1094 Educators providing Teacher Training courses delivered Online



We offer personalised sessions blending physical therapy techniques with powerful yoga practices and tools. We bring a joint experience and insight from our years of practicing, teaching and studying in the UK and internationally, shaped by our way of living in unity with nature. My aim is to share with you learnings from my continuously evolving personal practice. Work and life took a very fast pace that increased as the years unrolled, especially since I have been working in London with a large professional services firm for over 12 years now. I was very lucky though to recognise my resilient and reflective nature from an early stage and rather than trying to blend in to be more like others around me, I took interest in exploring passions that were deeply rooted in me and came from beyond my background and education. Following an accidental encounter with yoga, I soon realised that I had been practicing meditation and visualisation techniques as a teenager without knowing what those were. I had also always been passionate about self healing and natural remedies and collected articles as a kid from the natural health section of local newspapers. I still keep the habit. Nowadays I research, apply and build on bits of wisdom from different sources as I continue my development journey which expanded to include plant-based cooking and essential oils. I learned how so many things interconnect and how we are all on the same kind of journey of discovery, but always our path is very unique to us. Building on my regular practice of yoga for over a decade, the teacher training course at Nada Yoga School Rishikesh in 2017 and other shorter trainings I completed since then, the classes that I teach focus always on breath and connecting the mind with the body through it. The benefits you will experience from them will be very specific to you. In my case, I have always seen real benefits only with consistent practice over long periods of time, whatever frequency I take, be it 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a week or longer sessions. A regular practice brought me clarity of thought, structure in my emotions and actions, increased insight and ability to find solutions or remembering things which I thought I never would recall (including work related!). I experienced reduced inflammation in my body and reduced pain from tensed or trapped muscles I used to often get over the years. I felt increased energy and joy of life and was able to navigate with more ease through challenging periods of time. I am also continuously humbled by the diversity of positive results my private or group sessions bring to those I share them with. Especially in supporting colleagues and others who experience a high pressure environment or who are looking to start, refresh or deepen their practice.

Melissa Liversedge Yoga

melissa liversedge yoga

I first became aware of yoga as a child. My grandmother used to tell me to practise ‘yoga breathing’ (long, slow inhalations and exhalations) if I ever felt worried or unwell. She swore by the benefits of yoga, both physically and mentally, and although I never actually saw her practise a single pose, I considered her to be the ultimate yoga guru! After University, I worked in the City as a stockbroker, at which point I officially started going to yoga classes, seeking a counter balance to the busy lifestyle I was living. I went to all sorts of different classes - whatever the gym had on offer and whatever I could find locally: flow yoga, power yoga, bikram yoga, sivananda yoga. I soon realised that yoga could be quite a different experience depending on the type and the teacher. I had the good fortune of meeting a Japanese colleague who swore by the benefits of Iyengar Yoga. She introduced me to a senior Iyengar teacher, Maxine Tobias, who completely transformed my experience of yoga. She had spent many years under the guidance of BKS Iyengar himself and was very inspirational. I was amazed how the Iyengar method gives you a deep understanding of your own body, its strengths and its weaknesses. Although the classes looked easier, and you got to use belts and blocks, actually I found them the most challenging. Furthermore, the classes were full of real people: all ages, shapes and sizes. Each person came to understand their limitations and their strengths and were on their own journey. It wasn’t about the gymnastics of the poses, it was about the relationship between the body and the mind. After several years of practice, I applied to do my teacher training course in 2005, but then found out I was pregnant. Life and babies took over, so it was only after another 10 years and a new life in Hampshire, I felt I was ready to reapply to train as an Iyengar Teacher. The training course was long and challenging, as it should be when you are dealing with other people’s bodies, but I was lucky enough to have one of the best and most experienced teachers living nearby, Judith Jones, who pushed and encouraged me to aim for precision and quality of teaching. Judith has spent many years visiting Pune and the Iyengar family, and has always been heavily involved with the Iyengar Yoga Association UK. She is truly remarkable and continues to be a great inspiration & mentor. I am currently preparing for the next level of qualification within the Iyengar Yoga system and hope to continue my yoga journey for as long as I am able. I have a great husband, 3 kids, 2 dogs, and a fish called Martin. I like the sea, travel, fashion, shoes and people. Family is the most important thing to me.

Mama Serene

mama serene



About Dani….Dani Diosi DipHe, DypHyp MHS is a highly qualified and experienced Antenatal & Childbirth educator, hypnotherapist, Doula and NLP Master Practioner With nearly 20 years experience. Her passion combined with vast experience in all areas makes her uniquely qualified to train hypnobirthing practitioners and teachers and it is her absolute passion to enable as many people as possible to pass on hypnobirthing techniques in a way that highlights their existing skill set. She understands the juggle of running a successful business whilst wanting to support as many pregnant parents through a smooth birth and is creating a ripple effect within the industry to empower more businesses that work within the birthing & pregnancy areas to include hypnobirthing as a way to give you and your clients more empowerment and confidence. She runs regular hypnobirthing instructor training courses both virtually and in person and has trained practitioners in the UK and internationally. You can find more about her courses here. She originally taught for the National Childbirth Trust (NCT) and utilised her own experience as a mother to twins to specialise in multiple birth classes. She subsequently qualified in Natal Hypnotherapy in 2008 and worked very closely with Maggie Howell (Natal Hypnotherapy’s founder and director) teaching the course and training and assessing new practitioners. Dani set up her own hypnobirthing programme in 2015 after qualifying as a hypnotherapist in 2012 and is a recognised Doula with Doula UK and Birth Bliss . She recognises the importance of learning knowledge in a fun, supportive way but also in a way that you can tailor to your strengths. This is the exact reason she has created her hypnobirthing teacher training courses in a way that gives you all the training you need but she also teaches how you can integrate it into an existing business and / or develop your own way of delivery. Being unique and standing out is so important as that’s why your clients will want to work with you. Dani also works with expectant parents co-founder of the successful AllAboutAntenatal programme. She is also a best-selling author of Hypnobirthing-Breathing in Short Pants available on Amazon. Dani’s work has been featured in multiple publications including OK! magazine and The Sunday Mirror. Most importantly, she is wife to her long suffering and extremely patient husband and mum to three teenage girls and three dogs! Her common sense approach is reflected in her home life where she is a firm believer that there’s no such thing as the perfect parent – we can all only do our best!