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2246 Educators providing Photography & Video courses delivered Online

Wood Green School

wood green school


Wood Green is a true comprehensive school in the thriving town of Witney, 10 miles west of Oxford. Our motto, ‘Excellence for All’, means that we strive to create a school in which all students are motivated to learn, achieve highly and develop the wider skills and qualities necessary to be happy and successful. We are a school with strong values and everything we do - our curriculum, the wide range of enrichment opportunities and a focus on student achievement and welfare – are based on these values and contribute to ensuring there truly is excellence for all. Some features of Wood Green School include: Our GCSE results in 2018 were the best ever for attainment and progress, demonstrating year-on-year improvement. In February 2017 Wood Green and three other schools in Oxfordshire co-founded the Acer Multi-Academy Trust. This is typical of our desire to collaborate with like-minded schools and brings more opportunities for staff development and student enrichment. Our Sixth Form works in close partnership with Henry Box School and Abingdon and Witney College to ensure our students have the widest choices anywhere in Oxfordshire. Our curriculum and wider enrichment are organised into our Wood Green Baccalaureate, which ensures that every student from year 7 through to year 13 are recognised for their achievements and effort. As a lead school in the National Baccalaureate Trust, we are working with schools nationally to create the very best curriculum for all students. We develop creativity and confidence through our extra-curricular programme, including our specialist Arts provision. Wood Green is a designated provider of the Oxfordshire Excellent Musicians Programme, one of only three such schools in the county. Starting from our bespoke Academic Enrichment programme in year 7, through to our compulsory Extended Project Qualification in Year 12, and many opportunities to participate in public speaking competitions, throughout the school we develop the range of thinking, talking and writing skills to be successful life-long learners. Our excellent links with universities, including the University of Oxford, and businesses ensure that every student develops aspirations beyond school. We believe that wellbeing is vital to being successful. Wood Green was chosen in 2015 by Nuffield Health to be their partner school nationally. Some quotes from our most recent Ofsted report describe the school we are developing: Strong personal relationships between teachers and students contribute to students' learning. Students’ social, spiritual, moral and cultural development is promoted effectively across the school and strongly contributes to the school’s caring ethos All students have an equal opportunity to succeed Over their time at Wood Green School, students gain a broad range of skills and are consequently well prepared for the next stage in their education, employment or training. The more-able students achieve well. The proportion of students attaining A* and A grades is well above average in a range of subjects The conduct of sixth formers in all parts of the school is exemplary and they provide excellent role models for younger students.

Camera School

camera school

I've taken other photography classes, but nothing compared to what I learned from the classes I took at Henry's. I looked forward to taking them each week. Jim, the instructor, was very knowledgeable, patient and explained the material with great detail. He took the time to fully answer any questions we had and provided quality feedback about my photography. Since taking the classes, everyone noticed the great improvement of my photos, and I'm more excited than ever to trying new things with the photography techniques I've learned. The other students in the class I was in also enjoyed it as much as I did, so much so that almost everyone took the more advanced classes together. Now, I no longer rely on the auto-mode on my camera and enjoy tweaking the setting and seeing the improvement of my photos. The classes and the expert instruction gave me the opportunities to see what potential my camera has and what setting work best in any given environment. I can't stress enough how many compliments on the improvement of my photos when posting on Facebook. My photos really now capture what I'm seeing, instead of dull version of real life. My only disappointment is that there's no more classes left for me to take. To anyone who wants to take their photography to the next level, The courses at Henry's Toronto are for you. Thank You Jim for opening my eyes on how easy it can be to capture truly special moments, and taking the lens-cap off of my imagination. - Kat Soderstrom FAQ/Contact Courses for Interchangeable lens (DSLR or Mirrorless) cameras I read everything I could get my hands on when I started photography as my new hobby and was skeptical that taking any courses would provide much more than I’d already learned. But I took the leap and signed up for Henry's 101 course with Jim Ogilvie. It was the best decision I made. Jim was great at explaining and demonstrating the various aspects of photography - I was amazed at how much we covered in 5 weeks. There’s no replacement for having an instructor walk you through concepts and answer your questions directly. I was so pleased that I signed up for 201 course with Jim and it was even better! I recommend both courses, whether you are brand new to photography or, like me, are self-taught and you know there may be some gaps. The quality of my work has grown and I credit Jim! - Judy Hauserman Taking the photo 101 and 102 courses at Henry's Toronto location are a great way to learn and be introduced to the world of photography. Jim is a wonderful instructor who is friendly, easygoing and has loads of knowledge on photography and different types DSLR cameras. These courses include both discussions and hands on assignments that further help you understand your camera and your new skills. - Sabrina Belardi-Redin