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Educators providing NoSQL courses in Manchester

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MySQL Performance & Tuning


By Systems & Network Training

MYSQL PERFORMANCE & TUNING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This MySQL Performance & Tuning course is designed for Database Administrators, Application Developers and Technical Consultants who need to monitor and tune the performance of MySQL servers and databases. The course provides practical experience in monitoring and tuning MySQL servers and databases. Note: This MySQL Performance & Tuning course does not cover clustering (other than at overview level), replication or non-standard storage engines such as Falcon and PBXT. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Develop a monitoring and tuning plan * Use server configuration and status variables. * Identify and improve problem queries. * Make efficient use of indexes. * Monitor and size memory caches and locks. * Tune the MyISAM and InnoDB storage engine. * Evaluate the use of partitioning for performance. MYSQL PERFORMANCE & TUNING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone who wishes to monitor and tune MySQL performance. * Prerequisites: Delegates must have a working knowledge of MySQL Database Administration * Duration 3 days MYSQL PERFORMANCE & TUNING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction to performance tuning Tuning overview, Resolving performance issues, Recommended approach to tuning, Items to evaluate, Where to look, Planning a monitoring routine, Building a new database for performance, Tuning an existing database, Setting suitable goals. * MySQL performance tuning tools Administration tools, the information schema, performance-related SHOW commands, benchmarking tools, the MySQL performance schema, MonYog. Hands on Obtaining performance information. * Schema design Normalisation, de-normalisation, naming conventions, load generation, stress testing and benchmarking tools, selecting data types, data types, character sets, choosing storage engines. Hands on effects of design on performance. * Statement tuning Overview of statement tuning, identifying problem queries, the optimizer, explain, explain extended. Hands on identifying problem queries and using explain. * Indexes Index overview, Types of index, Index tuning, Indexes and joins. Hands on Indexes and performance. * Server configuration and monitoring Server configuration variables, server status variables, table cache, multi-threading, connection issues, query cache. Hands on setting and interpreting server variables and caching. * Locking Types of locking, locking and storage engines, effects of locking on performance. Hands on locking and performance. * The InnoDB engine Transactions, crash recovery, locking, monitoring InnoDB, caches and buffers, configuring data files, configuring the log files. Hands on InnoDB configuration and performance. * Other storage engines MyISAM engine, merge engine, archive engine, memory engine, blackhole engine, CSV engine, the Spider engine, the ColumnStore engine, the MyRocks engine, mixing sorage engines. Hands on storage engine performance. * Overview of clustering and performance Advantages of performance, advantages of clustering, performance issues and clustering, the NDBCluster engine, the Galera cluster, the Percona XtraDB cluster, MySQL InnoDB cluster, the federated engine, the federatedX engine, overview of other high availability techniques. NOSQL and Mencached overview. * Dumping and loading data SQL statements versus delimited data, parameters affecting dump performance, parameters affecting load performance. Hands on dump and load performance. * Partitioned tables Partitioned tables concepts, range partitioning, hash partitioning, key partitioning, list partitioning, composite partitioning or subpartitioning, partition pruning. Hands on partitioned table performance.

MySQL Performance & Tuning
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

MySQL for developers


By Systems & Network Training

MYSQL FOR DEVELOPERS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This MySQL Developers training course is designed for MySQL Developers who have a good understanding of a MySQL database and experience of using SQL commands. The course provides further practical experience in more advanced MySQL commands and SQL statements including Stored Routines, Triggers and Event Scheduling. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Provide the skills needed to write more advanced queries and database maintenance statements on a MySQL database. * Use advanced features of the MySQL Client. * Use advanced data types. * Manage the structure of databases and tables. * Manage and using indexes. * Write complex SQL query statements. * Use advanced SQL expressions. * Use advanced SQL functions. * Perform advanced Insert, Update, Delete, Replace and Truncate Operations. * Use user variable syntax and properties. * Import and export data from within MySQL. * Import and export data from the command line. * Perform complex joins to access multiple tables. * Perform complex subqueries. * Create, manage and us views. * Use prepared statements. * Create and use stored routines. * Create and use triggers. * Obtain database metadata. * Optimize queries. * Work with the main storage engines. * Debug MySQL applications. MYSQL FOR DEVELOPERS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: MySQL Developers who have a basic understanding of a MySQL database and SQL commands as covered on the Introduction to MySQL course. * Prerequisites: MySQL foundation * Duration 5 days MYSQL FOR DEVELOPERS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction Administration and Course Materials, Course Structure and Agenda, Delegate and Trainer Introductions. * Client/server concepts MySQL client/server architecture, Server modes, Using client programs, Logging in options, Configuration files, Precedence of logging in options Hands on Using client/server * The MySQL client program Using MySQL interactively, The MySQL prompts, Client commands and SQL statements, Editing, Selecting a database, Help, Safe updates, Using script files, Using a source file, Redirecting output into a file, Command line execution, Mysql output formats, Overriding the defaults, Html and xml output, MySQL Utilities. Hands on Using the MySQL client program * Data types Bit data type, Numeric data types, Auto_increment, Character string data types, Character sets and collation, Binary string data types, Enum and Set data types, Temporal data types, Timezone support, Handling Missing Or Invalid Data Values, SQL_MODE options. Hands on Using data types * Identifiers Using Quotes with identifier naming, Case sensitivity in Identifier naming, Qualifying columns with table and database names, Using reserved words as identifiers, Function names Hands on Using identifiers * Databases Database properties, Creating a database, Selecting a database, Altering databases, Dropping databases, Obtaining database metadata, The SHOW command, The INFORMATION_SCHEMA database, The SHOW CREATE command Hands on Using databases * Tables and indexes Table properties, Creating tables, Create table using Select or Like, Temporary tables and memory tables, Altering tables, Adding columns, Changing column widths and types, Renaming columns, Dropping columns, Adding constraints, Dropping constraints, Renaming tables, Change the table storage engine, Multiple alterations, Dropping tables, Emptying tables, Obtaining table metadata, Show create table, The information_schema, Index introduction, Structure of a mysql index, Creating and dropping indexes, Creating an index, Altering a table to add an index, Specifying index type, Dropping indexes, Obtaining Index Metadata. Hands on Creating, altering and dropping tables/indexes * Querying for data The SQL select statement and MySQL differences, Advanced order by, Order by and collation, Order by with enum datatype, Order by with Set datatype, Ordering with distinct and group by Special features of union, Limit and order by clauses, Group By clause, Group_concat, Using Rollup in a Group By clause. Hands on Querying for data * SQL Expressions and functions Components of expressions, Nulls, Numeric expressions, String expressions, Temporal expressions, Comparison functions, Flow control functions, Numeric functions, String functions, Temporal functions. Hands on Using expressions and functions * Updating data Update operations and privileges, Inserting rows, Insert using a set clause, Inserting duplicate values, Replacing rows, Updating rows, Update using the order by and limit clauses, Deleting rows, The delete and truncate statements. Exercise: Inserting, updating, replacing and deleting data * Connectors MySQL client interfaces, MySQL connectors, Oracle and community conectors, Connecting to MySQL server using Java and PHP connectors, MySQL and NoSQL, Innodb integration with memcached. * Obtaining database metadata What is metadata?, The mysqlshow utility, The show and describe commands, Describing tables, The information_schema, Listing tables, Listing columns, Listing views, Listing key_columns_usage. Hands on Obtaining database metadata * Debugging Mysql error messages, The show statement, Show errors, Show count(*) errors, Show warnings, Show count(*) warnings, Note messages, The perror utility. Hands on Debugging * Joins Overview of inner joins, Cartesian product, Inner joins with original syntax, Non equi-join, Using table aliases to avoid name clashes, Inner Joins With ISO/ANSI Syntax, Outer Joins, Left outer joins, Right outer joins, Full outer joins, Updating multiple tables simultaneously, Updating rows in one table based on a condition in another, Updating rows in one table reading data from another, Deleting from multiple tables simultaneously, Deleting rows in one table based on a condition in another. Hands on Coding joins * Subqueries Types of subquery, Multiple-column subqueries, Correlated subqueries, Using the ANY, ALL and SOME operators, Using the EXISTS operator, Subqueries as scalar expressions, Inline views, Converting subqueries to joins, Using subqueries in updates and deletes. Hands on Coding subqueries * Views Why views are used, Creating views, View creation restrictions, View algorithms, Updateable views, Altering and dropping views, Displaying information about views, Privileges for views. Hands on Using views * Import and Export Exporting using SQL, Privileges required to export data, Importing using SQL, Messages when loading data, Privileges required to load data, Exporting from the command line, Mysqldump main options, Importing from the command line, Mysqlimport main options. Hands on Importing and exporting * User variables and prepared statements Creating User variables, User variables in a select, Prepared statements, The prepare statement, The execute statement, The deallocate statement, Using prepared statements in code, with connectors. Hands on Using variables and prepared statements * Introduction to stored routines Types of stored routines, Benefits of stored routines, Stored routine features, Differences between procedures and functions, Introduction to the Block, Declaring variables and constants, Assigning values to variables, Definer rights and invoker rights, Using SELECT in stored routines, Altering and dropping stored routines, Obtaining stored routine metadata, Stored routine privileges and execution security. Hands on Writing simple stored routines * Stored routines - program logic The IF .. THEN .. ELSEIF construct, The CASE statement, The basic loop, The while loop, The repeat loop, The iterate statement, Nested loops. Hands on Writing stored routines with program logic * Stored routines - exception handlers and cursors Dealing with errors using Exception handlers, Cursors, What is a cursor?, Cursor operations, Declaring cursors, Opening and closing cursors, Fetching rows, Status checking. Hands on Writing stored routines with program logic * Procedures with parameters Creating procedures with parameters, Calling Procedures With Parameters. Hands on Writing stored routines with parameters * Functions What is a function?, The create function statement, Executing functions, Executing functions from code, Executing functions from SQL statements, The deterministic and SQL clauses. Hands on Writing functions * Triggers Trigger creation, Restrictions on triggers, The create trigger statement, Using the old and new qualifiers, Managing triggers, Destroying triggers, Required privileges. Hands on Writing triggers * Basic optimizations Normalisation of data to third normal form, Using indexes for optimization, General query enhancement, Using Explain to analyze queries, Choosing an INNODB or MYISAM storage engine, Using MySQL Enterprise Monitor in query optimization. Hands on Making use of basic optimizations * More about indexes Indexes and joins Hands on Investigating indexes and joins

MySQL for developers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally