3451 Educators providing Love courses delivered Online

Bawdsey Hall

bawdsey hall



A TRANQUIL SUFFOLK HIDEAWAY Bawdsey Hall is located on the Suffolk Heritage Coast, on the peninsula between the River Deben and the North sea. A building steeped in history with records dating back to the 16th century. One of the best places to stay if you want time to yourself and escape from the world, a perfect Suffolk retreat on the coast. We bridge the gap between a friendly countryside B&B and a beautiful boutique hotel. Bawdsey Hall offers private luxury suites. The emphasis is on privacy and relaxation. For many it is their ‘home away from home’, a unique B&B nestled in the beautiful countryside of Suffolk, offering a tranquil breakaway with charm & character. You can join us at Bawdsey Hall and discover the delights of nature during your stay. The Hall situated on a small private nature reserve providing opportunities for photographers, birders, entomologists, lepidopterists, wildlife enthusiasts and anyone wanting to relax amongst peaceful surroundings. Bawdsey Hall is an ideal location for anyone looking for a wildlife retreat, with extensive grounds, our mature woods, large ponds, old outbuilding & meadow land offer a variety of different habitats for local wildlife. Making Bawdsey Hall a wildlife haven and unique in what it has to offer. Located at Bawdsey Hall are also purpose built photography hides, check out Bawdsey Hall Wildlife Photography Hides to book a photography experience during your stay. If you love wildlife but photography is not what you are looking for, don’t panic, we also offer a range of wildlife experiences. Due to Bawdsey Hall's location, it provides a perfect retreat for walkers & cyclists embarking on the Suffolk coastal path. The Suffolk Coast offers tranquility and picturesque countryside offering endless walks in this beautiful part of the countryside. During your stay take time to watch the wildlife go by, as your room overlooks the garden. If you are lucky you may just sight one of our resident badgers from the comfort of your own bedroom.

Little Hurrahs

little hurrahs

Little Hurrahs has been teaching BSL-based Baby and Toddler sign for over 5 years, working with families, carers, Pre-school and Nursery Setting and many other groups and organisations. Little Hurrahs is the Brain Child of Jo Emmerson. Now a mum of two, I have worked in all kinds of roles, from PR Director to Housing Manager, from Weight Loss Consultant to Quality Control in a Chocolate Factory, and more recently as both student and teacher of British Sign Language. My love of BSL started five years ago when we started taking BSL-based baby signing with our 6-month-old son. I utterly fell in love with how transformative it was. The gift of being able to communicate meaningfully with this small shouty human was mindblowing. It completely changed my experience of parenting, gave me the tools and techniques to begin to bond with the little squish, and start to trust my instincts. Fast forward a few years and my son was diagnosed with bilateral middle ear effusion (or 'Glue Ear' as it's commonly known) and he has significant hearing loss in both ears. Without his bone-conduction hearing aid, his hearing is similar to putting your fingers in your ears and putting your head underwater. Thankfully, we've been signing with him for years now. This diagnosis prompted me to move my BSL forward, completing Level 2 during Lockdowns in 2021 and completing my Level 3 in 2022, with a plan to start my training to become an n interpreter and gain my Level 6 qualification from 2023. It has also changed the focus of my work, moving me away from solely working with babies and toddlers to working with nurseries, schools, and colleges as well as parents with D/deaf and Hearing Impaired children. I am also pretty active in my local D/deaf community, volunteering and socializing - I'm proud of my signing son, and I want him to grow up feeling proud to be part of the BSL community. I now work directly with parents and carers, teachers, school staff, and children, delivering a range of courses, from self-led 90-day courses for parents, carers and EYFS settings, to School-year based 'train the trainer' online courses for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. These courses are primarily delivered online and are designed to ensure that my students get real, impactful results that can be measured informally, either through improved communication and understanding in the home or through in-class monitoring to ensure children meet formal education goals and expectations. I am also working with a Primary School to develop a new course, enabling staff and pupils to meet the Progression Steps for BSL as an International Language under the new Curriculum for Wales. I LOVE my job, and I will happily talk about it until the cows come home, so if you're interested in what I do, or would like to know if I can help you, your family, or your organisation in some way, then get in touch.

The Business Community

the business community


Hi there - I'm Paul Green, the founder of The Business Community. I've been an independent business owner since 2003 and love working with small businesses; in particular family-run businesses. I'd like to share a little story about the reason for this and what my "why" is. What drives me My father ran his own small business designing, manufacturing and supplying electrical control panels to various companies within the UK and overseas. At the age of 11, unfortunately, the business went bust - as happens to quite a few businesses. This meant having to move house, move schools - money was tight and the atmosphere was not that great in the household. Having gone through this experience, it obviously left an impression. A few years ago, I attended a workshop (run by Jacky Sherman) looking at why a person is in business and exploring the type of businesses that I enjoyed working with. In this session, the seed that was subconsciously planted many years before emerged. It became apparent that what was driving me in my endeavours to support small, family-run businesses, is that I didn't want any children associated with the business owners to go through the trauma of a failed business! This is why I strive to impact the performance of the businesses I work with; having them be better at what they do - focusing on profitability and cashflow within the business. My journey My experience and knowledge of 20 years being employed by someone else and to date, working with 100s of business owners, gives me the confidence and ability to offer business advice, coaching and training when given the opportunity to do so. Having experienced the trials and tribulations that face a small business on that entrepreneurial journey, I am passionate about making sure businesses don't make the same mistakes that I made en route! I am a big believer in collaboration and encourage businesses to work together to grow their businesses; as well as offering help and support to each other for mutual gain. In 2020, my story culminated in the creation of The Business Community. This brings together my principles of businesses working together. With our ‘pay it forward’, positive and collaborative approach, we are creating a vibrant mutually supportive business community - for the benefit of all

Amanda Porter

amanda porter


/my name is Amanda and I’m an Abdominal Therapy Practitioner and Educator. I also offer Holistic massage and Energy work in the Tradition of the Maya. My story begins in the mists of time when I was raising my wonderful offspring. Being interested in complementary therapy I used this period in my life to learn about a variety of therapies and techniques that could help my children through their early years and beyond. When my children flew the nest, I felt the calling to become a complementary therapist and embarked on a life-changing journey. In 2005 on the insistence of a great friend Hilary Lewin, I attended an amazing class based on the work of Dr Rosita Arvigo. This workshop had a profound effect on my whole being. I felt the power of the work, I observed the changes in my body as I practised my abdominal massage at home. I could not believe that such a sweet simple technique could have such a profound effect. My journey had begun, I wanted to not only learn the technique but also understand why it seemed to help with so many health challenges. They say the right teacher will appear when the time is right and I have been blessed. I trained directly with Rosita Arvigo, the founder of the work I now offer in my clinic and the classroom. Understanding the similarities between Maya Medicine and Chinese medicine, in 2011, I travelled to Thailand and studied traditional Thai Massage with the renowned traditional healer, Bann Hom who lives in Chaing Mai, Northern Thailand. It did not surprise me to find her treating her community with an abdominal technique that was not a million miles from the work I knew and loved. I have been inspired by Gil Hedley, the brilliant anatomist who offers dissection classes for anyone who is interested in observing the anatomical connections within the human form. Marty Ryan – Love your Guts Seminars, taught me how to listen to my hands, his palpation classes revealed what was beneath the skin. Life is for learning and every belly I touch teaches me something new. And so, to now, in September 2020 working with a passionate group of educators and colleagues including Rosita Arvigo I became a founding member of the Abdominal Therapy Collective.