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65 Library courses

First Line Management Course

By Dickson Training Ltd

This 2 day course is ideal for Team Leaders and Managers who have had little or no training in the role where they have to lead a team and take on management responsibilities. It will give them confidence and the skills to take decisions and get the best performance from their team. The most popular of our management training courses, the First Line Management course is specifically for people who are new to a management position or who are about to undertake a management position and have had no formal management training. Anyone who is new to a management or supervisory position will benefit from this course. Run over two days, the syllabus of the First Line Management course will cover a wide range of topics to give new or inexperienced managers a firm understanding of the foundations needed to begin their journey as a manager. It includes units on effective communication, managing your team, managing yourself, delegating, setting objectives, effective planning and personal development. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE SYLLABUS MODULE ONE ROLE ASSESSMENT AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING * Understanding roles and responsibilities * Outline framework of management * Taking the step into management * Identifying personal development needs and planning MODULE TWO EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS * Communicating to be effective - how and what to communicate * Designing effective questioning techniques and listening actively * Non-verbal communication * Dealing with, and responding to, differing communication styles MODULE THREE MANAGING YOURSELF * Use of planning tools and techniques * Dealing with time stealers and interruptions * Learn how to delegate effectively MODULE FOUR MANAGING YOUR TEAM * Understanding different management styles and how to use them * Recognising performance management * Setting expectations and clearly defining roles and responsibilities * Pinpointing performance and motivating your team/individuals * Learning the management actions required to maintain team effectiveness * Team dynamics and looking at individual behaviour within teams -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST LINE MANAGEMENT COURSE Management is the efficient, effective and economic use of resources to achieve results with and through the efforts of other people. Leadership – a definition Inspiring others to follow your lead by creating a compelling vision of the future, whereby targets are not merely achieved, but are surpassed . Leadership – a definition Inspiring others to follow your lead by creating a compelling vision of the future, whereby targets are not merely achieved, but are surpassed . The Role of the First Line Manager as ‘Leader'. First Line Managers have Leadership responsibilities – this is often the biggest challenge for Team Leaders and Supervisors who have to adapt from performing a task to motivating a team. At the beginning of the 21st century, the most powerful sources of growth, employment and wealth creation are found in innovation-driven industries. As a result, organisational leaders face a whole new set of challenges. They have to change and will increasingly need to rely on the knowledge, skills, experience and judgement of all their people. Organisational leaders will need to place less emphasis on traditional structures and control, and concentrate on five key priorities: . Five Key Priorities . * using strategic vision to motivate and inspire * empowering employees at all levels * accumulating and sharing internal knowledge * gathering and integrating external information * challenging the status quo and enabling creativity Using Strategic Vision. Effective leaders will develop a strategic vision that is clear and compelling, and communicate it in a way that gives a real sense of purpose and direction. A powerful vision is clear about direction and objectives, proactive in its approach, but allows room for flexibility about the means of achievement. A powerful vision is important because it is one way of linking the present to a desirable future. The role of strategic planning is then to map out a path to achieve that vision. However, visionary thinking should not be the exclusive province of the organisation's top executives. Successful leaders will encourage participation in the formulation of a strategic vision that offers different perspectives and encourages commitment. It is also important to empower employees with the responsibility and authority to implement the vision. . Empowering Employees. Some people have proposed the view that the great leader is a great servant [2]. Certainly, many organisations believe that an environment based on trust will produce better results than one of rules, regulation and hierarchy. This means that leaders will increasingly have to respond to their employees' needs and take on some unaccustomed roles, such as coach, teacher, information provider, facilitator, listener or supporter. But for empowerment to work, organisations will have to share information and knowledge far more than they have done in the past. This will certainly include First Line Managers . Challenging the status quo and enabling creativity. There are a number of ways in which effective First Line Managers can challenge the status quo and enable creativity: . Facilitate ‘constructive dissent', i.e. encourage people to question openly a manager's perspective without fear of retaliation. An interesting example of this is at Motorola, where employees can file a ‘minority report' and lodge a different point of view to their immediate First Line Manager on a business issue.Foster a culture that encourages risk-taking.Create a sense of urgency by producing a compelling picture of the risks of not changing. To summarise, successful First Line Managers will be those that are proactive both in facilitating organisational learning and encouraging positive adaptation to external changes. . A 2 day First Line Manager Course will accelerate the process for Team Leaders and Supervisors to reach a high level of competence and confidence in the Leadership role they have . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAMPLE EXERCISES Our range of bespoke First Line Manager modules works wonders! The course outlines may look as you'd expect - but the content, approach and effect is very much greater than expectations. We have a very large library of innovative exercises that are highly effective in capturing and embedding the learning points in a practical way. Following each exercise - that may be aligned to a 'Financial Theme' - they are debriefed fully and related to how the learning can to be applied back in the work-place. They are also really great fun!! Here are some template modules and sample exercises designed to embed the learning in a motivational and memorable way:- SAMPLE 'ICE-BREAKER' EXERCISE - NUMBER CRUNCH The team must be effectively led and motivated to work as one to reach their objective of visiting each location in a short period of time. Debrief - Leadership and co-ordination, strategy and planning, adapting approach, decision making & control SAMPLE EXERCISE - THROUGH THE HOOP Taking the full team through the 'hoop' within the 'stretching' time limit is likely to exceed the group's own self-limitations. TIME MANAGEMENT SAMPLE EXERCISE - CONES This task requires the team to take a numbered tower of 5 cones from point 'A' to 'B' in a specific order; this will have to meet the criteria outlined in the brief. The option of 'C' is vital to achieve the results. Debrief: * Stepping back for overview * Planning disciplines * Time-budgeting * Skills audit for delegation HANDLING CONFLICT SAMPLE EXERCISE - CAVE RESCUE * Requires that the group make some difficult choices and then hold a press conference to justify their decisions while under scrutiny and criticism. This also displayed some required leadership learning; notably that a unified leadership team is crucial to gain commitment and confidence and also how vital it is to plan for any communication that will involve some sort of conflict. * Handling Conflict and maintaining control in a professional manner are key debriefing points from this exercise. COMMUNICATION, NEGOTIATION & INFLUENCE SAMPLE EXERCISE - RED & WHITE There is a specific time managed agenda and itinerary, which puts the group under pressure. The key challenge is for the sub-groups to maximise the commercial value from the task, however there is always a great danger that the individuals attempt to gain financial progress at the expense of the other group! Debriefing Points: * Engaging the other group to 'buy-in' to collaboration * Commercial consequences when collaboration is lacking or difficult * Effective communication and influence across barriers GLOBAL THINKING & BUSINESS MIND-SET SAMPLE EXERCISE - DRAGON'S DEN The delegation is split into 2 -3 groups - each with a specific product or service to win the Dragons' investment. (A specialised Toy; A unique Team Building Training programme; An eBook Library; An innovative soft-ware package for the Retail Industry Sector. They have to also present to the Dragon's Den their business case for feedback and negotiate with the Dragons to gain either an 'I'm in' or an 'I'm out' reply. Debrief: * Global business potential * Supply Chain appreciation * Commercial framework PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SAMPLE EXERCISE - JUGGLING The group will be asked to set their own team target of how many 'issues' (balls) they can manage at one time. This involves devising a sequence between the group to achieve maximum results without making any mistakes. We introduce different balls which represent different degrees of complexity, challenging the group's preparation and approach to a variety 'team members' needs. Debrief: * How to maintain focus when pressure is applied * Ensuring effective communication * Clarifying the approach for dealing with the unexpected * Setting expectations and reviewing delivery * Treating every team member as an individual PRIORITISATION & ORGANISATION SAMPLE EXERCISE - LABYRINTH This activity requires the group to solve a number of tasks through verbal communication only, but they will be forbidden to write any information down or make any gestures using their hands. They will each be provided with a great deal of different pieces of data that has to be assimilated within an increasingly pressurised time-scale. The material also contains distracting and misleading 'red-herrings'. The task requires delegates to keep focussed on the 'critical path' and be very organised in order to meet the dead-line. Debrief: * Rigour of planning - SMART * Prioritising through ambiguity * Time budgeting * Assigning roles & responsibilities to break down volume of material * The value of keeping accurate records -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN-HOUSE & CLASSROOM COURSES AVAILABLE ONLINE We have developed an alternative to traditional face-to-face training that continues to provide a full learning experience, and allows delegates to learn effectively whilst self-isolating from home. This is how it looks: Delegates booked on Classroom and In-House courses will continue to have access to their trainer online throughout the days that the course is booked to run. Prior to a delegate's course start date, they will be enrolled on our e-learning platform (in partnership with BCF Group [https://www.thebcfgroup.co.uk/management-training/first-line-manager-course.php]) for the course they are booked on to. They will also be given contact information for their trainer, and details of how to access the online workshops. Delegates will not require any special IT equipment. A desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or a mobile phone with internet and audio capability is all that is required. Delegates taking ILM Qualifications will then proceed to the book review, video review and work based assignments with 12 months tutor support as appropriate, and in line with our previous arrangements. We hope you agree that this blended learning experience represents the safest way to continue supporting our clients and delegates during the Coronavirus disruption. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN-HOUSE COURSES This is our own management training course which has been developed and refined over the many years we have been providing it to delegates from organisations in virtually every industry. This means that the course syllabus is flexible and can be tailored to the specific requirements of a new first line manager or managers, making it ideal for companies or organisations who require an in-house first line management training course which is attended by a number of current or potential managers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULED COURSES A one day version of this First Line Management course is available as an Open Course delivered at our partner, the BCF's Training suites in Nottingham and Reading from the following scheduled dates... CLASSROOM COURSE - NOTTINGHAM (NG12 4DG) Classroom training courses enable you to benefit from having the tutor and other delegates right there in the room with you. Face-to-face training sessions are one of the best ways to learn, as it is easy to ask questions and have group discussions. Cost: £595 + vat * 16 October 2023 * 09 January 2024 * 11 March 2024 CLASSROOM COURSE - READING (RG41 5QS) Classroom training courses enable you to benefit from having the tutor and other delegates right there in the room with you. Face-to-face training sessions are one of the best ways to learn, as it is easy to ask questions and have group discussions. Cost: £595 + vat * 07 December 2023 * 15 February 2024 * 14 May 2024 ZOOM™ COURSE Attending a course via Zoom videoconferencing gives you all of the benefits of classroom training without the need to leave your home or office. You still benefit from a real tutor facilitating the programme, and the content is exactly the same. Cost: £495 + vat * 11 September 2023 * 04 December 2023 * 13 March 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DICKSON TRAINING LTD Founded in 1985 in Yorkshire, we have built an impressive and loyal client base. Our partnerships are built by consistently delivering outstanding development solutions and working in close collaboration with our clients, resulting in us becoming a leading UK and international training provider.

First Line Management Course
Delivered in Nottingham + 1 more locations or OnlineTwo days, Jun 17th, 08:00 + 6 more
£495 to £595

Advanced C++ programming


By Systems & Network Training

ADVANCED C++ TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION The course will give a broad overview of the C++ Programming language, focusing on modern C++, up to C++17. This course will cover the use of the Standard Library, including containers, iterator, function objects and algorithms. From the perspective of application development, a number of design patterns will be considered. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Write C++ programs using the more esoteric language features. * Utilise OO techniques to design C++ programs. * Use the standard C++ library. * Exploit advanced C++ techniques ADVANCED C++ TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Programmers needing to write C++ code. Programmers needing to maintain C++ code. * Prerequisites: C++ programming foundation. * Duration 5 days ADVANCED C++ TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Study of a string class Create a string class as a means to investigate many issues, involving the use of operator overloading and including overloading new and delete. Creation of the class will also require consideration of 'const correctness'. * Exception handling Consider the issues involved in exception handling including the concept of exception safety. * Templates Review definition of template functions, including template parameter type deduction. Introduction to template metaprogramming. Newer features including template template parameters and variadic templates. Creation of template classes. * Design patterns Introduction to Design Patterns and consideration of a number of patterns, such as, factory method, builder, singleton and adapter. * The standard C++ library (STL) Standard Library features, such as, Containers, Iterator, Function Objects and Algorithms. Introduction to Lambda expressions. * C++ and performance The writing of code throughout the course will be oriented towards performant code, including use of R Value references and 'move' semantics. * Pointers The use of pointers will be considered throughout the course. Smart pointers will be considered to improve program safety and help avoid the use of 'raw' pointers. * Threading This section will consider the creation of threads and synchronisation issues. A number of synchronisation primitives will be considered. Async and the use of Atomic will also be considered. * New ANSI C++ features Summarising some of the newer features to be considered are: Auto, Lambdas expression, smart pointers, variadic templates and folds, R Value references and tuple together with structured binding.

Advanced C++ programming
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Python for network engineers


By Systems & Network Training

PYTHON TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This Python course focusses on teaching Python for use in network automation and network DevOps. We focus on getting delegates up and running with Python and network automation as quickly as possible rather than making them great programmers. In other words we concentrate on enabling delegates to use network automation libraries such as netmiko, NAPALM and Nornir, and APIs such as NETCONF and RESTCONF rather than enabling delegates to produce object oriented programs. Hands on sessions use Cisco and Juniper devices. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Run Python programs. * Read Python programs. * Write Python programs. * Debug Python programs. * Automate network tasks with Python programs. * Configure network devices with Python. * Collect data from network devices with Python. PYTHON TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network engineers. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation * Duration 5 days PYTHON TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is Python? Programming languages, Why Python? Python in interactive mode, Python scripts, ipython, Python version 2 versus version 3. A simple Python script. Comments. Hands on Installing Python, Hello world. * A network example On box vs off box Python. telnet, ssh, NETCONF, HTTP, APIs, manufacturers and API support, analysis of a simple telnetlib program. Hands on Using Python to retrieve the configuration from a network device. Using wireshark to analyse the actions. * Python basics I/O, operators, variables and assignment, types, indentation, loops and conditionals. Hands on Modifying the telnet program, changing configurations on a network devices. * Functions, classes and methods What are functions, calling functions, builtin functions, useful builtin functions, file handling, classes, objects, creating instances. Hands on Storing configurations in files, configuring devices from files, using an inventory file to work on multiple devices. * Libraries and modules Modules, files and packages, import, from-import, Python standard library, other packages, pip install, executing other programs. Managing python libraries. Hands on Using pip, installing and using ipaddress, subprocess to access netsnmp. For the more advanced, using the sockets library. * Paramiko and netmiko SSH, enabling SSH on devices, keys. Paramiko versus netmiko, example scripts. pexpect. Hands on Configuring VLANs from Python. * pySNMP Gathering facts using previous methods, SNMP review, pySNMP GET, pySNMP and SNMPv3. easySNMP library. Hands on Walking a MIB from Python. * NETCONF What is NETCONF? Enabling NETCONF on devices, A first ncclient script, device handlers, get_config, edit_config, copy_config, delete_config, commit, validate, pyEZ, utils_config, utils.sw. Hands on Configuration using ncclient and PyEZ. This session is expanded for those interesting in JunOS automation. * Manipulating configuration files Builtin functions, string handling. Unicode. Sequences, strings, lists, tuples. Dictionaries. TextFSM. Regular expressions. JSON, YAML, XML, YANG, Jinja2, templates. Hands on Jinja2 templating with Python to configure network devices. * NAPALM Getters, configuration operations, supported devices, NAPALM transport, Config-replace, Config-merge, Compare config, Atomic changes, rollback. Example NAPLAM scripts. Hands on Using NAPALM to gather facts, Using NAPALM for configuration management * REST and RESTCONF What is REST, HTTP methods, GET, POST, cURL, Postman, Python requests library. RESTCONF, a RESTCONF example. Hands on Modifying a configuration using RESTCONF. * Scapy What is scapy, Scapy in interactive mode, Scapy as a module. Hands on Packet crafting from Python. * Warning Errors and exceptions, Exception handling, try, except. Memory management. Garbage collection. Context management, With. Hands on Improving Python code. * Nornir What is Nornir? A network automation framework, inventories, connection management and parallelization. Nornir architecture and other libraires. Hands on Setting up nornir, nornir fact gathering, nornir tasks. * Optional Writing your own functions, Writing your own classes. pyntc. Hands on Writing reusable code.

Python for network engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Hyper V for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

HYPER V FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This five day course will provide you with the knowledge and skills required to design and implement Microsoft Server Virtualization solutions using Hyper-V and System Center. Please note that due to the nature of the lab / environment build delegates may be required to work in pairs. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Install and configure the Hyper-V server role. * Create virtual machines, create and manage virtual hard disks and work with snapshots. * Create and configure virtual machine networks in a Hyper-V environment. * Provide high availability for Hyper-V environment by implementing failover clustering. * Use System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager. * Create and manage virtual machines by using VMM. HYPER V FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone designing, implementing, managing and maintaining a virtualization infrastructure. * Prerequisites: Supporting Windows server 2012 * Duration 5 days HYPER V FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Evaluating the environment for virtualization Overview of Microsoft virtualization, Overview of system center 2012 R2 components, Evaluating current environment for virtualization, Extending virtualization to the cloud environment. Selecting the appropriate virtualization method, Assessing the environment by using MAP. * Installing and configuring the Hyper-V role Installing the Hyper-V role, Managing Hyper-V, Configuring Hyper-V settings, Hyper-V Host storage and networking, Installing the Hyper-V server role, Configuring Hyper-V settings, Accessing and managing Hyper-V remotely. * Creating and managing virtual hard disks, virtual machines, and checkpoints Creating and configuring virtual hard disks, Creating and configuring virtual machines, Installing and Importing virtual machines, Managing virtual machine checkpoints, Monitoring Hyper-V, Designing virtual machines for server roles and services, Creating and managing virtual hard disks, Creating and managing virtual machines, Importing virtual machines and working with checkpoints monitoring Hyper-V. * Creating and configuring virtual machine networks Creating and using Hyper-V virtual switches, Advanced Hyper-V networking features, Configuring and using Hyper-V network virtualization, Creating and using Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V virtual switches, Configuring and using advanced virtual switch features, Configuring Hyper-V Network virtualization. * Virtual machine movement and Hyper-V replica Providing high availability and redundancy for virtualization, Implementing virtual machine movement, Implementing and managing Hyper-V replica, Moving Hyper-V storage and virtual machines, Configuring and managing Hyper-V replica. * Implementing failover clustering with Hyper-V Overview of failover clustering, Configuring and using shared storage, Implementing and managing failover clustering with Hyper-V, Creating a Hyper-V failover cluster, Managing a Hyper-V failover cluster. * Installing and configuring System Center 2012 R2 virtual machine manager Integrating system center and server virtualization, Overview of VMM, Installing VMM, Adding hosts and managing host groups, Installing and configuring System Center 2012 R2 VMM, Managing hosts and host groups. * Managing the Networking and storage infrastructure in System Center 2012 R2 VMM Managing networking infrastructure managing storage infrastructure, Managing infrastructure updates, Implementing a network infrastructure, Implementing a storage infrastructure, Managing infrastructure updates. * Creating and managing VM using MS System Center 2012 R2 VMM VMM tasks in VMM, Creating, cloning, and converting VMs, Overview of VM updating, Creating a VM and modifying it's properties, Cloning a VM. * Configuring and managing the MS System Center 2012 R2 VMM library and library objects Overview of the VMM library, Working with profiles and templates, Configuring and managing the VMM library, Creating and managing profiles and templates. * Managing clouds in MS System Center 2012 R2 VMM Introduction to clouds, Creating and managing a cloud, Working with user roles in VMM, Creating a cloud, Working with user roles, Deploying VMs to a private cloud. * Managing services in MS System Center 2012 R2 VMM and app controller Understanding services in VMM, Creating and managing services in VMM, Using app controller Creating a service template, Deploying a service and updating a service template, Configuring app controller, Deploying a VM in app controller. * Protecting and monitoring virtualization infrastructure Overview of backup and restore options for VM, Protecting virtualization Infrastructure using DPM, Using Operations Manager for monitoring and reporting, Integrating VMM with Operations Manager, Implementing MS System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager agents, Configuring Operations Manager monitoring components, Configuring Operations Manager integration with System Center 2012 R2 VMM.

Hyper V for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Complete JavaScript


By Systems & Network Training

COMPLETE JAVASCRIPT TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course covering JavaScript programming. Core JavaScript is covered first, including the basics, arrays, functions, classes, modules and Regular expressions. Client side JavaScript is then covered including JavaScript in browsers, Scripting CSS, the jQuery library and HTML APIs. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Read JavaScript. * Write JavaScript. * Debug JavaScript. COMPLETE JAVASCRIPT TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to learn JavaScript. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days COMPLETE JAVASCRIPT TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * CORE JAVASCRIPT * Lexical structure: Character set, comments, literals, identifiers, and reserved words, optional semicolons.. * Types, values and variables: Numbers, text, boolean values, null and undefines, the global object, wrapper objects, immutable primitive values and mutable object references, type conversions, variable declaration, variable scope. * Expressions and operators: Primary expressions, object and array initializers, function definition expressions, property access expressions, invocation expressions, object creation expressions, operator overview, arithmetic expressions, relational expressions, logical expressions, assignment expressions, evaluation expressions, miscellaneous operators. * Statements: Expression statements, compound and empty statements, declaration statements, conditionals, loops, jumps, miscellaneous statements, summary of JavaScript statements. * Objects: Creating objects, querying and setting properties, deleting properties, testing properties, enumerating properties, property getters and setters, property attributes, object attributes, serializing objects, object methods. * Arrays: Creating arrays, reading and writing array elements, sparse arrays, array length, adding and deleting array elements, iterating arrays, multi-dimensional arrays, array methods, FCMAScript 5 array methods, array type, array-like objects, strings as arrays. * Functions: Defining functions, invoking functions, function arguments and parameters, functions as values, functions as namespaces, closures, function properties, methods and constructor, functional programming. * Classes and modules: Classes and prototypes, classes and constructors, Java-style classes in JavaScript, augmenting classes, classes and types, object oriented techniques in JavaScript, subclasses, classes in ECMAScript 5, modules. * Pattern matching and regular expressions: Defining regular expressions, string methods for pattern matching, the RegExp object. * JavaScript subsets and extensions: JavaScript subsets, constants and scoped variables, destructuring assignment, iteration, shorthand functions, multiple catch clauses, E4X: ECMAScript for XML. * Server-side JavaScript: Scripting Java with Rhino, asynchronous I/O with node. * CLIENT SIDE JAVASCRIPT * JavaScript in web browsers: Client side JavaScript, embedding JavaScript in HTML, execution of JavaScript programs, compatibility and interoperability, accessibility, security, client side frameworks. * The Window object: Timers, browser location and navigation, browsing history, browser screen information, dialog boxes, error handling, document elements as window properties, multiple windows and frames. * Scripting Documents: Overview of the DOM, selecting document elements, document structure and traversal, attributes, element content, creating, inserting and deleting nodes. Example: generating a table of contents, document and element geometry and scrolling, HTML forms, other document features. * Scripting CSS: Overview of CSS, important CSS properties, scripting inline styles, querying computed styles, scripting CSS classes, scripting stylesheets. * Handling events: Types of events, registering event handlers, event handler invocation, document load events, mouse events, mousewheel events, drag and drop events, text events, keyboard events. * Scripted HTTP: Using XMLHttpRequest, HTTP by <script>: JSOMP, Comet with server-sent events. * The jQuery library: jQuery basics, jQuery getters and setters, altering document structure, handling events with jQuery, Animated effects, Ajax with jQuery, Utility functions, jQuery selectors and selection methods, Extending jQuery with plug-ins. The jQuery UI library. Client side storage: localStorage and sessionStorage, Cookies, IE usingData persistence, Applicatioin storage and offline webapps. * Scripted media and graphics: Scripting images, Scripting audio and video, SCG:scalable vector graphics, Graphics in a <canvas>. * Scripted HTTP: Using XMLHttpRequest, HTTP by <script>: JSOMP, Comet with server-sent events. * The jQuery library: jQuery basics, jQuery getters and setters, altering document structure, handling events with jQuery, Animated effects, Ajax with jQuery, Utility functions, jQuery selectors and selection methods, Extending jQuery with plug-ins. The jQuery UI library. * Client side storage: localStorage and sessionStorage, Cookies, IE usingData persistence, Applicatioin storage and offline webapps. * Scripted media and graphics: Scripting images, Scripting audio and video, SCG:scalable vector graphics, Graphics in a <canvas>. * HTMLS APIs: Geolocation, history management, cross-origin messaging, web workers, type arrays and ArrayBuffers, blobs, the filesystem API, client side databases, web sockets.

Complete JavaScript
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Outlander Photography Tour (6 Days)

By The Scottish Photography Experience

This tour comprises of 5 nights and 5 full days visiting and photographing some of the most iconic locations used in the Outlander television series.

Outlander Photography Tour (6 Days)
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request



By Systems & Network Training

REST AND RESTCONF TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to REST and RESTCONF using Python. The course progresses from how to use them onto how they work and then looks at using them from within Python all the time on network devices. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain what REST and RESTCONF are. * Use the REST API on network device. * Use RESTCONF. REST AND RESTCONF TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network engineers. * Prerequisites: Python for network engineers. * Duration 1 day REST AND RESTCONF TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Using REST Curl, Browser plugins, Postman, RESTClient, Python. Hands on Using the REST API on network devices. * What is REST? What is REST? Architecture, APIs, RESTful APIs, APIs over HTTP/HTTPS, URIs, resources, HTTP methods, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. CRUD. Comparison with other APIs. Hands on REST analysis with Wireshark. * Rest conventions Passing parameters, return values, HTTP status, JSON. XML. Hands on Configuring REST on network devices, changing format of responses, POST requests, using parameters. * Configuring network devices with REST Invoking multiple RPCs. Hands on Device configuration with REST. * The request library RESTFUL APIs in Python, the request library, Installation, example to retrieve the interface configuration. Hands on Using the Python requests library on network devices. * RESTCONF What is RESTCONF? YANG and NETCONF, relationship with REST, RESTCONF URIs, A RESTCONF example with ietf-interfaces, RESTCONF responses. PATCH. Hands on Using RESTCONF to update a network device configuration.

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Complete C programming


By Systems & Network Training

COMPLETE C PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands-on introduction to programming in the ANSI C programming language. The course initially moves at a fast pace in order to spend as much time as possible on the subject of pointers - the area which cause the most bugs in C programs. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Write ANSI C programs * Use the C libraries * Debug C programs * Examine existing code and determine its function. COMPLETE C PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Programmers wishing to learn C. Programmers wishing to learn C++ or Java. * Prerequisites: None, although experience in another high level language would be useful. * Duration 5 days COMPLETE C PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Getting started The compilation process, comments, main(), statement blocks, printf(). * C data types and operators char, int, float and double, qualifiers, arithmetic and assignment operators, precedence, Associativity. * Basic I/O C libraries, stdin and stdout, getchar(), putchar(), printf() formatting. * Flow control if else, dangling elses, else if, while and for loops. switch statements, the null statement, break, continue and gotos. * Functions Function calls, arguments and return types, function declarations (prototypes), function definitions, scope of variables. * The preprocessor Preprocessor actions, macros, #include. Libraries and their relationship with header files. Conditional compilation. * More data types and operators Logical, bitwise and other operators, type conversion, casting, typedefs and access modifiers. * Arrays Declaring and handling arrays, common gotchas, multidimensional arrays. * Pointers What are pointers? Why they are so important, declaring and using pointers,The three uses of the *,pointer example - scanf, pointers as arguments. * More pointers Golden rules of pointers and arrays, pointers to arrays, pointer arithmetic, arrays of pointers, multiple indirection. * Character/string manipulation Arrays of characters, string definition, working with strings, String library. * Program arguments argc and argv, example uses,char *argv[] versus char ** argv. * Program structure and storage classes Globals (externals), multi source programs, the look of a C program. * Structures Declaration, the . and - operators, unions and bitfields. * Library functions File handling, fopen and fclose, reading from and writing to files, fseek().calloc() and malloc()

Complete C programming
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

C++ programming foundation


By Systems & Network Training

C++ TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on introduction to programming in the C++ language. The course concentrates on aspects that will be new to experienced C programmers and so is not suitable for those without C knowledge. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Write C++ programs * Debug C++ programs. * Examine existing code and determine its function. * Use classes, function overloading, operator overloading, inheritance and virtual functions within C++ programs. C++ TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Programmers needing to write C++ code. Programmers needing to maintain C++ code. * Prerequisites: C programming foundation. * Duration 5 days C++ TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * The origins of C++ C++ as a better C, C++ and Object Oriented Programming, encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance. C++ standards. * Getting started Simple C++ programs. * Classes Basics, constructor and destructor functions, member and friend functions. Using objects. Default, copy and conversion constructors. * A better C Arrays, pointers and references, new and delete. Improved safety with smart pointers, Resource Acquisition in Initialization (RAII). * Functions in C++ Function overloading, default arguments, inline functions, Lambda functions. * Templates Template classes and functions. * Standard Library Containers, Iterators, algorithms, function objects. * Operator overloading Basics, binary operators, the this pointer, relational operators, unary operators. Members versus friends. * Inheritance Base class access control, protected members, multiple inheritance, virtual base classes. * More I/O Manipulators, customising inserters, extractors. File I/O. * Virtual functions Pointers to derived classes, run time polymorphism. * Exception handling Throwing errors, trying code and catching errors.

C++ programming foundation
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Definitive OpenSSL for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

OPENSSL FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course covering OpenSSL. The course focusses on the use of OpenSSL from the command line as opposed to using its extensive libraries. Certificate authorities are configured along with key generation, HTTPS and a SSL VPN. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe OpenSSL. * Use OpenSSL. * Describe and implement: * Explain how the various technologies involved in an OpenSSL work. OPENSSL FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network personnel. * Prerequisites: IP security foundation for engineers * Duration 2 days OPENSSL FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is OpenSSL? What is SSL? SSL versions, TLS, TLS negotiation, TLS authentication, What is OpenSSL, Command line tool, SSL library. OpenSSH, OpenVPN. Hands on TLS packet analysis. * Getting started with OpenSSL Downloading, source code, packages, installing, versions, configuration, openssl command. Cipher suite selection. Hands on Encrypting a file with openssl. * Public and private keys Algorithms, creating keys, public keys, private keys, encrypting the private key. Hands on Encrypting a file with keys. * Digital signatures Creating signatures, checking validity of signatures, Self signing SSL certificates. Viewing certificates. Certificate files. Converting between formats. Hands on Securing a web server with HTTPS. * Simple PKI with OpenSSL Root CA, signing CA, configuration files, Certificate signing requests. Email certificates, TLS server certificates. Hands on Implementing a simple PKI with OpenSSL.

Definitive OpenSSL for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Educators matching "Library"

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Feminist Library

feminist library



The Feminist Library is a large archive collection of feminist literature, particularly Women’s Liberation Movement materials dating from the late 1960s to the 1990s. We support research, activist and community projects in this field. The Library is also an autonomous feminist community space. The Library is trans-inclusive, welcomes visitors of any gender, does not require registration or membership, and provides an intersectional, non-sectarian space for the exploration of feminism. You can view our our Community Policy here. Why not search our Online Catalogue, explore our Collection, or find out more about our Activities and Events. If you would like to find out more about Volunteering or becoming a Friend to support the Library financially, please do get in touch. Originally known as the Women’s Research and Resources Centre (WRRC), the Feminist Library was set up in 1975, at the height of the Women’s Liberation Movement (WLM), a time of intense political campaigning and lively collective organising. Learn more about our Herstory here. Since the Library’s beginnings, it has provided a place where women could network and educate themselves, and has become a contact point for women locally, nationally and internationally. Today the Library continues its drive for inclusion and accessibility. The Library is run by a collective of volunteers, with a management structure committed to making decisions by consensus. Read our Manifesta here. Read our 2016-2017 Annual Report here.

Taibach Community Library

taibach community library

Port Talbot

Hello and welcome to our website. We are a volunteer run community library based in Taibach, Port Talbot. Taibach Library’s roots go back over 100 years, to 1913 when Margam Urban District Council received a grant of £2,500 from the Carnegie Trust for a free circulating library in Taibach. The foundation stone was laid in 1914 and the library opened its doors to the public in 1916. Fast forward nearly 100 years later to May 2014, and the Library was threatened with closure due to local authority cuts. As a result of this, a local group of people came together and formed the Taibach Community Library charity. The library is now run entirely by volunteers, and we rely on the generosity of individuals and local businesses for support. Without that help, we would not be able to serve those in our community as we currently do. The Library continues to play a central role in providing vital opportunities for people, young and old to learn, develop and socialise at the heart of the community. Whilst the traditional book lending remains, our library also offers much more, from regular clubs for children and young people to gather and share their interests to coffee mornings and providing support and access for people of all ages to make the most of everything that the internet has to offer. This year, our goal is to raise £5,000. Every donation that we receive will be spent directly to help us make an important difference to our local community. Whether it goes towards paying our insurance, heating or electricity bill or helping fund the purchase of new equipment, every donor will be acknowledged in our promotional literature and on our community sponsorship board located in the Library itself. There are many different ways that individuals or businesses can donate to us. We can accept cash, cheque or card payments at the Library itself, or we can accept money via bank transfer or Paypal. Individuals can also support us when they shop online via Amazon, eBay, Tesco, Booking.com and much more. You can find out more here.

At the Library

at the library



At The Library is a programme of artist-led workshops, projects, commissions and happenings in community libraries in Bootle and Crosby. We believe that everyone has “gifts of the heart, the head and the hand” to offer to their community. Through artist-led activity, At The Library creates ways for people to share these gifts. We aim to make a new civic and cultural role for Sefton’s libraries, offering new experiences, new meeting points, new reasons to gather and ways to spend time together. Everyone is welcome and everything is free. Over the past three years, artists and library-users have co-created projects – a collaborative press archive, a Bootle tapestry, a new wallpaper, community-wide skill shares, podcasts, feasts and library-cooked lunches, and a green oasis in Bootle Library. To take part in the At The Library you can speak to one of the librarians in any of our Libraries, see the current programme on this website, or click through to find us on facebook, twitter or Instagram. Volunteers are always welcome. We have worked with artists including Ciara Phillips, Harun Morrison, Jenny Steele, Jayne Lawless, Sumuyya Khader, Sean Roy Parker, Fairland Collective, Frances Disley and Bella Milroy, alongside local historians, gardeners, community organisations and educators. You can read more about some of these projects here. At The Library is curated and produced by Rule of Threes Arts in partnership with Sefton Libraries with funding from Arts Council England and the National Lottery Community Fund.