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The Thrifty Stitcher

the thrifty stitcher


The Thrifty Stitcher is run by Claire-Louise Hardie,The first and original Sewing Producer & Mastermind for The Great British Sewing Bee( Series 1-4). She offers bespoke, small sized, friendly sewing classes for aspiring DIY dressmakers Across the UK at various sewing studios- see calendar for specifics. In her spare time Claire-louise is undertaking a Masters Degree at London College of Fashion! Hello! Learn to sew with me Claire-Louise Hardie, Former Sewing Producer for The Great British Sewing Bee. I'm an online Sewing Educator who loves making clothes fit and inspiring beginners to get started. For almost 3 decades I've been a professional Freelance Costumer for stage and screen. I'm a Writer for the best selling "Love Sewing" Magazine Owner and Teacher Originally trained as a Costume Designer at The Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Claire-Louise has worked in all aspects of Costume for Theatre, Film and TV with an impressive CV of employers that includes- ITV:The RSC:The Royal National Theatre:BBC: Regent’s Park open air Theatre and “The Audience” with Dame Helen Mirren. Her diverse professional experience made her the perfect candidate for the role of Sewing Producer for TV's ``Great British Sewing Bee`` A role she's done since 2012 when the show was first developed. In 2009 Claire-Louise began teaching sewing in Stoke Newington and through her teaching has regained a love of dressmaking for herself. When not teaching at The Thrifty Studio she's also a Love sewing Magazine columnist: A Sewing Bee Author, as well as a Costumier Her first book: ``The Great British Sewing Bee- Fashion with Fabric`` won best sewing book 2015 in the British Sewing Awards. The book accompanied the third series of the hit TV show




Psychological Operations (PSYOP) and Psychological Warfare (PSYWAR), these words generate thoughts of North Vietnam's "Hanoi Hanna", Japan's "Tokyo Rose" and more recently the Iraq's infamous "Baghdad Betty" of Desert Storm. To others the words psychological operations and psychological warfare conjure up images of our military playing mind games with the enemy. PSYOP is all this and much more, for you see there are essentially two great forces in warfare:-the physical and the moral. These two forces suggest two distinct approaches to warfare. One a "direct" approach, concentrating on the opponent's physical forces, and the other an "indirect" approach, focusing on moral forces. Both of these approaches have been tried throughout history, with a noted lack of emphasis on the indirect approach until more recent times. This website will attempt to give new emphasis to the indirect approach by conveying a better appreciation for the application of psychological operations. So sit back and join me on a tour of the history of Psychological Operations, and what PSYOP is today. - The Life and Times of the "Psywarrior" - A Brief History of Psychological Operations - Links on the use of psychological operations/warfare during World Wars I and II, Korean War, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama (Operation Just Cause) Gulf War (Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Haiti (Operation Uphold Democracy), Somalia (Operation Restore Hope), Bosnia & Kosovo (Operation Allied Force), Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) and Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom). Also samples of leaflets and unusual PSYOP themes used by both sides in conflicts from World War I to the present, information on the 4th Psychological Operations Group, the Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (USACAPOC), the Psychological Operations Veterans Association (POVA), the PSYWAR Society, a Gulf War Photo Gallery, the Son Tay POW Rescue Raid, plus stories about two of our nation's heroes, and much more.