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MongoDB courses in Belfast

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MongoDB-Mastering MongoDB for Beginners (Theory and Projects)

By Packt

This course on MongoDB is for absolute beginners and provides an interactive learning experience that reflects the most in-demand skills. The content will help you understand the concepts and methodology with regards to MongoDB in an effortless way. The strong basic understanding you gain initially will help you move toward learning more advanced concepts.

MongoDB-Mastering MongoDB for Beginners (Theory and Projects)
Delivered Online On Demand

MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners (2022)

By Packt

Master MongoDB, an open-source document database and leading NoSQL database that provides high performance, high availability, and automatic scaling. This course covers the MongoDB Community version for beginners and provides over 50 live-running queries, including creating new databases and tables.

MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners (2022)
Delivered Online On Demand

MongoDB from Basics to Advanced

By Packt

This video course helps you explore a wide range of MongoDB concepts. From the basics, including the installation process, to advanced topics such as database sharding and replication, you'll learn it all with the help of engaging examples and activities.

MongoDB from Basics to Advanced
Delivered Online On Demand

NodeJS, MongoDB, and Express - Beginner to Intermediate JavaScript

By Packt

NodeJS allows you to build complex and powerful applications quickly and easily, writing JavaScript code. It also allows you to use JavaScript for web applications with flexibility for a wide range of different purposes. Learn about MongoDB as a database and how to build it as well as Express as a framework to build web apps on top of Node.js.

NodeJS, MongoDB, and Express - Beginner to Intermediate JavaScript
Delivered Online On Demand

AZ-204T00 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure

By Nexus Human

Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for Students in this course are interested in Azure development or in passing the Microsoft Azure Developer Associate certification exam. This course teaches developers how to create end-to-end solutions in Microsoft Azure. Students will learn how to implement Azure compute solutions, create Azure Functions, implement and manage web apps, develop solutions utilizing Azure storage, implement authentication and authorization, and secure their solutions by using KeyVault and Managed Identities. Students will also learn how to connect to and consume Azure services and third-party services, and include event- and message-based models in their solutions. The course also covers monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimizing Azure solutions. Prerequisites To be successful in this course, learners should have the following: Hands-on experience with Azure IaaS and PaaS solutions, and the Azure Portal. Experience writing in an Azure supported language at the intermediate level. (C#, JavaScript, Python, or Java) Ability to write code to connect and perform operations on, a SQL or NoSQL database product. (SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, Cassandra or similar) Experience writing code to handle authentication, authorization, and other security principles at the intermediate level. A general understanding of HTML, the HTTP protocol and REST API interfaces. 1 - EXPLORE AZURE APP SERVICE * Examine Azure App Service * Examine Azure App Service plans * Deploy to App Service * Explore authentication and authorization in App Service * Discover App Service networking features 2 - CONFIGURE WEB APP SETTINGS * Configure application settings * Configure general settings * Configure path mappings * Enable diagnostic logging * Configure security certificates 3 - SCALE APPS IN AZURE APP SERVICE * Examine autoscale factors * Identify autoscale factors * Enable autoscale in App Service * Explore autoscale best practices 4 - EXPLORE AZURE APP SERVICE DEPLOYMENT SLOTS * Explore staging environments * Examine slot swapping * Swap deployment slots * Route traffic in App Service 5 - EXPLORE AZURE FUNCTIONS * Discover Azure Functions * Compare Azure Functions hosting options * Scale Azure Functions 6 - DEVELOP AZURE FUNCTIONS * Explore Azure Functions development * Create triggers and bindings * Connect functions to Azure services 7 - EXPLORE AZURE BLOB STORAGE * Explore Azure Blob storage * Discover Azure Blob storage resource types * Explore Azure Storage security features * Discover static website hosting in Azure Storage 8 - MANAGE THE AZURE BLOB STORAGE LIFECYCLE * Explore the Azure Blob storage lifecycle * Discover Blob storage lifecycle policies * Implement Blob storage lifecycle policies * Rehydrate blob data from the archive tier 9 - WORK WITH AZURE BLOB STORAGE * Explore Azure Blob storage client library * Create a client object * Manage container properties and metadata by using .NET * Set and retrieve properties and metadata for blob resources by using REST 10 - EXPLORE AZURE COSMOS DB * Identify key benefits of Azure Cosmos DB * Explore the resource hierarchy * Explore consistency levels * Choose the right consistency level * Explore supported APIs * Discover request units 11 - WORK WITH AZURE COSMOS DB * Explore Microsoft .NET SDK v3 for Azure Cosmos DB * Create stored procedures * Create triggers and user-defined functions * Explore change feed in Azure Cosmos DB 12 - MANAGE CONTAINER IMAGES IN AZURE CONTAINER REGISTRY * Discover the Azure Container Registry * Explore storage capabilities * Build and manage containers with tasks * Explore elements of a Dockerfile 13 - RUN CONTAINER IMAGES IN AZURE CONTAINER INSTANCES * Explore Azure Container Instances * Run containerized tasks with restart policies * Set environment variables in container instances * Mount an Azure file share in Azure Container Instances 14 - IMPLEMENT AZURE CONTAINER APPS * Explore Azure Container Apps * Explore containers in Azure Container Apps * Implement authentication and authorization in Azure Container Apps * Manage revisions and secrets in Azure Container Apps * Explore Dapr integration with Azure Container Apps 15 - EXPLORE THE MICROSOFT IDENTITY PLATFORM * Explore the Microsoft identity platform * Explore service principals * Discover permissions and consent * Discover conditional access 16 - IMPLEMENT AUTHENTICATION BY USING THE MICROSOFT AUTHENTICATION LIBRARY * Explore the Microsoft Authentication Library * Initialize client applications 17 - IMPLEMENT SHARED ACCESS SIGNATURES * Discover shared access signatures * Choose when to use shared access signatures * Explore stored access policies 18 - EXPLORE MICROSOFT GRAPH * Discover Microsoft Graph * Query Microsoft Graph by using REST * Query Microsoft Graph by using SDKs * Apply best practices to Microsoft Graph 19 - IMPLEMENT AZURE KEY VAULT * Explore Azure Key Vault * Discover Azure Key Vault best practices * Authenticate to Azure Key Vault 20 - IMPLEMENT MANAGED IDENTITIES * Explore managed identities * Discover the managed identities authentication flow * Configure managed identities * Acquire an access token 21 - IMPLEMENT AZURE APP CONFIGURATION * Explore the Azure App Configuration service * Create paired keys and values * Manage application features * Secure app configuration data 22 - EXPLORE API MANAGEMENT * Discover the API Management service * Explore API gateways * Explore API Management policies * Create advanced policies * Secure APIs by using subscriptions * Secure APIs by using certificates 23 - EXPLORE AZURE EVENT GRID * Explore Azure Event Grid * Discover event schemas * Explore event delivery durability * Control access to events * Receive events by using webhooks * Filter events 24 - EXPLORE AZURE EVENT HUBS * Discover Azure Event Hubs * Explore Event Hubs Capture * Scale your processing application * Control access to events * Perform common operations with the Event Hubs client library 25 - DISCOVER AZURE MESSAGE QUEUES * Choose a message queue solution * Explore Azure Service Bus * Discover Service Bus queues, topics, and subscriptions * Explore Service Bus message payloads and serialization * Explore Azure Queue Storage * Create and manage Azure Queue Storage and messages by using .NET 26 - MONITOR APP PERFORMANCE * Explore Application Insights * Discover log-based metrics * Instrument an app for monitoring * Select an availability test * Troubleshoot app performance by using Application Map 27 - DEVELOP FOR AZURE CACHE FOR REDIS * Explore Azure Cache for Redis * Configure Azure Cache for Redis * Interact with Azure Cache for Redis by using .NET 28 - DEVELOP FOR STORAGE ON CDNS * Explore Azure Content Delivery Networks * Control cache behavior on Azure Content Delivery Networks * Interact with Azure Content Delivery Networks by using .NET

AZ-204T00 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure
Delivered Online6 days, Jul 15th, 08:30 + 4 more

Master Spring boot 3.0 and MongoDB


By Studyhub UK

Embark on a transformative journey into the realm of cutting-edge development with our course, 'Master Spring Boot 3.0 and MongoDB.' Crafted with precision and innovation, this course is a gateway to mastering the intricate dance between Spring Boot and MongoDB, providing you with the skills to revolutionize your coding prowess. Immerse yourself in an engaging learning experience, where each section unfolds like a chapter in a captivating novel, unveiling the secrets of MongoDB, the nuances of Bootstrapping applications, and the artistry of integrating OpenAPI. It's more than a course; it's an odyssey into the heart of modern development, beckoning you to embrace a new era of programming possibilities. In this dynamic learning adventure, traverse through the course curriculum like an explorer unraveling a map to success. From laying the groundwork in the introduction to conquering complex queries and MongoDB templates, you'll navigate the landscape of development with confidence. The course is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's about transforming that knowledge into practical expertise. Whether you're a novice eager to embark on a coding expedition or a seasoned developer seeking to enhance your skills, this course is your compass to navigate the vast territories of Spring Boot and MongoDB, promising a voyage filled with discovery and mastery. Learning Outcomes * Develop a profound understanding of MongoDB, from environmental preparation to advanced query methods. * Master the art of bootstrapping applications, gaining hands-on experience in crafting robust and efficient systems. * Uncover the intricacies of collections relationships and the use of DBRef, adding a layer of sophistication to your database interactions. * Seamlessly integrate OpenAPI into your projects, enhancing the accessibility and documentation of your applications. * Acquire expertise in document queries and MongoDB templates, empowering you to build scalable and efficient databases. WHY CHOOSE THIS MASTER SPRING BOOT 3.0 AND MONGODB COURSE? 1. Unlimited access to the course for a lifetime. 2. Opportunity to earn a certificate accredited by the CPD Quality Standards and CIQ after completing this course. 3. Structured lesson planning in line with industry standards. 4. Immerse yourself in innovative and captivating course materials and activities. 5. Assessments designed to evaluate advanced cognitive abilities and skill proficiency. 6. Flexibility to complete the Course at your own pace, on your own schedule. 7. Receive full tutor support throughout the week, from Monday to Friday, to enhance your learning experience. 8. Unlock career resources for CV improvement, interview readiness, and job success. WHO IS THIS MASTER SPRING BOOT 3.0 AND MONGODB COURSE FOR? * Aspiring developers keen on mastering the Spring Boot-MongoDB synergy. * Software engineers looking to deepen their understanding of advanced database operations. * Students and coding enthusiasts eager to explore the latest tools in the development landscape. * Professionals seeking to upgrade their skill set in line with industry demands. * Entrepreneurs or tech enthusiasts aiming to build robust applications from the ground up. CAREER PATH * MongoDB Developer: £40,000 - £60,000 * Spring Boot Engineer: £45,000 - £70,000 * Database Architect: £55,000 - £80,000 * Full Stack Developer: £50,000 - £75,000 * Java Developer (Specializing in Spring Boot): £45,000 - £65,000 * API Integration Specialist: £50,000 - £70,000 PREREQUISITES This Master Spring boot 3.0 and MongoDB does not require you to have any prior qualifications or experience. You can just enrol and start learning. This Master Spring boot 3.0 and MongoDB was made by professionals and it is compatible with all PC's, Mac's, tablets and smartphones. You will be able to access the course from anywhere at any time as long as you have a good enough internet connection. CERTIFICATION After studying the course materials, there will be a written assignment test which you can take at the end of the course. After successfully passing the test you will be able to claim the pdf certificate for £4.99 Original Hard Copy certificates need to be ordered at an additional cost of £8. COURSE CURRICULUM Section 01: Introduction What is MongoDB 00:02:00 The Difference Between SQL and NoSQL 00:03:00 How to Choose Between SQL and NoSQL 00:04:00 Section 02: Prepare The Mongo Environment MongoDB UI Tools 00:01:00 Why Use Docker for Development 00:01:00 Create an Empty Docker Compose File 00:02:00 Mongo Server (Docker Compose) 00:04:00 Mongo Express (Docker Compose) 00:03:00 Run and Test 00:03:00 Section 03: Mongo Terms Collections and Documents in Mongo 00:03:00 Section 04: Bootstrapping The Application Create a New Spring Boot 3.0 Project 00:04:00 Project Structure 00:02:00 Include the Docker Compose with the Project and Run It 00:04:00 Project Architecture 00:03:00 Connect to MongoDB 00:03:00 Create a New Database 00:01:00 Understand Admin - Local and Config Databases 00:05:00 Create a Java Class 00:04:00 Transform the Java Class into a Collection 00:02:00 Create a Mongo Repository 00:02:00 Insert the First Data into the Collection 00:06:00 Create a Product Service 00:04:00 Save the product 00:03:00 Find Product by ID 00:01:00 Find All Products 00:01:00 Delete Product 00:01:00 Section 05: CRUD Operations Create Product Controller 00:02:00 Save Product Operation 00:02:00 Find All Products 00:01:00 Find Product by ID 00:01:00 Delete Product 00:02:00 Test the CRUD Operations 00:06:00 Section 06: DBRef And Collections Relationships Extend the Product Model 00:02:00 Create Category Java Class 00:02:00 User Category as a Field 00:03:00 Relationship between Category and Product 00:01:00 Transform the Category to a Collection 00:01:00 Create a Category Repository 00:01:00 Insert Categories at Startup 00:02:00 The Issue in Linking Collections 00:03:00 Add Relationship Between Collections 00:04:00 Section 07: OpenApi Integration Add OpenApi Dependency 00:02:00 Test and Play with Swagger UI 00:06:00 Section 08: Documents Queries And Mongo Template Extend the Product Model 00:02:00 Create a Search Service 00:01:00 What is MongoTemplate 00:02:00 Is() Query 00:07:00 Testing the Is() Query 00:02:00 Regex() Query 00:06:00 Lt() Query 00:03:00 Gt() Query 00:02:00 Sorting Data 00:05:00 Paging and Sorting 00:06:00 Section 09: Query Methods Create a Query Method Service 00:03:00 FindByX Query 00:06:00 FinByX Ignore Case Query 00:02:00 FinByX starting with query 00:03:00 FinByX ending with query 00:02:00 FinByX containing query 00:04:00 FinByX less than 00:02:00 FinByX greater than 00:01:00 FinByX between 00:02:00 FinByX and SortByY 00:04:00 Paging and Sorting 00:07:00

Master Spring boot 3.0 and MongoDB
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Node.js API Masterclass with Express and MongoDB

By Packt

Create a real-world backend for a Bootcamp directory app

Node.js API Masterclass with Express and MongoDB
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Introduction to MongoDB for DBAs (TTDB4680)

By Nexus Human

Duration 3 Days 18 CPD hours This course is intended for This introductory-level course is for experienced DBAs who will be working with MongoDB. In order to gain the most from this course you should have: Prior practical experience in Database Administration Experience working with Linux and be comfortable working with command line Overview This skills-focused course is approximately 50% hands-on. Our engaging instructors and mentors are highly experienced practitioners who bring years of current 'on-the-job' experience into every classroom. Working in a hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, attendees will explore: The MongoDB Basic Architecture and Installation MongoDB administration User Management MongoDB security Indexes Backup & Recovery High Availability / Replication Diagnostics & Troubleshooting MongoDB is fast becoming the database of choice for big data applications, being one of the most popular and widely implemented NoSQL databases. Its scalability, robustness, and flexibility have made it extremely popular among business enterprises who use it to implement a variety of activities including social communications, analytics, content management, archiving and other activities. This has led to an increased demand for MongoDB administrators who have the skills to handle cross functional duties. Geared for experienced DBAs, MongoDB for DBAs is a three-day hands-on course that explores the concepts, architecture and pitfalls of managing a MongoDB installation. This course is targeted to the DBA who is familiar with the concepts and tasks of working with a Relational database and is not responsible for a NoSQL MongoDB database. You will learn the critical aspects of MongoDB and use it to solve data management challenges. You will learn to manage MongoDB effectively by gaining expertise in MongoDB administration tools, syntax, MongoDB installations, configurations, security, troubleshooting, backup, scaling and many other features. The focus of this course is on practical skills and applying the DBA existing database knowledge to a MongoDB installation. INTRODUCTION TO MONGODB BASIC * Architecture and Installation * Differentiate database categories * Learn MongoDB design goals * List MongoDB tools * Describe JSON and BSON * Understanding the basic concepts of a Database * Database categories: What is NoSQL? Why NoSQL? Benefit over RDBMS * Types of NoSQL Database, and NoSQL vs. SQL Comparison, ACID & Base Property * CAP Theorem, implementing NoSQL and what is MongoDB? * Graph Database * Overview of MongoDB, Design Goals for MongoDB Server and Database, MongoDB tools * Understanding the following: Collection, Documents and Key/Values, etc., * Introduction to JSON and BSON documents * Environment setup (live Handson) and using various MongoDB tools available in the MongoDB Package MONGODB ADMINISTRATION * Take database backup and restore MongoDB© * Export and import data from/ to a MongoDB© instance * Check server status and DB status * Monitor various resource utilization of a mongod instance * Understand various optimization strategies * Administration concepts in MongoDB * Monitoring issues related to Database * Monitoring at Server, Database, Collection level, and various Monitoring tools related to MongoDB * Database Profiling, Locks, Memory Usage, No of connections, page fault etc., * Backup and Recovery Methods for MongoDB * Export and Import of Data to and from MongoDB * Run time configuration of MongoDB * Production notes/ best practices * Data Managements in MongoDB (Capped Collections/ Expired data from TTL), * TTL Collection Features * GridFS * Memory-Mapped Files * Journaling Mechanics * Storage Engines * Power of 2-Sized Allocations * No Padding Allocation Strategy * Diagnosing Performance Issues * Optimization Strategies for MongoDB * Configure Tag Sets for Replica Set. Optimize Query Performance * Monitoring Strategies for MongoDB . MongoDB Utilities * MongoDB Commands * MongoDB Management Service (MMS) * Data Backup Strategies in MongoDB * Copying Underlying Data Files * Backup with MongoDump * Fsync and Lock * MongoDB Ops Manager Backup Software * Security Strategies in MongoDB * Authentication Implementation in MongoDB . Authentication in a Replica set * Authentication on Sharded Clusters * Authorization * End-to-End Auditing for Compliance USER MANAGEMENT * Create a User Administrator. * Add a User to a Database. * Create/Assign User a Role. * Verify/Modify a User Access/Privileges. * Change a User?s Password MONGODB SECURITY * Knowing security concepts in MongoDB * Understand how Authentication and Authorisation works * Security Introduction * Security Concepts * INDEXES * Index Introduction, * Index Concepts, * Index Types * Index Properties * Index Creation and Indexing Reference * Introduction to Aggregation * Aggregation Approach to Aggregation sort Order * Pipeline Operators and Indexes * Text Indexes * Aggregate Pipeline Stages * Text Search * MapReduce * Index Creation * Aggregation Operations * Index Creation on Replica Set * Remove, Modify, and Rebuild Indexes * Listing Indexes * Measure Index Use * Control Index Use * Index Use Reporting * Geospatial Indexes * MongoDB?s Geospatial Query Operators * GeoWith Operator BACKUP & RECOVERY * Import and Export MongoDB Data * Restore and recovery of MongoDB(Including point in time Recovery) * Restore a Replica Set from MongoDB Backups * Recover Data after an Unexpected Shutdown * Backup and Restore with Filesystem Snapshots * Back Up and Restore with MongoDB Tools * Backup and Restore Sharded Clusters HIGH AVAILABILITY (REPLICATION ) * Understand the concept of Replication in MongoDB© ? Create a production like Replica Set * Introduction to Replication (High Availability), Concepts around Replication * What is Replica Set and Master Slave Replication? * Type of Replication in MongoDB * How to setup a replicated cluster & managing replica sets etc., * Master-Slave Replication * Replica Set in MongoDB * Automatic Failover * Replica Set Members * Write Concern * Write Concern Levels * Write Concern for a Replica Set * Modify Default Write Concern * Read Preference * Read Preference Modes * Blocking for Replication * Tag Set * Configure Tag Sets for Replica set. Replica Set Deployment Strategies . Replica Set Deployment Patterns * Oplog File * Replication State and Local Database, Replication Administration DIAGNOSTICS & TROUBLESHOOTING * Troubleshoot slow queries * Diagnose connectivity problems * Understand diagnostic tools * Learn common production issues * Learn fixes and solutions. ADDITIONAL COURSE DETAILS: Nexus Humans Introduction to MongoDB for DBAs (TTDB4680) training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the Introduction to MongoDB for DBAs (TTDB4680) course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.

Introduction to MongoDB for DBAs (TTDB4680)
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Introduction to MongoDB for Developers (TTDB4683)

By Nexus Human

Duration 3 Days 18 CPD hours This course is intended for This introductory-level course is for experienced application developers new to MongoDB. Overview This course is approximately 50% hands-on lab to lecture ratio, combining engaging expert lessons, demos and group discussions with real-world, skills-focused machine-based labs and exercises. Working in a hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, you'll explore: Storage Basics MongoDB Document Model MongoDB Setup CRUD: Basics through Advanced Concepts Performance: Basics through Advanced Concepts Aggregation: Basics through Advanced Concepts Replication: Basics through Advanced Concepts Sharding: Basics through Advanced Concepts Schema Design Security Basics, Authentication & Authorization Application Development and Drivers Geared for experienced developers, Introduction to MongoDB for Developers is a comprehensive course that provides you with hands-on experience with the MongoDB query language, aggregation framework, data modeling, indexes, drivers, basic performance tuning, high availability and scaling. Throughout the course, you?ll explore the MongoDB Atlas database environment in detail, gaining job-ready skills you can put right to work after class. STORAGE BASICS * What is a Storage Engine? * WiredTiger Storage Engine * In-Memory Storage Engine * Encrypted Storage Engine MONGODB DOCUMENT MODEL * JSON and BSON * MongoDB Data Types * MONGODB SETUP * Atlas Setup / Local MongoDB Setup CRUD BASICS * Insert Command * Find Command * Query Operators * Remove Command * Updating Documents CRUD ADVANCED * Bulk Writes * Retryable Writes * Find and Modify * Transactions PERFORMANCE BASICS * Indexes AGGREGATION BASICS * Aggregation Pipeline Concepts Aggregation Pipeline Stages Aggregation Pipeline Expressions AGGREGATION ADVANCED * $lookup stage * $graphLookup stage * $expr operator * Faceted Search * Type Conversions * Advanced Expression Operators * Date Expression Operators * Expression Variables * Aggregation Pipeline Optimizations * Aggregation in a Sharded Cluster REPLICATION BASICS * MongoDB Replica Sets * Replica Set Use Cases * Replication Mechanics * REPLICATION ADVANCED * Using Write Concern to Tune Durability Semantics * Using Read Concern to Tune Read Isolation * Using Read Preference * Replica Set Tag Sets SHARDING BASICS * Sharding Concepts * When to Shard * What is a Shard Key? * Zoned Sharding / MongoDB Atlas Global Clusters SHARDING ADVANCED * Components of a Sharded Cluster * Sharding Mechanics * Choosing a Good Shard Key SCHEMA DESIGN * Schema Design Core Concepts * Common Patterns SECURITY BASICS * Authentication & Authorization * Network Encryption * Encryption at Rest * Auditing

Introduction to MongoDB for Developers (TTDB4683)
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

MERN eCommerce from Scratch

By Packt

Welcome to our hands-on video course, where you will learn technologies, such as React, Redux Toolkit, Express, and MongoDB. You will learn how to structure your code using Redux Toolkit, implement powerful features with React, and create a robust backend using Express and MongoDB. An understanding of modern JS fundamentals and the basics of React will be an add-on.

MERN eCommerce from Scratch
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