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4 Lightroom courses in London

Adobe Lightroom - Photography Course

By Paul Chapman

Transform your photos into stunning images with Adobe Lightroom! With our comprehensive one-to-one Lightroom course, you will learn how to edit and enhance your images like a pro. From basic adjustments to advanced techniques, you'll discover how to make your photos pop and create a signature style for your website, social media or printed materials. Enrol now and unlock your creative potential! [paul@northwestschoolofphotography.com?subject=Lightroom%20Course] You will learn about: Library module Image import Collections Effective image organisation Image export (different sizes and resolutions for uses such as printing, Facebook etc) Develop module Fix image problems (e.g. under/over exposure, colour temperature, noise etc) Enhance your images (sharpness, clarity, contrast, colour etc) Using AI masking The important stuff The price for a four-hour course is £300 We will come to you at your office or home

Adobe Lightroom - Photography Course
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide

Photography For Parents - Editing In Lightroom


By Photography For Parents

“YOU DON'T TAKE A PHOTOGRAPH. YOU MAKE IT" - ANSEL ADAMS PHOTOGRAPHY FOR PARENTS - EDITING IN LIGHTROOM NEXT COURSE STARTS 11 MARCH 2024  Editing is an essential skill for anyone with even just a passing interest in photography. Much as we try, we can't always get everything right in camera and editing tools help us bring our vision to life, help correct problems and allow our images to look beautifully polished.  We teach how to do all these things in Adobe Lightroom because it's a powerful, intuitive and affordable tool used by Pros around the world for that very reason. KEY COURSE INFO: * Course type: Instructor-led * Course duration: 4 weeks + prep module * Course format: Online course with interactive edit-along live classes, feedback on your learning and support group WHAT YOU LEARN: From being able to correct issues such as over/under exposure, issues with colour or graininess to bringing your vision to life, creating mood and tone to your images, knowing how to use editing software is a must. But good and purposeful editing goes way beyond just slapping on a preset or a filter - in our course we teach you all about the tools - not just what all of them do but how, and we teach you how to know what to use and when to achieve certain effects.everything you need to allow you to style your photos, confidently use the software and fix common problems. * editing to correct common photo problems * creating good editing workflow  * using powerful precision tools * editing to achieve beautiful skin tones * using light and colour creatively * editing to bring out a mood of a feel THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU IF : * Love taking photos but want them to look more polished  - with colours that pop and light that's perfectly balanced * You want to be able to fix common issues such as under- or overexposure, white balance or colour casts so that you never need to bin an image just because it wasn't right straight out of camera * You want to get more creative with light and colour to make the images look just like the moment felt. Bring on the moody edits or sun soaked edits or light kissed skin tones or creative black and white conversions * You want to confidently use the editing techniques so you can bring your vision to life every time, without guesswork * You want to be able to prepare your images for print so that your walls can beam with pride at the beauty that you captured NEXT EDITING IN LIGHTROOM COURSE STARTS 11 MARCH 2024  * 4 core course modules plus prep module * Support Facebook group * Weekly edit-along live webinar * Practice files to learn on * Feedback on your images HERE IS WHAT YOU WILL LEARN IN THIS COURSE :  Our Photo Editing in Lightroom course guides you through the photo editing process in Adobe Lightroom from start to finish – from setting it up correctly, organising your collections and creating a workflow that works for you, through learning the capabilities of all the editing tools - such as adjusting exposure, colours, light or sharpening the images; all the way to printing and creating  photo books. We’ll show you how to create specific artistic effects ( high impact Black and white, vintage, light and airy, dark and moody etc ), and how to fix common photography problems ( grainy images, underexposed images, wrong colours etc). At the end of the course you will be able to confidently manage your photo collection with Lightroom, achieve desired artistic effects and make your photos truly stand out. * Getting around in Lightroom and Lightroom Classic - shooting in full manual - but with clarity and purpose * Correcting common problems - whether your photo started too dark or too bright, your child's face was in a shade, the white balance and colours were off, the grain was heavy, the light looked dull - you can fix it all within a couple of clicks in Lightroom * Using Lightroom's super powerful intelligent masking tools to quickly and efficiently edit specific parts of your image - from brightening up the eyes to rescuing overblown skies * Enhancing and adding beautiful light - light makes images stand out, but it can be hard capturing the atmosphere it creates in camera at times. Lightroom is where you can bring light to life and make your images feel how what you saw in real life * Knowing how to shoot in camera so you can get the most in editing -  photographers will often purposefully under or overexpose images in camera so that they have more chance of balancing the image just they way they want in Lightroom.  INSIDE THE MODULES - AKA WHAT DO YOU LEARN? MODULE 0: GETTING SET UP IN LIGHTROOM This module is released a week before the course starts to give you a chance to fully familiarise yourself with the layout, structure and the best way of working in Lightroom Classic, including guidance of creating a smooth selection and culling process that helps you see and keep the best of your images, without getting bogged down with 100s near duplicates. MODULE 1: GETTING STARTED IN LIGHTROOM - GLOBAL EDITS In this module we introduce you to Lightroom's most powerful tools - the global edits. We help you understand how to tweak your images to achieve the effects you're after quickly - from adjusting over and under exposure, to correcting white balance in a few different ways, to having a play with my favourite Lightroom tool - the tone curve. MAJOR TAKEAWAYS: At the end of the module you will have gained full control of lightroom key global tools and will be able to use them to correct any global - as in affecting the whole image - issues with your images. This includes perfecting your exposure, balancing your colour and white balance, sharpening and creating clarity and more. MODULE 2: TARGETED EDITS - MASKS!  Lightroom allows us to apply edits to selected parts of the image through a range of its very powerful, intelligent and manual masks. This means you can now effortlessly select your subject from the photo to adjust them separately with just one click, you can pick only the sky, the subject's eyes or only colour green or any other element and treat them differently to the rest.  MAJOR TAKEAWAYS: You will be able to use the full range of masks in lightroom and apply your edits exactly where they are needed, and nowhere else. This includes working with with the new AI powered masks which can detect a person's individual features and allow you to selectively edit them in a few simple steps, as well as those more manual tools, that allow you to literally paint with light and colour on your photographs. MODULE 3: CREATIVE EDITING IN LIGHTROOM  This is a brand new module in our course where we take all the tools introduced in Modules 1 and 2 and actually use them to achieve different effects on our photos. Wer show you how to be guided by light when editing, how to achieve a light and airy or a moody edit on your images, how to add light and how to convert to black and white, as well as how to edit skin in Lightroom! This module is all play!  MAJOR TAKEAWAYS: You will learn how to create yoru own editing process - from knowing where to start and to understanding what elements of your photograph may need or benefit from adjusting and knowing how you can do so to achieve different outcomes.  You will also learn how to edit your skin tones so they look delightful - no matter what your subject's complexion.  MODULE 4: AFTER THE EDITS We close  the course with a module centered around all the things you might want to do after the edits - from preparation for print, creating photo books, but also sharing your images online and syncing them between different machines and adobe workplaces. PLUS there is a little Photoshop intro so you get a glimpse at how it's different and what it can do.    MAJOR TAKEAWAYS: You will learn how to connect all of your Adobe ecosystem and sync and share your images across multiple devices. You will learn how to prepare your images for print so they look their very best and how to create photobooks. NEXT COURSE STARTS 11 MARCH 2024 Absolutely, without a doubt book Editing. I was very unsure at first. My interest in photography is to capture those memories so it felt like it was 'cheating' to edit. I can honestly say it's like magic.To finish off the pictures you love and just give you complete control over the exposure, colours to make them perfect, to rescue the disasters etc. I learnt so much in those few weeks and it made the biggest difference to my photos.  Kerry White EDITING IN LIGHTROOM BOOK YOUR SPACE NOW: COURSE STARTS : 11 MARCH 2024  ( 4 WEEKS + 1 PREP WEEK) COURSE COST : £179 ( PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE )  What’s included: * 4 weekly modules with step by step illustrated tutorials and videos + prep module * weekly edit along class online class ( also recorded) - on Wednesday evenings * feedback and advice on your edits * private support group * PDF workbook and downloadable videos * Practice images to learn on Join our next group to really bring life to your images and make them look sleep, polished and full of light COURSE PREREQUISITES: Lightroom or Lightroom Classic CC software installed on your computer or tablet. RECOMENDED : Lightroom Photography Plan 25GB [https://www.adobe.com/uk/creativecloud/plans.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwmZejBhC_ARIsAGhCqnfC662Cnl7QHBuEd8E84861tqc3Z1hwbcFSauxXrIO6cY5hHKTE14kaAtwZEALw_wcB&mv=search&mv=search&sdid=H822XPWR&ef_id=Cj0KCQjwmZejBhC_ARIsAGhCqnfC662Cnl7QHBuEd8E84861tqc3Z1hwbcFSauxXrIO6cY5hHKTE14kaAtwZEALw_wcB:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!3085!3!474106903397!e!!g!!adobe%20lightroom%20price!1422700214!58647963511&gad=1] – a monthly subscription at approx £9pm – including Lightroom CC, Lightroom Classic CC and Photoshop. This plan can also be occasionally purchased at a lower price via Amazon or Groupon if you purchase a year’s worth of subscription in one go ( average savings – around 2-4 months worth depending on the deal) Please note that Adobe also has a Lightroom Plan with 1TB of storage – we do not recommend this plan as it restricts you to one version of software only. The increased Cloud storage can always be purchased as an add on or your plan can be switched from Photographer plan to CC only at a later stage if you prefer.

Photography For Parents - Editing In Lightroom
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Photography Courses for Business

By Paul Chapman

Our business photography courses are created to help individuals learn how to take professional-quality photographs for use in a business setting.  By taking these courses, individuals and businesses can gain the skills and knowledge they need to create visually appealing content that can help their business stand out in a crowded marketplace. About the course Courses are focussed on the client’s requirements and are bespoke to their needs. We cater from one-to-one courses for small businesses to whole marketing departments for multinationals. So whether you’re a dog walker who wants more views or a design company that needs more collateral, we can help improve your stock imagery. These classes cover a range of topics, including learning your camera settings, lighting, composition, and editing techniques. Clients will learn how to use their cameras to capture high-quality images that can be used for marketing materials, social media posts and other promotional materials. They will also learn how to edit their photos using professional software packages like Adobe Lightroom [https://www.northwestschoolofphotography.com/photography-courses-for-business-1] and Apple Photos to give their images that extra pop. The important stuff These courses are all bespoke in nature so pricing will vary but we start at £350 for a three-hour course. We will discuss your specific needs before the course and make sure we cover them during the course. We will travel to your place of work so you get the relevant experience in the right environment.

Photography Courses for Business
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide

Photoshop For Photographers


By Photography For Parents

“PHOTOGRAPHY IS MORE THAN A MEDIUM FOR FACTUAL COMMUNICATION OF IDEAS. IT IS A CREATIVE ART" - ANSEL ADAMS PHOTOSHOP FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS When you're ready to take the next step in your photo-education and learn to use Photoshop - our Photoshop for Photographers course will take you from Photoshop novice to someone who can confidently navigate it and use its super powerful tools to take your photos beyond what you thought was possible! So if you've ever dreamt about being able to use Photoshop, maybe even got as far as opening it and quickly get overwhelmed with all that's packed inside - we've got you. KEY COURSE INFO: * Course type: Instructor-led * Course level: 2 levels - Essential Photoshop ( L1)  and Creative Photoshop (L2) * Course duration: each course level consists of 4 weeks + prep module * Course format: Online course with step by step tutorials, instructional videos and interactive edit-along live classes, feedback on your learning and support group WHAT YOU LEARN: Our Photoshop for Photographers is a 2 level course - the first one covering all the key aspects of understanding how to navigate and work in Photoshop along with its most widely used tools and techniques, the second one building on top of that to really boost the creative uses you can apply it to.  This incredibly in-depth course has everything you need as a photographer who wants to harness this amazing tool.  What you learn: from basic Photoshop tools to more complex photo manipulations, from playing with colour to portrait retouching, from adding light to removing any unwanted object from your photos and lots, lots more. * key photoshop tools * object removal and placements - face / sky swaps * Overlays & blending modes * The art of adding light * Skin editing and retouching * introduction to compositing THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU IF : * You you already know basics of editing (in Lightroom)  but want to take them further into Photoshop ( where more fun happens)  * You tried using Photoshop before only to close it immediately after opening due to all the overwhelmingly unfamiliar tools and options * You followed youtube tutorials before but beside replicating what the person did exactly, you still don't really have a good idea of how to use Photoshop - or why you should!? * You want to be able to take advantage of the tools that are missing in Lightroom or do not give you sufficient control over them to do the job seamlessly - such as precise ways of removing unwanted objects in your image - Photoshop's powerful tools, such as the Content-Aware Fill and Clone Stamp enable you to remove distracting objects or people from your photos, ensuring the focus remains on the subject * You want to be able to manipulate or replace elements in your images - from turning your background blurry to replacing blank skies, doing face swaps and more * You want to be able to bring beautiful light into your images - from haze to sun rays, from   - with colours that pop and light that's perfectly balanced * You want to be able to take yoru portraits to a new level - remove blemishes, retouch skin,and correct imperfections, giving your images a polished and professional finish. * You desire to create stunning composites: With Photoshop, you can combine multiple images seamlessly to create captivating composite photos. This skill is particularly useful for photographers who want to tell stories or create imaginative and surreal images. ONE COURSE - 2 LEVELS ESSENTIAL PHOTOSHOP Pick this course if you're new to Photoshop or do not have a lot of experience in Photoshop In this course you learn to : * Navigate the software and set it up for a proper, smart, non-destructive workflow * Discover all the essential tools and techniques that take your images way beyond what you could do in Lightroom  * Learn the key skills : from masks to brushes, from blending modes to selections, from cloning to canvas extensions, from face swaps to sky swaps - and more!!  CREATIVE PHOTOSHOP Pick this course if you're already familiar with the basic tools and ways of working in Photoshop  In this course you take all that you learned in the Essentials course and turbo boost it for creativity. You'll learn : * How to play with light, colour and blur for unique creative outcomes * How to get more out of the familiar tools - so advanced brushes, advanced selections, advanced blending * More fun skills : from skin edits to retouching, from stitching photos to involved composites, from creating effects such as neon glow to turning your photos into comics  and more!  Learn more about Creative Photoshop [https://photographyforparents.co.uk/photoshop-for-photographers/#tve-jump-18a4c2ca9ac] WHAT'S INCLUDED IN EACH OF OUR PHOTOSHOP COURSES: * 4 core modules - each with detailed step by step tutorials, downloadable videos and PDF workbooks * Support Facebook group * Weekly edit-along live webinar * Practice files to learn on * Feedback on your images https://photographyforparents.co.uk/photoshop-for-photographers/#tve-jump-18a4c2c266e ESSENTIAL PHOTOSHOP NEXT ESSENTIAL PHOTOSHOP COURSE STARTS 15 JANUARY 2024 The way you work in Photoshop is very different compared to Lightroom and a big learning curve for anyone who begins learning it for the first time. It's also a big reason why a lot of photographers open it for the first time, find it hard to recognise any familiar tools or make them work on the image and the give up.  In this course we take you through it step by step. We show you around this tool and teach you how to use it in a way that's smart, non-destructive, flexible and making the most of its amazing features.  Here is a non-exhaustive list of what you will learn:  * A thorough understanding of Layers, masks and brushes - you cannot really work effectively in Photoshop if you do not know how to use these tools. An absolute must!  * Key Photoshop tools - Photoshop is a hugely vast tool used by lots of different creative professions and depending on what you use it for, you will be using different tools. We introduce you to the ones that are key for a photographer! * Working with Adjustment layers - these fantastic tools allow you to change colours, adjust tone and mood of images  * Removing and replacing parts of your photos -  powerful selection, healing, cloning, content aware tools and more to allow you to clean up your images of everything that's undesirable or distracting in your images * Simple composites ( Face swaps / Sky swaps) - while composites can be hugely complex and challenging, we show you how to get started with a few simple - but effective ones!Understanding  * Precision tools and filters for blurring and sharpening * Blending modes and their immense potential for transforming your images with the tools you already know - from working with overlays to  CREATIVE PHOTOSHOP NEXT CREATIVE PHOTOSHOP COURSE STARTS 15 APRIL 2024 In Level 2 we build on the foundation we establish in Level 1 and start applying what you have learned more creatively - as well as learning more tools, more techniques and starting more fun projects. This is where we really get to have fun with those powerful tools - we learn not just how to fix and clean up undesirable elements from the photos, but how to creatively treat them so that they reflect your creative vision and imagination.  * The magic of Colour and blur - adding mood and softness to images to transform the images . We use several creative techniques to completel;y transform the images * Adding and creating light effects in Photoshop - from light beams to sun burtsts to rainbows!  * Step by step skin editing and portrait retouching - from adjusting skin tones, removing unwanted colour casts, disappearing blemishes and creating highend, polished portraits that still retain healthy skin texture  * Using smart filters and creative adjustment layers to achieve effects such as turning your images into cartoons, watercolours or neon effects * Working with and creating your own custom brushes, overlays etc - the power of photoshop brushes has to be experienced to be believed - from adding light rays to  * Playing with composites - adding magic to your images or creating new scenes and stories from scratch PHOTOSHOP FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS  PHOTOSHOP COURSES - KEY INFO Essential Photoshop ( Level 1)  - 4 week course, starts 15 Jan 2024 Creative Photoshop ( Level 2) - 4 week course, 15 April 2024 Course cost: BOOKING A SINGLE COURSE: £179 ( payment plans available ) BOOKING A BUNDLE: Book Level 1 and Level 2 together :  £259  (payment plans available )  PHOTOSHOP FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS * Each course consists of 4 weekly modules with step by step illustrated tutorials and videos + prep module * weekly edit along class online class ( also recorded) * feedback and advice on your edits * private support group * PDF workbook and downloadable videos * Practice images to learn on COURSE PREREQUISITES: Adobe Photoshop software installed on your computer or tablet.This can be purchased either as a standalone Photoshop Subscription or as part of the Photography Plan which includes also access to Lightroom and Lightroom Classic. Please note that you need to ensure that your computer can run Photoshop - please follow Adobe minimum system requirements guidelines [https://helpx.adobe.com/uk/photoshop/system-requirements.html]

Photoshop For Photographers
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request
£179 to £259

Online Options

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By Pembrokeshire Studio

Lightroom is not an intuitive software and for this reason this course will show how it differs from Photoshop and how it works. The Lightroom course covers all of the main features in to enable you to use the software fully. By the end of the course you will be able to navigate all of the functions and customise settings to suit your workflow.

Delivered Online On Demand

Diploma in Adobe Lightroom

By Course Cloud

COURSE OVERVIEW Take your creative projects to the next level, with this Diploma in Adobe Lightroom masterclass. The Diploma in Adobe Lightroom is a complete guide for learners of all levels. Through this practical online training, you will learn how to perform a wide range of creative tasks, familiarising yourself with Lightroom's basic to advanced tools. This course has been specially designed to teach you in the most effective way, through easy to follow video instruction.  By the end of this course, you will be an expert in image manipulation, with a formal qualification that will add instant value to your CV. This course has no specific entry requirements and is a best-seller for complete beginners and those looking for a refresher course. This best selling Diploma in Adobe Lightroom has been developed by industry professionals and has already been completed by hundreds of satisfied students. This in-depth Diploma in Adobe Lightroom is suitable for anyone who wants to build their professional skill set and improve their expert knowledge. The Diploma in Adobe Lightroom is CPD-accredited, so you can be confident you're completing a quality training course will boost your CV and enhance your career potential. The Diploma in Adobe Lightroom is made up of several information-packed modules which break down each topic into bite-sized chunks to ensure you understand and retain everything you learn. After successfully completing the Diploma in Adobe Lightroom, you will be awarded a certificate of completion as proof of your new skills. If you are looking to pursue a new career and want to build your professional skills to excel in your chosen field, the certificate of completion from the Diploma in Adobe Lightroom will help you stand out from the crowd. You can also validate your certification on our website. We know that you are busy and that time is precious, so we have designed the Diploma in Adobe Lightroom to be completed at your own pace, whether that's part-time or full-time. Get full course access upon registration and access the course materials from anywhere in the world, at any time, from any internet-enabled device.  Our experienced tutors are here to support you through the entire learning process and answer any queries you may have via email.

Diploma in Adobe Lightroom
Delivered Online On Demand

Adobe Lightroom

By Course Cloud

COURSE OVERVIEW When you take this professional Adobe Lightroom course, you'll discover the most effective and proficient way to import, organise, and manage your personal library of images. Unlike Photoshop, Lightroom combines first-class photo management and photo editing capabilities into one tool, which is also more straightforward and more intuitive, meaning that beginners will master the functions more easily. With the help of this comprehensive tuition, you will soon be arranging and editing photos to make them look genuinely accomplished.               This Lightroom training is the definitive introduction to this practical and versatile Adobe tool, which ensures that you'll be using every function available. You will be taught all about the fundamental setup steps, the viewing options, collection methods, keyword use, toolkits offered, slideshow delivery, and much more. You can also expect access to working materials and personal assignments to practice your Lightroom skills. So, enrol now to become a Lightroom expert.   This best selling Adobe Lightroom has been developed by industry professionals and has already been completed by hundreds of satisfied students. This in-depth Adobe Lightroom is suitable for anyone who wants to build their professional skill set and improve their expert knowledge. The Adobe Lightroom is CPD-accredited, so you can be confident you're completing a quality training course will boost your CV and enhance your career potential. The Adobe Lightroom is made up of several information-packed modules which break down each topic into bite-sized chunks to ensure you understand and retain everything you learn. After successfully completing the Adobe Lightroom, you will be awarded a certificate of completion as proof of your new skills. If you are looking to pursue a new career and want to build your professional skills to excel in your chosen field, the certificate of completion from the Adobe Lightroom will help you stand out from the crowd. You can also validate your certification on our website. We know that you are busy and that time is precious, so we have designed the Adobe Lightroom to be completed at your own pace, whether that's part-time or full-time. Get full course access upon registration and access the course materials from anywhere in the world, at any time, from any internet-enabled device.  Our experienced tutors are here to support you through the entire learning process and answer any queries you may have via email. 

Adobe Lightroom
Delivered Online On Demand

Adobe Lightroom CC 2021 Training

By Course Cloud

The comprehensive Adobe Lightroom CC 2021 Training has been designed by industry experts to provide learners with everything they need to enhance their skills and knowledge in their chosen area of study. Enrol on the Adobe Lightroom CC 2021 Training today, and learn from the very best the industry has to offer! This best selling Adobe Lightroom CC 2021 Training has been developed by industry professionals and has already been completed by hundreds of satisfied students. This in-depth Adobe Lightroom CC 2021 Training is suitable for anyone who wants to build their professional skill set and improve their expert knowledge. The Adobe Lightroom CC 2021 Training is CPD-accredited, so you can be confident you're completing a quality training course  will boost your CV and enhance your career potential. The Adobe Lightroom CC 2021 Training is made up of several information-packed modules which break down each topic into bite-sized chunks to ensure you understand and retain everything you learn. After successfully completing the Adobe Lightroom CC 2021 Training, you will be awarded a certificate of completion  as proof of your new skills. If you are looking to pursue a new career and want to build your professional skills to excel in your chosen field, the certificate of completion from the Adobe Lightroom CC 2021 Training will help you stand out from the crowd. You can also validate your certification on our website. We know that you are busy and that time is precious, so we have designed the Adobe Lightroom CC 2021 Training to be completed at your own pace, whether that's part-time or full-time. Get full course access upon registration and access the course materials from anywhere in the world, at any time, from any internet-enabled device.  Our experienced tutors are here to support you through the entire learning process and answer any queries you may have via email.

Adobe Lightroom CC 2021 Training
Delivered Online On Demand

Adobe Lightroom

By Apex Learning

OVERVIEW This comprehensive course on Adobe Lightroom will deepen your understanding on this topic. After successful completion of this course you can acquire the required skills in this sector. This Adobe Lightroom comes with accredited certification from CPD, which will enhance your CV and make you worthy in the job market. So enrol in this course today to fast track your career ladder. HOW WILL I GET MY CERTIFICATE? You may have to take a quiz or a written test online during or after the course. After successfully completing the course, you will be eligible for the certificate. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this Adobe Lightroom. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds. REQUIREMENTS Our Adobe Lightroom is fully compatible with PC's, Mac's, Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone devices. This course has been designed to be fully compatible with tablets and smartphones so you can access your course on Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G. There is no time limit for completing this course, it can be studied in your own time at your own pace. CAREER PATH Learning this new skill will help you to advance in your career. It will diversify your job options and help you develop new techniques to keep up with the fast-changing world. This skillset will help you to- * Open doors of opportunities * Increase your adaptability * Keep you relevant * Boost confidence And much more! COURSE CURRICULUM 18 sections • 102 lectures • 08:47:00 total length •Introduction: 00:04:00 •Requirements: 00:04:00 •Downloading Images: 00:01:00 •Getting Familiar with Lightroom: 00:02:00 •Versions of Lightroom: 00:03:00 •Lightroom UI: 00:03:00 •Step Process: 00:07:00 •Importing Photos: 00:09:00 •Adding More Photos: 00:03:00 •Ingesting Wrap Up: 00:03:00 •Library Wise Section Overview: 00:01:00 •Grid View Loupe View: 00:03:00 •Full Screen Lights Out Tab View: 00:05:00 •Survey View: 00:03:00 •Compare View: 00:02:00 •Library Views Section Wrap Up: 00:04:00 •Minimal VS. 1-to-1 Previews: 00:07:00 •Lightroom Catalogue: 00:09:00 •LRPREV Files Merged: 00:06:00 •Creating Folders When Moving Photos: 00:06:00 •Deleting Photos: 00:04:00 •Keyboard Shortcuts: 00:03:00 •Grid Loupe View Options: 00:09:00 •Thumbnail Badges: 00:02:00 •Flags Ratings Labels Section Overview: 00:03:00 •Flags Ratings Colour Labels: 00:06:00 •Attributes Filter: 00:06:00 •Section Wrap Up: 00:02:00 •Collection Overview: 00:02:00 •Collections: 00:05:00 •Target Collections: 00:03:00 •Collection Sets: 00:03:00 •Smart Collections: 00:03:00 •Collections Wrap Up: 00:02:00 •Keywords Overview: 00:01:00 •Keywords: 00:04:00 •Keyword Sets: 00:03:00 •Keyword List: 00:04:00 •Metadata Library Filter Part 1: 00:04:00 •People View Complete: 00:09:00 •People View Adding Names: 00:04:00 •GPS Map View: 00:09:00 •Explaining Metadata: 00:08:00 •Metadata Library Filter Part 2: 00:03:00 •IPTC XMP EXIF: 00:04:00 •Keywords Metadata Wrap Up: 00:04:00 •Workflow Ingest: 00:06:00 •Workflow Digest: 00:07:00 •Workflow Export: 00:04:00 •Quick Exporting: 00:07:00 •Emailing Photos: 00:06:00 •Exporting Presets: 00:11:00 •Developing Module Intro: 00:11:00 •White Balance: 00:08:00 •Exposure Contrast: 00:03:00 •Blacks Whites Highlights Shadows: 00:06:00 •Clarity Vibrance Saturation: 00:09:00 •Basic Summary: 00:06:00 •Auto Tone: 00:06:00 •Before and After: 00:04:00 •Dehaze: 00:05:00 •Black and White: 00:06:00 •Editing JPG in Photoshop: 00:09:00 •Smart Objects and Lightroom: 00:07:00 •Sharpening: 00:09:00 •Noise Reduction: 00:06:00 •Previous Copy Paste Sync: 00:07:00 •Vignette Grain: 00:06:00 •Crop Straighten: 00:07:00 •Spot Removal: 00:13:00 •Spot Removal Custom Lines: 00:05:00 •Spot Removal Straight Lines: 00:03:00 •Red Eye Correction: 00:05:00 •Graduated Filter: 00:08:00 •Radial Filter: 00:07:00 •Adjustment Brush and Filters: 00:08:00 •Tool Strip Wrap Up: 00:05:00 •Understanding HSL: 00:08:00 •HSL Examples: 00:09:00 •Split Toning: 00:05:00 •Slideshow Overview: 00:12:00 •Make Slideshows Quickly: 00:04:00 •Slideshow Skyline Sync to Music: 00:02:00 •Slideshow Skyline Fit to Music: 00:03:00 •Slideshow Jazz Fit to Music: 00:03:00 •Downloadable Resources: 00:02:00 •How to Use and Assignments: 00:03:00 •Story: 00:05:00 •Aimee Demo Part 1: 00:08:00 •Aimee Demo Part 2: 00:03:00 •Assignment Set Attributes: 00:03:00 •Aimee Demo Part 3: 00:11:00 •Aimee Level 2 Cleanup: 00:09:00 •Assignment Times Num Photos: 00:02:00 •Project 1: 00:03:00 •Project 2: 00:03:00 •Lightroom Presets from GraphicRiver and Creative Market: 00:02:00 •Photo Credits: 00:02:00 •Conclusion: 00:02:00 •DNG Converter: 00:14:00 •Updating Lightroom Classic: 00:04:00 •Practice Materials: 00:00:00

Adobe Lightroom
Delivered Online On Demand

Adobe Lightroom CC


By Studyhub UK

Embark on a captivating journey through the art of digital photography with our Adobe Lightroom CC Course. This course isn't just a guide; it's an immersive experience designed to elevate your photography to new heights. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned photographer, our meticulously crafted curriculum in Lightroom Classic CC and Lightroom CC will unravel the secrets of professional photo editing. Delve into the intricacies of Lightroom Classic CC, where you'll master everything from basic edits like cropping and rotating to advanced techniques such as split toning and range masks. Transition seamlessly to Lightroom CC, exploring its intuitive features for web-based photo editing. Our course isn't just about sliders and adjustments; it's about transforming your photos into visual masterpieces that tell compelling stories. Learning Outcomes * Navigate the Lightroom Classic CC and Lightroom CC interfaces with confidence. * Master essential photo editing techniques, from exposure adjustments to lens corrections. * Explore advanced features like graduated and radial adjustments for creative editing. * Understand the nuances of portrait editing and night photo enhancement. * Export and share your edited photos seamlessly across platforms. WHY CHOOSE THIS ADOBE LIGHTROOM CC COURSE? 1. Unlimited access to the course for a lifetime. 2. Opportunity to earn a certificate accredited by the CPD Quality Standards and CIQ after completing this course. 3. Structured lesson planning in line with industry standards. 4. Immerse yourself in innovative and captivating course materials and activities. 5. Assessments designed to evaluate advanced cognitive abilities and skill proficiency. 6. Flexibility to complete the Course at your own pace, on your own schedule. 7. Receive full tutor support throughout the week, from Monday to Friday, to enhance your learning experience. 8. Unlock career resources for CV improvement, interview readiness, and job success. WHO IS THIS ADOBE LIGHTROOM CC COURSE FOR? * Photography enthusiasts eager to enhance their editing skills. * Beginners looking to navigate the world of photo post-processing. * Content creators and social media influencers seeking visually stunning images. * Professionals wanting to streamline their photo editing workflow. * Anyone with a passion for transforming ordinary photos into extraordinary visual narratives. CAREER PATH * Freelance Photo Editor: £20,000 - £35,000 * Social Media Content Creator: £25,000 - £40,000 * Photography Educator: £28,000 - £45,000 * Digital Marketing Specialist: £30,000 - £50,000 * E-commerce Product Photographer: £22,000 - £38,000 * Wedding and Events Photographer: £26,000 - £42,000 PREREQUISITES This Adobe Lightroom CC does not require you to have any prior qualifications or experience. You can just enrol and start learning.This Adobe Lightroom CC was made by professionals and it is compatible with all PC's, Mac's, tablets and smartphones. You will be able to access the course from anywhere at any time as long as you have a good enough internet connection. CERTIFICATION After studying the course materials, there will be a written assignment test which you can take at the end of the course. After successfully passing the test you will be able to claim the pdf certificate for £4.99 Original Hard Copy certificates need to be ordered at an additional cost of £8. COURSE CURRICULUM Lightroom Classic CC Intro to Lightroom Classic CC 00:05:00 Importing and Organizing in Lightroom Classic CC 00:11:00 Crop and Rotate Lightroom Classic CC 00:05:00 White Balance in Lightroom Classic 00:08:00 Exposure in Lightroom Classic CC 00:06:00 Color and Saturation in Lightroom Classic CC 00:09:00 Sharpening and Noise Reduction in Lightroom Classic CC 00:07:00 Vignettes, Grain and Dehaze in Lightroom Classic CC 00:06:00 Exporting in Lightroom Classic CC 00:10:00 Lens Corrections in Lightroom Classic CC 00:05:00 Split Tone in Lightroom Classic CC 00:05:00 Removing Blemishes With the Heal and Clone Tools in Lightroom Classic CC 00:08:00 Graduated, Radial and Brush Adjustments in Lightroom Classic CC 00:10:00 Adjustment Brush Presets in Lightroom Classic CC 00:03:00 Range Masks in Lightroom Classic CC 00:05:00 Full Edit - Portrait in Lightroom Classic CC 00:19:00 Lightroom CC Intro to Lightroom CC 00:03:00 Import and Organize in Lightroom CC 00:10:00 Crop and Rotate in Lightroom CC 00:03:00 White Balance and Saturation in Lightroom CC 00:06:00 Light - Exposure and Tone Curve in Lightroom CC 00:08:00 Color Mixer in Lightroom CC 00:02:00 Effects in Lightroom CC 00:05:00 Split Toning in Lightroom CC 00:01:00 Details in Lightroom CC 00:05:00 Optics in Lightroom CC 00:03:00 Geometry in Lightroom CC 00:04:00 Exporting and Sharing Lightroom CC 00:02:00 Healing and Clone Brushes in Lightroom CC 00:04:00 Brush Adjustments Lightroom CC 00:04:00 Radial and Linear Gradients Lightroom CC 00:05:00 Advanced Optione and Presets in Lightroom CC 00:04:00 Full Edit - Night Photo in Lightroom CC 00:11:00 Full Edit - Portrait in Lightroom CC 00:14:00 Editing Photos in Your Web Browses With Lightroom CC 00:03:00

Adobe Lightroom CC
Delivered Online On Demand

Ultimate Lightroom Photo Editing Course

By Course Cloud

The comprehensive Ultimate Lightroom Photo Editing Course has been designed by industry experts to provide learners with everything they need to enhance their skills and knowledge in their chosen area of study. Enrol on the Ultimate Lightroom Photo Editing Course today, and learn from the very best the industry has to offer! This best selling Ultimate Lightroom Photo Editing Course has been developed by industry professionals and has already been completed by hundreds of satisfied students. This in-depth Ultimate Lightroom Photo Editing Course is suitable for anyone who wants to build their professional skill set and improve their expert knowledge. The Ultimate Lightroom Photo Editing Course is CPD-accredited, so you can be confident you're completing a quality training course  will boost your CV and enhance your career potential. The Ultimate Lightroom Photo Editing Course is made up of several information-packed modules which break down each topic into bite-sized chunks to ensure you understand and retain everything you learn. After successfully completing the Ultimate Lightroom Photo Editing Course, you will be awarded a certificate of completion  as proof of your new skills. If you are looking to pursue a new career and want to build your professional skills to excel in your chosen field, the certificate of completion from the Ultimate Lightroom Photo Editing Course will help you stand out from the crowd. You can also validate your certification on our website. We know that you are busy and that time is precious, so we have designed the Ultimate Lightroom Photo Editing Course to be completed at your own pace, whether that's part-time or full-time. Get full course access upon registration and access the course materials from anywhere in the world, at any time, from any internet-enabled device.  Our experienced tutors are here to support you through the entire learning process and answer any queries you may have via email.

Ultimate Lightroom Photo Editing Course
Delivered Online On Demand

Adobe Lightroom CC


By Janets

Register on the Adobe Lightroom CC today and build the experience, skills and knowledge you need to enhance your professional development and work towards your dream job. Study this course through online learning and take the first steps towards a long-term career. The course consists of a number of easy to digest, in-depth modules, designed to provide you with a detailed, expert level of knowledge. Learn through a mixture of instructional video lessons and online study materials. Receive online tutor support as you study the course, to ensure you are supported every step of the way. Get a digital certificate as a proof of your course completion. The Adobe Lightroom CC course is incredibly great value and allows you to study at your own pace. Access the course modules from any internet-enabled device, including computers, tablet, and smartphones. The course is designed to increase your employability and equip you with everything you need to be a success. Enrol on the now and start learning instantly! WHAT YOU GET WITH THE ADOBE LIGHTROOM CC COURSE * Receive a e-certificate upon successful completion of the course * Get taught by experienced, professional instructors * Study at a time and pace that suits your learning style * Get instant feedback on assessments  * 24/7 help and advice via email or live chat * Get full tutor support on weekdays (Monday to Friday) COURSE DESIGN The course is delivered through our online learning platform, accessible through any internet-connected device. There are no formal deadlines or teaching schedules, meaning you are free to study the course at your own pace. You are taught through a combination of * Video lessons * Online study materials CERTIFICATION After the successful completion of the final assessment, you will receive a CPD-accredited certificate of achievement. The PDF certificate is for £9.99, and it will be sent to you immediately after through e-mail. You can get the hard copy for £15.99, which will reach your doorsteps by post. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR: The course is ideal for those who already work in this sector or are an aspiring professional. This course is designed to enhance your expertise and boost your CV. Learn key skills and gain a professional qualification to prove your newly-acquired knowledge. REQUIREMENTS: The online training is open to all students and has no formal entry requirements. To study the Adobe Lightroom CC course, all your need is a passion for learning, a good understanding of English, numeracy, and IT skills. You must also be over the age of 16. COURSE CONTENT Lightroom Classic CC Intro to Lightroom Classic CC 00:05:00 Importing and Organizing in Lightroom Classic CC 00:11:00 Crop and Rotate Lightroom Classic CC 00:05:00 White Balance in Lightroom Classic 00:08:00 Exposure in Lightroom Classic CC 00:06:00 Color and Saturation in Lightroom Classic CC 00:09:00 Sharpening and Noise Reduction in Lightroom Classic CC 00:07:00 Vignettes, Grain and Dehaze in Lightroom Classic CC 00:06:00 Exporting in Lightroom Classic CC 00:10:00 Lens Corrections in Lightroom Classic CC 00:05:00 Split Tone in Lightroom Classic CC 00:05:00 Removing Blemishes With the Heal and Clone Tools in Lightroom Classic CC 00:08:00 Graduated, Radial and Brush Adjustments in Lightroom Classic CC 00:10:00 Adjustment Brush Presets in Lightroom Classic CC 00:03:00 Range Masks in Lightroom Classic CC 00:05:00 Full Edit - Portrait in Lightroom Classic CC 00:19:00 Lightroom CC Intro to Lightroom CC 00:03:00 Import and Organize in Lightroom CC 00:10:00 Crop and Rotate in Lightroom CC 00:03:00 White Balance and Saturation in Lightroom CC 00:06:00 Light - Exposure and Tone Curve in Lightroom CC 9988 00:08:00 Color Mixer in Lightroom CC 00:02:00 Effects in Lightroom CC 00:05:00 Split Toning in Lightroom CC 9988 00:01:00 Details in Lightroom CC 00:05:00 Optics in Lightroom CC 00:03:00 Geometry in Lightroom CC 00:04:00 Exporting and Sharing Lightroom CC 00:02:00 Healing and Clone Brushes in Lightroom CC 00:04:00 Brush Adjustments Lightroom CC 00:04:00 Radial and Linear Gradients Lightroom CC 00:05:00 Advanced Optione and Presets in Lightroom CC 00:04:00 Full Edit - Night Photo in Lightroom CC 00:11:00 Full Edit - Portrait in Lightroom CC 00:14:00 Editing Photos in Your Web Browses With Lightroom CC 00:03:00 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Are there any prerequisites for taking the course? There are no specific prerequisites for this course, nor are there any formal entry requirements. All you need is an internet connection, a good understanding of English and a passion for learning for this course. Can I access the course at any time, or is there a set schedule? You have the flexibility to access the course at any time that suits your schedule. Our courses are self-paced, allowing you to study at your own pace and convenience. How long will I have access to the course? For this course, you will have access to the course materials for 1 year only. This means you can review the content as often as you like within the year, even after you've completed the course. However, if you buy Lifetime Access for the course, you will be able to access the course for a lifetime. Is there a certificate of completion provided after completing the course? Yes, upon successfully completing the course, you will receive a certificate of completion. This certificate can be a valuable addition to your professional portfolio and can be shared on your various social networks. Can I switch courses or get a refund if I'm not satisfied with the course? We want you to have a positive learning experience. If you're not satisfied with the course, you can request a course transfer or refund within 14 days of the initial purchase. How do I track my progress in the course? Our platform provides tracking tools and progress indicators for each course. You can monitor your progress, completed lessons, and assessments through your learner dashboard for the course. What if I have technical issues or difficulties with the course? If you encounter technical issues or content-related difficulties with the course, our support team is available to assist you. You can reach out to them for prompt resolution.

Adobe Lightroom CC
Delivered Online On Demand

Lightroom Photo Editing

By Apex Learning

OVERVIEW This comprehensive course on Lightroom Photo Editing will deepen your understanding on this topic. After successful completion of this course you can acquire the required skills in this sector. This Lightroom Photo Editing comes with accredited certification, which will enhance your CV and make you worthy in the job market. So enrol in this course today to fast track your career ladder. HOW WILL I GET MY CERTIFICATE? You may have to take a quiz or a written test online during or after the course. After successfully completing the course, you will be eligible for the certificate. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this Lightroom Photo Editing. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds. REQUIREMENTS Our Lightroom Photo Editing is fully compatible with PC's, Mac's, Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone devices. This course has been designed to be fully compatible with tablets and smartphones so you can access your course on Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G. There is no time limit for completing this course, it can be studied in your own time at your own pace. CAREER PATH Having these various qualifications will increase the value in your CV and open you up to multiple sectors such as Business & Management, Admin, Accountancy & Finance, Secretarial & PA, Teaching & Mentoring etc. COURSE CURRICULUM 6 sections • 44 lectures • 06:02:00 total length •Module 01: Introduction: 00:03:00 •Module 02: Editing Overview: 00:02:00 •Module 03: Importing, Catalogue and Sub Folders: 00:05:00 •Module 04: Advanced Organising: 00:04:00 •Module 05: Hidden Gems in Lightroom: 00:03:00 •Module 06: Overview of the Lightroom Panels: 00:04:00 •Module 01: Understand the Histogram: 00:05:00 •Module 02: Local Adjustments: 00:10:00 •Module 03: Basics of Global Adjustments: 00:09:00 •Module 04: Tone Curves: 00:05:00 •Module 05: Hue, Saturation & Luminance: 00:05:00 •Module 06: Split Toning: 00:03:00 •Module 07: Sharpening & Noise Reduction: 00:06:00 •Module 08: Lens Correction: 00:03:00 •Module 09: Transform: 00:02:00 •Module 10: Effects & Calibration: 00:03:00 •Module 01: Landscape Image: 00:17:00 •Module 02: Cityscape Image: 00:18:00 •Module 03: Blue Hour Image: 00:18:00 •Module 04: Small Sensor Image: 00:14:00 •Module 05: Low Light Image: 00:10:00 •Module 06: Milky Way Image: 00:20:00 •Module 07: Reflection Image: 00:15:00 •Module 08: Waterfall Image: 00:15:00 •Module 09: Winter Image: 00:15:00 •Module 10: Sunrise Image: 00:12:00 •Module 11: Travel Portrait Image: 00:12:00 •Module 12: Architecture Image: 00:11:00 •Module 13: HDR Image: 00:13:00 •Module 14: Panoramic Image: 00:15:00 •Module 15: HDR Panoramic Image: 00:05:00 •Module 01: Cloaning & Object Removal: 00:07:00 •Module 02: Presets: 00:05:00 •Module 03: Dodge & Burn: 00:09:00 •Module 04: Orton Effect: 00:05:00 •Module 05: Sun Flare: 00:04:00 •Module 01: Basics of Exporting: 00:09:00 •Module 02: Exporting for Social Media: 00:04:00 •Module 03: Exporting for Printing: 00:04:00 •Module 04: Creating Export Presets: 00:03:00 •Module 01: Focus Stack: 00:07:00 •Module 02: Exposure Blending: 00:05:00 •Module 03: Blending Moments in Time: 00:05:00 •Module 04: Advanced Object removal: 00:13:00

Lightroom Photo Editing
Delivered Online On Demand

Educators matching "Lightroom"

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Welcome to Course Gate, your gateway to a world of knowledge and opportunity. We are a leading online learning marketplace dedicated to empowering individuals and organisations with the skills they need to succeed in today's dynamic and competitive environment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Mission Our mission is to make education accessible and enjoyable for everyone. We want to help you discover your passion, expand your knowledge, and grow your confidence. Whether you want to learn a new language, master software, or develop a hobby, we have the right course for you.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Vision  At Course Gate, we envision a future where education knows no boundaries. Our goal is to eliminate the traditional barriers of time, location, and accessibility, empowering learners from diverse backgrounds to unlock their full potential. Through our innovative approach, we aim to revolutionise the learning experience by making top-quality education accessible to everyone, regardless of their location. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why Choose Course Gate? When you opt for Course Gate, you're choosing excellence, convenience, and an unparalleled learning experience. Here's why learners and organisations worldwide trust us: * Unmatched Quality: We meticulously curate our courses, collaborating with industry-leading experts to provide the highest-quality, relevant, and up-to-date content. * Flexible Learning: Our platform enables you to learn at your own pace, fitting into your schedule. Whether you're a full-time professional, a stay-at-home parent, or a busy student. * 24/7 Customer Support: Our dedicated customer support team is available to assist you whenever you need help. * Accreditation & Endorsement: We hold CPD accreditation and QLS endorsement, and we're a registered course provider on the UKRLP in the UK. * Affordability: We believe education should be accessible to all. Course Gate provides competitive pricing and discounts, ensuring that the cost never becomes a barrier to your personal and professional development. So, what are you waiting for? Join the thousands of learners who have already chosen Course Gate as their trusted learning partner and unlock your full potential. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------