought-provoking conversation between the dynamic sister duo, Afua Hirsch [http://www.afuahirsch.com/]: Award-winning writer, journalist, former barrister and filmmaker; and  Dr. Ama Collison [https://www.millennialpsychology.co.uk/]: Millennial Psychology Limited. Networking Lunch: Connect with like-minded individuals and grow your professional network over lunch.  Afternoon Sessions: Dr. Shungu H. M'gadzah [http://www.sixstagesframework.com/]: will present a compelling keynote on "The Six Stages Framework: Understanding and Dealing with Everyday Racism.”  Exploring practical applications in various sectors and drawing from the SSF transformational toolkit.   Workshops: To consolidate and explore the days learning and make recommendations to be published in our annual report.   Who's Speaking? * Dr. Shungu H. M'gadzah [http://www.sixstagesframework.com/]: Six Stages Framework & Inclusion Psychologists Ltd *  Dr. Ama Collison [https://www.millennialpsychology.co.uk/]: Millennial Psychology * Afua Hirsch [http://www.afuahirsch.com/]: Award-winning writer, journalist, former barrister and filmmaker   Visit the wide range of market stalls and bookstore on display.  Explore the books from This is Book Love an award-winning collective and bookstore curating and showcasing and bringing together the best multicultural content the world of arts has to offer Schools, Nurseries, Public and corporate spaces  www.thisisbooklove.com [http://www.thisisbooklove.com/]   Get Your Tickets Tickets are now on sale. Join us for our Annual trailblazing event! Only £30 including lunch!     Book now [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl]       https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-frameworks-for-inclusive-organisations-measuring-impact-tickets-909290140287?aff=oddtdtcreator [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-frameworks-for-inclusive-organisations-measuring-impact-tickets-909290140287?aff=oddtdtcreator]     https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl]   Link for more Information & Testimonials about last year’s event: https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/post/exploring-equality-diversity-and-inclusion-through-different-professional-lenses-the-six-stages-fr-2 [https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/post/exploring-equality-diversity-and-inclusion-through-different-professional-lenses-the-six-stages-fr-2]   For sponsorship opportunities or Market stalls contact Dr. Shungu at: drshungu@inclusionpsychologists.com [drshungu@inclusionpsychologists.com]or Dr Ama  Dr. Ama Collison [file:///Users/shungumgadzah/Desktop/Six%20Stages%20Framework%20Pricing%20Brochures/info@millennialpsychology.co.uk]    Market stalls: We also have space for market stalls at a cost of £100 so if you know organisations who may be interested. Sponsorship: In terms of sponsorship, we are looking for any contribution to costs. We currently have one sponsor- Inclusivitti. https://www.inclusivitii.com/ [https://www.inclusivitii.com/] Support with the event and donations Any help in publicising the event would be appreciated as well as any donations or sponsors. Organisers: https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/ [https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/] Dr Shungu H. M'gadzah, Six Stages Framework https://www.millennialpsychology.co.uk/ [https://www.millennialpsychology.co.uk/] Dr Ama Collison: Millennial Psychology https://www.diversifyworld.com/ [https://www.diversifyworld.com/] Mr Romain Muhammad: Diversify World Sponsors: Inclusivitti https://www.inclusivitii.com/ [https://www.inclusivitii.com/] Venue: St Martin- in- the- Fields Here is the link to our online 3D tour. Take a 3D tour of our venue here: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=74N3JkZtuq4 [https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=74N3JkZtuq4] Best wishes,   Shungu   Dr Shungu Hilda M'gadzah Director & Lead Consultant Psychologist Inclusion Psychologists Ltd Tel: 07956 965 266   AUTHOR: Understanding & Dealing with Everyday Racism- The Six Stages Framework The Six Stages Framework Book [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Understanding-Dealing-Everyday-Racism-Framework/dp/1909675318/ref=sr_1_1?crid=39WHGGR1EATW7&keywords=m+gadzah&qid=1649080039&sprefix=M%27gadzah%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-1]   https://www.sixstagesframework.com [https://www.sixstagesframework.com/]   www.inclusionpsychologists.com [http://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/]  https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/book-online [https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/book-online]   Psychology today directory https://www.psychologytoday.com/profile/774567 [https://www.psychologytoday.com/profile/774567]   Follow me on twitter. https://twitter.com/DrShunguM [https://twitter.com/DrShunguM]   LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/shunguhildamgadzah/ [https://www.linkedin.com/in/shunguhildamgadzah/]

EDI Roundtable Event/ The Six Stages Framework Conference
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Learn from two decades of specialist equality & inclusion expertise and the pitfalls to avoid, plus adventures in self-discovery. Participants enjoy the engaging and motivational style, building up the confidence to apply deepened insights and practical tools.

Inclusive Leadership
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Are you an EDI Officer, HR Specialist, Leader or Manager? Or the nominated EDI champion for your team? Maybe you've been given the EDI portfolio on behalf of your Board or department? Or if you're aiming to make a difference via your diverse staff network or union, all change-makers are welcome!

EDI Changemakers Support Network
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Educators matching "Unconscious Bias"

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