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291 Network & Security courses in Belfast

SIP security for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

SIP SECURITY TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands-on course covering SIP security. It is assumed that delegates already know SIP as this course focuses purely on the security issues in SIP IP telephony networks. Hands-on practicals follow each major theory session and include use of various SIP security tools such as vomit, sipp, sipsak and sivus amongst others. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Secure SIP networks * Use various SIP security tools SIP SECURITY TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with SIP. Technical security staff. * Prerequisites: SIP for engineers * Duration 2 days SIP SECURITY TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * SIP review SIP infrastructure and entities, example SIP session. Hands on Simple SIP network with and without authentication. * SIP security attacks DOS attacks, infrastructure attacks, eavesdropping, spoofing, replay, message integrity. Hands on Basic SIP packet capture, infrastructure attacks. * SIP tools SIP packet creation: Sivus, SIPsak, PROTOS, SFTF, SIP bomber, SIPp, Seagull, Nastysip. SIP packet generators: SIPNess, NetDude. Monitoring: Wireshark, Cain & Abel, Vomit, Oreka, VoiPong. Scripts and tools: SIP-Fun, Skora.net, kphone-ddos, sip-scan, sip-kill, sip-redirectrtp. Health of different tools. Hands on Generating SIP packets, rebuilding conversations from captured packets, password cracking. * VPNs and SIP IPSec, AH, ESP, transport mode, tunnel mode, Pre Shared Keys, Public keys. Hands on SIP calls over IPSec. * Secure SIP signaling SIP relationship with HTTP, Deprecated HTTP 1.0 basic authentication, HTTP 1.1 Digest authentication, S/MIME, SIPS, SIPS URI, TLS, DTLS, PKI infrastructures. Hands on SIP with TLS. * Secure media streams SRTP, features, packet format, default encryption, default authentication, key distribution. S/MIME, MIKEY, SDP security descriptions. SIP security agreements. Hands on Analysing SRTP packets. * Firewalls NAT traversal. Impact of firewall on infrastructure attacks. TLS and firewalls. SIP specific firewalls. Hands on SIP calls through a firewall.

SIP security for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Suse system administration


By Systems & Network Training

SUSE TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This three day hands on course provides a comprehensive coverage of core Linux administration tasks on Suse Linux. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Administer & configure Linux systems. * Maintain Linux by handling disk space and taking regular backups. * Manage software packages. * Perform basic troubleshooting. * Maintain a secure Linux system. * Describe the organisation and implementation of the filesystem. SUSE TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: System administrators. Network administrators. * Prerequisites: Linux fundamentals * Duration 3 days SUSE TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Managing software Package Concepts, RPM, rpm Commands, Yum, Dependencies and Conflicts, Startup Script Problems, Shared Libraries, Library Management, Managing Processes, the Kernel: The First Process, Process Lists, Foreground & Background Processes, Process Priorities, Killing Processes. * Configuring hardware Configuring Firmware and Hardware, IRQs, I/O Addresses, DMA Addresses, Boot Disks, Coldplug and Hotplug Devices, Configuring Expansion Cards and PCI Cards, Kernel Modules, USB Devices, Linux USB Drivers, Configuring Hard Disks, Partitioning Systems, LVM, Common Layouts, Creating Partitions and Filesystems, Maintaining Filesystem Health, Tuning, Journals, Checking Filesystems, Monitoring Disk Use, Mounting and Unmounting Filesystems. * Managing files File Management Commands, File Naming and Wildcards, File Archiving, Links, Directory Commands, File Ownership and Group, File access control, Permissions, chmod, Defaults, File Attributes, Disk Quotas, Enabling and setting Quotas, Locating Files, The FHS. * Booting Linux and editing files Installing Boot Loaders, GRUB Legacy, GRUB 2, Alternative Boot Loaders, the Boot Process, Boot Messages, Runlevels and the Initialization Process, Runlevel Functions, Runlevel Services, Alternative Boot Systems , Upstart, system. * Administering the system Managing Users and Groups, Tuning User and System Environments, Using System Log Files, Understanding syslogd , Setting Logging Options, Manually Logging Data, Rotating Log Files, Reviewing Log File Contents, Maintaining the System Time, Linux Time Concepts, Manually Setting the Time, Using NTP, Running Jobs in the Future, Understanding the Role of cron, Creating System cron Jobs, Creating User cron Jobs, Using anacron, Using at. * Configuring basic networking TCP/IP, Network Hardware, Network Addresses, Hostnames, Network Ports, Configuring Linux for a Local Network, Configuring with DHCP, Static IP Address, Configuring Routing, Using GUI Configuration Tools, ifup and ifdown, Diagnosing Network Connections, Testing Connectivity, Tracing a Route, Checking Network Status , Examining Network Traffic, Additional Tools. * Securing your systems Administering Network Security, Super Server Restrictions, Disabling Unused Servers, Administering Local Security, Securing Passwords, Limiting root Access, Setting Login, Process, SUID/SGID Files, Configuring SSH, Using GPG, Generating, Importing and Revoking Keys, Encrypting and Decrypting Data, Signing Messages and Verifying Signatures.

Suse system administration
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Ubuntu system administration


By Systems & Network Training

UBUNTU TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This three day hands on course provides a comprehensive coverage of core Linux administration tasks on Ubuntu Linux. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Administer & configure Linux systems. * Maintain Linux by handling disk space and taking regular backups. * Manage software packages. * Perform basic troubleshooting. * Maintain a secure Linux system. * Describe the organisation and implementation of the filesystem. UBUNTU TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: System administrators. Network administrators. * Prerequisites: Linux fundamentals * Duration 3 days UBUNTU TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Managing software Package Concepts, RPM, rpm Commands, Yum, Dependencies and Conflicts, Startup Script Problems, Shared Libraries, Library Management, Managing Processes, the Kernel: The First Process, Process Lists, Foreground & Background Processes, Process Priorities, Killing Processes. * Configuring hardware Configuring Firmware and Hardware, IRQs, I/O Addresses, DMA Addresses, Boot Disks, Coldplug and Hotplug Devices, Configuring Expansion Cards and PCI Cards, Kernel Modules, USB Devices, Linux USB Drivers, Configuring Hard Disks, Partitioning Systems, LVM, Common Layouts, Creating Partitions and Filesystems, Maintaining Filesystem Health, Tuning, Journals, Checking Filesystems, Monitoring Disk Use, Mounting and Unmounting Filesystems. * Managing files File Management Commands, File Naming and Wildcards, File Archiving, Links, Directory Commands, File Ownership and Group, File access control, Permissions, chmod, Defaults, File Attributes, Disk Quotas, Enabling and setting Quotas, Locating Files, The FHS. * Booting Linux and editing files Installing Boot Loaders, GRUB Legacy, GRUB 2, Alternative Boot Loaders, the Boot Process, Boot Messages, Runlevels and the Initialization Process, Runlevel Functions, Runlevel Services, Alternative Boot Systems , Upstart, system. * Administering the system Managing Users and Groups, Tuning User and System Environments, Using System Log Files, Understanding syslogd , Setting Logging Options, Manually Logging Data, Rotating Log Files, Reviewing Log File Contents, Maintaining the System Time, Linux Time Concepts, Manually Setting the Time, Using NTP, Running Jobs in the Future, Understanding the Role of cron, Creating System cron Jobs, Creating User cron Jobs, Using anacron, Using at. * Configuring basic networking TCP/IP, Network Hardware, Network Addresses, Hostnames, Network Ports, Configuring Linux for a Local Network, Configuring with DHCP, Static IP Address, Configuring Routing, Using GUI Configuration Tools, ifup and ifdown, Diagnosing Network Connections, Testing Connectivity, Tracing a Route, Checking Network Status , Examining Network Traffic, Additional Tools. * Securing your systems Administering Network Security, Super Server Restrictions, Disabling Unused Servers, Administering Local Security, Securing Passwords, Limiting root Access, Setting Login, Process, SUID/SGID Files, Configuring SSH, Using GPG, Generating, Importing and Revoking Keys, Encrypting and Decrypting Data, Signing Messages and Verifying Signatures.

Ubuntu system administration
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

CentOS system administration


By Systems & Network Training

CENTOS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This three day hands on course provides a comprehensive coverage of core Linux administration tasks on CentOS Linux. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Administer & configure Linux systems. * Maintain Linux by handling disk space and taking regular backups. * Manage software packages. * Perform basic troubleshooting. * Maintain a secure Linux system. * Describe the organisation and implementation of the filesystem. CENTOS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: System administrators. Network administrators. * Prerequisites: Linux fundamentals * Duration 3 days CENTOS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Managing software Package Concepts, RPM, rpm Commands, Yum, Dependencies and Conflicts, Startup Script Problems, Shared Libraries, Library Management, Managing Processes, the Kernel: The First Process, Process Lists, Foreground & Background Processes, Process Priorities, Killing Processes. * Configuring hardware Configuring Firmware and Hardware, IRQs, I/O Addresses, DMA Addresses, Boot Disks, Coldplug and Hotplug Devices, Configuring Expansion Cards and PCI Cards, Kernel Modules, USB Devices, Linux USB Drivers, Configuring Hard Disks, Partitioning Systems, LVM, Common Layouts, Creating Partitions and Filesystems, Maintaining Filesystem Health, Tuning, Journals, Checking Filesystems, Monitoring Disk Use, Mounting and Unmounting Filesystems. * Managing files File Management Commands, File Naming and Wildcards, File Archiving, Links, Directory Commands, File Ownership and Group, File access control, Permissions, chmod, Defaults, File Attributes, Disk Quotas, Enabling and setting Quotas, Locating Files, The FHS. * Booting Linux and editing files Installing Boot Loaders, GRUB Legacy, GRUB 2, Alternative Boot Loaders, the Boot Process, Boot Messages, Runlevels and the Initialization Process, Runlevel Functions, Runlevel Services, Alternative Boot Systems , Upstart, system. * Administering the system Managing Users and Groups, Tuning User and System Environments, Using System Log Files, Understanding syslogd , Setting Logging Options, Manually Logging Data, Rotating Log Files, Reviewing Log File Contents, Maintaining the System Time, Linux Time Concepts, Manually Setting the Time, Using NTP, Running Jobs in the Future, Understanding the Role of cron, Creating System cron Jobs, Creating User cron Jobs, Using anacron, Using at. * Configuring basic networking TCP/IP, Network Hardware, Network Addresses, Hostnames, Network Ports, Configuring Linux for a Local Network, Configuring with DHCP, Static IP Address, Configuring Routing, Using GUI Configuration Tools, ifup and ifdown, Diagnosing Network Connections, Testing Connectivity, Tracing a Route, Checking Network Status , Examining Network Traffic, Additional Tools. * Securing your systems Administering Network Security, Super Server Restrictions, Disabling Unused Servers, Administering Local Security, Securing Passwords, Limiting root Access, Setting Login, Process, SUID/SGID Files, Configuring SSH, Using GPG, Generating, Importing and Revoking Keys, Encrypting and Decrypting Data, Signing Messages and Verifying Signatures.

CentOS system administration
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Debian system administration


By Systems & Network Training

DEBIAN TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This three day hands on course provides a comprehensive coverage of core Linux administration tasks on Debian Linux. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Administer & configure Linux systems. * Maintain Linux by handling disk space and taking regular backups. * Manage software packages. * Perform basic troubleshooting. * Maintain a secure Linux system. * Describe the organisation and implementation of the filesystem. DEBIAN TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: System administrators. Network administrators. * Prerequisites: Linux fundamentals * Duration 3 days DEBIAN TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Managing software Package Concepts, RPM, rpm Commands, Yum, Dependencies and Conflicts, Startup Script Problems, Shared Libraries, Library Management, Managing Processes, the Kernel: The First Process, Process Lists, Foreground & Background Processes, Process Priorities, Killing Processes. * Configuring hardware Configuring Firmware and Hardware, IRQs, I/O Addresses, DMA Addresses, Boot Disks, Coldplug and Hotplug Devices, Configuring Expansion Cards and PCI Cards, Kernel Modules, USB Devices, Linux USB Drivers, Configuring Hard Disks, Partitioning Systems, LVM, Common Layouts, Creating Partitions and Filesystems, Maintaining Filesystem Health, Tuning, Journals, Checking Filesystems, Monitoring Disk Use, Mounting and Unmounting Filesystems. * Managing files File Management Commands, File Naming and Wildcards, File Archiving, Links, Directory Commands, File Ownership and Group, File access control, Permissions, chmod, Defaults, File Attributes, Disk Quotas, Enabling and setting Quotas, Locating Files, The FHS. * Booting Linux and editing files Installing Boot Loaders, GRUB Legacy, GRUB 2, Alternative Boot Loaders, the Boot Process, Boot Messages, Runlevels and the Initialization Process, Runlevel Functions, Runlevel Services, Alternative Boot Systems , Upstart, system. * Administering the system Managing Users and Groups, Tuning User and System Environments, Using System Log Files, Understanding syslogd , Setting Logging Options, Manually Logging Data, Rotating Log Files, Reviewing Log File Contents, Maintaining the System Time, Linux Time Concepts, Manually Setting the Time, Using NTP, Running Jobs in the Future, Understanding the Role of cron, Creating System cron Jobs, Creating User cron Jobs, Using anacron, Using at. * Configuring basic networking TCP/IP, Network Hardware, Network Addresses, Hostnames, Network Ports, Configuring Linux for a Local Network, Configuring with DHCP, Static IP Address, Configuring Routing, Using GUI Configuration Tools, ifup and ifdown, Diagnosing Network Connections, Testing Connectivity, Tracing a Route, Checking Network Status , Examining Network Traffic, Additional Tools. * Securing your systems Administering Network Security, Super Server Restrictions, Disabling Unused Servers, Administering Local Security, Securing Passwords, Limiting root Access, Setting Login, Process, SUID/SGID Files, Configuring SSH, Using GPG, Generating, Importing and Revoking Keys, Encrypting and Decrypting Data, Signing Messages and Verifying Signatures.

Debian system administration
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

DDOS demystified


By Systems & Network Training

DDOS DEMYSTIFIED TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course covers DDOS attacks and how to defend against them. The course starts by studying DOS attacks and then DDOS attack. Reflectors, booters and stressers are followed by reflection and amplification. Once the various DDOS attacks have been covered we then study the ways to defend against DDOS attacks. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe DDOS. * Explain how DDOS attacks work. * Recognise DDOS attack types. * Describe how to defend DDOS attacks. DDOS DEMYSTIFIED TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone involved in network security. * Prerequisites: Network fundamentals * Duration 1 day DDOS DEMYSTIFIED TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is DOS? Denial Of Service, outages, Attackers, Command and control, Bots. Why DOS? * What is DDOS? Distributed, reflectors, botnets, botnet topologies, amplification, attack bandwidth, attack vectors, booters, stressers, backscatter, DirtJumper, XOR. RUDY. High and Low orbit Ion Cannon. * Attack types Application layer attacks, HTTP flood, protocol attacks, SYN floods, teardrop, volumetric attacks, slowloris, DNS cachebusting, fraggle, smurf. IP address spoofing. * Reflectors Reflector attacks, amplification attacks, quotients, embedded devices, DNS, NTP, SSDP. * DDOS defence Protecting devices from becoming bots. Onsite, outsourced scrubbing, Defending self, defending the Internet, Black hole routing, rate limiting, intelligent application firewalls, anycast, IPS, upstream filtering, BCP38, BCP 140. uRPF.

DDOS demystified
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

IP security foundation for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

IP SECURITY TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Connection to the Internet is becoming an essential business tool. This course looks at firewalls, digital certificates, encryption and other essential topics for e-commerce sites. A generic course that looks at firewalls and VPNs. Hands on sessions include using hacking tools and configuring firewalls. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe: Basic security attacks RADIUS SSL IPSec VPNs * Implement digital certificates * Deploy firewalls to protect Web servers and users. * Secure Web servers and clients. IP SECURITY TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network administrators. Network operators. Security auditors * Prerequisites: TCP/IP foundation for engineers * Duration 2 days IP SECURITY TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * TCP/IP review Brief overview of the relevant headers. Hands on Download software for course, use analyser to capture passwords on the wire. * Security review Policies, Types of security breach, denial of service, data manipulation, data theft, data destruction, security checklists, incident response. * Security exploits The Internet worm, IP spoofing, SYN attack, hijacking, Ping o' Death… keeping up to date with new threats. Hands on Use a port scanning tool, use a 'hacking' tool. * Firewalls Products, Packet filtering, DMZ, content filtering, stateful packet inspection, Proxies, firewall architectures, Intrusion Detection Systems, Viruses. Hands on Set up a firewall and prevent attacks. * NAT NAT and PAT, Why use NAT, NAT-ALG, RSIP. * Encryption Encryption keys, Encryption strengths, Secret key vs Public key, algorithms, systems, SSL, SSH, Public Key Infrastructures. Hands on Run a password-cracking program. * Authentication Types of authentication, Securid, Biometrics, PGP, Digital certificates, X.509 v3, Certificate authorities, CRLs, PPP authentication, RADIUS. Hands on Using certificates. * Web client and server security Cookies, browser certificates, censorship, PICS. Operating system security, Web server user authentication, Restricting access, Logging, Securing CGI scripts. Hands on Browser security. * VPNs and IPSec What is a VPN, tunnelling, L2F, PPTP, L2TP, IPSec, AH, ESP, transport mode, tunnel mode.

IP security foundation for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Linux engineer certification 1 (LPIC-2)


By Systems & Network Training

LINUX ENGINEER CERTIFICATION TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION LPIC-2 is the second certification in LPI's multi level professional certification program. This course teaches the skills necessary to pass the LPI 201 exam; the first of two LPIC-2 exams. Specifically, the course covers the administration of Linux systems in small to medium sized mixed networks. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Perform advanced administration tasks. * Perform advanced file system administration. LINUX ENGINEER CERTIFICATION TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Linux administrators. * Prerequisites: Linux system administration (LPIC-1) * Duration 5 days LINUX ENGINEER CERTIFICATION FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Part I The LPI 201 Exam * Starting a System The Linux Boot Process, Firmware Startup, BIOS Startup, UEFI Startup, Linux Bootloaders, GRUB Legacy, GRUB 2, Alternative Bootloaders, Secure Bootloaders, Process Initialization, SysV Method, systemd Method, Upstart Method, System Recovery, Kernel Failures, Root Drive Failure. * Maintaining the System Fluid Messaging, Static Messaging, System backups, Backup Strategies, Performing Backups, Installing Programs from Source, Obtaining and unpacking Installation Files, Compiling Programs, Resource Usage: Managing, measuring, predicting and troubleshooting. * Mastering the Kernel What Is the Kernel? Kernel Features, Parts of the Kernel, Kernel Versions, Obtaining Source Code, Creating the Configuration File, Compiling and Installing the Kernel, Compiling and Installing Modules, Creating an Initial RAM Disk, Booting the New Kernel, Creating a Kernel Package, Maintaining the Kernel, Working with Module Files, Module Commands, Working with Hardware, Automatically Detecting Hardware, Troubleshooting the Kernel. * Managing the Filesystem The Linux Filesystem, Filesystem Structures, Filesystem Types, Making Filesystems, Attaching Filesystems, Memory-Based Linux Filesystems, the Btrfs Filesystem, Btrfs Subvolumes, Btrfs Snapshots, Optical Filesystems, Swap Filesystems, Network-Based Filesystems, Auto-Mounting, Encrypted Filesystems, Maintaining Linux Filesystems, Adjusting a Filesystem, Checking and Repairing a Filesystem, SMART. * Administering Advanced Storage Devices Configuring RAID, Implementing RAID on Linux, Managing a RAID Array, Adjusting Storage Devices, Looking at Drive Interface Concepts, Testing and Tuning Drives, Implementing iSCSI, Managing Logical Volumes, LVM, Creating Logical Volumes, Supporting Logical Volumes, Understanding the Device Mapper. * Navigating Network Services Networking Basics, The Physical Layer, The Network Layer, The Transport Layer, The Application Layer, Configuring Network Features, Network Configuration Files, Graphical Tools, Command-Line Tools, Basic Network Troubleshooting, Checking the Log Files, the ARP Cache, Sending Test Packets, Testing Network Routes, Testing Client/Server Connectivity, Finding Host Information, Network Security, Advanced Network Troubleshooting, Viewing Open Network Connections, Viewing Network Statistics, Scanning the Network, Capturing Network Traffic.

Linux engineer certification 1 (LPIC-2)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Essential Lawful Intercept


By Systems & Network Training

LAWFUL INTERCEPT TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Packet based networks require a different approach to Lawful Intercept (LI) than that used in circuit switched networks. This course focuses on what Lawful Interception and Data Retention (DR) means to communications service providers in the IP and NGN areas. The course assumes a basic knowledge of IP networking (i.e. DNS, TCP/UDP, IP, RTP) and the building of services on an IP platform (e.g. SIP, SDP, FTP, HTTP). The course first looks at the regulatory context for LI and DR and how this is translated to a practical architecture. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Recognise the legal and regulatory obligations to provide LI and DR. * Identify the components of the handover architecture for each of LI and DR. * Identify the preferred location of points of interception and points of retention in the IP network. * Map intercepted material to handover protocols. * Understand the data mapping defined in the available standards for both LI and DR. LAWFUL INTERCEPT TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical and managerial staff needing to implement public networks. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation * Duration 1 day LAWFUL INTERCEPT TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is meant by LI and DR? Review of regulation: Data protection Directive; Data Retention Directive; RIPA. * LI architectures Handover and Interception: ETSI standards ES 201 671 and TS 102 232. * LI handover protocol IRI and CC handover; correlation; manual interfaces. * DR architectures Handover of query results; points of retention. * DR query command set Retrieval of retained records. * Security concerns Operation privacy; target privacy; storage and transmission integrity. * Implementation Identifying PoI and PoR for provided services. * LI and DR wrap up Interaction with other services, storage obligations (volume, time, availability).

Essential Lawful Intercept
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Red Hat system administration


By Systems & Network Training

RED HAT TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This three day hands on course provides a comprehensive coverage of core Linux administration tasks on Red Hat Linux. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Administer & configure Linux systems. * Maintain Linux by handling disk space and taking regular backups. * Manage software packages. * Perform basic troubleshooting. * Maintain a secure Linux system. * Describe the organisation and implementation of the filesystem. RED HAT TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: System administrators. Network administrators. * Prerequisites: Linux fundamentals * Duration 3 days RED HAT TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Managing software Package Concepts, RPM, rpm Commands, Yum, Dependencies and Conflicts, Startup Script Problems, Shared Libraries, Library Management, Managing Processes, the Kernel: The First Process, Process Lists, Foreground & Background Processes, Process Priorities, Killing Processes. * Configuring hardware Configuring Firmware and Hardware, IRQs, I/O Addresses, DMA Addresses, Boot Disks, Coldplug and Hotplug Devices, Configuring Expansion Cards and PCI Cards, Kernel Modules, USB Devices, Linux USB Drivers, Configuring Hard Disks, Partitioning Systems, LVM, Common Layouts, Creating Partitions and Filesystems, Maintaining Filesystem Health, Tuning, Journals, Checking Filesystems, Monitoring Disk Use, Mounting and Unmounting Filesystems. * Managing files File Management Commands, File Naming and Wildcards, File Archiving, Links, Directory Commands, File Ownership and Group, File access control, Permissions, chmod, Defaults, File Attributes, Disk Quotas, Enabling and setting Quotas, Locating Files, The FHS. * Booting Linux and editing files Installing Boot Loaders, GRUB Legacy, GRUB 2, Alternative Boot Loaders, the Boot Process, Boot Messages, Runlevels and the Initialization Process, Runlevel Functions, Runlevel Services, Alternative Boot Systems , Upstart, system. * Administering the system Managing Users and Groups, Tuning User and System Environments, Using System Log Files, Understanding syslogd , Setting Logging Options, Manually Logging Data, Rotating Log Files, Reviewing Log File Contents, Maintaining the System Time, Linux Time Concepts, Manually Setting the Time, Using NTP, Running Jobs in the Future, Understanding the Role of cron, Creating System cron Jobs, Creating User cron Jobs, Using anacron, Using at. * Configuring basic networking TCP/IP, Network Hardware, Network Addresses, Hostnames, Network Ports, Configuring Linux for a Local Network, Configuring with DHCP, Static IP Address, Configuring Routing, Using GUI Configuration Tools, ifup and ifdown, Diagnosing Network Connections, Testing Connectivity, Tracing a Route, Checking Network Status , Examining Network Traffic, Additional Tools. * Securing your systems Administering Network Security, Super Server Restrictions, Disabling Unused Servers, Administering Local Security, Securing Passwords, Limiting root Access, Setting Login, Process, SUID/SGID Files, Configuring SSH, Using GPG, Generating, Importing and Revoking Keys, Encrypting and Decrypting Data, Signing Messages and Verifying Signatures. * Clustered File Systems Principles of cluster file systems. Create, maintain and troubleshoot GFS2 file systems in a cluster, create, maintain and troubleshoot OCFS2 file systems in a cluster, Integration of GFS2 and OCFS2 with Pacemaker, the O2CB cluster stack, other commonly used clustered file systems.

Red Hat system administration
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally