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28 Python courses in London

This course presents an approach for dealing with security and privacy throughout the entire software development lifecycle. You will learn about vulnerabilities that undermine security, and how to identify and remediate them in your own projects.

Cyber Secure Coder
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Regular expressions for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

REGULAR EXPRESSIONS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Regular expressions are an extremely powerful tool for manipulating text and data. They are now standard features in a wide range of languages and popular tools, including Python and MySQL. Regular expressions allow you to code complex and subtle text processing that you never imagined could be automated. Once you've mastered regular expressions, they'll become an invaluable part of your toolkit. You will wonder how you ever got by without them. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use Regular Expressions. * Troubleshoot Regular Expressions. * Compare RE features among different versions. * Explain how the regular expression engine works. * Optimize REs. * Match what you want, not what you don't want. REGULAR EXPRESSIONS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone looking to use regular expressions. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 1 day REGULAR EXPRESSIONS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction to Regular Expressions Solving real problems, REs as a language, the filename analogy, language analogy, RE frame of mind, searching text files: egrep, egrep metacharacters, start and end of the line, character classes, matching any character with dot, alternation, ignoring differences in capitalization, word boundaries, optional items, other quantifiers: repetition, parentheses and backreferences, the great escape, expanding the foundation, linguistic diversification, the goal of a RE, more examples, RE nomenclature, Improving on the status quo. * Extended introductory examples A short introduction to Perl, matching text with regular expressions, toward a more real-world example, side effects of a successful match, Intertwined regular expression, intermission, modifying text with regular expressions, example: form letter, example: prettifying a stock price, automated editing, a small mail utility, adding commas to a number with lookaround, text-to-HTML conversion, that doubled-word thing. * Regular expression features and flavours The regex landscape, origins of REs, care and handling of REs, Integrated handling, procedural and object-oriented handling, search-and-replace example. strings character encodings and modes, strings as REs, character-encoding issues, unicode, regex modes and match modes, common metacharacters and features, character representations, character classes and class-like constructs, anchors and other 'zero-width assertions', comments and mode modifiers, grouping capturing conditionals and control. * The mechanics of expression processing Two kinds of engines, new standards, regex engine types, from the department of redundancy department, testing the engine type, match basics, about the examples, rule 1: the match that begins earliest wins, engine pieces and parts, rule 2: the standard quantifiers are greedy, regex-directed versus text-directed, NFA engine: regex-directed, DFA engine: text-directed, first thoughts: NFA and DFA in comparison, backtracking, two important points on backtracking, saved states, backtracking and greediness, more about greediness and backtracking, problems of greediness, multi-character 'quotes', lazy quantifiers, greediness and laziness, laziness and backtracking, possessive quantifiers and atomic grouping, possessive quantifiers ?, +, *+, ++ and {m,n}+, the backtracking of lookaround, is alternation greedy? taking advantage of ordered alternation, NFA DFA and posix, the longest-leftmost', posix and the longest-leftmost rule, speed and efficiency. * Practical regex techniques Continuation lines, matching an IP address, working with filenames, matching balanced sets of parentheses, watching out for unwanted matches, matching delimited text, knowing your data and making assumptions, stripping leading and trailing whitespace, matching and HTML tag, matching an HTML link, examining an HTTP URL, validating a hostname, plucking a hostname, plucking a URL, parsing CSV files. * Crafting an efficient expression Efficiency vs. correctness, localizing greediness, global view of backtracking, more work for POSIX NFA, work required during a non-match, being more specific, alternation can be expensive, benchmarking, know what you re measuring, benchmarking with Python, common optimisations, the mechanics of regex application, pre-application optimizations, optimizations with the transmission, optimization of the regex itself, techniques for faster expressions, common sense techniques, expose literal text, expose anchors, lazy versus greedy: be specific, split into multiple REs, mimic initial-character discrimination, use atomic grouping and possessive quantifiers, lead the engine to a match, unrolling the loop, observations, using atomic grouping and possessive quantifiers, short unrolling examples, unrolling C comments, the free flowing regex, a helping hand to guide the match, a well-guided regex is a fast regex.

Regular expressions for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Ansible for network engineers


By Systems & Network Training

ANSIBLE TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION The course focusses on the use of ansible for network devices instead of its usual server use case. The course progresses from the basics of ansible and playbooks onto using network specific modules including NAPALM. The use Jinja2 templating with ansible is also studied. Hands on sessions with ansible configuring routers and switches follow all major sections. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Automate tasks with ansible. * Write ansible playbooks. * Configure network devices with ansible. * Troubleshoot network devices with ansible. * Use ansible network modules. * Use jinja2 templates with ansible. ANSIBLE TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network engineers. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation * Duration 2 days ANSIBLE TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is ansible? The language, the engine, the framework. Uses of ansible, orchestration. Hands on Installing ansible, enabling SSH on network devices. * Ansible architecture How ansible 'normally' works, Agentless, SSH, ansible and Python, modules, how ansible work on network devices, Configuration management, inventories, playbooks, modules, ansible.cfg. Hands on Getting started, running ad hoc commands. * Playbooks ansible-playbook, users, YAML, plays, tasks, modules. ansible-vault. Hands on Running playbooks. * More playbooks Handlers, variables, environmental variables, playbook variables, inventory variables, variable scope and precedence, accessing variables, facts, ansible vault. Conditionals, wait_for. Hands on Using variables and conditions in playbooks. * Inventories /etc/ansible/hosts, inventory variables, static inventories, dynamic inventories. Hands on Inventories and variables. * Ansible network modules Built in modules, custom modules, return values. ansible-doc -l. connection: local, Cisco modules, Juniper module, Hands on Using modules for your network devices. * Ansible templatings The template module, the assemble module, jinja2 templates, for, if else. Hands on Configuring network devices from templates. * Roles and includes Dynamic includes, Handler includes, playbook includes. Roles, role parts: handlers, files, templates, cross platform roles, ansible galaxy. Hands on includes example, building roles. * Ansible and NAPALM Installation, napalm-ansible, NAPALM modules: napalm_diff-yang, napalm_get_facts, napalm_install_config, napalm_parse_yang, napalm_ping, napalm_translate_yang, napalm_validate. Hands on Using NAPALM modules in ansible.

Ansible for network engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Definitive Salt for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

DEFINITIVE SALT TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Salt is a remote execution framework and configuration management system. This course covers Salt from the basics. After a quick first taste the course moves onto execution modules, salt states, minion and master data, jinja, Salt extensions and then topology and configuration options. Hands on sessions are used to reinforce the theory rather than teach specific manufacturer equipment. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Install and use Salt. * Describe the architecture of Salt. * Manage configurations with Salt. * Extend Salt. DEFINITIVE SALT TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with Salt. * Prerequisites: Linux fundamentals. * Duration 2 days DEFINITIVE SALT TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction What is Salt? High- level architecture, Some quick examples, system management, configuration management, A brief history, Topology options, Extending Salt. * Quick start: First taste of Salt Single-master setup, from packages, bootstrap scripts, Starting up, Basic commands, salt: the main workhorse, salt-key: key management, salt-call: execution on the minion, salt-run: co-ordination of jobs on the master, summary of commands, Key management, viewing keys, accepting keys, rejecting keys, key files, Minion targeting, minion ID, list (-L), glob, regular expressions (-E), grains (-G), compound (-C), targeting summary, Additional remote execution details, Conclusion. * Execution modules: The functional foundation sys: information and documentation about modules, sys.doc basic documentation, sys.list_modules, sys.list_functions: simple listings, cmd: execute via shell, cmd.run: run any command, pkg: manage packages, virtual modules, pkg.lists_pkgs: list all installed packages, pkg.available version: see what version will be installed, pkg.install: install packages, user: manage users, user.add: add users, user.list_users, user info: get user info, saltutil: access various Salt utilities, Summary. * Configuration management: Salt states Salt files overview, SLS example: adding a user, working with the multi-layered state system, Highstate and the top file, the top file, State ordering, require: depend on another state, watch: run based on other changes, odds and ends, Summary. * Minion data / master data Grains are minion data, performing basic grain operations, setting grains, targeting with grains in the top file, Pillars are data from the master, querying pillar data, querying other sources with external pillars, Renderers give data options. * Extending Salt: part I Introduction to Jinja, Jinja basics, Templating with Jinja, filtering by grains, Custom execution module, Custom state modules, Custom grains, External pillars, Summary. * More on the matter Runners, manage minions, manage jobs, The orchestrate runner, The event system, The reactor system, Summary. * Extending Salt: part II Python client API, reading configuration data on a master and minion, using the master client (localclient) API, Using the caller client API, Custom runners, writing a custom runner, using the runnerclient API, Summary. * Topology and configuration options Master configuration, directories and files, logging, access control, files server options, Topology variations, masterless minions, peer systems, syndication masters, multiple masters. * Brief introduction to salt-cloud Overview, Setup AWS and salt-cloud, installing salt-cloud, cloud providers, cloud profiles, cloud maps, Introspection via salt cloud, Creating infrastructure, More information. * Using vagrant to run Salt examples YAML.

Definitive Salt for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

This course will enable you to bring value to the business by putting data science concepts into practice. Data is crucial for understanding where the business is and where it's headed. Not only can data reveal insights, but it can also inform - by guiding decisions and influencing day-to-day operations.

Certified Data Science Practitioner
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

BBC micro:bit Coding Workshop

By Code Created (Coding Workshops for Schools)

For pupils aged 9 - 16 | Delivered in UK Schools by Real World App and Games Developers Our micro:bit Workshop teaches your class about the micro:bit, making some apps and games with them during the workshop (we bring our own micro:bits too if your school doesn't yet have any!). We’ll introduce them to MakeCode, the coding language that the micro:bit uses, and teach them the fundamentals of coding before we work on some really fun projects! For older students, we can even use Python with the micro:bit!

BBC micro:bit Coding Workshop
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bristol
£350 to £450

Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner

By Mpi Learning - Professional Learning And Development Provider

This course shows you how to apply various approaches and algorithms to solve business problems through AI and ML, follow a methodical workflow to develop sound solutions, use open-source, off-the-shelf tools to develop, test, and deploy those solutions, and ensure that they protect the privacy of users. This course includes hands-on activities for each topic area.

Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Computing - GCSE Syllabus - In Person Tuition, London, Lambeth, Wandsworth, Merton, Southwark, Kensington & Chelsea


By GLA Tutors Home or Online

COMPUTER SCIENCE GCSE SYLLABUS The GCSE Computer Science Tutor Syllabus is designed to provide tutors in England with a comprehensive framework for teaching the GCSE Computer Science curriculum effectively. This syllabus aims to equip tutors with the necessary knowledge and skills to support students in their understanding and application of core computer science concepts.  Module 1: Introduction to Computer Science - Overview of computer science and its relevance in today's world - Understanding the components of a computer system - Introduction to algorithms and problem-solving techniques - Exploration of programming languages and their uses Module 2: Computer Hardware - Understanding the main components of a computer system, including CPU, memory, and storage devices - Exploring input and output devices and their functionalities - Understanding the role of operating systems and software in computer systems Module 3: Software Development - Introduction to programming concepts and languages (e.g., Python or Java) - Understanding variables, data types, and operators - Building algorithms and logical reasoning skills - Introduction to flowcharts and pseudocode - Implementation of simple programs and debugging techniques Module 4: Data Representation - Understanding binary, hexadecimal, and denary number systems - Representation of text, images, and sound using binary - Introduction to data compression and encryption techniques Module 5: Computer Networks - Understanding the basics of computer networks, including LAN, WAN, and the Internet - Introduction to network topologies, protocols, and security - Exploring the impact of digital communication on society Module 6: Cybersecurity and Ethical Issues - Understanding the importance of cybersecurity and data protection - Introduction to common threats and vulnerabilities - Exploring ethical issues related to computer science, such as privacy and intellectual property rights Module 7: Algorithms and Programming Techniques - Advanced programming concepts, including conditionals, loops, and functions - Introduction to sorting and searching algorithms - Exploring data structures, such as arrays and lists Module 8: System Architecture - Understanding the structure and function of a CPU - Introduction to memory hierarchy and cache - Exploring the Von Neumann architecture and its limitations Module 9: Computational Thinking and Problem Solving - Advanced problem-solving techniques using computational thinking - Introduction to algorithms for complex problems - Exploring algorithmic efficiency and optimization techniques Module 10: Exam Preparation and Revision - Reviewing key concepts covered throughout the syllabus - Practicing past exam questions and providing guidance on exam techniques - Supporting students with exam preparation strategies Please note that the duration and depth of each module can vary depending on the level of expertise required and the specific needs of the learners. Additionally, it's important to adapt the curriculum to the learners' proficiency levels, whether they are A Level/GCSE students or adult learners with different experience levels.

Computing - GCSE Syllabus - In Person Tuition, London, Lambeth, Wandsworth, Merton, Southwark, Kensington & Chelsea
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in London

Educators matching "Python"

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Croydon Tutorial College Community Interest Company

croydon tutorial college community interest company


Croydon Tutorial College is a registered Community Interest Company (CIC) with a goal of providing quality teaching, both distance learning, self-study and face to face. Our mission is to provide educational, mentoring and consultancy services to students (both young and old) wishing to master new technological skills especially in the computer technology and embedded systems fields. We are a specialist tutoring college based in Croydon, which is located near Sutton and Croydon (London, England) and specialising in Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science tuition, as well as emergency help with homework or project crises. We also provide after school activities in computer programming and robotics, as well as coaching in more advanced computer programming. We are a Cisco Netacad and can provide teaching and coaching for professional certification courses in Python, C, C++ and JavaScript programming, Linux command line and shell programming, IoT, networking and cyber security to both college age students and mature students thinking of a career change. CTC can also provide teaching and coaching for students wishing to begin a career in data analytics and machine learning. For students without GCSE / A Level Maths we run intensive GCSE Maths, A Level Maths and A Level Further Maths courses. Specialised computer courses include COBOL programming and teaching / progress coaching for students planning to study for the BCS HEQ Level 4 and Level 5 qualifications.