3607 Educators providing Pets & Animal Care courses

Unleashed Pawtential

unleashed pawtential


People sometimes ask me about why I do what I do and how I got started. So I thought I would tell you the story of how the Fairydogmother was born. ONE MAN AND TWO DOGS Billy was one of my first dogs. Born on Valentines day 1996 he bounced into our lives at 8 weeks old: an adorable white English Bull Terrier puppy with one brindle ear and an attitude. Billy was a ‘special’ dog; one of those naughty but nice dogs you can’t help but love because they make you laugh, but also drive you to distraction because of their behaviour. Billy was a spinning/tail chasing, attention seeking nightmare who refused to let go of anything he was having fun with. Billy was never aggressive, he just loved to play tuggy. Unfortunately Billy liked playing tuggy with everything he could get his teeth into – hosepipes still attached to the tap, branches still attached to trees. He destroyed my mum’s lawnmower when she left him unattended in her garden for a mere 30 minutes, he played tuggy with my sister’s curtains and once sank his teeth into a live electric cooker cable sticking out of the wall when we were renovating the kitchen. The only reason he survived that particular game of tug was lightening quick reflexes turning the power off! Billy was a nightmare, but I loved him and wanted to help him and make our lives easier. Billy had lit the spark in my interest in dog behaviour, so I really got stuck into finding out how I could help change his behaviour and started doing Dog Behaviour courses in 2001 – 2003. Fast forward a few years (after having two children that kept me busy and interrupted my studies) I now had a new dog; Lola who was a two and a half year old rescue who had been abandoned in a flat to starve. She was absolutely wonderful, except for one thing; her obsession with footballs. I discovered said football obsession when I decided to take her to my eldest son’s football match one very wet, muddy Saturday morning. I walked up to the edge of the pitch with Lola on a lead and she spotted the football … and ran for it (she is a hefty American Bulldog x Staffy) and, taken by surprise and suddenly helpless on the other end of the lead she dragged me face down in the mud, slowly but surely trying to make progress towards the ball being kicked around the pitch. Watched by all the other parents I had to be unceremoniously rescued from the quagmire. Lola’s sheer determination to get at footballs wasn’t getting any better and a friend of mine said to me that if I went to see Keith, a dog trainer who helped run a local rescue, he would be able to help. So I rang and booked an appointment and I went to see him … and that day changed everything. He didn’t just help with Lola, he offered to teach me real hands on dog training working with dogs at the rescue. As long as I turned up regularly and got stuck in, that was the deal, and I was eager to start.

Dishys K9 Care & Train

dishys k9 care & train



Sometimes it is stressful to see some dogs listening to their owners when yours is not concentrating or barking at other dogs and pulling on the lead when taking your daily walk. Or you don’t understand why your dog does not come back to you when you call them, 5 times, 8 times, 10 times…… I feel your pain! Hi, my name is Tracey Ordish and I am the Owner/Head Trainer at Dishy K9 Care & Train. My family and I have all found a love of dogs through our own furry friend, a black Labrador named Joey whom we have had since he was a puppy. My husband Mike, (Dish or Dishy to his friends) has also had dogs in his family growing up and states that no home is complete without a furry companion! So True! We enjoyed learning with Joey at Puppy Classes and had the basic training covered…….or so we thought!! No-one told us that in a few months, Joey would be a teenage hoodlum!! Chewing carpets, not listening to the basic training we had learned together and literally turning our lives upside down! Were we wrong to bring a puppy into our lives?? Of course not, although it felt it at the time believe me! How my business was born - In late 2015 I needed to leave my admin job of 17 years to concentrate on helping my son with his anxiety and schooling issues. However, I needed to work to bring in some money. I needed to find a job from home so that I could continue helping him. After hearing a family member talk about Dog Day Care, a lightbulb moment happened! My son had stated that if it wasn’t for our dog, Joey, he didn’t know where he would be. So, what better way to help both our situations than bring more dogs into our home! So, I enrolled onto the Level 2 Dog Care Course with Progress Dog Training and Dishys K9 Care was born. Day care, walking and then Dog Boarding! Ever since starting the business in 2017, we have loved everything that dogs show us and how we need to understand them more. Don’t get me wrong, we have experienced lots of stressful issues with multi household dogs within our dog boarding service. Here are some examples. Can you relate?: 1. Barking and lunging towards other dogs or people whilst on lead! 2. Pulling so hard whilst on a walk that your arm feels sore and you feel that you have been taken for a walk, not the dog! 3. Growling or lashing out at other dogs or people, including most of the members of my family, when they have food or toys! 4. Jumping up to food on the sideboard in the kitchen and trying (or succeeding in) stealing the food! 5. Barking at every noise they can hear! These issues made me think in the beginning that they were just being naughty dogs. I was so wrong! Having this experience and having been on a journey of discovery into the world of dog training, I have realised how amazing dogs are and how we need to understand what they are telling us! We can help them achieve so much with kindness, understanding and positivity. Emotions, such as anxiety, are behind a lot of our dog’s behaviour’s therefore, just as I have with my son, we need to help them in their day to day lives . I enrolled with the Dunbar Academy and the Dog Training College in 2020 and I learned so much from the experts on their courses that I felt an overwhelming need to become a dog trainer!!! In September 2021 I graduated an intense 6 month course to become a Certified Dog Trainer with the Dog Training College and I took the brave step to focus on training full time! In February 2022, I passed all the assessments following a 3 month course with the Pet Professional Network and I am now a Distinctive Dog Trainer! In June 2022 I became a recognised Canine Reactivity Specialist with the Dog Training College! “Never Stop Learning, because life never stops teaching!” Purehappylife.com Having this experience, added knowledge and skills, I now understand Joey and the dogs who have boarded with us a whole lot better, and I feel that the need to help dog owners understand their dogs communication is one of the best rewards I can give them! ‘So, would you like to have a more enjoyable relationship with your furry one and to feel confident in helping them with their issues?’ ‘Are you ready to understand what your furry pal is telling you?’ Then contact me for more information and to begin your journey to a more positive life with your dog!