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15 Mindfulness courses in Aylesbury

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Mindfulness - an introduction (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Mindfulness is a practical technique for developing a greater sense of awareness and focus on the present moment. It is the opposite of mindlessness, meaning that actions and reactions become conscious and deliberate. It is an extremely useful tool for any busy work environment. Currently being used by the likes of Google and Pepsi, mindfulness can be adopted within the workplace to reduce stress and anxiety, provide greater focus and clarity, improve leadership capabilities and enhance the general wellbeing of staff at all levels. This workshop has been developed for forward-thinking organisations wanting to make a real and sustainable commitment to improving workplace wellbeing and productivity. This workshop will help you to understand the basic principles and benefits of mindfulness, and how it can be used in the workplace setting. It will also enable you to develop techniques to alleviate overwhelming feelings of stress or anxiety, prepare for important or challenging meetings, and generally achieve a greater sense of focus, clarity and calm whilst dealing with a hectic schedule.

Mindfulness - an introduction (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Package: Cultivate Inner Peace and Resilience Find peace in the present moment with Miss Date Doctor’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) package. MBSR combines mindfulness meditation, body awareness, and gentle movement to help you cope with stress, anxiety, and pain. Our skilled instructors will teach you mindfulness techniques that foster self-awareness, non-judgmental acceptance, and emotional regulation. Through regular practice, you’ll develop a heightened sense of presence and resilience, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with grace and composure. Cultivate inner peace and a deeper connection to yourself and others with the MBSR package. 3 X 1 HOUR SESSION https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/mindfulness-based-stress-reduction-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/mindfulness-based-stress-reduction-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

It will help to return to your own resources based on self trust and intuition

Mindfulness and grounding skills
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Package: Master Emotional Regulation and Forge Lasting Connections Miss Date Doctor’s Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) package is designed to help you navigate emotional turbulence, improve interpersonal effectiveness, and cultivate mindfulness. Drawing from cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness practices, DBT equips you with the skills needed to manage distressing emotions and develop healthier relationships. Our expert therapists will guide you through practical exercises that promote emotional regulation, effective communication, and self-awareness. You’ll learn to identify and change negative behavioural patterns while building skills to manage challenging situations. By mastering emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness, you’ll forge lasting connections and create a life filled with meaning and joy. 3 X 1 HOUR SESSIONS https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/dialectical-behaviour-therapy-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/dialectical-behaviour-therapy-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Miss Date Doctor’s Self-Awareness coaching is designed to help individuals develop a deeper understanding of themselves, their needs, and their values. Self-awareness is a critical component of personal growth and development, and our coaching can provide you with the tools and insights needed to enhance your self-awareness and improve your relationships. Our Self-Awareness coaching includes a range of techniques and strategies, such as mindfulness, self-reflection, goal-setting, and identifying and managing limiting beliefs. We can help you develop a clearer understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, your values and priorities, and the ways in which your past experiences may be impacting your present relationships. With our Self-Awareness coaching, you can learn to become more present and grounded in your interactions with others, communicate more effectively, and build deeper, more meaningful connections with your partner or potential partner. The Miss Date Doctor Self Awareness Package Includes the following: Relationship Self-Awareness, Self-Awareness Coaching, Mindfulness, Self-Reflection, Goal-Setting, Limiting Beliefs, Personal Growth, Developing Self-Awareness, Building Self-Awareness, Communicating Effectively, Relationship Building, Understanding Yourself, Self-Discovery, Self-Awareness Techniques. https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/self-awareness-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/self-awareness-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Therapy for Rumination Package: Breaking Free from Overthinking and Cultivating Mindful Awareness Are you struggling with rumination, finding it challenging to break free from repetitive and intrusive thoughts that lead to stress and anxiety? Miss Date Doctor’s Therapy for Rumination Package offers you expert support and guidance to manage overthinking and cultivate a more mindful and present-focused mindset. Rumination involves getting caught in a cycle of obsessive thoughts and excessive self-reflection, often leading to emotional distress. Our experienced therapists are dedicated to helping you understand and address rumination, enabling you to regain control of your thoughts and emotions. Here’s how the Therapy for Rumination Package can support you: * Understanding Rumination: Our therapists will help you understand the nature of rumination and its impact on your emotional well-being. * Cognitive Restructuring: We’ll work on cognitive restructuring techniques to challenge negative thought patterns and replace them with more constructive and balanced thinking. * Mindfulness Practices: Therapy for rumination includes mindfulness exercises to help you cultivate present-focused awareness and reduce excessive thinking. * Emotional Regulation: Our therapists will guide you in developing effective strategies to manage and regulate emotions triggered by rumination. * Breaking the Cycle: We’ll assist you in breaking free from the cycle of rumination, preventing its negative effects on your mental and emotional health. * Positive Coping Mechanisms: Therapy will focus on helping you develop positive coping mechanisms to manage stress and anxiety more effectively. * Self-Compassion: We’ll encourage self-compassion and self-care practices to promote emotional healing and well-being. * Goal Setting: Together with your therapist, you’ll set achievable goals to work towards reducing rumination and fostering a more balanced thought process. The Therapy for Rumination Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to empower you to manage overthinking and create a more mindful and present-oriented mindset. Our compassionate therapists provide a safe and supportive space to explore your thought patterns, allowing you to work towards emotional healing and inner peace. Invest in your mental well-being and take the first step towards breaking free from rumination with the Therapy for Rumination Package. Embrace the opportunity to cultivate mindfulness, reduce stress, and foster a more balanced and positive thought process. Let our experienced therapists guide you towards a brighter and more emotionally fulfilling future, free from the burden of rumination. 4 x 1 hour sessions https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/therapy-for-rumination-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/therapy-for-rumination-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package: Unlocking Emotional Freedom and Healing Are you struggling with repressed emotions, finding it difficult to express and process your feelings from the past? Miss Date Doctor’s Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package offers you compassionate support and guidance to unlock emotional freedom, heal past wounds, and embrace a healthier emotional state. Repressed emotions are feelings that have been pushed aside or buried due to various reasons, leading to unresolved emotional baggage. Our experienced therapists are dedicated to helping you navigate through these suppressed emotions, fostering emotional release, and promoting healing. Here’s how the Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package can support you: * Understanding Repressed Emotions: Our therapists will help you understand the nature of repressed emotions and how they impact your current emotional well-being. * Creating a Safe Space: We offer a safe and non-judgmental environment where you can freely explore and express your suppressed emotions. * Emotional Release: Therapy will focus on facilitating emotional release, allowing you to process and express feelings that have been held back. * Healing Past Wounds: We’ll work on addressing and healing the unresolved emotional wounds from the past. * Coping Strategies: Our therapists will equip you with healthy coping strategies to manage overwhelming emotions as they arise. * Self-Compassion and Acceptance: Therapy encourages self-compassion and self-acceptance as you navigate through your emotional journey. * Building Emotional Resilience: We’ll focus on developing emotional resilience to face and process emotions in a healthy way. * Mindfulness Practices: Therapy for repressed emotions may incorporate mindfulness techniques to cultivate present-moment awareness. The Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to empower you to release the emotional burden of the past and find emotional freedom. Our compassionate therapists provide gentle guidance and support to help you navigate through your emotional journey. Invest in your emotional well-being and take the first step towards unlocking emotional freedom with the Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package. Embrace the opportunity to heal past wounds, express your feelings, and foster a healthier emotional state. Let our experienced therapists guide you towards emotional release, healing, and a brighter emotional future. 8 SESSIONS X 1 HOUR https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/therapy-for-repressed-emotions-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/therapy-for-repressed-emotions-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Therapy for Anxiety Package: Empowering You to Overcome Anxiety and Reclaim Your Life Are you struggling with anxiety, feeling overwhelmed by persistent worries and fears that impact your daily life? Miss Date Doctor’s Therapy for Anxiety Package offers you expert support and guidance to manage anxiety, develop coping strategies, and regain control of your emotional well-being. Anxiety can be a challenging and distressing experience, affecting various aspects of your life. Our experienced therapists are dedicated to helping you understand the root causes of your anxiety and providing you with the tools to navigate through it with greater ease and confidence. Here’s how the Therapy for Anxiety Package can support you: * Understanding Your Anxiety: Our therapists will help you gain insights into the nature of your anxiety and its triggers. * Coping Strategies: We’ll equip you with effective coping strategies to manage anxiety symptoms and reduce stress. * Identifying Thought Patterns: Therapy will address negative thought patterns that contribute to anxiety, promoting more positive thinking. * Emotional Regulation: We’ll work on emotional regulation techniques to help you manage intense emotions associated with anxiety. * Exposure Therapy: If applicable, exposure therapy may be used to gradually face and overcome anxiety-provoking situations. * Mindfulness Practices: Therapy for anxiety may incorporate mindfulness techniques to promote present-moment awareness and reduce worry. * Building Resilience: We’ll focus on building resilience to handle anxiety triggers with greater strength and adaptability. * Setting Realistic Goals: Together with your therapist, you’ll set achievable goals to work towards reducing anxiety and improving your well-being. The Therapy for Anxiety Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to empower you to overcome anxiety and lead a more fulfilling life. Our compassionate therapists provide a safe and supportive space to explore your fears and concerns, allowing you to develop a stronger foundation for emotional well-being. Invest in your mental and emotional health and take the first step towards managing anxiety with the Therapy for Anxiety Package. Embrace the opportunity to develop coping strategies, reduce stress, and regain control over your thoughts and emotions. Let our experienced therapists guide you towards a brighter and more empowered future, free from the grip of anxiety. 6 X 1 hour sessions https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/therapy-for-anxiety-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/therapy-for-anxiety-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Trauma-Informed Therapy Package: Healing, Empowerment, and Renewed Well-Being Have you experienced past traumas that continue to impact your daily life and relationships? Miss Date Doctor’s Trauma-Informed Therapy Package is designed to provide you with a safe and supportive environment to heal from trauma, regain a sense of empowerment, and foster renewed well-being. Trauma can leave deep emotional scars that affect your mental health, self-esteem, and capacity to form healthy connections. Our experienced and compassionate therapists are here to help you navigate the healing journey with trauma-informed care. Here’s how the Trauma-Informed Therapy Package can support you: * Safe and Non-Judgmental Space: Our therapists create a safe, non-judgmental space where you can freely express yourself and explore the impact of trauma on your life. Trust and confidentiality are paramount as we work together on your healing journey. * Trauma Processing: Through evidence-based techniques, we’ll gently guide you through trauma processing, helping you gradually process and release the emotions and memories associated with the traumatic experience. This process can reduce the emotional intensity of trauma and foster emotional healing. * Empowerment and Resilience: Our trauma-informed therapy empowers you to reclaim your strength and resilience. By addressing the effects of trauma, you’ll find inner resources to cope with life’s challenges, enabling you to move forward with renewed hope. * Coping Strategies: We’ll equip you with practical coping strategies to manage triggers and stressors that may arise from trauma-related memories. You’ll learn healthy ways to regulate emotions and navigate difficult situations. * Rebuilding Self-Esteem: Trauma can significantly impact self-esteem. Our therapists will work with you to rebuild a positive self-concept and develop a healthy self-image, fostering self-compassion and self-acceptance. * Strengthening Relationships: Trauma can affect how you relate to others. In the Trauma-Informed Therapy Package, you’ll explore relational patterns and develop healthier ways of connecting with others, nurturing fulfilling relationships. * Mindfulness and Grounding: Practicing mindfulness and grounding techniques can help you stay present and connected to the here and now, reducing anxiety and hypervigilance associated with trauma. * Understanding Triggers: We’ll help you identify triggers and understand their origins. By gaining insight into your triggers, you can better manage their impact on your emotional well-being. The Trauma-Informed Therapy Package at Miss Date Doctor prioritizes your healing and well-being. Our therapists have extensive experience in trauma recovery, ensuring that your therapy journey is individualized and tailored to your unique needs. Release the burden of trauma and embrace a future filled with hope and empowerment. Enroll in the Trauma-Informed Therapy Package today, and let our skilled therapists guide you towards healing and renewed well-being. You don’t have to face trauma alone; we’re here to walk with you on your journey to recovery and growth. 3 X 1 hour sessions https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/trauma-informed-therapy-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/trauma-informed-therapy-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

* Relationship Coaching * Dating World * Communication skills * Emotional intelligence * Healthy boundaries * Compatible partners * Self Improvement * Personal growth * Self Love * Past trauma * Mindfulness * Self awareness * Free support calls as apart of your course to speak to your qualified experienced coach * 4 week course https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/relationship-coaching-courses-for-singles/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/relationship-coaching-courses-for-singles/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

Educators matching "Mindfulness"

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Holding Hands Pre-school

holding hands pre-school



We started our life as Mitchell Walk Playgroup. In June 2014 we became Holding Hands Pre-School and moved into our current setting. We gained our third consecutive outstanding OfSted rating in March 2018. We pride on ourselves in welcoming all children and families no matter what their ability, background and beliefs. We accept referrals from agencies such as Brokerage, Carers Bucks and Family Centres as well as applications directly from parents. We deliver a holistic educational and multi-sensory experience day by day by not only embracing our outside areas but also by delivering specifically designed small group and interventional activities encouraging emotional well being, speech and language and closing peer development gaps through early identification. We give our children every opportunity to discover their world. We encourage them to explore their environment in a safe supported way. We empower our children to be confident and challenge them to achieve their full potential offering thought provoking and physically enabling activities whilst embracing the beauty of our local Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Life is meant to be beautiful and the way we view it is everything. Our ethos is to help each other, praise each other, to empower children to believe in themselves and their abilities. We will develop strong, resilient and caring children with real confidence and real self-esteem. We encourage our children to manage their own emotions through mindfulness.

Maya Dattani Kundalini Yoga

maya dattani kundalini yoga


Milton Keynes

Being different wasn’t easy for me. I grew up in a school and feared going in every day. I would get called names and my glasses would be thrown from person to person while I tried to catch them!! I was tall, I was skinny, and I didn’t have the same colour skin like them. I was in a predominantly white school, with only a handful of Asians and no Black people at all. I stuck out like a sore thumb!! I hated it!! I did whatever I could to try and fit in and blend into the crowd. There were many times where I cried myself to sleep. The wanting of belonging was heavy in my heart. As you can imagine this affected me growing up. Growing up I barely had a voice, or an opinion on anything. My self esteem was so low, I hated the way I looked, and most of all I hated being at the centre of attention. The years passed and I got married at the age of 22. I thought I had it all, a home, a husband and my beautiful little boy. I could put the past behind me. This all came crashing down when the relationship with my husband came to an end. I moved back in with my parents and went through 4 years of battling the court system over our young boy. I was made out to be an unfit mother who couldn’t be capable of looking after our son. I became really down, I mean really down!!….. I suffered from panic attacks and depression, and really hated myself, and my life. I remember one day driving my car and all of a sudden I had to pull over!! My eyes had become hazy and I couldn’t see properly, my breathing became shallow and my chest was hurting! I could feel the panic rising as I dialed my dad’s number to come and get me from the side of the road. I felt broken, completely shattered both mentally and physically. I thought there was something seriously wrong with me and that I needed to be fixed! The day came, I remember it so clearly. I was in the kitchen after putting my son to bed. I was just about to take my depression medication and something inside of me just flipped, like a light switch. I could hear a voice in my head very clearly. This is not my life, this is not how I am supposed to live. I took action. I threw the pills in the bin, ( I don’t recommend this unless you speak with your GP) and said enough is enough, no one can change things for me, I have to do this myself! At that point I became determined to change my life around and I would do anything I needed to do to get myself better. That day I googled stress and panic attacks, and days that followed I read more and more. I could see I wasn’t the only one suffering. I started to see a glimmer of hope. I came across a Kundalini yoga DVD called Stress and Detox, the teacher had the same name as me, Maya, so I saw it as a sign that I needed to give this a go. I had tried yoga before but this was something so different on many levels. It was weird, she did some funny breathing and chanted words I didn’t understand but I kept an open mind and continued. I felt different, I felt better than I had done in ages. After practicing consistently for a few weeks I remember telling my friend I felt like I was drunk without the alcohol. I was getting high on life, and I was beginning to see a way out. This was my journey of how I found Kundalini Yoga. Over the years, I discovered I had a lot of health issues due to stress, I had no idea that stress could do this to my body. I thought stress was just all in the head. How wrong was I! My digestive system was way off track, I had become intolerant to so many foods. I suffered from severe lower back pain for years, where I had to take pain killers most nights. I also suffered with UTI’s pretty much every other week, and horrific migraine attacks where I would be bed bound at least 8 – 10 days a month, they were so painful and I was unable to function at all. As well as Kundalini yoga ( the yoga of awareness) I worked with Ayurvedic practices (an ancient health care tradition from India dating back over 5,000 years.) It’s where you work with your mind/ body type to bring yourself back into balance. I also practiced Mindfulness, and Art therapy. I found peace by being creative, it took my mind off the worry, it brought me joy to see the things I created, and I still love it now. I learnt to slow down my breathing and my overactive mind, and my body started to follow, relax and heal itself. All these practices and experiences of life have made me who I am today! I wouldn’t change it for anything now. I have learnt so much from these experiences and now I can help other people in similar situations. I know going through divorce was hard and at the time I couldn’t see an end. However, it gave me a new lease of life, a new sense of freedom. To live life on my terms and I love it! I remarried and have an amazing relationship with my husband, whom I truly love and trust. I can completely be myself, I do not have to pretend to be someone who I am not. My son is living between both houses. He is now 15 and l love spending time with him and love his big squeezy hugs when I can get them out of him. And the ex husband is still in the picture and is a great dad to our son. From a life that I hated, to a life that I love! I know once I took back control of my life and made my choices consciously, everything changed for me. This allowed me to set my boundaries and move forward step by step. It wasn’t easy but I did it. This process allowed me to create my life rather than to let life happen to me. If I can deal with a marriage ending, and child custody battle through the courts, that resulted in me being at my lowest point, ever! The stress, the anxiety, the health issues and the feeling of being helpless, incapable and unhappy, then you can too. This is why I do what I do. I love to help people feel better, feel better in their mind, their physical body, help them to connect and learn to love themself. And uplift their soul. It gives me great pleasure to see them smile and actually know it’s for real, and it’s coming from deep within the heart. This is why I call myself the Conscious Change Creator. I am here to help you create change consciously.