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60 Oracle 1Z0-819 courses delivered Online

CB69 IBM TCP/IP for z/OS Implementation Workshop

By Nexus Human

Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for This intermediate course is for the Information Systems communications professional who is planning to install TCP/IP for z/OS and for TCP/IP users who are interested in installing and customizing IBM's TCP/IP product in interoperability environments and main applications. Overview Describe IBM's z/OS TCP/IP product offering Describe the installation requirements and system customization for the z/OS TCP/IP implementation Define network interface attachments that produce connectivity for z/OS TCP/IP communications Construct TCP/IP configuration statements for z/OS to allow operation and connectivity to an existing TCP/IP network Configure TCP/IP for z/OS for basic communications functions Construct TCP/IP configuration statements for z/OS for selected TCP/IP application protocols services This course is designed to provide the skills for basic implementation and customization of TCP/IP on z/OS. TCP/IP FOR Z/OS INTRODUCTION * . Z/OS SYSTEM PREREQUISITES FOR TCP/IP * . BASIC CUSTOMIZATION * . NETWORK INTERFACES * . NAME SERVICES * . OMPROUTE * . TELNET * . ENTERPRISE EXTENDER * . SYSLOGD * . FTP * . SMTP * . ADDITIONAL COURSE DETAILS: Nexus Humans CB69 IBM TCP/IP for z/OS Implementation Workshop training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the CB69 IBM TCP/IP for z/OS Implementation Workshop course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.

CB69 IBM TCP/IP for z/OS Implementation Workshop
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Oracle 12c SQL Fundamentals

By Nexus Human

Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for The target audience for this textbook is all Oracle professionals, both business and systems professionals. Among the specific groups for whom this textbook will be helpful are: ? Business and non-IT professionals ? Application designers and database developers ? Business Intelligence (BI) analysts and consumers ? Database administrators ? Web server administrators Overview The first portion of this textbook considers the logical models upon which a relational database is based and the various configurations and environments in which you may work with the Oracle database. The next segment focuses on the actual SQL syntax for writing database queries. You will begin with the simplest of queries and then proceed onto moderately complex query scenarios. Finally, this textbook covers the DDL, DML and transaction control portions of the SQL language that allow one to create, maintain and manipulate application database objects and application data. This textbook takes a unique approach to SQL training in that it incorporates data modeling theory, relational database theory, graphical depictions of theoretical concepts and numerous examples of actual SQL syntax into one learning vehicle. RELATIONAL DATABASES & DATA MODELS * About Data Models * About the Relational Model * The Electronics Data Model * About the Relational DBMS SELECTION & SETUP OF THE DATABASE INTERFACE * Considering Available Tools * Selecting the Appropriate Tool * Oracle Net Database Connections * Oracle PAAS Database Connections * Setup SQL Developer * Setup SQL*Plus * Setup Jdeveloper USING THE DATABASE INTERFACE * About Bind & Substitution Variables * Using SQL Developer * Using SQL*Plus INTRODUCTION TO THE SQL LANGUAGE * About the SQL Language * Characteristics of SQL * Introducing SQL Using Select * SQL Rules THE SELECT STATEMENT * The Select Statement * Distinct/Unique Keyword * Using Alias Names RESTRICTING RESULTS WITH THE WHERE CLAUSE * About Logical Operators * Equality Operator * Boolean Operators * REGEXP_LIKE() * In Operator SORTING DATA WITH THE ORDER BY CLAUSE * About the Order by Clause * Multiple Column Sorts * Specify the Sort Sequence * About Null Values within Sorts * Using Column Aliases PSEUDO COLUMNS, FUNCTIONS & TOP-N QUERIES * Rowid Pseudo Column * ORA_ROWSCN PSEUDO Column * ROWNUM Pseudo Column * About the Built-In Functions * SYSDATE * User & UID * SESSIONTIMEZONE Function * Using the Dual Table * Row Limiting & Top-N Queries * FETCH First x Rows Only Clause * OFFSET x Rows Clause * FETCH?PERCENT Clause * The WITH TIES Option JOINING TABLES * About Joins * Inner Joins * Reflexive Join * Non-Key Join * Outer Join USING THE SET OPERATORS * About the Set Operators * SQL Set Operator Examples * UNION Example * INTERECT Example * MINUS Example * UNION All SUMMARY FUNCTIONS USING SUB-QUERIES * Finding Data with Sub-Queries * Standard Sub-Queries * Correlated Sub-Queries * The EXISTS Operator AGGREGATING DATA WITHIN GROUPS * About Summary Groups * Find Groups within the Tables * Select Data From the Base Tables * Select Groups from the Results USE DDL TO CREATE & MANAGE TABLES * Create Table Statement * Column Data Types * Not Null * Default * Describe * Alter Table Statement * Drop Table Statement * Table DDL Using SQL Developer * Alter User Statement * Alter Session Statement * NLS_Language * NLS_Date USE DML TO MANIPULATE DATA * The Insert Statement * The Delete Statement * The Update Statement * About Transactions * Transaction Rollback * Transaction Commit * Transaction Savepoint * The Set Transaction Statement * Set Transaction Read Only Statement Rules UNDERSTANDING THE DATA MODELS * The Company Data Model * The Electronics Data Model ABOUT THE SQL-99 STANDARD * SQL-92 & SQL-99 * Cross Joins * Natural Joins * Inner Joins * Implicit Inner Join * Outer Joins * Anti Joins * Named Sub-Queries * ENHANCING GROUPS WITH ROLLUP & CUBE * Using Rollup * The Grouping() Function * Using Cube SQL FUNCTIONS: CHARACTER HANDLING * What are the SQL Functions? * String Formatting Functions * UPPER(), LOWER() Example * INITCAP() Example * Character Codes Functions * CHR((), ASCII() Examples * PAD & TRIM Functions * RPAD() Example * RTRIM() Example * TRIM() Example * String Manipulation Functions * DECODE () Example * SUBSTR() Example * INSTR() Example * TRANSLATE() Example * REPLACE() Example * String Comparison Functions * LEAST() Example * Phonetic Search Function * SOUNDEX() Example SQL FUNCTIONS: NUMERIC HANDLING * About the Numeric Data Functions * GREATEST() Example * ABS() Example * ROUND() Example * TRUNC() Example * SIGN() Example * TO_NUMBER() Example & Data ype Conversions * NULL VALUES FUNCTIONS * NVL() & NVL2() Function * NVL() Example (Character) * NVL() Example (Numeric Loss of Data) * NVL() Example (Numeric Output) * NVL2() Example * COALESCE() Function * NULLIF() Function SQL FUNCTIONS: DATE HANDLING * Date Formatting Functions * TO_CHAR() & TO_DATE() Format Patterns * TO_CHAR() Examples * TO_DATE() Examples * EXTRACT() Example * Date Arithmetic Functions * MONTHS_BETWEEN() Example * ADD_MONTHS() Example * LAST_DAY() Example * NEXT_DAY() Example * TRUNC(), ROUND() Dates Example * NEW_ TIME() Example * About V$TIMEZONE_NAMES * CAST() FUNCTION & TIME ZONES DATABASE OBJECTS: ABOUT DATABASE OBJECTS * About Database Objects * About Schemas * Making Object References DATABASE OBJECTS: RELATIONAL VIEWS * About Relations Views * The Create View Statement * Why Use Views? * Accessing Views with DML * Maintaining View Definitions * Alter View * Drop View * DDL Using SQL Developer * DATABASE OBJECTS: INDEXES * About Indexes * Create & Drop Index Statements * Indexes & Performance * Data Dictionary Storage DATABASE OBJECTS: CREATING OTHER OBJECTS * About Sequences * Referencing NEXTVAL * Referencing CURRVAL * Within the DEFAULT Clause * Alter Sequence & Drop Sequence * ALTER SEQUENCE * DROP SEQUENCE * About Identity Columns * CREATE TABLE?GENERATED AS IDENTITY * ALTER TABLE?GENERATED AS IDENTITY * Start With Limit Value * ALTER TABLE...DROP IDENTITY * About Synonyms * CREATE & DROP SYNONYM Statements * CREATE SYNONYM * DROP SYNONYM * Public Vs Private Synonyms * CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION DATABASE OBJECTS: OBJECT MANAGEMENT USING DDL * The RENAME Statement * TABLESPACE Placement * CREATE TABLE?TABLESPACE * The Comment Statement * The TRUNCATE TABLE Statement DATABASE OBJECTS: SECURITY * About Object Security * Grant Object Privileges * Revoke Object Privileges * Object Privileges & SQL Developer DATA INTEGRITY USING CONSTRAINTS * About Constraints * NOT NULL Constraint * NOT NULL Example * CHECK Constraint * UNIQUE Constraint * PRIMARY KEY Constraint * REFERENCES Constraint * ON DELETE CASCADE Example * ON DELETE SET NULL Example * Constraints on Existing Tables * Constraints & SQL Developer MANAGING CONSTRAINT DEFINITIONS * RENAMING & DROPPING Constraints * ENABLING & DISABLING Constraints * DEFERRED Constraint Enforcement * SET CONSTRAINTS * Handling Constraint Exceptions * Constraints with Views * DATA Dictionary Storage THE DATA DICTIONARY STRUCTURE * More About the Data Dictionary * OBJECT-SPECIFIC Dictionary Views * USER_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS * The Dictionary Structure * METADATA & SQL Developer ADDITIONAL COURSE DETAILS: Nexus Humans Oracle 12c SQL Fundamentals training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the Oracle 12c SQL Fundamentals course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.

Oracle 12c SQL Fundamentals
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

CV862 IBM DB2 11 for zOS Implementation Workshop

By Nexus Human

Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for Anyone responsible for maintaining, installing or migrating DB2 10 for z/OS to DB2 11 for z/OS, or installing DB2 11 for z/OS. Overview After completing this course, you should be able to:Prepare z/OS TSO environment to run the Install CLISTProvide appropriate parameters for the Install CLISTExecute the Install CLISTDefine DB2 10 for z/OS Define VSAM catalog and aliasDefine system data sets and databasesInitialize system data sets and databasesDefine DB2 10 for z/OS initialization parametersDefine user authorization exitsRecord DB2 11 for z/OS data to SMFEstablish subsystem securityVerify the DB2 10 for z/OS installationUpdate subsystem parametersCreate a new subsystem parameter moduleMigrate DB2 10 for z/OS to DB2 11 for z/OS Conversion ModeEnable DB2 11 for z/OS New Function ModeVerify migrationConvert the BSDS and Catalog/Directory to 10-byte RBA and LRSN usage This course is for installers of DB2 10 z/OS and/or migration to DB2 11 for z/OS using the Install CLIST. The participants are involved in lectures that explain DB2 11 components and pointers, and the processes used to install or migrate from DB2 10. COURSE OUTLINE * Installation preparation for DB2 10 for z/OS * Installation CLIST * Installing the DB2 10 subsystem * Verification of DB2 10 with the sample applications * Performing parameter update * Migrating to DB2 11 conversion mode * DB2 10 enabling-new-function and new-function modes * Verification of DB2 11 with the sample applications * 10-byte RBA and LRSN (new) ADDITIONAL COURSE DETAILS: Nexus Humans CV862 IBM DB2 11 for zOS Implementation Workshop training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the CV862 IBM DB2 11 for zOS Implementation Workshop course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.

CV862 IBM DB2 11 for zOS Implementation Workshop
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Oracle 19c PL/SQL Fundamentals (TTOR12019)

By Nexus Human

Duration 3 Days 18 CPD hours This course is intended for This course is geared for anyone needing to interface with an Oracle database such as end users, business analysts, application developers and database administrators / DBAs. Overview Working within in a hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, attendees will develop a practical approach to Oracle Database Technology. Throughout the course participants will explore: Using PL/SQL programming language for database applications and development incorporating PL/SQL modules within the application architecture from the initial design and planning phase The essentials of building executable PL/SQL program units Each of the major segments of a working program and how these interact with each other during program execution Important error or exception handling capabilities of the language. How database-resident program units can be used as part of the overall database application architecture Applying these new skills to the development of PL/SQL packages. Advanced database programming capabilities and benefits How database triggers can be used as part of an advanced database application design Oracle 19c PL/SQL Fundamentals is a three-day, hands-on course that introduces Oracle database programming using the PL/SQL programming language. Throughout the course students will explore the core syntax, structure and features of the language. This course will also lay the foundation for the entire Oracle PL/SQL programming series, allowing one to progress from introductory topics to advanced application design and programming and finally onto writing complex high-performance applications. The course also explores applying the newly learned skills to the development of database applications. Participants will learn how to use database-resident stored program units such as procedures, functions, packages and database triggers. Students will also learn about the latest features in Oracle 19c. SELECTION & SETUP OF THE DATABASE INTERFACE * Considering Available Tools * Selecting the Appropriate Tool * Oracle Net Database Connections * Oracle PAAS Database Connections * Setup SQL Developer * Setup SQL *Plus * Setup JDeveloper * About BIND and Substitution Variables * Using SQL Developer * Using SQL *Plus CHOOSING A DATABASE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE * What is Database Programming * PL/SQL Programming * PL/SQL Performance Advantages * Integration with Other Languages PL/SQL LANGUAGE ESSENTIALS * PL/SQL Program Structure * Language Syntax Rules * Embedding SQL * Writing Readable Code * Generating Readable Code * Generating Database Output * SQL * Plus Input of Program Block DECLARE SECTION * About the Declare Section * Declare Primitive Types * Declaration Options * Not Null * Constant * Data Dictionary Integration * % Type * Declare Simple User-Defined Types * Type ? Table * Type ? Record * Extended User Defined Types BEGIN SECTION * About the Begin Section * Manipulating Program Data * Logic Control & Braching * GOTO * LOOP * IF-THEN-ELSE * CASE EXCEPTION SECTION * About the Exception Section * Isolating the Specific Exception * Pragma Exception_INIT * SQLCODE &SQLERRM Example * SQL%ROWCOUNT & Select ? Into BEYOND THE BASICS : EXPLICIT CURSORS * About Explicit Cursors * Extend Cursor Techniques * For Update of Clause * Where Current of Clause * Using for ? Loop Cursors INTRODUCTION DATABASE RESIDENT PROGRAMMING UNITS * About Database ? Resident Programs * Physical Storage & Execution * Types of Stored Program Units * Stored Program Unit Advantages * Modular Design Principles CREATING STORED PROCEDURES AND FUNCTIONS * Stored Procedures & Functions * Create Procedure / Create Function * Creating Procedures & Functions * Raise_Salary() Procedure * Salary_Valid() function * The Parameter Specification * Default Clause * System & Object Privileges * Using the Development Tools EXECUTING STORED PROCEDURES AND FUNCTIONS * Calling Procedures & Functions * Unit Testing with Execute * Anonymous Block Unit Testing * Specifying a Parameter Notation * SQL Worksheet Unit Testing * Calling Functions from SQL MAINTAINING STORED PROGRAMMING UNITS * Recompiling Programs * Mass Recompilation Using UTL_RECOMP() * Dropping Procedures & Functions * Drop Procedures & Functions * Drop Procedure / Function * Data Dictionary Metadata * Using USER_OBJECTS * Using USER_SOURCE * Using USER_ERRORS * Using USER_OBJECT_SIZE * Using USER_DEPENDENCIES MANAGING DEPENDENCIES * Dependency Internals * Tracking Dependencies * The Dependency Tracking Utility * SQL Developer Dependency Info * Dependency Strategy Checklists CREATING & MAINTAINING * About Packages * Creating Packages * Maintaining Packages * Performance Considerations ADVANCED PACKAGE CAPABILITIES * Definer & Invoker Rights * White Lists & Accessible By * Persistent Global Objects * Defining Initilization Logic * Object Orientation Support ADVANCED CURSOR TECHNIQUES * Using Cursor Variables * Using SYS_REFCURSOR * Using Cursor Expressions USING SYSTEM SUPPLIED PACKAGES * DBMS_OUTPUT() * UTL_FILE() * FOPEN() Example DATABASE TRIGGER CONCEPTS * About Database Triggers * DML Event Trigger Sub-Types * Database Trigger Scenario * Trigger Exhaustion Mechanisms * Trigger within SQL Worksheet CREATING DATABASE TRIGGERS * Statement Level Triggers * Using Raise Application_Error() * Row-Level Triggers * Examples of Triggers * Employee_Salary_Check Example * Employee_Journal Example * Budget_Event Example * Instead of Triggers * Triggers within and Application MAINTAINING DATABASE TRIGGERS * Call Syntax * Trigger Maintenance Tasks * Show Errors Trigger * Drop Trigger * Alter Trigger * Multiple Triggers for a Table * Handling Mutating Table Issues IMPLEMENTING SYSTEM EVENT TRIGGERS * What are System Event Triggers * Defining the Scope * Available System Events * System Event Attributes

Oracle 19c PL/SQL Fundamentals (TTOR12019)
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Oracle 19c Database Backup and Recovery (TTOR21619)

By Nexus Human

Duration 3 Days 18 CPD hours This course is intended for This hands-on course is geared for experienced DBAs already working with Oracle. Overview This course combines expert lecture, real-world demonstrations and group discussions with machine-based practical labs and exercises. Working in a hands-on learning environment led by our expert facilitator, you'll learn how to: Implement backup and recovery settings and perform backup operations to the media of your choice. Move data between databases and files Use Oracle Database recovery processes to recover from media and other failures. Diagnose and repair data failures Use flashback technologies and data duplication to complement backup and recovery procedures Secure the availability of their database using backup and recovery strategies Geared for DBAs and other technical support staff, Oracle Database 19c Backup and Recovery is a hands-on course that allows you to develop appropriate backup and recovery procedures to address their business model and requirements. Throughout the course you?ll explore how to implement basic backup and recovery procedures, move data between databases and files, and employ basic monitoring procedures. You?ll also learn how to secure the availability of a database by using appropriate backup and recovery strategies, how to how to perform backup and recovery operations using RMAN, and how to use Flashback features to recover from human error. This course combines expert lecture, real-world demonstrations and group discussions with machine-based practical labs and exercises. Working in a hands-on learning environment led by our expert facilitator, you?ll learn how to:Implement backup and recovery settings and perform backup operations to the media of your choice.Move data between databases and filesUse Oracle Database recovery processes to recover from media and other failures.Diagnose and repair data failuresUse flashback technologies and data duplication to complement backup and recovery proceduresSecure the availability of their database using backup and recovery strategies BACKUP METHODS * User Managed Backups * Oracle Managed Backups Types of Failures * Types of Recoveries RECOVERY CONFIGURATION * Configuring the Database for Archivelog * Configuring the Database for No-Archivelog * Configuring the Flash Recovery Area CONFIGURING RMAN * RMAN Default Settings * Command Line * Enterprise Manager RMAN BACKUPS * Full RMAN Backup * Compressed Backups * Uncompressed Backups * Partial RMAN Backup * Incremental Backups * Change Tracking File MANAGING BACKUPS * Backup Reports * Backup Maintenance * Backup Catalog * Backup Crosscheck RMAN COMPLETE RECOVERY * RMAN Complete Recovery * Database Recovery * Tablespace Recovery * Datafile Recovery RMAN IN-COMPLETE RECOVERY * Time Based Recovery * Sequence Based Recovery * SCN Based Recovery NON-DATABASE FILE RECOVERY * Spfile Recovery * Controlfile Recovery * Incremental Recovery * Flash Recovery Area for a Fast Recovery USER MANAGED BACKUP * Configuring User Managed Backups * Perform a User Managed Backup USER MANAGED RECOVERY * User Managed Complete Recovery * User Managed Incomplete Recovery CONFIGURING FLASHBACK * Flashback Query * Flashback Drop * Flashback Database PERFORMING FLASHBACK RECOVERIES * Flashback Query * Flashback Drop * Flashback Transaction Query * Flashback Versions Query PERFORMING FLASHBACK DATABASE * Determining the FRA Size * FRA Retention * Performing a Flashback Database RMAN DUPLICATE COMMAND * Setting up for a Duplicate Database * Creating the Duplicate spfiles * Performing the Duplicate Command. RMAN RECOVERY CATALOG * Configuring for the Recovery Catalog * Creating the Recovery Catalog BACKUPS WITH THE RECOVERY CATALOG * Registering the Database with the Recovery Catalog * Performing Backups with the Recovery Catalog RECOVERIES WITH THE RECOVERY CATALOG * Identifying Type of Recoveries with the Recovery Catalog * Performing Recoveries with the Recovery Catalog RECOVERY CATALOG MAINTENANCE * Registering Additional Databases with the Recovery Catalog * Cataloging Additional Backups with the Recovery Catalog * Recovery Catalog Scripts DATAPUMP * Configuring Datapump * DataPump Exports * DataPump Imports TUNING RMAN * RMAN Sessions * RMAN Channels * RMAN Job Progress ADDITIONAL COURSE DETAILS: Nexus Humans Oracle 19c Database Backup and Recovery (TTOR21619) training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the Oracle 19c Database Backup and Recovery (TTOR21619) course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.

Oracle 19c Database Backup and Recovery (TTOR21619)
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Oracle 19c Database Tuning (TTOR21519)

By Nexus Human

Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for This intermediate-level course requires students have incoming experience working with Oracle Database 18 or higher. Overview Working in a hands-on learning environment led by our expert facilitator, you'll explore: The Oracle Database Architecture Query Optimizer Tuning Container Databases and Pluggable Databases Oracle 19c Tuning features Evaluating Execution Plans Oracle Tuning Tools Using Automatic Workload Repository Join Types AWR Using Baselines Additional AWR performance tools Optimizer Statistics Monitoring a Service Bind Variables and database parameters Oracle's Real Application Testing (RAT) SQL Tuning Advisor Automatic Sql Tuning Sql Plan Management Shared Pool Tuning Tuning the database buffer cache Tuning the PGA (Program Global Area) Automatic Memory Management (AMM) Tuning Segment Space Utilization (ASSM) Automatic Storage Management Oracle 19C Database Tuning is an intermediate level course for Oracle database experienced attendees that explores core tuning skills such as Database parameters, SQL Tuning Advisor, SQL Access Advisor, Adaptive SQL plans and more. OVERVIEW ORACLE DATABASE ARCHITECTURE * Instance Definition * Define SGA * Define Background Processes * Datafile Definition QUERY OPTIMIZER * SQL Parsing * Optimizing Terms * Optimizing Methods * Query Plan Generation * Query Plan Control TUNING CONTAINER DATABASES AND PLUGGABLE DATABASES * Pluggable tuning parameters * Define Container tuning structure * Using PDB$SEED * Create a new PDB * Plug and unplug a PDB ORACLE 12C TUNING FEATURES * Identifying and Using Oracle's Heat Map * 12c Compression Levels and Types EVALUATING EXECUTION PLANS * Defining SQL execution plans * Automatic Workload Repository * Reading execution plans ORACLE TUNING TOOLS * Monitoring tools overview * Enterprise Manager * Dynamic Performance Views * Automatic Workload Repository * Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor * Sql Tuning Advisor * SQL Access Advisor * Sql Access Advisor * DB operation Tuning * DB operation Active Reporting USING AUTOMATIC WORKLOAD REPOSITORY * Defining AWR * AWR Settings * Creating AWR Baselines METRICS, ALERTS, AND THRESHOLDS * Defining Metrics * Setting Alerts * Setting Corrective Actions * User Defined Metrics * Metric Dynamic Views JOIN TYPES * Nested Loops Join * Sort Merge join * Hash Join and Cartesian Join * Equijoins and Nonequijoins * Outer Joins * Semijoins AWR USING BASELINES * Creating AWR baselines * Creating AWR Repeating baselines * Moving Window Baseline ADDITIONAL AWR PERFORMANCE TOOLS * Automatic Maintenance Tasks * Segment Advisor * Statistics Gathering * Automatic Tuning Optimizer * Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor * Active Session History (ASH) OPTIMIZER STATISTICS * Optimizer Statistics Overview * Table and Index Statistics * Statistic Preferences * Statistics Gathering * e) Locking Statistics, Export/Import Statistics * Pending and published statistics * Optimizer Hints * Optimizer Paths * Cost Base Optimization MONITORING A SERVICE * Overview of what is an Oracle Service * Creating an Oracle Service for Single instance and RAC * Monitoring a Service * Resource Management and a Service * Enterprise Manager and a Service BIND VARIABLES AND DATABASE PARAMETERS * Bind variable definition * Cursor_sharing parameter * Adaptive Cursor Sharing ORACLE'S REAL APPLICATION TESTING (RAT) * Sql Performance Analyzer overview * Sql Performance Analyzer Options * Database Parameter changes * Database version changes * Creating SQL Tuning Sets * Database Replay Overview * Database Replay Configuration * Database Replay Options SQL TUNING ADVISOR * SQL Tuning Advisor: Overview * SQL Tuning Advisor Limited Mode * Sql Tuning Advisor Comprehensive mode * Sql Tuning Profiles SQL ACCESS ADVISOR * SQL Access Advisor: Overview * Sql Access Advisor options * SQL Access Advisor and Sql Tuning Sets * Sql Access Advisor and AWR * Results and Implementation AUTOMATIC SQL TUNING * Automatic Sql Tuning Maintenance Task * Automatic Tuning Optimization implementation(ATO) * Automatic Tuning Optimization Results * Enable/Disable Automatic Tuning Optimization SQL PLAN MANAGEMENT * Sql plan Management and baseline overview * Enable sql plan management * Loading Sql Plan baselines into the SGA * Adaptive plan management SHARED POOL TUNING * Shared pool architecture * Shared pool parameters * Library Cache * Dictionary cache * Large pool considerations and contents TUNING THE DATABASE BUFFER CACHE * Database buffer cache overview * Database buffer cache parameters * Oracle and Dirty reads and writes * Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM) * Buffer Cache goals and responsibility * Buffer Cache pools TUNING THE PGA (PROGRAM GLOBAL AREA) * PGA Overview * PGA Database Parameters * Temporary Segments * Temporary Tablespace * Sizing the PGA AUTOMATIC MEMORY MANAGEMENT (AMM) * Oracle's Automatic Memory Management Overview * Database Auto-tuned Parameters * Database Non Auto-tuned Parameters * Automatic Memory Management Hints and Sizing suggestions * AMM versus ASMM TUNING SEGMENT SPACE UTILIZATION (ASSM) * Overview of Automatic Segment Space Management * Defining the DB_BLOCK_SIZE * Defining DB_nk_CACHE_SIZE parameter * The DB_BLOCK_SIZE Parameter * Overview of table compression, block chaining, and block migration AUTOMATIC STORAGE MANAGEMENT * Overview of ASM * Definition of Grid Infrastructure * ASM Instance * ASM Diskgroups * ASM Diskgroup parameters and templates * ASMCMD

Oracle 19c Database Tuning (TTOR21519)
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Oracle 19c New Features (TTOR20019)

By Nexus Human

Duration 3 Days 18 CPD hours Overview Our engaging instructors and mentors are highly-experienced practitioners who bring years of current 'on-the-job' experience into every classroom. Working within in a hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, attendees will explore: New Features Overview Multitenant New Features Security Features Cloud Services Networking Globalization Big Data Support Database Installation and Configuration Database Tuning Backup and Recovery Oracle 19c New Features is a hands-on course that explores the newest features such as Big Data Enhancements, Security, Multitenant features, Oracle Cloud Services, Networking, and much more. Oracle is one of the leading databases in industry today. Learn what their latest flagship product has to offer from industry experts. ORACLE 19C NEW FEATURES OVERVIEW * Introduction to Oracle 19c New Features ORACLE 19C MULTITENANT NEW FEATURES * Refreshable PDB Switchover * PDB Integration with Data Guard * PDB Snapshot Carousel * CDB Fleet Management ORACLE 19C SECURITY FEATURES * Profile Lockdown * Create a User Defined Master Encryption Key * Encrypted Passwords in Database Links and Data Pump * Create Keystores for Pluggable Databases * Datapump and Unified Auditing * Schema Only Accounts ORACLE 19C CLOUD SERVICES * Oracle IaaS * Oracle Saas * Oracle PaaS ORACLE 19C NETWORKING * Database Connection Manager * Database Proxy Support * Tenant Isolation ORACLE 19C GLOBALIZATION * New globalization for Bind Variables * New Database Local Support * Additional Unicode Support BIG DATA SUPPORT * New Analytic Support * Data Mining Data Warehouse * Additional Parallel Processing Support * Inline External Tables DATABASE INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION * Zero Downtime Upgrades * Dry Run Command implementation * New location for Password File * Improved Bulk Operations DATABASE TUNING * SQL Tuning Advisor and Exadata * New SQL Tuning Set API * Concurrent SQL and Sql Performance Analyzer * Database In Memory Features * In Memory Support for External Tables * In Memory Features for Analytics ORACLE 19C BACKUP AND RECOVERY * Active Pluggable Cloning * Pluggable and non Pluggable Database Migration ADDITIONAL COURSE DETAILS: Nexus Humans Oracle 19c New Features (TTOR20019) training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the Oracle 19c New Features (TTOR20019) course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.

Oracle 19c New Features (TTOR20019)
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Oracle Database 12c: PL/SQL I - Introduction

By Nexus Human

Duration 4.375 Days 26.25 CPD hours This course is intended for The target audience for this course is all Oracle professionals. Among the specific groups for whom this course will be helpful are: Application designers and database developers Database administrators Web server administrators Overview This eTextbook begins with an explanation of the intent and usage of the PL/SQL programming language for database applications. Important reasons why one should incorporate PL/SQL modules within the application architecture right from the initial design and planning phase are presented. Next one learns how to begin building executable PL/SQL program units. One learns about each of the major segments of a working program and how these interact with each other during program execution, including the important error or exception handling capabilities of the language. The final section goes beyond the basics and begins to explore advanced topics that will be useful later in the Sideris Oracle PL/SQL developer textbook series. One learns techniques and features that allow modular and reusable programs to be developed, increasing productivity and maintainability of database applications. his eTextbook introduces one to Oracle database programming using the PL/SQL programming language. One will learn the syntax, structure and features of the language. This textbook will also lay the foundation for the entire Sideris Oracle PL/SQL programming series, allowing one to progress from introductory topics to advanced application design and programming and finally onto writing complex high-performance applications. his eTextbook introduces one to Oracle database programming using the PL/SQL programming language. One will learn the syntax, structure and features of the language. This textbook will also lay the foundation for the entire Sideris Oracle PL/SQL programming series, allowing one to progress from introductory topics to advanced application design and programming and finally onto writing complex high-performance applications.

Oracle Database 12c: PL/SQL I - Introduction
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Oracle 19c SQL Programming Fundamentals (TTOR11019)

By Nexus Human

Duration 3 Days 18 CPD hours This course is intended for This course is appropriate for anyone needing to interface with an Oracle database or those needing a general understanding of Oracle database functionality. That would include end users, business analysts, application developers and database administrators. Overview Working in a hands-on learning environment led by our expert pracitioner you'll learn how to: Add Data, Retrieve, Sort and Organize a SQL Database Combine Data, Set Operators and Subqueries Manipulate Data and Data Definition Languages in SQL Work with Data Dictionary Views and Create Sequences, Indexes and Views Use Database Objects and Subqueries Perform Data and access control Perform other Advanced Level Database operations. Oracle 19C SQL Programming Fundamentals Is a three-day, hands-on course designed to equip you with the fundamental skills needed to set up, run and manage SQL databases using Oracle Database Technology. You will also be discovering all the tools and concepts required to organize data efficiently. Our engaging instructors and mentors are highly-experienced practitioners who bring years of current 'on-the-job' experience into every classroom. Working within in a hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, attendees will develop a practical approach to Oracle Database Technology. Throughout the course, you will learn the key elements of a database, and the way Oracle systems facilitate their induction in the system. You?ll also learn the tools and strategies you can implement to store, retrieve, compare and organize data according to your requirements. You?ll also explore the process of creating simple to complex reports from existing data. By the end of this course, you will also have hands-on knowledge of SQL systems that are required to proceed to other advanced to professional programs. ADDING DATA, RETRIEVING, SORTING AND ORGANIZING A SQL DATABASE * The building blocks of a database. * How to add data to the database. * The process of retrieving data using SQL functions. * Multiple methods of sorting and organizing data. * Using SQL functions to get the required simple to complex output. * Various strategies for using functions and conditions to organize data. COMBINING DATA, SET OPERATORS AND SUBQUERIES * Consolidating data using multiple functions and group operators. * Fetching intelligent data reports using simple functions. * Fetching data from multiple sources in the tables. * Using Subqueries to compile data as required. * Using Set operators to create smart data reports. DATA MANIPULATION AND DATA DEFINITION LANGUAGES IN SQL * Describing and managing data transaction using Data Definition Language. * Categorize and review data tables using Data Definition Language. DATA DICTIONARY VIEWS AND CREATING SEQUENCES, INDEXES AND VIEWS * How to manage and query Data Dictionary Views. * The process of creating and using Sequences. * How to create various types of Synonyms and Indexes. * Creating simple and complex views and retrieving data. UNDERSTANDING AND USING DATABASE OBJECTS AND SUBQUERIES * Core concept and application of Schema Objects. * Fetching required data with Subqueries. * Using Subqueries to organize Data in SQL. DATA AND ACCESS CONTROL * Assigning and revoking data access. * Managing data access control according to user levels. PERFORMING ADVANCED LEVEL DATABASE OPERATIONS. * Using advanced functions and performing data queries. * Creating and managing time zone-based databases.

Oracle 19c SQL Programming Fundamentals (TTOR11019)
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Oracle Database 12c - Performance Management and Tuning

By Nexus Human

Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for Data Warehouse AdministratorDatabase Administrators Overview Use the Oracle Database tuning methodology appropriate to the available toolsUtilize database advisors to proactively tune an Oracle Database InstanceUse the tools based on the Automatic Workload Repository to tune the databaseDiagnose and tune common SQL related performance problemsDiagnose and tune common Instance related performance problemsUse Enterprise Manager performance-related pages to monitor an Oracle DatabaseGain an understanding of the Oracle Database Cloud Service In the Oracle Database 12c: Performance Management and Tuning course, learn about the performance analysis and tuning tasks expected of a DBA: proactive management through built-in performance analysis features and tools, diagnosis and tuning of the Oracle Database instance components, and diagnosis and tuning of SQL-related performance issues. In this course, you will be introduced to Oracle Database Cloud Service. INTRODUCTION * Course Objectives * Course Organization * Course Agenda * Topics Not Included in the Course * Who Tunes? * What Does the DBA Tune? * How to Tune * Tuning Methodology BASIC TUNING DIAGNOSTICS * Performance Tuning Diagnostics * Performance Tuning Tools * Tuning Objectives * Top Timed Events * DB Time * CPU and Wait Time Tuning Dimensions * Time Model * Dynamic Performance Views USING AUTOMATIC WORKLOAD REPOSITORY * Automatic Workload Repository Overview * Automatic Workload Repository Data * Enterprise Manager Cloud Control and AWR * Snapshots * Reports * Compare Periods DEFINING THE SCOPE OF PERFORMANCE ISSUES * Defining the Problem * Limiting the Scope * Setting the Priority * Top SQL Reports * Common Tuning Problems * Tuning During the Life Cycle * ADDM Tuning Session * Performance Versus Business Requirements USING METRICS AND ALERTS * Metrics and Alerts Overview * Limitation of Base Statistics * Benefits of Metrics * Viewing Metric History Information * Viewing Histograms * Server-Generated Alerts * Setting Thresholds * Metrics and Alerts Views USING BASELINES * Comparative Performance Analysis with AWR Baselines * Automatic Workload Repository Baselines * Moving Window Baseline * Baselines in Performance Page Settings * Baseline Templates * AWR Baseslines * Creating AWR Baselines * Managing Baselines with PL/SQL USING AWR-BASED TOOLS * Automatic Maintenance Tasks * ADDM Performance Monitoring * Using Compare Periods ADDM * Active Session History * New or Enhanced Automatic Workload Repository Views * Emergency Monitoring * Real-time ADDM REAL-TIME DATABASE OPERATION MONITORING * Overview * Use Cases * Defining a Database Operation * Scope of a Composite Database Operation * Database Operation Concepts * Identifying a Database Operation * Enabling Monitoring of Database Operations * Identifying, Starting, and Completing a Database Operation MONITORING APPLICATIONS * What is a Service? * Service Attributes * Service Types * Creating Services * Managing Services in a Single-Instance Environment * Where are Services Used? * Using Services with Client Applications * Services and Pluggable Databases IDENTIFYING PROBLEM SQL STATEMENTS * SQL Statement Processing Phases * Role of the Oracle Optimizer * Identifying Bad SQL * Top SQL Reports * SQL Monitoring * What is an Execution Plan? * Methods for Viewing Execution Plans * Uses of Execution Plans INFLUENCING THE OPTIMIZER * Functions of the Query Optimizer * Selectivity * Cardinality and Cost * Changing Optimizer Behavior * Optimizer Statistics * Extended Statistics * Controlling the Behavior of the Optimizer with Parameters * Enabling Query Optimizer Features REDUCING THE COST OF SQL OPERATIONS * Reducing the Cost * Index Maintenance * SQL Access Advisor * Table Maintenance for Performance * Table Reorganization Methods * Space Management * Extent Management * Data Storage USING SQL PERFORMANCE ANALYZER * Real Application Testing: Overview * Real Application Testing: Use Cases * SQL Performance Analyzer: Process * Capturing the SQL Workload * Creating a SQL Performance Analyzer Task * SQL Performance Analyzer: Tasks * Parameter Change * SQL Performance Analyzer Task Page SQL PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT * Maintaining SQL Performance * Maintaining Optimizer Statistics * Automated Maintenance Tasks * Statistic Gathering Options * Setting Statistic Preferences * Restore Statistics * Deferred Statistics Publishing * Automatic SQL Tuning USING DATABASE REPLAY * Using Database Replay * The Big Picture * System Architecture * Capture Considerations * Replay Considerations: Preparation * Replay Considerations * Replay Options * Replay Analysis TUNING THE SHARED POOL * Shared Pool Architecture * Shared Pool Operation * The Library Cache * Latch and Mutex * Diagnostic Tools for Tuning the Shared Pool * Avoiding Hard Parses * Reducing the Cost of Soft Parses * Sizing the Shared Pool TUNING THE BUFFER CACHE * Oracle Database Architecture: Buffer Cache * Buffer Cache: Highlights * Database Buffers * Buffer Hash Table for Lookups * Working Sets * Buffer Cache Tuning Goals and Techniques * Buffer Cache Performance Symptoms * Buffer Cache Performance Solutions TUNING PGA AND TEMPORARY SPACE * SQL Memory Usage * Performance Impact * Automatic PGA Memory * SQL Memory Manager * Configuring Automatic PGA Memory * Setting PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET Initially * Limiting the size of the Program Global Area (PGA) * SQL Memory Usage AUTOMATIC MEMORY * Oracle Database Architecture * Dynamic SGA * Granule * Memory Advisories * Manually Adding Granules to Components * Increasing the Size of an SGA Component * Automatic Shared Memory Management: Overview * SGA Sizing Parameters: Overview PERFORMANCE TUNING SUMMARY WITH WAITS * Commonly Observed Wait Events * Additional Statistics * Top 10 Mistakes Found in Customer Systems * Symptoms ORACLE DATABASE CLOUD SERVICE: OVERVIEW * Database as a Service Architecture, Features and Tooling * Software Editions: Included Database Options and Management Packs * Accessing the Oracle Database Cloud Service Console Automated Database Provisioning * Managing the Compute Node Associated With a Database Deployment * Managing Network Access to Database as a Service Scaling a Database Deployment * Performance Management in the Database Cloud Environment * Performance Monitoring and Tuning * What Can be Tuned in a DBCS Environment?

Oracle Database 12c - Performance Management and Tuning
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry