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Yoga Sports Science

yoga sports science

Our approach is simple. We bridge the gap between yoga and sport and empower yoga professionals to confidently teach sports-specific yoga to athletes of all ages and abilities, as well as to the general public. We consider everyone to be an athlete, from elite professionals to Mum’s homeschooling their children, to healthcare workers dealing with stressful situations on the front line. Teaching Grounded in Yoga Biomechanics We help prepare our students to work with people of any age and ability through our functional and biomechanical approach to applying yoga. The foundation of our yoga teaching is based on biomechanical principles aimed at empowering yoga professionals to adapt and apply to any setting. Yoga sequencing becomes creative and experimental when a solid working knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics is applied. We Prove Yoga Works For over a decade students that have trained with us, as Advanced Yoga Sports Coaches™ have undertaken a Case Study Research project and contributed to providing evidence that yoga positively improves athletic performance and supports athletes as an injury prevention program. Each YSS Case Study submitted by our students is archived within our YSS Research Index. We have one of the largest research databases in the world on the efficacy of yoga in sport. We Have Exposed the Missing Link in Athletic Training We use a proven, scientifically based methodology, developed over twenty years, to bridge the gap between yoga and sport. Where our yoga training differs from traditional forms of yoga is that we deliver a modern-day scientific approach to yoga, which is evidence-based and understands the sporting demands of the modern athlete. Our Motto: Less is More The art and the science of successfully delivering sports-specific yoga to the general public and/or athletes involve delivering less so they will receive more. Most athletes have to manage grueling training schedules and often are overtrained. This, along with the general pressures of life can mean most don’t get to ‘experience’ a training session. One of the benefits of delivering our methods is that you will provide an entirely different training experience for the athlete, creating time and space which enables them to develop a greater awareness of Self as well as time to recover and restore. Learn With Us Online For the past decade, we have been successfully teaching our yoga Courses online to students around the world. Our Courses are inclusive and accessible to all types of learners through our well established online learning platform. Our students are supported online by members of our Academic Faculty, through regular 1-2-1 tutorials, Live group sessions with peers and tutors, plus a vibrant global community of like-minded people with a shared passion for learning and teaching. The Institute of Yoga Sports Science® is a registered school with the Yoga Alliance and provides In-Service Training Days and short Courses to the British Wheel of Yoga. Members of the senior teaching faculty are based in New York, London, Harrogate, and Pune in India.

Maren Weege Yoga & Massage

maren weege yoga & massage


TEACHING: A teacher to me is on the one hand an enabler, someone who assists skilfully in the learning of another without claiming to be anything more than a facilitator. I aim at empowering students to own their experience and process and find their inner teacher. On the other hand, a teacher is someone who through practice, experience and study reached a level of knowledge and understanding which when it is shared enriches someone else's experience. I enjoy sharing what I've learned and keep studying a variety of subjects, practising with my teachers and learning from my students. A central dimension of my teaching is space holding. Holding space is like externalising mindfulness into 3D: creating a space of presence, awareness, trust, clarity, empathy, curiosity, and non-judgment for a person or a group. YOGA: I believe in the power of a yoga practice because - both as practitioner and teacher - I have experienced and witnessed significant shifts in inner as well as outer state and the experience of being alive. Firstly, it is a system that is based on ethical principles. It offers multidimensional practices ranging from movement and postures to concentration, relaxation and meditation all of which promote awareness, healing and training of our physical body, our breathing, our energetic body, our senses, and our mind. There is something for everyone. To connect to ourselves, we need to spend some time with, get to know and begin to accept, respect and love ourselves for who we are. My intention is to teach in a mindful way putting awareness first. The main teaching focus are breath- and heart-centred practices with accompanying movement and postures - yoga from the inside out. There are various studies that prove the positive effects of conscious breathing on psychological and physiological healing and a calmer state of mind. The techniques become tools that serve your personal journey and enrich your life. A yoga class also offers the opportunity to connect with and support each other without words or touch but through sound and breathing. THE FEMALE BODY: Since my first pregnancy yoga teacher training, I have gone on a journey of discovery around topics specifically relevant to the female body experience. It is a fascinating, beautiful and sometimes intense field of work. The intensity comes from the fact that the changes pre- and postnatally on a physiological, mental-emotional, practical and spiritual level can be incredibly challenging yet the mainstream message is to 'just get on with it' and 'to get your body back'. My intention is to bring women together, to hold space for their experience and offer useful practices for their special state of health. To deepen my knowledge around birth and to be able to offer more support for women and supporting men, I took a doula training in 2016. The more I learned, studied and experienced in this field, I realised that there is a lack of awareness around the importance of a healthy pelvic floor for general wellbeing alongside with shame and lack of opportunity to talk about issues like incontinence, prolapse and pain. I am passionate about doing my bit to change this by offering pelvic floor workshops for women. Another reality in a female body is a menstrual cycle and menopause. There is beautiful wisdom to be had when these female life and monthly cycles are embraced. Living as if we didn't have a cycle leads to ongoing underlying stress and a plenitude of health issues. In the era of the #metoo campaign, it is more evident than ever that there is a lot of trauma in women's bodies and hearts. I hold women's circles and half day retreats based in yoga which are a safe place to be and share.