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8 Educators providing Other courses about Energy Healing

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The Natural Wellbeing Academy

the natural wellbeing academy


Kinross, Perthshire

- Accredited Practitioner Qualifications & Online Training, - The Complementary Medical Association (CMA) Approved Training School - 1-1 Healing, Group Workshops - Multi-Dimensional Living - Founded in 2014 - Practicing meditation since 1986 Find relief from: *anxiety, *depression, *tiredness, *energy draining and *energy leakage, *overwhelm, *inner child issues, *trauma, *low self-esteem, *limiting beliefs, *conditioning & patterns, *ancestral trauma, *psychic attack, *Implants, *entities and *attachments, *energetic imbalances: *mental, *physical, *emotional and *spiritual imbalances, *addictions, *toxic relationships, *asthma and *respiratory ailments How it works 💎 non-invasive 💎 natural 💎 self-paced 💎 with integrity 💎 empowering 💎 heart based 💎 life-skills and self awareness toolkit 💎 heals the 'seed' of the issue, not papering over the cracks Our Formula to Wellbeing, over decades of experience is: *integrity: to fearlessly live the authentic truth of who you are *empowerment: expanding your truthful integrity & creating your life your way, which offers breathing space for others to find their unique way *growth: Fruitful experiences as we embody these practices Mind, Body & Soul We work with the 'Spirit' of the person, aiding conscious, heart-based living; making life more meaningful and fulfilling. By going to the 'seed' of the issue, not papering over the cracks for it to appear somewhere else in the future this methodology helps people understand and heal themselves in a compassionate manner. About Your Guide: Lynda offers an Integrated Approach, treating the whole person in a holistic manner * Energy Healer Practitioner and Teacher Trainer * Crystal Healer  * Healing Diets Coach  * Yoga Siromani * Reflexologist * practicing Transcendental Meditation (T.M) since 1986 Spiritually she works as an empath, channel, psychic, is a Lemurian elder, works with Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels, Galactic Beings, works with Lady Gaia, Stone Circles, ancient monuments and any other landmarks which connect with her. Alongside online courses and Teacher Training Lynda launched a pioneering Healing Centre in 2014 which housed a plethora of therapists and the City's first vegan cafe.  

The Soul Shed

the soul shed



                       Draw deeply from your own well of wisdom and inner guidance A gathering place  for creators,  healers, unseen sustainers and those longing to cultivate depth and sacredness in everyday life. The Soul Shed offers tools and intuive creative practices to support you in discovering your own well, and in drawing deeply from it. SoulCollage® is a process of allowing  imagery that speaks to you to arrive on your own deck of oracular cards, and hearing what they  have to say.  Orienting to your deeper life and its meanings requires  listening to all the parts of you and their guidence. SoulCollage® is a way to meet and be in counsel with them. More here [https://www.thesoul-shed.co.uk/soulcolllage] Deep-Mapping supports you in rooting into your instinctual knowing and find your own sense of belonging to place. Explore the rich experiential textures of your own square mile of location as a place of orientation and re-sourcing. More here [https://www.thesoul-shed.co.uk/walking-with-trees-1] Walking with Trees is a journey into your connection with wildlife through the lenses that really spark you, whether that be walking, mythology, poetry, photography, journalling, breath and bodywork and finding where they meet you in the  archetypal spaces of your imagination. Based on the book: 'Take it to the Trees' which you can find here [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Take-TREES-Samantha-Taroni-ebook/dp/B09LVDZ2BL/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32CXODU9P33B9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qE5_omqT3JY2svEYh-V0fNWYOnn-lLkB31e0BuGc7bxwStkVCqwZ78DdenqH5VsrTxXaq93_mfS2t5EDibBDKwX-yGUt43QX9RdOdX6xkNuO4Mu8jatWxBqmSz-aMkqrnqA3Wshi6RK6R0-OSB0nf8a_zgglcpwf8ad-8QUisoE39S1hJ14ADoqhym2qBZaXVgZ4Dv8cPjfoiqYhrjIhkEn65sqJ8I0-K--EenU3Rbo.VN4UL6eUViTW7V2NZC9cFEcXp9XfugwjaRddmDSIWN0&dib_tag=se&keywords=take+it+to+the+trees&qid=1711287447&sprefix=take+it+to+the+trees%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-1] The Soul Shed ethos is underpinned by a belief that making sense of life involves going both inside and outside, and is dialogical and  collaborative, curious and creative.   Learn about our offerings here [https://www.thesoul-shed.co.uk/currentevents]

My Empowered Life

my empowered life


Hey there, I'm Mel, and I'm all about helping you live with more ease and joy. Life's a bit like a wild roller-coaster, right? It has those heart-racing highs and those stomach-flipping lows. Sometimes it feels like we're in a fog, but every now and then, there's this crystal-clear moment that shows us the way. Trying to figure it all out on your own can feel like navigating blindfolded through unexpected twists and turns. That's where coaching steps in as your guide. It's like having a map and a clear view to conquer the hurdles and turn them into stepping stones toward where you want to go. It’s that difference between feeling lost and taking charge of your future. Picture this: coaching paired with learning how to sync with life’s natural rhythm, staying present, overcoming inner hurdles, and gaining insights from tarot and oracle cards. It’s like having a toolbox designed to shape the best version of yourself. Perhaps you're already on a self-discovery journey or seeking ways to ease anxiety and stress for a more joyful everyday experience. When we merge these elements, it’s about delving deeper into your identity, accelerating growth, and equipping yourself with tools to navigate life’s twists and turns confidently. Excited to embark on this journey? Let's craft a life you truly adore from within, exploring these amazing avenues together. Let’s uncover your route to a more resilient, purpose-driven life. Schedule a free clarity call [https://koalendar.com/e/cosmic-clarity-call], and let the transformation begin now! Join my mailing list [https://mailchi.mp/3714bf9e5652/myempoweredlife-subscriber] for moon aligned guidance to inspire your personal growth and self-care.

Ruta Ka Holistic Emotional Health

ruta ka holistic emotional health


Hi, I’m Ruta. I’m passionate about helping my fellow humans to step into their power and embrace the world that you came here to experience. This work is very close to my heart. In my late 20s, I experienced a life changing crisis. It brought me to this transformational work and changed the course of my life. I was working hard to achieve my dream of becoming secure and to have a stable status and position in my life. Then, I got clinical depression that took me years to overcome. I wanted to know what was wrong with me, so I started to read about psychology, spirituality and emotional wellbeing. I found that I had a deep interest in the internal workings of the mind. I started a counselling course. Then I completed a post-graduate level certification at the University of Sussex. I studied in the system and field of traditional psychology. And I’ve started to see gaps and limitations in it. The more I seen it, the more I preferred alternative approaches, tools, and techniques. By working with people, I saw how at the root of every emotional block or problem, there is an unresolved trauma. I started to see how we, our parents, and our children have been and are still experiencing trauma. Sometimes by simple everyday interactions with other people. The problem is that none of them (us) were taught how to take care and nurture our emotional selves. Also, to that realisation, I noticed that there is unresolved trauma wherever you look. And that’s how integrative trauma models and techniques became the basis to all work that I do. That and re-education for emotional wellbeing.

Honour Being Reiki

honour being reiki


HONOUR BEING: CREATING BRIGHT, BEAUTIFUL AND BALANCED LIVES... I am a shamanically trained Reiki Master in The Golden Reiki Way, a Classical Homeopath and Creatrix. I am a Wisdom Keeper, Key Holder and Walker of the Old Ways. Since 2004, I have been assisting others to make transformational change in their lives, leading to positive, lasting and sometimes extraordinary results. I am passionate about helping my clients evolve and grow into the bright, beautiful beings they were always intended to be. Having passed through many personal dark nights of the soul, I combine empathy, deep compassion and understanding with many years of professional expertise in my field. I believe in the regenerative power of hope, listening and healing touch. “Sessions are well-paced, Elizabeth listens intently and genuinely cares. I would defy even the most hardened of sceptics not to be touched by Elizabeth’s magic.  I came to her a wreck of a man, physically and mentally. Elizabeth put me gently but firmly back on the path to self-healing with enormous compassion and deftness of her art.“ (Alex C, Gloucester, Jan 2022) TREATMENTS (Available in person and via Remote Healing): ~ Golden Way Reiki Treatments ~ Crystal Reiki Treatments ~ Golden Energy Treatments (Angel Fire and Golden Ray) ~ Shamanic Reiki Treatments ~ Soul Retrieval  "Distant Healing with Elizabeth is amazing... a wonderful and positive experience..." (Teresa H, Oxon, May 2020)  COURSES AND TRAINING: (For all details please contact me direct) ~ Reiki Exploration Sundays: An Introduction to Golden Way Reiki (Includes Sitting Reiki Treatment) ~ Honour Foundation First Attunement & Training Course: Return To Joy (Healing for the Wounded Feminine and learn how to give Golden Way Reiki to yourself) ~ Honour Sacred Healing Journey Second Degree: Empowerment, Protection, Practice (Healing for the Wounded Masculine and leads to Professional Practice Qualification) ~ Sacred Art Workshops & Retreats (Dreaming Your Inner Child Work) OTHER OFFERINGS: Healing Journey Guided Meditations to download Honour Being Mandala Gifts to order.

Courses matching "Other"

Show all 26

Embodied Wisdom Qigong Workshops

By Embodied Heart Qigong

Monthly Qigong workshops: a powerful healing art that involves gentle movements meditation and breathing techniques to cleanse circulate strengthen and ground our life energy (Qi).

Embodied Wisdom Qigong Workshops
Delivered In-Person in Monmouth3 hours, May 18th, 09:00 + 2 more

Reiki Level 2 - Practitioner

By Janie Whittemore

Have you completed your Reiki Level 1 and are ready to take your Reiki practice to the next level?  Our Level 2 course is the ideal choice for both personal and professional growth.  Over 2 days, and following up with personal study and case studies, you will learn how to give Reiki to others as a professional practitioner. Your tutor Janie Whittemore has been working with Reiki for many years and has vast experience teaching and running her own practice. Feel free to book a chat! https://booking.setmore.com/scheduleappointment/12a7b75d-454c-4191-b267-2c703eacdde4/services/sf93d1524069400768?source=easyshare

Reiki Level 2 - Practitioner
Delivered In-Person in CheltenhamFull day, May 23rd, 09:00 + 5 more

ThetaHealing® You and Your Significant Other

By Dua Mihaela Gordan

Soulmates are your best friend and your biggest supporter. If you want to make your relationship with your soulmate work, you really need to learn how to love yourself first. This seminar will teach you how to do just that. You will learn how to develop a strong relationship with yourself, build a foundation of trust and understanding, and keep your relationship fresh and new. Your soul mate is out there waiting for you, so don't miss this opportunity to find them! Register now and start on the path to finding true love today.

ThetaHealing® You and Your Significant Other
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request
£100 to £395

Spiritual Awakening Usui Reiki Lv1 Online

By Stephanie Edwards

This course enables you to use Reiki for self-healing and on friends and family. The fee for Reiki Level 1 is £129. Reiki Level 1 is a one half day course with bonus knowledge of the first Reiki Symbol. Theory is online, practical and attunement done in person

Spiritual Awakening Usui Reiki Lv1 Online
Delivered Online6 hours, Jul 6th, 09:00 + 3 more

Intuitive Anatomy Theta Healing course

By Dua Mihaela Gordan

Intuitive anatomy - theta healing course in London - in person/online

Intuitive Anatomy Theta Healing course
Delivered Online & In-Person
Dates arranged on request
£200 to £1700

Mid-Summer Sacred Sound Eve @ Field of Healing


By Harshani and Edwin ~ Mind Body Wellbeing

Celebrate our Midsummer Day ~ with a beautiful evening of Gong and Sacred Sound in the Field of Healing, Bythorn, Huntingdon. Join Edwin and Harshani for a deeply replenishing and restorative evening on Monday 24th June 2024 www.mindbodywellbeing.co.uk

Mid-Summer Sacred Sound Eve @ Field of Healing
Delivered In-Person in Bythorn, Huntingdon3 hours, Jun 24th, 17:00

Reiki 1 Initiation

By Katarzyna Jablonska

Reiki 1 Initiation course - A soulful 2 days with deep personal experience - that's what Reiki Initiation is really about. In our Reiki Lineage we lead the training to awaken the part of us that might be deep asleep or just waking up, as Reiki is the Universal Life Energy, you can NOT learn it, you can only be guided to rediscover it within you...

Reiki 1 Initiation
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Reiki Level 2 Practitioner Online Course

By Margaret Cook Reiki Teaching and Coaching

I am a Reiki Teacher in Manchester and one of the few traditionally trained Reiki Masters in the UK who have been trained by international best-selling Reiki author Penelope Quest. My teaching methods use traditional Reiki techniques perfected over many years and you can be assured of my support during and after your course. I teach all three levels of Reiki courses, level 1 reiki. level 2 reiki and reiki master level 3

Reiki Level 2 Practitioner Online Course
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Reiki Master Practitioner Level 3 Online Course

By Margaret Cook Reiki Teaching and Coaching

I am a Reiki Teacher in Manchester and one of the few traditionally trained Reiki Masters in the UK who have been trained by international best-selling Reiki author Penelope Quest. My teaching methods use traditional Reiki techniques perfected over many years and you can be assured of my support during and after your course. I teach all three levels of Reiki courses, level 1 reiki. level 2 reiki and reiki master level 3

Reiki Master Practitioner Level 3 Online Course
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Reiki Level One Online Course - New to Reiki this is for you

By Margaret Cook Reiki Teaching and Coaching

I am a Reiki Teacher in Manchester and one of the few traditionally trained Reiki Masters in the UK who have been trained by international best-selling Reiki author Penelope Quest. My teaching methods use traditional Reiki techniques perfected over many years and you can be assured of my support during and after your course. I teach all three levels of Reiki courses, level 1 reiki. level 2 reiki and reiki master level 3

Reiki Level One Online Course - New to Reiki this is for you
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request