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291 Network & Security courses in Sheffield

Total IS-IS for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

IS-IS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course on IS-IS link state routing protocol. The main focus of the course is the use of IS-IS in an IP only environment but can be tailored to concentrate on the use of IS-IS in CLNP networks. Hands on sessions use Cisco routers. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Configure and troubleshoot IS-IS. * Explain how IS-IS works. * Describe the use of Level 1 and Level 2. * Design IS-IS networks. IS-IS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network administrators. Network operators. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation for engineers * Duration 2 days IS-IS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction The history of IS-IS, OSI background, terminology, addressing, how OSI networking works, ES-IS, ISIS, IS types, basic OSI configuration, other configuration parameters. * Running IS-IS in an IP environment Integrated routing, Dual IS-IS, OSI only IS-IS, IP only IS-IS, packet formats and the use of CLNP, Basic configuration. * How IS-IS works in detail Link state theory, tuneable parameters, IS-IS metrics, hellos, CSNP intervals, retransmissions, TLVs, Sub TLVs, Designated routers and pseudo nodes, authentication. * Level 1 and level 2 in detail Router types, circuit types, Hot potato routing, route leaking, Area partitioning. * Multiple addresses * Redistribution and summarisation * Tagging and filtering

Total IS-IS for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

HTTP streaming methods


By Systems & Network Training

HTTP STREAMING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course looks at the delivery of video streams using HTTP adaptive streaming. Both MPEG DASH and HLS are investigated. Hands on sessions primarily involve using Wireshark to analyse streams. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use Wireshark to analyse and troubleshoot HTTP video streams. * Explain HTTP adaptive streaming works. * Evaluate and compare MPEG DASH and HLS. * Use tools to create HTTP adaptive streams. HTTP STREAMING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working in the broadcast industry. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP foundation for engineers * Duration 2 days HTTP STREAMING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is HTTP streaming? The old way. Progressive downloads versus streaming. Why not UDP and RTP for delivery? Adaptive bit rate streaming. Standards. Hands on Base network setup. Using WireShark for HTTP streams. * HTTP protocol stack IP, TCP, IPv6. HTTP. HTTP 1.0, HTTP 1.1, HTTP 2.0, HTTP header fields. HTML 5. Hands on Analysing HTTP. * Adaptive bitrate streaming principles Chunks, fragments, segments. Manifest files. Encoding, resolution, bitrates. Addressing, relative and absolute URLs, redirection. When does the client switch streams? Switch points. Hands on Walk through of client behaviours on a stream. * HTTP streaming architecture Server components, distribution components, client software. CDN, caching, multiple servers. Hands on Analysing CDN and Internet delivery. * TCP and HTTP streaming interactions TCP ACK, TCP connections, unicast only. TCP flow control, TCP and performance. Hands on TCP window sizes. * MPEG DASH Stakeholders, DASH architecture and model, codec agnostic, XML, Media Presentation Description, Media Presentation, segment formats. Hands on MPEG DASH analysis. * HTTP Live Streaming and others Stakeholders. Media segments, media playlists, master playlists. Adobe HTTP dynamic streaming, Microsoft smooth streaming. Hands on Analysing HLS. * Tools mp4dash, mp4fragment, libdash. Apple developer tools for HLS. Hands on Creating segmented content. * Security HTTPS, encryption, content protection. Hands on Encryption analysis. * Summary Choosing a streaming method. Impact of live versus VoD. Web sockets.

HTTP streaming methods
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Definitive Kubernetes for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

KUBERNETES FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course covers how Kubernetes addresses the challenges of distributed systems. Hands on sessions follow all the major theory chapters. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain what Kubernetes is and how it works. * Create and run containers on Kubernetes using the Docker image format and container runtime. KUBERNETES FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with Docker or Kubernetes. * Prerequisites: Definitive Docker for engineers. * Duration 2 days KUBERNETES FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction Velocity, Scaling your service and your teams, Abstracting your infrastructure. * Creating and running containers Container images, Building application images with Docker, Storing images in a remote registry, The Docker container runtime. * Deploying a Kubernetes cluster Installing Kubernetes on a public cloud provider, Installing Kubernetes locally using minikube, Running Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi, The Kubernetes client, Cluster components. * Common kubectl Commands Namespaces, Contexts, Viewing Kubernetes API objects, Creating, Updating, and Destroying Kubernetes objects, Labelling and annotating objects, Debugging commands. * Pods Pods in Kubernetes, Thinking with pods, The pod manifest, Running pods, Accessing your pod, Health checks, Resource management, Persisting data with volumes, Putting It all together. * Labels and Annotations Labels, Annotations. * Service Discovery What Is Service discovery? The service object, Looking beyond the cluster, Cloud integration, Advanced details. * ReplicaSets Reconciliation loops, Relating pods and ReplicaSets, Designing with ReplicaSets, ReplicaSet Spec, Creating a ReplicaSet, Inspecting a ReplicaSet, Scaling ReplicaSets, Deleting ReplicaSets. * DaemonSets DaemonSet scheduler, Creating DaemonSets, Limiting DaemonSets to specific nodes, Updating a DaemonSet, Deleting a DaemonSet. * Jobs The job object, Job patterns. * ConfigMaps and secrets ConfigMaps, Secrets, Naming constraints, Managing ConfigMaps and secrets. * Deployments Your first deployment, Creating deployments, Managing deployments, Updating deployments, Deployment strategies, Deleting a deployment. * Integrating storage solutions and Kubernetes Importing external services, Running reliable singletons, Kubernetes-native storage with StatefulSets. * Deploying real-world applications Parse, Ghost, Redis.

Definitive Kubernetes for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Essential IP addressing and subnetting


By Systems & Network Training

IP ADDRESSING AND SUBNETTING COURSE DESCRIPTION A course focusing purely on IP addressing and subnetting. The course assumes that delegates already have some knowledge of IP addressing. In particular delegates will be able to calculate subnet numbers in seconds without using binary. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Download and install Wireshark. * Calculate subnet numbers in seconds * Design IP addressing schemes. * Troubleshoot IP address problems. * Calculate CIDR prefixes in seconds IP ADDRESSING AND SUBNETTING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with TCP/IP. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation for engineers * Duration 2 days IP ADDRESSING AND SUBNETTING COURSE CONTENTS * IP addressing review What is an IP address? What is a subnet? Classless IP addressing. The rules of IP addressing. Ways IP addresses are used: On hosts, in packets, in routing tables. Hands on Byte boundary subnetting. * Configuring IP addresses Interfaces, Static vs. dynamic configuration. DHCP: Scopes, leases, relays, using multiple DHCP servers. Multihoming. * Subnetting Default subnet masks, subnet notations. How to subnet without binary. VLSMs. Hands on Bit boundary subnetting. * Address ranges and routing Routing tables, IP address spoofing, host specific routing, subnets in routing tables, supernets in routing tables. CIDR. Impact of choice of routing protocol. Hands on IP addressing plans. * Allocations and assignments IAB, IANA, RIRs, RIPE, LIRs and ISPs. PI vs. PA addressing. Hands on Querying the RIPE database. * Private addressing and NAT NAT, NAPT, NAT terms, private addresses, NAT operation, NAT architecture, NAT and security, why use NAT? NAT-ALG, Types of NAT, RSIP. * Special use addresses Unicasts, broadcasts, multicasts, anycasts. Directed broadcasts. Allowing broadcasts through routers.

Essential IP addressing and subnetting
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Definitive VSAT


By Systems & Network Training

VSAT TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This 2 day training course examines what VSAT is, its usages and users. It then looks at the hardware required for VSAT. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain how VSAT is used * Describe the hardware required for VSAT operation. VSAT TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with VSAT. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 2 days VSAT TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction History of PMR * VSAT Introduction A Brief History Satellite Services Satellite Communications Satellite Footprint Radio Frequency Bands ITU Definitions * VSAT Users What is a VSAT? VSATs - Usage VSATs - Users * VSAT Hardware Typical System Hardware VSAT ODU and IDU VSAT Station Equipment Diplexer and Feed Horn Typical Waveguide Element Polarisation VSAT Hub Antenna Pointing Outdoor Unit Outdoor (continued) VSAT Network Earth Stations Indoor Unit VSAT Network Earth Stations Indoor Unit Element Hub Station Hub Sub-station Hub Options Hub Options (2) Hub Options (3) Temporary Mount

Definitive VSAT
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Definitive Docker for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

DOCKER FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Docker is the container platform of choice. This course covers how to use Docker to package your applications with all of their dependencies and then test, deploy, scale and support your containers. Hands on sessions follow all the major sessions. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Work with Docker images, containers and command line tools. * Deploy and test Docker containers. * Debug Docker containers. * Describe Docker networking, deployment tools, orchestration and security. DOCKER FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with Docker. * Prerequisites: Introduction to virtualization. * Duration 2 days DOCKER FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction The birth of Docker, the promise of Docker, what Docker isn't. * Docker at a glance Process simplification, broad support and adoption, architecture, getting the most from Docker, the Docker workflow. * Installing Docker Important terminology, Docker client, Docker server, test the setup. * Working with Docker images Anatomy of a Dockerfile, building an image, running your image, custom base images, storing images. * Working with Docker containers What are containers? creating a container, starting a container, auto-restarting a container, stopping a container, killing a container, pausing and unpausing a container, cleaning up containers and images, next steps. * Exploring Docker Printing the Docker version, server information, downloading image updates, inspecting a container, getting inside a running container, exploring the shell, returning a result, docker logs, monitoring Docker, exploration. * The path to production containers Deploying, testing containers. * Debugging containers Process output, process inspection, controlling processes, network inspection, image history, inspecting a container, filesystem inspection, moving along. * Docker at scale Docker swarm, centurion, amazon EC2 container service. * Advanced topics Pluggable backends, containers in detail, security, networking. * Designing your production container platform The twelve-factor app, the reactive manifesto. * Conclusion The challenges, the Docker workflow, minimizing deployment artifacts, optimizing storage and retrieval, the payoff, the final word.

Definitive Docker for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total MPLS VPN for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

TOTAL MPLS VPN FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course concentrating solely on MPLS VPNs. The course begins with a review of VPN basics before moving onto L3VPNs and MBGP, followed by L2VPNs. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Compare, contrast and evaluate MPLS L2VPNs versus L3VPNs. * Describe, configure and troubleshoot MPLS L3VPNs. * Configure and troubleshoot MBGP. * Describe, configure and troubleshoot MPLS L2VPNs. TOTAL MPLS VPN FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with MPLS VPNs. * Prerequisites: Concise MPLS for engineers * Duration 2 days TOTAL MPLS VPN FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * MPLS VPN basics LSR, PE and P router roles. What is a VPN? MPLS VPN types, MPLS VPN comparison, MPLS L3VPN, L2VPN. VPN architectures. Hands on: Building the base network. * L3VPN Separate routing tables, The Virtual Routing Table, VRFs, Route Distinguisher (RD), VNPv4 addresses. Hands on: Minimal VRF configuration, routing between customer and provider (PE-CE). * MBGP MP-BGP, IPv4 routing, IPv6 routing, VPNv4 addresses, VPNv6 addresses. Exchanging labels. Exchanging routes. Route targets, communities. Route reflectors. Hands on: MBGP setup. MPLS L3VPN troubleshooting. * L2VPN Why L2 not L3? Services: TDM, ATM, Frame Relay, Ethernet. Pseudowires. Hands on: Simple L2VPN configuration. * Pseudowires VPWS, AToM, Attachment Circuit, Traffic encapsulation, Ethernet over MPLS. Ethernet MTU considerations. VC types. Hands on: PW configuration and troubleshooting. * VPLS Ethernet multipoint connectivity. Virtual Forwarding Instance (VFI), Virtual Switching Instance. Flooding, MAC address management, split horizons. Hierarchical VPLS. Signalling: LDP based. BGP based. Auto discovery. Hands on: VPLS configuration and troubleshooting. * Next generation L2VPN E-VPN, PBB-EVPN.

Total MPLS VPN for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Definitive Puppet for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

DEFINITIVE PUPPET TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Puppet is a framework and toolset for configuration management. This course covers Puppet to enable delegates to manage configurations. Hands on sessions follow all the major sections. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Deploy Puppet. * Manage configurations with Puppet. * Build hosts with Puppet. * Produce reports with Puppet. DEFINITIVE PUPPET TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with Puppet. * Prerequisites: Linux fundamentals. * Duration 2 days DEFINITIVE PUPPET TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Getting started with Puppet What is Puppet, Selecting the right version of Puppet, Installing Puppet, Configuring Puppet. * Developing and deploying Puppet The puppet apply command and modes of operation, Foreground Puppet master, Developing Puppet with Vagrant, Environments, Making changes to the development environment, Testing the new environments with the Puppet agent, Environment branching and merging, Dynamic Puppet environments with Git branches, Summary, Resources. * Scaling Puppet Identifying the challenges, Running the Puppet master with Apache and Passenger, Testing the Puppet master in Apache, Load balancing multiple Puppet masters, Scaling further, Load balancing alternatives. Measuring performance, Splay time, Summary, Going further, Resources. * Externalizing Puppet configuration External node classification, Storing node configuration in LDAP, Summary, Resources. * Exporting and storing configuration Virtual resources, Getting started with exported and stored configurations, Using exported resources, Expiring state resources, Summary, Resources. * Puppet consoles The foreman, Puppet enterprise console, Puppetboard, Summary, Resources. * Tools and integration Puppet forge and the module tool, Searching and installing a module from the forge, Generating a module, Managing module dependencies, Testing the modules, Developing Puppet modules with Geppetto, Summary, Resources. * Reporting with Puppet Getting started, Configuring reporting, Report processors, Custom reporting, Other Puppet reporters, Summary, Resources. * Extending Facter and Puppet Writing and distributing custom facts, Developing custom types, providers and functions, Summary, Resources, Complex data structures, Additional backends, Hiera functions in depth, Module data bindings, Hiera examples. Jiera-2, Summary, Resources. * Mcollective Installing and configuring Mcollective, testing, Mcollective plugins, accessing hosts with Metadata. * Hiera Lists, initial Hiera configuration, Hiera command line utility, complex data structures, additional backends, Hiera functions in depth, module data bindings. Hiera-2.

Definitive Puppet for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Essential SDN for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

ESSENTIAL SDN TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Software Defined Networking (SDN) has become one of the industries most talked technologies. This training course cuts through the hype and looks at the technology, architecture and products available for SDN along with looking at the impact it may have on your network. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain how SDN works. * Describe the architecture of SDN. * Explain the relationship between SDN and OpenFlow. * Recognise the impact SDN will have on existing networks. ESSENTIAL SDN TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to know more about SDN. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 2 days ESSENTIAL SDN TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction What is SDN? What is OpenFlow? SDN benefits. The SDN stack and architecture. * SDN architecture SDN applications, SDN switches, SDN controllers, Network Operating Systems. Control plane, data plane. Control to Data Plane Interface (CDPI), Northbound interfaces. SDN components, control and data plane abstractions. * Network Operating Systems Finding the topology, Global view, control program, configuration based on views, graph algorithm. * OpenFlow Just one part of SDN. Open Networking Foundation, OpenFlow ports, Flow tables, OpenFlow Channels. The OpenFlow protocol, OpenFlow header, OpenFlow operations. OpenFlow versus OpFlex. * SDN and open source OpenDaylight, OpenVSwitch, Open Networking Forum, Open Network Operating System. OpenStack Neutron. * SDN implications Separation of control and data plane, NOS running on servers, Emphasis on edge complexity, core simplicity, OpenvSwitch, Incremental migration, importance of software. SDN vs NVF.

Essential SDN for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Essential OTN


By Systems & Network Training

ESSENTIAL OTN TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION An In-depth introduction to the terminology and technology that will comprise tomorrow's Optical Transport Networks. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe the problems with old technologies. * Identify the purpose of new technologies. * Describe the functionality of the various transmission mediums available * Identify OTN features and functionality. * Define the issues involved in equipment and application rollout. ESSENTIAL OTN TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to learn OTN. * Prerequisites: SDH foundation or Essential DWDM * Duration 2 days ESSENTIAL OTN TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS Scope, References Terms and definitions, Abbreviations and Conventions Optical transport network interface structure Multiplexing/mapping principles and bit rates Optical transport module (OTM-n.m, OTM-nr.m, OTM-0.m and OTN 0.mvn) Physical specification of the ONNI Optical channel (OCh) Optical channel transport unit (OTU) Optical channel data unit (ODU) Optical channel payload unit (OPU) OTM overhead signal (OOS) Overhead description and maintenance signals Mapping of client signals and concatenation Mapping ODUk signals into the ODTUjk signal Forward error correction using 16-byte interleaved RS (255,239) codecs ODUk tandem connection monitoring (TCM) overhead OPUk Multiplex Overhead * Amendment 2 including: OTN Multiplexing and Mapping, Basic signal structure, ODTU12, ODTU13, ODTU23, OPUk Multiplex Overhead, OPUk Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI). OPU2 Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI), OPU3 Multiplex Structure Identifier (MSI), OPUk Payload Structure Identifier Reserved overhead (RES), ODU1 into ODU2 multiplexing, ODU2 into ODU3 multiplexing, ODU1 into ODU3 multiplexing * Amendment 3 including: 40 Gbit/s ODU3/OTU3 and 100 Gbit/s ODU4/OTU4, Support of gigabit Ethernet services via ODU0, ODU2e, ODU3 and ODU4, ODU0 and ODUFlex, Multi-lane OTU3 and OTU4 interfaces, Support for InfiniBand * Amendment 4 including: OTSn OTN synchronization messaging channel (OSMC) overhead, FC-1600 * Amendment 5 Including: ODUk.ts, OTU0LL (OTU0 low latency), OTSiA (optical tributary signal assembly). OTSiG (optical tributary signal group), OTSiG-O (optical tributary signal overhead), CMEP (connection monitoring end- point), CMOH (connection monitoring overhead), MOTU (Multi-OUT), MOTUm (Multi-OTU with management), OTUCn-M (Optical Transport Unit-Cn, with n OxUC overhead instances and 5G tributary slots). SOTU (Single-OUT). SOTUm (Single-OTU with management). Modified bit rates and capacity for OTU1/2/3/4 OTM.nr.m, OTM.n.m, OTM.0.3v4, OTM 0.4v4 Mapping of CBR2G5, CBR10G, CBR10G3 and CBR40G signals into OPUk 64B/66B and 513B block code format PCS lane alignment marker for 40GBASE-R and 100GBASE-R PT=20/PT=21 and AMP/GMP options OTL 4.10 to OTL 4.4 gearbox ODU switching and Line protection Schemes 10 x 10 MSA Overview of current and future coherent and noncoherent technologies 40Gbit and 100Gbit compliant ROADM's Implementers Guide including replacement terms. Differing vendor's equipment and their implementations * Individual and group planning exercises: Upgrade a customer STM-64/10G network to a 40G/ OTN network. Upgrade a customer old 16 Wavelength WDM network to be OTN compliant. Implement a new customer 40 wavelength OTU3 OTN compliant MSPP (DWDM) network. Design a cost-effective solution where we can hand over circuits using 'Optical Transport Lanes'.

Essential OTN
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally