• Professional Development
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  • Personal Development

8 Racism courses


By Inclusive Solutions

In this course we deepen participants understanding of systemic racism and the spectrum of privilege. It challenges the participants to examine their behaviours and take close looks at some of the views they have held since a very young age, e.g. this area is a “bad” area, because it has a high proportion of black/brown people living in it, or that young black men in tracksuits are “thugs”. We think about where these messages come from and how people are indoctrinated by the media. COURSE CATEGORY Inclusion Team Building Leadership Emotional needs DESCRIPTION In this course we deepen participants understanding of systemic racism and the spectrum of privilege. It challenges the participants to examine their behaviours and take close looks at some of the views they have held since a very young age, e.g. this area is a “bad” area, because it has a high proportion of black/brown people living in it, or that young black men in tracksuits are “thugs”. We think about where these messages come from and how people are indoctrinated by the media.  We explore the reasons why white people are so defensive when it comes to talking about race. We discuss having racial biases and the implications of them, such as unconsciously insulting people around us in the workplace. When we become aware of how our behaviours can affect people, we then look for solutions.  The course is designed for groups of professionals to come together as a team to try and take responsibility for the racism that goes on in their workplace – empowering the leadership to have difficult conversations with team members and create a paradigm shift across the entire organisation.  Please come with an open mind, and you might be surprised at what you find out. We are striving for a world where racism is an open conversation and not a topic that we shy away from.  TESTIMONIALS “That was a really insightful session and thought provoking. I would love to attend more sessions on racism. Thank you for the engaging questions and delivery” “Lots of things to reflect on!” LEARNING OBJECTIVES Participants will: 1. 1. Confront their own racism and unconscious biases  2. Become aware of the ways they treat people differently based on race  3. Think about practical changes they can make in their workplaces  WHO IS IT FOR? * Leadership teams seeking guidance and reflection  * Educators who want to get it right  * People who have had not had much contact with people outside their own race * People who believe they are “not racist”  COURSE CONTENT * Background – brief history of systemic racism  * Racism as a binary – the problem with thinking only “bad” people can be racist  * Trust – how do we feel around people we don’t trust?   * Difference – how do we act when we feel different?  * What do Good Manners look like around people of different cultures?  * What does Good Allyship look like in the workplace?  * Why don’t we talk about race?  * What does your race mean to you?  * Examining our privilege – activity  * Interracial friendship video * Visioning – what does the ideal workplace look like?  * Setting Actions – what achievable actions can we set to bring us closer to our dream future? 

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Inclusive Solutions

This course is an exploration of our understanding of structural racism in the UK and provides a good foundation for anyone wanting to be a responsible ally. Are you working with young people, but struggling with conversations about race? Are you worried that you have been getting it wrong when it comes to race? Do you have questions about race that you are afraid to ask? This course is for you. DESCRIPTION  Racism is a real problem in the UK, but it is much more hidden and covert than it has been in the past. People know its not ok to say the ’N-word’, but sadly, racism has permeated British society much more deeply than this. On this course we will help redefine the idea of racism and explain the complex nature of its modern day manifestation. We will explore how to talk with young people about race and particularly how to challenge when racism occurs.   To achieve this, we need to start with ourselves. We will cover the idea of Unconscious Bias making us react differently to people based on our socialisation. We will cover the concept of White Privilege making it difficult for white people to get into the shoes of someone of another race. We will cover the concept of micro-aggressions that are difficult to report to a superior because they may be misconstrued as a mere “interpretation” of the situation and not an incident of racism. We will introduce the idea of the “racism binary”, and how we need to become more accountable for our own actions, and instead of getting offended, take responsibility when someone says something we did or said was racist. This can lead to a much more useful conversation than trying to defend yourself  by saying “I’m not racist”.  When we live in a world where racism doesn’t exist, only then can we say “I don’t see colour”, because it does exist, and it does have an impact on peoples lives.  When racist incidents happen, people get hurt. Unfortunately, it is an all too familiar feeling for a lot of people in the UK who have been forced to accept it as part of life. Most of these situations will never be resolved, because they will never be reported. Poor handling of racist incidents teach young people not to say anything, thinking it will only make the situation worse. A lot of people believe that racism is never going away, because their experiences have confirmed this belief. There is a lot of work to be done, and the time is now.  This course is an exploration of our own socialisation and personal expressions of race, which will leave you feeling positive and hopeful about the future. Be bold, and join us on this journey into the ever growing multicultural melting pot. Enquire for more information about this thought provoking training day.  LEARNING OBJECTIVES  * Develop understanding of modern racism in the UK * Strengthen knowledge of key terminology  * Understanding how to think like an “Ally”  * Explore strategies for dealing with racism when we encounter it  * Developing our confidence and ability to hold conversations with young people about race  WHO IS IT FOR? * Leadership teams seeking guidance and reflection  * Multi Agency Teams * Social workers * CAMHS teams * Year Managers * Primary and secondary staff teams * College staff * Early Years and School based Practitioners * Heads and Deputies * SENCOs * Advanced Skills Teachers * Primary and secondary teachers * Local Authority Support Services * Voluntary Organisations * People who want to “get it right” CONTENT AM * What makes a good welcome? * Why don’t we talk about race? * History of racism in the UK * Definition of modern racism – how racism manifests in a post-racist world * Unconscious bias  * The ‘racism binary’ – taking accountability for our words/actions * Examining our privilege  * What does your race mean to you? PM * Trust and difference exercises – how can we become more trustworthy? * What is good Allyship? What to do and what not to do * Strategies for dealing with racism incidents  * Restorative Justice  * How can we create dialogue with young people about race? * Affinity groups  * What does the ideal workplace/school look like? * What actions will we take away?

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500

Anti-racism and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Masterclasses

By Amp Up Your Voice


Anti-racism and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Masterclasses
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 1 more
£750 to £3500

EDI Roundtable Event/ The Six Stages Framework Conference

By Dr Shungu M'gadzah

Join us for a day of discussions and insights on EDI and the Six Stages Framework at our in-person event on June 28, 2024! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------     THE EDI ROUNDTABLE & SIX STAGES FRAMEWORK CONFERENCE 2024 Navigating & Challenging Everyday Racism and Discriminations. Embedding EDI into your Workplace & Schools Frameworks for Measuring Impact & Progress   Don't miss out on our Annual trailblazing event! Our pioneering event is back by popular demand. Empower your own self development and improve diversity and inclusion in your organisation or workplace. Check out testimonials from last year. [https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/post/exploring-equality-diversity-and-inclusion-through-different-professional-lenses-the-six-stages-fr-2]   Tickets are now on sale. Only £30 including lunch!   Book now [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl]     https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl]   Join Us In Creating a More Inclusive World.   Are you ready to dive deep into the complexities of equality, diversity, and inclusion? Have you ever wondered how different sectors can collaborate to enhance racial justice and belonging in our ever-evolving society?   Online agenda and details of speakers and panelists https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-agenda/ [https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-agenda/]   Check out our Speaker/Panelists and Hosts. https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-round-table-2024/ [https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-round-table-2024/]   https://youtu.be/DDfQtNJsNKE [https://youtu.be/DDfQtNJsNKE] https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl]    Information for Schools https://www.sixstagesframework.com/schools/ [https://www.sixstagesframework.com/schools/]   What's Involved? This one-day event is not to be missed. We understand the challenges many face in embedding EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) into the fabrics of their organisation.    The Six Stages Inclusive Framework helps organisation (and schools) go beyond performative measures: cultural celebrations, conversations about unconscious bias and white privilege to real action and implementation.    It supports evidence-based practice and data gathering, obtaining base line measures through the Six Stages Framework Diversity Assessments which enable you to chart your progress.   Who’s the Conference For? * Corporate Organisations * Schools & Local Authorities * Health Services * Higher Education * Police and Criminal Justice * Anyone passionate about EDI   An amazing venue!   The Conference will take place at St Martin-in-the Fields, Trafalgar Square, WC2N 4JJ on June 28th, 2024, set in the heart of London. Take a 3D tour of our venue here: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=74N3JkZtuq4 [https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=74N3JkZtuq4]   Engage with Visionaries   Check out our Speaker/Panelists and Hosts. https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-round-table-2024/ [https://www.sixstagesframework.com/edi-round-table-2024/]   Start your day with groundbreaking insights from leading experts. Our opening address and keynotes will set the stage for a series of powerful discussions, including:   Diverse Cross-Functional Roundtable: Engage with top professionals in a dynamic panel discussion, followed by an audience Q&A. Exclusive stimulating and thought-provoking conversation between the dynamic sister duo, Afua Hirsch [http://www.afuahirsch.com/]: Award-winning writer, journalist, former barrister and filmmaker; and  Dr. Ama Collison [https://www.millennialpsychology.co.uk/]: Millennial Psychology Limited. Networking Lunch: Connect with like-minded individuals and grow your professional network over lunch.  Afternoon Sessions: Dr. Shungu H. M'gadzah [http://www.sixstagesframework.com/]: will present a compelling keynote on "The Six Stages Framework: Understanding and Dealing with Everyday Racism.”  Exploring practical applications in various sectors and drawing from the SSF transformational toolkit.   Workshops: To consolidate and explore the days learning and make recommendations to be published in our annual report.   Who's Speaking? * Dr. Shungu H. M'gadzah [http://www.sixstagesframework.com/]: Six Stages Framework & Inclusion Psychologists Ltd *  Dr. Ama Collison [https://www.millennialpsychology.co.uk/]: Millennial Psychology * Afua Hirsch [http://www.afuahirsch.com/]: Award-winning writer, journalist, former barrister and filmmaker   Visit the wide range of market stalls and bookstore on display.  Explore the books from This is Book Love an award-winning collective and bookstore curating and showcasing and bringing together the best multicultural content the world of arts has to offer Schools, Nurseries, Public and corporate spaces  www.thisisbooklove.com [http://www.thisisbooklove.com/]   Get Your Tickets Tickets are now on sale. Join us for our Annual trailblazing event! Only £30 including lunch!     Book now [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl]       https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-frameworks-for-inclusive-organisations-measuring-impact-tickets-909290140287?aff=oddtdtcreator [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-frameworks-for-inclusive-organisations-measuring-impact-tickets-909290140287?aff=oddtdtcreator]     https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/edi-round-table-event-and-the-six-stages-framework-conference-2024-tickets-884939155837?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl]   Link for more Information & Testimonials about last year’s event: https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/post/exploring-equality-diversity-and-inclusion-through-different-professional-lenses-the-six-stages-fr-2 [https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/post/exploring-equality-diversity-and-inclusion-through-different-professional-lenses-the-six-stages-fr-2]   For sponsorship opportunities or Market stalls contact Dr. Shungu at: drshungu@inclusionpsychologists.com [drshungu@inclusionpsychologists.com]or Dr Ama  Dr. Ama Collison [file:///Users/shungumgadzah/Desktop/Six%20Stages%20Framework%20Pricing%20Brochures/info@millennialpsychology.co.uk]    Market stalls: We also have space for market stalls at a cost of £100 so if you know organisations who may be interested. Sponsorship: In terms of sponsorship, we are looking for any contribution to costs. We currently have one sponsor- Inclusivitti. https://www.inclusivitii.com/ [https://www.inclusivitii.com/] Support with the event and donations Any help in publicising the event would be appreciated as well as any donations or sponsors. Organisers: https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/ [https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/] Dr Shungu H. M'gadzah, Six Stages Framework https://www.millennialpsychology.co.uk/ [https://www.millennialpsychology.co.uk/] Dr Ama Collison: Millennial Psychology https://www.diversifyworld.com/ [https://www.diversifyworld.com/] Mr Romain Muhammad: Diversify World Sponsors: Inclusivitti https://www.inclusivitii.com/ [https://www.inclusivitii.com/] Venue: St Martin- in- the- Fields Here is the link to our online 3D tour. Take a 3D tour of our venue here: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=74N3JkZtuq4 [https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=74N3JkZtuq4] Best wishes,   Shungu   Dr Shungu Hilda M'gadzah Director & Lead Consultant Psychologist Inclusion Psychologists Ltd Tel: 07956 965 266   AUTHOR: Understanding & Dealing with Everyday Racism- The Six Stages Framework The Six Stages Framework Book [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Understanding-Dealing-Everyday-Racism-Framework/dp/1909675318/ref=sr_1_1?crid=39WHGGR1EATW7&keywords=m+gadzah&qid=1649080039&sprefix=M%27gadzah%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-1]   https://www.sixstagesframework.com [https://www.sixstagesframework.com/]   www.inclusionpsychologists.com [http://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/]  https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/book-online [https://www.inclusionpsychologists.com/book-online]   Psychology today directory https://www.psychologytoday.com/profile/774567 [https://www.psychologytoday.com/profile/774567]   Follow me on twitter. https://twitter.com/DrShunguM [https://twitter.com/DrShunguM]   LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/shunguhildamgadzah/ [https://www.linkedin.com/in/shunguhildamgadzah/]

EDI Roundtable Event/ The Six Stages Framework Conference
Delivered In-Person in London6 hours 30 minutes, Jun 28th, 08:30


By Inclusive Solutions

Unconscious biases are social stereotypes about certain groups of people that individuals form outside their own conscious awareness. COURSE CATEGORY Relationships Racial bias DESCRIPTION Unconscious biases are social stereotypes about certain groups of people that individuals form outside their own conscious awareness. Everyone holds unconscious beliefs about various social and identity groups and these biases stem from one’s tendency to organise social worlds by categorising. So join us on a reflective, engaging day where we tackle real life issues in depth and create action plans for future practice. LEARNING OBJECTIVES * Increased confidence and understanding regarding Unconscious Bias * Action planning * New skills and processes to strengthen the inclusion of diverse groups * Opportunity to reflect and understand more deeply on what might be happening due to unconscious bias’ WHO IS IT FOR? * Any professional, carer or parent COURSE CONTENT * We will explore what is known about: * Restorative Justice * Diversity * Attitudes and Values * Professional duties * Reflective practice

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500

Glasgow Street Photography Course (group max 6)

By Ami Strachan

This group workshop for beginner and professional photographer who like to try different genre photography. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glasgow Street Photography Course Place to meet? Waterstone (Bookstore) Coffee Shop (top floor ) 174-176 Argyle St, Glasgow G2 8BT How long does this course take? 3 hours Can I use my SLR camera for this workshop? Definitely, but I don’t teach in SLR, you have to use your ability in using an SLR camera. What do I get from this course? You will gain confidence taking picture of people in public You will understand from my tips and tricks how this photography works for your self grow You will find a hobby that challenging and more… Your hobby should be fun, in my workshops/courses there aren't any strict rules but please note: You must have the willingness to learn No racism It doesn't matter what camera you have - your best tool is your intuition My workshops are friendly environment - be flexible If you are ready to start a different level of photography, this is FOR YOU! FACE YOUR FEARS AND START MOVING FORWARD IN PHOTOGRAPHY Follow the "I Candid You" WhatsApp Channel for an Update here [https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaB7FEg4dTnFF8xH921S]. Join our group on facebook (private) here [https://www.facebook.com/groups/icandidyou]. Watch my video "Eye contact from random people on random street" here. [https://youtu.be/3dDMtYjS03c] Watch my video "Tips for Beginner Street Photography"here [https://youtu.be/HxXDe2UhW1M]. My images were taken with Fuji X30, here [https://youtu.be/DewMGOGAp2A].  

Glasgow Street Photography Course (group max 6)
Delivered In-Person3 hours, Aug 10th, 11:30

Edinburgh Street Photography Course (Group max 6 people)

By Ami Strachan

This group workshop for beginner and professional photographer who like to try different genre photography. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edinburgh Street Photography Course Place to meet? Costa coffee above Waverley mall How long does this course take? 3 hours Can I use my SLR camera for this workshop? Definitely, but I don’t teach in SLR, you have to use your ability in using an SLR camera. What do I get from this course? You will gain confidence taking picture of people in public You will understand from my tips and tricks how this photography works for your self grow You will find a hobby that challenging and more… Your hobby should be fun, in my workshops/courses there aren't any strict rules but please note: You must have the willingness to learn No racism It doesn't matter what camera you have - your best tool is your intuition My workshops are friendly environment - be flexible If you are ready to start a different level of photography, this is FOR YOU! FACE YOUR FEAR AND START MOVING FORWARD IN PHOTOGRAPHY Follow the "I Candid You" WhatsApp Channel for an Update here [https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaB7FEg4dTnFF8xH921S]. Join our group on facebook (private) here [https://www.facebook.com/groups/icandidyou]. Watch my video "Eye contact from random people on random street" here. [https://youtu.be/3dDMtYjS03c] Watch my video "Tips for Beginner Street Photography"here [https://youtu.be/HxXDe2UhW1M]. My images were taken with Fuji X30, here [https://youtu.be/DewMGOGAp2A].    

Edinburgh Street Photography Course (Group max 6 people)
Delivered In-Person3 hours, Aug 24th, 10:30 + 2 more

1 on 1 Edinburgh Street Photography Course

By Ami Strachan

This 1-on-1 workshop is for beginner and professional photographers who like to try different genres of photography. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edinburgh Street Photography Course When? I f you have a certain date please contact me in advance for further arrangemnet. 6 hours course is also available on 1 on 1, please contact me for further information. Time: 11:30 AM - 14:30 PM Place to meet? Costa coffee above Waverley mall How long does this course take? 3 and half hours Can I use my SLR camera for this workshop? Definitely, but I don’t teach in SLR, you have to use your ability in using an SLR camera. What do I get from this course? You will gain confidence taking pictures of people in public. You will understand from my tips and tricks how this photography works for your self grow. You will find a hobby that challenging. M y tips and tricks. and more… Your hobby should be fun, in my workshops/courses there aren't any strict rules but please note: You must have the willingness to learn. No racism It doesn't matter what camera you have - your best tool is your intuition. My workshops are friendly environment - be flexible. If you are ready to start a different level of photography, this is FOR YOU! FACE YOUR FEARS AND START MOVING FORWARD IN PHOTOGRAPHY Follow the "I Candid You" WhatsApp Channel for an Update here [https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaB7FEg4dTnFF8xH921S]. Join our group on facebook (private) here [https://www.facebook.com/groups/icandidyou]. Watch my video "Eye contact from random people on random street" here. [https://youtu.be/3dDMtYjS03c] Watch my video "Tips for Beginner Street Photography"here [https://youtu.be/HxXDe2UhW1M]. My images were taken with Fuji X30, here [https://youtu.be/DewMGOGAp2A].  

1 on 1 Edinburgh Street Photography Course
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Educators matching "Racism"

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Black Books Matter UK

black books matter uk

Our Anti Racist Superhero workshops are a creative and interactive way to develop young peoples understanding of allyship and the introductory terminology around racism. Focusing on allyship to allow a deeper understanding and acceptance of all around us. The workshop is filled with storytelling, creativity and of course our favourite book detective exercise, allowing young people to actively explore doing their own research and learning. Through exploring what racism is and what it means to be anti racist young people take part in a range of creative learning, developing a range of skills and of course team work! LITERARY LEADERS Our Literary Leaders programme blends the traditional book club environment to allow young people to explore stories that explore black history and culture, alongside the work of BIPOC exploring stories of all kinds. Through exploring various kinds of literature from fiction, non fiction, blogs, articles and more our Literary Leaders learn the tools for the five types of writing expository, descriptive, narrative persuasive and creative to ensure that all stories are head and express what they feel needs to be shared with their local and wider community. ANTI RACISM WORKSHOPS(Organisations, Staff, Teachers) Our anti racism workshops for community organisations and schools all start with an initial call to talk with your organisation lead or designated EDI lead to help tailor the workshop to where your school is at on it’s journey in inclusivity and allyship. Our workshops look at; The Protected Characteristics, Unconscious Bias and practical tools and frameworks that allow you to look at where growth is needed within your organisation and where to develop in becoming transformational when it comes to race equality and inclusivity in your organisation.