853 Educators providing Therapist courses delivered Online

Chetna Holistic

chetna holistic



I have been actively engaged in self healing, therapies , yoga and related researches for the past ten years, to become an holistic therapist and yoga teacher.  Today my goal is to support others in their journey, through the help of different techniques according to their needs, while adapting my knowledge to suit and what I feel is the best for my clients. I discovered yoga in 2013 and practiced intensely with an amazing teacher from India in Kerala. I realised at that moment that yoga could offer a real balance to the mind, body and soul.  The pain in my body was gone, I felt emotionally balanced and happy.  I then decided to go to India to pass my 200Hours in the beautiful mountain of Himalaya. I lived six months in the yoga school assisting my teacher during classes and deepening my knowledge. Two years later, I travelled back to India in Rishikesh and studied my 300Hours teacher training while gaining considerable knowledge of Pranayamas and Kriyas. The knowledge I share today comes from India, the root of Yoga. Every class I teach, people will reconnect with themselves more and more, leading to the rebalance of their inner space, mind, body and soul. Yoga it is also a state of mind, along with the practice of pranayama & meditation it can become a way of living. This is what I can offer to every class & student for the betterment of themselves. My classes receive high praise as people find themselves connecting to their body and their breath. I offer an opportunity to really discover yoga and its benefits in day-to-day life. People tend to feel taller, more present, happier, more relaxed, more confident; the benefits are endless. I have a deep knowledge on pranayama, asanas and their benefits, meditation, yoga nidra, yoga philosophy, yin yoga, restorative yoga, ashtanga vinyasa yoga and looking forward to completing a training yoga for pregnancy soon. “Yoga is falling in Love with yourself again & again”   Qualifications: Teacher Training 200H In India( McLeod Ganj) Chinmay yoga certified by Yoga Alliance Teacher Training 300H In India Rishikesh certified by Yoga Alliance Vipassana in Thailand Chaing Mai Thai yoga massage in Thailand Chiang Mai Reiki level 1 & 2 in India McLeod Ganj Emotionnal Freedom Technique In India McLeod Ganj

Kassi Martin

kassi martin


My curiosity about humans and personality began in childhood. I observed my family with confusion and was often told; 'Don't be so silly!' I later worked in Primary & Secondary Mental Health, Higher Ed & Not-For-Profits where I observed parallels to my Childhood! I was considerably more resourced by then with theoretical perspectives to make sense of my experiences. I have a life-long passion with mixed media art and now, combining this with everything I know, I create art courses for adults to express their life stories and experiences using my therapeutic, raw & gritty approach. I felt compelled to invite Woman to explore and share their stories through my approach in groups then online. I have integrated everything I know as a Therapist, Coach & Artist to Unleash those who want more freedom from conditioning. I have expertise in: Perfectionism, Self Esteem/Confidence, Trauma, Boundaries, Resilience, Intuition, Psychosomatic Experience, Burnout & Sexual Abuse. My extensive library of Therapeutic Courses continues to grow and is now available in one affordable package. I am a Life Book Teacher, contribute to Art for Earth, Art Bundles for Good and Art Medicine Festival. Online Creative eCourses from Kas Martin What You Could Experience through my Approach Please know beginners to expressive art can participate in my work easily. You can learn how to intuitively sense into Symbols, Colour & Texture in ways that words often can’t. You will be shown how to express all your gritty, raw truth whilst easing your foot away from hovering over the brakes of everyday living. You will learn 'experientially' through actively participating in my online courses and hopefully by connecting with me in my free online community. You will develop self acceptance, reduce criticism, doubt, fear and transform life. My Approach reduces stress & anxiety and raises confidence and self esteem. I teach you to trust your innate Intuition & Body Wisdom, to Hear & See yourself with empathy offering deep healing to you, as you create. Your unique individuality will be celebrated by me on your own Journey through Life. Art allows a deep connection with Oneself. It improves our Mental, Physical & Spiritual Health. The way in which we relate with ourselves can make or break us and I model a way of being which brings healing. My therapeutic, raw and gritty art approach impacts our relationships with us, at home, at work and in the wider world. I enthusiastically embrace my own Personal Therapy and Coaching. I am committed to becoming unleashed with the intention of holding space so others may also become unleashed.

Cindy Theodore

cindy theodore


Meet Cindy Trance Medium & Certified Intuitive Consultant Welcome if you’re new here! I am a trance medium, spiritual teacher and qualified therapist, practicing at the Light Centre Belgravia in London, UK. I also love teaching Reiki level 1 to parents and kids who are great channels. I am a natural medium, raised by a great healer, my wonderful great grandma; but for most of my life I denied my mediumistic abilities because of fear of the unseen world. My awareness of the Spirit World had awakened again when I went through a major life change after having my 2nd son in 2014. The journey started with deep healing, work on myself, followed by an amazing personal development. After the lengthy soul-searching, I got a clear understanding of my life purpose. I understood intuitively that my true gift was being able to help others share unspoken or deeply harboured narratives. Some of the people I meet through my work have powerful and affecting tales to share. They have been survivors of mental, physical and sexual abuse at the hands of others who did not hold their best interests at heart. I too have had to go on a confronting journey of healing, and today I offer myself as a bridge for others. My work now, as both survivor and light worker to people who are still wandering lost in the dark, is helping navigate a pathway from hopelessness to life-affirming power. Whatever the challenge you have when you come to see me, I am able to use the combination of all my abilities to help you ...assisted by the unseen world. My work as a healing medium has the advantage of being compatible with any type of medical treatment. I am not a doctor and as such do not make diagnosis. Think of energy healing simply as a good auxiliary of care in strengthening your energy field. Since my awakening I attended teachings of Trance medium Elizabeth Roberts at the College of Psychic Studies in South Kensington, London. I also regularly attends Trance mediumship weekly intensive courses at the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted, England. Today I am honoured to serve Spirit and connect you with your loved ones as well as help you along your life path physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually! Today I continue my development following teachings from Trance Medium Janet Neville, psychic medium Sharon DeBarolo Carmack DSNU and Trance medium Andrej Djordjevitch. I aim to show you how to be free of the programming of society and how to live more squarely in the present moment. Love & light Cindy

Sharon Gisbourne Yoga

sharon gisbourne yoga



I have practised yoga for over two decades and was totally hooked after my very first class. It was a complete revelation! I walked out of that class like I had woken up and seen things clearly for the first time. My whole body felt free, I was relaxed and could not get over how great I felt. I remember going to work the next day and telling a colleague that I felt "big" (in a good way). This feeling was my energy being released to flourish from whatever trapped state it had been in. My passion for yoga grew as did my personal well-being, and in 2005 when I was given an opportunity to teach, I jumped at the chance. I completed my yoga teacher training with The Devon School of Yoga and then went on to qualify as a Yoga Therapist, certified by Real Yoga, in 2012. I am registered with the Complimentary and Natural Health Care Council (CNHC). I am also a Meditation Teacher, having completed my training with Swami Saradananda. I have attended many short courses and workshops with Yoga Campus, London. These courses have been based around many aspects of yoga, the musculoskeletal system and the "correction" of bodily imbalances, which may be prominent due to general wear and tear or injury. I have also completed courses on restorative and relaxation practices, Pranayama and the history of yoga as well as a short Sanskrit course! I teach several general classes online via Zoom and offer in person or online one or two to one sessions at Sharon Gisbourne Yoga. I also run a specialist online chair based class for those who may need a more adapted approach to yoga. Working therapeutically with people one to one online may not be suitable for all conditions, but if you would like further details see the Yoga Therapy page for more details. I have experience of many styles of yoga and have spent time in India to gain knowledge of these various approaches. I like to apply myself with a holistic and eclectic approach that takes in not only the physical but also the more subtle aspects that yoga has to offer. However, although I always present myself as professionally as possible, I do like to keep everything light hearted and have fun at the same time. I have completed my training with Sheila Whittaker and I am now offering sound therapy in the form of gong baths. These are offered as private sessions and I also run group sessions. See the treatments page for further details of how to book.




My name is Orla Beaton and I run "Yoga by Nature" in Milnathort, Perth & Kinross. I have been teaching my own gentle blend of movement & mindfulness since 2015 and prior to that I worked as a massage therapist specialising in pre & post natal bodywork for 8 years. Qualifications 2022 200hr Well Woman Yoga Therapy training with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli 2021 Level 2 Training with the Mindfulness Association in Compassion (Feb-Aug 21) 2021 Essential Somatics Movement Teacher Training - Level 2 (now a certified teacher) 2020 Qigong Immersion for Yoga Teachers with Mimi Kuo Deemer (August 20) 2020 Essential Somatics Movement Teacher Training - Level 1 (March 20) 2019 Level 1 Training with the Mindfulness Association in Mindfulness (April - Nov 19) 2019 Winterlight - 12 Week course in Mindfulness with Orlaith O'Sullivan 2019 Fundamentals of Essential Somatics with Martha Petersen (2 Day workshop) 2018 Mental Health First Aid (12 Hour - SMHFA) 2018 CPD - Yvonne Austen "Adjustment & Observation" 2018 CPD - Brenda Louw "Anatomy & Scaravelli Yoga" 2018 CPD - Somatics Workshops with Jahna Clark (Shoulders & Hips) 2017 CPD - Rona Main "Creating Space/ Sutras" 2015-17 2 Year (500 HR) Yoga Teacher Diploma with Yoga Scotland 2016 Youth Mindfulness Kids Teacher Training 2015 Certificate in Jikiden Reiki 2015 First Degree in Usui Reiki 2015 Forest Schools Practitioner (Level 2) 2014 Art of Mentoring (Ring 1) 2013 1 Year Foundation in Yoga with Acquaviva Yoga 2013 Baby Massage Instructors Certificate (SSCBM) 2011 Diploma in Remedial & Sports Massage (AMTS) 2010 Wellmother Diploma in Massage & Pregnancy 2010 Certificate in Massage for People Living with Cancer My Journey I was initially drawn to yoga and holistic therapies in my late 20’s when I was searching for a better work-life balance and a solution to my stress-driven anxieties. Living in Dublin at the time, a work-hard play-hard culture had driven my body and mind to the brink and I regularly experienced panic attacks, depression and became quite unwell with an over-active thyroid – my body had had enough. Deep down even then I knew there was another way but felt stuck in my chosen career at the time. A chance conversation one evening in a pub with a friend opened my eyes to the world of holistic therapies like homeopathy, massage and yoga and a different way of being. I began to consider the prospect of honouring my heartfelt desire to help others. However it wasn’t until I fell pregnant with my first child that I found the courage to try a pregnancy massage and join a yoga class, persuaded by the chance that others would be beginning too. Healing myself came first and is an ongoing journey. Returning to Edinburgh that year I continued pregnancy yoga and massage and I have no doubt that both allowed me to sail through the 9 months inspiring me to go on and train as a bodyworker and leave my career in finance behind. I then spent many years working and learning about bodywork and building a successful niche massage practice supporting expectant and post-natal mums and their families. Some say that the average work-span of a massage therapist is 8 years and that certainly was the case for me. Whilst I was and still am hugely passionate about the benefits of positive touch, my body knew otherwise and it was time for a break from treating bodies in such a hands-on way. This realisation coincided with an opportunity to step back into employment for a while and I spent 3 fantastic years working for Secret Garden Outdoor Nursery founded by Cathy Bache. The chance to step into such a fabulous social enterprise was a true gift and allowed my deep love of Nature, which had been lost along the way, to resurface. I had the privilege to take part in a deep nature connection program called Art of Mentoring in 2014 and went on to train as a Forest Schools Practitioner and support young children in their free explorations of natural world. At that time, along with Nature, yoga was the biggest source of support in my life, emotionally, mentally and physically. I returned time and time again to the refuge of my mat to ease the physical and emotional stresses of parenting and life. In 2013, I had the privilege of doing my Foundation Yoga Training with Marc Woolford of Acquaviva Yoga. This year of training based around Marc’s interpretation of the teachings of Vanda Scaravelli really laid the foundations of my daily yoga practice and greatly influenced the style of my teaching today which is gentle yet deep, somatic and very mindful. In 2015 the conditions finally felt right for me to progress onto a full Teacher Training Diploma with Yoga Scotland, one of the most thorough and diverse qualifications in the UK. The loss of a dear friend that year and the deep grieving that unleashed became a transformational stage for me and gave me the push that I needed to step up and allow the Yoga teachings that had supported me so much over the years to be passed on to others. I completed the 2 year (500 hour) course in June 2017 and I'm now living and breathing Yoga and bringing my blend of the teachings out into my local community.