830 Educators providing Leadership courses in London

Chelsea Academy

chelsea academy


Having opened in September 2009 we are now an established, successful and oversubscribed Academy. Every year, over 700 students want to join us in Year 7. Our brilliant Sixth Form also attracts hundreds of external applicants every year. Throughout their time at Chelsea Academy students flourish, benefitting from a rich academic curriculum and strong pastoral care. Learning is designed to excite, inspire and challenge. Through our science specialism we ensure that every student has a thorough understanding of science and we offer a unique range of scientific opportunities and visitors to students from Year 7 through to Year 13. Our vision: ‘Learning together to flourish’, is lived out every day; a vision informed by our Christian values. These values of forgiveness, joy, perseverance, charity and servant leadership are an integral part of our journey to success. Visitors always comment on the sense of purpose, of belonging and of our commitment to diversity and inclusion. Our mission: Work Hard, Be Kind, No Excuses provides students with a compass to guide and direct their journey. The Chelsea Academy Way for Behaviour clearly sets out our expectations so that every student understands how they should conduct themselves. We have a longer school day than most other local schools. Each day (apart from Wednesday) is made up of six, 55 minute lessons. Our curriculum is broad in Year 7, 8 and 9, allowing students to discover subjects such as Citizenship and languages, in addition to the core building block subjects such as English, Maths and Science, before they choose their GCSE options for the two year GCSE programme starting in Year 10. Our Extended Curriculum offer ensures that our students also benefit from having a rich ‘all round’ experience. By the time students leave the Academy they will have developed the resilience, wisdom, hope and skills with which to lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. This website holds a range of information no matter your interest in the Academy. The news section of the website and our twitter feed are regularly updated with what we have been up to. Please take a look! Parents and carers, do visit the Parent Portal, which has content specifically for you. If you are interested in joining us as a member of staff, then the careers section has what you need. Current students and staff can access emails, calendars and Google drive through the Chelsea Academy Learning Cloud (CALC). I am exceptionally proud and privileged to lead Chelsea Academy. It is a wonderful, dynamic and fast moving environment. We benefit from being in a fantastic London location and take advantage of excellent partnerships, both local and further afield. The Academy is also very fortunate to have an outstanding board of governors. They are very much invested and interested in the Academy. Please feel free to arrange a visit to the Academy or to contact us for further information. If you are intending to visit and find out more about the Academy for your Y5 or 6 child please do visit our Admissions page, where you should find all the information you need.

Learning Improvement Service

learning improvement service

Bromley Common

Who and what is the Learning Improvement Service? The Learning Improvement Service was set up by Phil Hatton (read about Phil here), an ex-Ofsted HMI and National Adviser. Through his extensive experience in leading inspections, surveys, good practice, advisory work and improvement consultancy, Phil has a unique and wide understanding of best practice in the Further Education sector, particularly in colleges and in work-based learning. He is utilising his knowledge to help colleges and other providers of training improve the learning experience they give to their learners. The LIS only wants to work with those who have a real will to improve their provision, by establishing where you are now and where you would like to be in the future. We do not intend to just help to ‘patch you up’ to get you through an inspection, but to help you make sustainable improvements. We use only the best people, who know what they are doing, because they have done it themselves. Below is a brief summary of the main ways that we can support you (however, please contact us if you require something else not listed below): Consultancy support to improve key aspects of your provision - consultancy support to cover key aspects of quality improvement systems such as self-assessment reporting, position statements, improvement planning, observation of teaching, learning and assessment, sharing of good practice, course reviews and evaluation, the user voice and being prepared for short or full Ofsted Inspections. Phil can also help you to improve English and maths and ensure that your safeguarding is exemplary. Providing a ‘critical friend’ service to check and validate self-assessment, observations of teaching and other key quality processes such as course reviews – confirmation that you are moving in the right direction – we’ll work with you to confirm you are doing the right things in the right way, responding specifically to your needs, keeping you on target to improve your provision. This is one of the key areas of our work particularly from September through to February. Phil will also provide you with support by email or phone if needed prior to and during inspections. Safeguarding, Prevent and British Values Reviews – Phil has developed real expertise in what the best practice of the sector is and can work with you over two days to check out every aspect and leave you with a position statement of where you are and what you can do to be outstanding. Phil can also provide bespoke training and materials to raise awareness of staff, governors and learners Apprenticeships and subcontracting – Phil knows all there is to know about these two areas and has helped transform some of the biggest college and worst performing providers in terms of their success rates. The ideal scenario is a five day visit to check and sample how you do things, suggest improvements and provide you with the resources needed, finishing with a half-day staff development that is bespoke to your improvement needs. Please contact Phil as long in advance as possible to get time allocated for this Internal inspection or review of areas requiring improvement - a tried and tested way to improve an area is to first gain an informed view of exactly where that area is in terms of strengths and weaknesses, using an expert with extensive inspection experience. Unlike an Ofsted inspection, all feedback to staff and managers observed in an area is given constructively to help improve practice for the benefit of learners (while also giving you robust evidence for your OTLA system, SAR and QIP). An internal review could be for an area of learning or for a cross-college aspect such as safeguarding, equality and diversity, or course reviews. All consultants undertaking this work are personally known to Phil Hatton as to their ability to do so. The LIS will only conduct such work when they have the right person to do it (often Phil himself). You will receive a report that focusses on ways of improving the area reviewed, based on the best practice of the sector that is proven to work (not just telling you what has been seen, which is the usual practice of most consultancy companies). Helping individual institutions in the sector achieve good or outstanding teaching, learning and assessment through establishing robust observation of teaching, learning and assessment (OTLA) systems – depending on where your system is we can its validate current robustness by conducting observations (joint ones are best value as they train your staff) and scrutinising the gradings and paperwork historically awarded. If more work is required, we’ll equip you with the tools (training, paperwork and systems) to establish an OTLA system that delivers accurate and well recorded findings by your observers. Your observation system will help keep a focus on promoting improvement, identifying and promoting the sharing and adaptation of good practice by teachers (a reoccurring weakness in Ofsted inspections in the past year). We will provide you with the training, paperwork and systems to move your staff forward, encouraging their collaboration in the development and sharing of resources, so your staff will deliver learning in true teams. We will support you with either graded or ungraded systems. An approach of conducting joint ‘learning walkthroughs’ of 20 to 25 minutes duration is providing many institutions with an overview of their provision and enables the judgements of college observers to be tested out for their accuracy and breadth. Sharing exemplary practice and systems in self-assessment with you, leading to quality improvement planning that moves you forward – we’ll support you in developing your capacity to self-assess all of your work honestly and robustly so that your staff ‘own’ the resultant self-assessment reports and improvement plans, understanding their part in moving you forward. Few are really good at self-assessment, we can make sure that you are and that self-assessment moves you forward. Several colleges and providers have received very positive feedback about their SARs in 2016 following support and the use of LIS templates, particularly the use of a two page Executive Summary SAR that helps focus improvement actions. If you have a 50 page SAR it will not be an effective improvement tool. Helping you to produce position statements – if you think you are likely to be inspected it is important to be able to say where you are ‘now’ as self-assessment looks back on the past year - we’ll support you in writing effective position statements for key areas that tell you and others exactly where you are for that area. They are a great way to demonstrate to inspectors that you know your provision and have helped a number of LIS clients move from a grade 4 inadequate to a grade 2 good. Phil has also helped a number of colleges achieve grade 1s for their leadership and management. An exemplar position statement can be seen here but is not as good as what you will finish up with (samples can be shared)!! Conducting a confidential ‘health check’ of your organisation by one or more of the top and most experienced recent HMIs (and previously lead inspectors with the FEFC, TSC and ALI) – if it is sometime since your last inspection or there have been significant changes in management or what you offer, a ‘health check’ could be invaluable. We’ll examine your leadership, management, performance and quality improvement against and beyond the requirements of the September 2015 Common Inspection Framework in a way that can only be achieved by being carried out by the right people. Depending on institutional size and complexity, this totally confidential and focused ‘health check’ will ensure you know your provision inside out and have no surprises should you be inspected. It will help you to decide and prioritise how to move your provision on.

The Market Research Society (MRS)

the market research society (mrs)


Research, insight and analytics stand at the heart of all well-informed commercial, social and political decisions. Insight into what makes a product, business initiative or government policy work is often the hidden – yet defining – factor between success and failure. It is our sector that provides the deeper intelligence needed for our world today. Here is a definition of market and social research from the MRS Code of Conduct. "Research is the collection, use, or analysis of information about individuals or organisations intended to establish facts, acquire knowledge or reach conclusions. It uses techniques of the applied social, behavioural and data sciences, statistical principles and theory, to generate insights and support decision-making by providers of goods and services, governments, non-profit organisations and the general public." The Market Research Society (MRS) is the UK professional body for research, insight and analytics. We recognise 5,000 individual members and over 500 accredited Company Partners in over 50 countries who are committed to delivering outstanding insight. As the regulator, we promote the highest professional standards throughout the sector via the MRS Code of Conduct. MRS supports the sector with specialist training and qualifications, professional membership, company accreditation, cutting-edge conferences, glittering awards and advice on best practice. Professional development – Through qualifications, CPD, mentoring, skills mapping and specialist training, we upskill individuals and organisations within the sector. Thought leadership – We publish the award-winning Impact magazine, provide 40 e-books and free webinars, as well as the scholarly International Journal of Market Research (IJMR). We also run the research sector's own think tank MRS Delphi Group which publishes white papers on burning issues such as privacy, data integration and prediction. Awards – MRS hosts the sector’s key awards including the Excellence Awards, the Operations Awards and MRS Awards for outstanding individuals and organisations. Events – Our comprehensive events programme including specialist conferences, the Annual Conference, Speaker Evenings, regional and specialist events plus a Roadshow. The changing sector Our sector is growing and changing. 73,000 professionals now work in research and insight with the UK sector worth £4.8 billion, an increase of £2 billion since 2012. Analytics alone has grown 350% in four years. A new set of skills are increasing required to work within insight including storytelling, commercial acumen and agile thinking. These were the findings of a joint MRS/PwC report 'The Business of Evidence 2016'. What MRS does for the sector MRS consults with business and government leaders to ensure that research stays at the forefront of commercial and political agendas. We work on your behalf to ensure the sector stays relevant and recognised. The MRS Code of Conduct– Adherences to the MRS Code, as a regulator practitioner or supplier, is a pre-requisite for many key commercial tenders and government rosters. Procurement best practice – We consult with business and government on best practice procurement for research. Regulatory exemptions – We liaise with telephone regulators and suppliers to ensure that Company Partners are clearly differentiated from other telephone activities, such as direct marketing, and exempt from regulatory requirements. Market insight – We provide the MRS League Tables, MRS Annual Survey and the MRS Quarterly Trends Analysis to reveal the key market and industry trends. Freephone verification service – We provide a Freephone service where everyone can check the validity of research suppliers through our online register or via 0800 9759596. What else we provide MRS also provides a host of support services and initiatives to ensure professionals and organisations stay connected, relevant and able to generate business. Research Jobfinder– the specialist jobs board for the insight sector, Research Jobfinder features over 700 positions. Research Live– the definitive daily news site for the sector also featuring in-depth articles from Impact magazine. Research Buyers Guide (RBG) – Used by client researchers and procurement professionals, RBG is the only source of accredited research suppliers in the UK and Ireland. Fair Data– Fair Data is a recognised data compliance mark that enables consumers to make educated choices about their personal data. Research for Small Businesses– Tips and case studies for how SMEs can use research to grow their business.

Creative Arts Mentoring

creative arts mentoring


Artist Mentor enables contemporary artists and creative professionals to make significant changes in their work and lives. We have mentored and coached hundreds of creative clients from across the globe to improve their work, lives, businesses, and their careers. We love helping creative people be more successful. Take your moonshot! Ceri hand talks about the services that Artist Mentor provides, and how, with the right kind of tailored coaching, you can achieve creative, professional and personal goals that may have previously eluded you. [The video will open in a pop-up window] Whether you want to make better work, attract more studio visits, exhibitions, build your network, create a more compelling website, make more income, or get that new job, we can help you shine. Together we take stock of your work and creative journey to date, clarify your strengths, purpose, and opportunities, and define the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. We work with individuals over an agreed period, as a challenging, critical friend, providing accountability to ensure lasting transformation. We plan with you how to integrate what you’ve learned within your everyday life and schedule, ensuring you continue to thrive. We provide one-to-one and group sessions, providing learning and skill sharing opportunities through expert led classes, resources and free community events and resources. We also have a network of Associate Mentors we provide regular work to - a diverse mix of experienced artists, curators, educators and gallerists, enabling us to respond to increased demand and support a growing range of client and sector needs. All sessions are confidential and your Artist Mentor mentor or coach will be a committed, trusted critical friend. Why get a Mentor or Coach? If you’re a creative, chances are you’re an introvert, deep thinker and highly sensitive - great qualities for realising innovative work! Unfortunately, we know that a high percentage of creative people can often feel isolated, rejected, and suffer from self-doubt, negative self-talk, or imposter syndrome. Old stories may weigh heavily and inhibit your growth, or you get stuck in a fear of failure loop or suffer from self-destructive habits. It might be that you simply can’t see the wood from the trees and have lost sight of your priorities or strengths. Having a trusted champion, committed to helping you flourish, helps you identify and make the changes necessary to reach your goals. A mentor or coach believes in you, recognises your special sauce, identifies opportunities, new tools, and growth potential with you, setting you challenges or targets to help you take the appropriate steps. What's the difference between Mentoring and Coaching? Mentoring A Mentor can serve as a critical sounding board at critical points throughout your creative career, providing an insider's perspective and guidance you may not be able to get from other sources. The role of a mentor is to listen, learn, and advise and is usually a longer-term relationship. A mentor can help you excel in your practice and career, and become the best version of yourself, helping you achieve your goals, introducing you to new ways of thinking, challenging your limiting assumptions, signposting, and offering critical feedback. A mentor will often draw on their personal experiences and expertise to help advise and encourage dialogue with their mentee. This could be in the form of sharing a story, tools, resources, or lessons learned from a challenge they overcame in their career. This kind of personal dialogue is encouraged in a mentoring relationship. Coaching A Coach encourages self-discovery and growth to secure lasting change. Together we assess your current situation and challenges, identify limiting beliefs, interrogate, and address perceived obstacles. We create a safe thinking environment, ask incisive questions and devise a custom plan of action designed to help you achieve specific outcomes. We nurture creative strategies based on what fits best with your goals, personality and vision and foster accountability to increase productivity. Coaching partnerships are usually more short term than mentoring relationships, as they are usually objective driven and more structured. Someone may seek out a coach to help them develop a specific skill or work through a particular limiting belief. The coaching could well end once that skill or objective had been acquired. A coach can help increase your self-awareness: identifying areas for improvement, and challenging assumptions that may be preventing you achieve your goals. Coaching is often used for the development of leadership skills, where they may train you in the art of questioning to equip you to manage others better or identifying limiting beliefs in yourself. The relationship between a client and their coach is a collaborative creative partnership.

Skylark Global

skylark global


Skylark has established its operations in year 2002 having its primary focus on providing software services and providing IT enabled services. However, we gradually developed our expertise in providing various outsourcing services like Data Conversion Services, data entry, Image indexing services, customer care, transaction processing and other value added services. Over a decade the company has developed and expanded its operations. This is evident as now we are 200 employees company. We have been instrumental in providing Employment opportunities not only for the candidates located in heart of the Kolhapur city but from nearby villages. Our Human Resources team has mainly focused on providing employment opportunities not only to the candidates belonging to lower strata of the society but also for physically challenged people. We call ourselves as an “Employee Centric company” and have motivated our employees to display the core values of always being Available, Attentive and Reliable to our customers. It has helped us to be a preferred outsourcing partner to our client. We have developed a culture to go one step ahead to provide something called as “Customer delight”. We have a strong and experienced Leadership & Human resources team which is consistently helping us to achieve our desired growth and objectives. Day by day we have continued our development, expanded our operation and have invested in technology. We have developed new method of training so that we can deliver the quality output to our client. We are following the Best practices and highly committed to deliver high quality data, customer service, electronic stapling and Mortgage document indexing services etc. We provide service to huge magnitude of clients from simple one time keying requirements or complex multi entry and multi levels of quality checking entries. Our customers are from all market sectors, including both Small/Medium sized Companies. We are strongly committed to deliver superior quality, at the low cost & timely solutions to our clients. Today’s business environment is volatile and we are adapting new technologies to achieve maximum profitability by using the method of maximum utilization of resources. We see the world through our client’s eyes and identify key issues in customer’s business so that we can provide end to end services solutions to those areas. We believe in maintaining long term relationship with our client. We are committed to provide best-in-class services to our clients and believe in continuously developing a business, which will allow us to provide long term and continuing benefits to our clients. Vision Our vision is to be a fastest growing BPO serving Domestic as well as International clients. We want to be a “Trustworthy & Self-driven Partner” for our clients. We want to be a socially responsible organization by building and developing a competent workforce from various labor pools and want to create maximum employment opportunities for all the sections of the society. Mission We at Skylark want to create a better customer experience by continually improving our processes and methods to achieve highest level of “Customer delight”. Quality Policy Skylark Global BPO is committed to Provide Business process management solutions, Document processing services and Bulk Data Entry Services for Domestic and Internationals clients with quality service to exceed customer requirements with global bench marking for quality and cost effectiveness with high degree of customer orientation and market responsiveness. We will achieve this through the best practices followed in each process, team effort, technology, maintaining effective management system and continual improvement of our processes. Rural BPO Our organisation collaborates social responsibility along with business objectives to make these initiatives a vital part of the organisation’s cost effective approach. Over the years, we have adopted a thoughtful approach and have taken steps to address key areas which have an impact on society. The organisation drives these initiatives which are led by our Senior Management and is promoted across the organisation. We are thoroughly committed to bring about a change in the key areas which has a significant impact on the society. Our objective is to groom and provide employment opportunities for people in rural areas especially rural women through value added training and Learning & Development initiatives for building future Managers & leaders. This initiative opens up opportunities for individuals, who otherwise would not have a chance to gain employment opportunities. The key objective is to help the society and inspire the lives of the underprivileged and extend our support in the upliftment of the society. This initiative provides employment opportunity and benefits to: Individuals in remote rural areas who do not have good employment opportunities in their home towns and villages and are therefore forced by circumstances to migrate in large numbers to the cities. Women who are unable to attend regular jobs due to family priorities but still need to support the family income. Create employment opportunities for spouses/children of factory workers who would otherwise have no employment opportunities.

ICRS Central London Hub

icrs central london hub


We are the UK’s professional body for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CRS). Our mission is to help individuals and organisations be brilliant at CRS. Who we are As the UK's professional body for CRS practitioners, our membership reflects the breadth of practitioners, from students and academics to consultants and in-house practitioners from large and small organisations. The Institute is led by a Board of volunteer Directors. Comprised of senior CRS professionals, they give their time, energy, and expertise to guide the Institute's strategic direction. We also involve technical specialists where required. The Institute is supported by a Secretariat provided by Carnstone Partners Ltd, a specialist management consultancy in the CRS field. The Secretariat manage the day-to-day activity and act as the central point of contact for our members and Fellows. The ICRS Board Chair Jennie Galbraith, ESG Director, Inflexion Vice-Chair Victoria Taylor, Managing Director, Flag Vice-Chair Robbie Epsom, EMEA Head of ESG, CBRE Investment Management Director Dr Sam Healy, Group Director ESG, QinetiQ Director Dr Dorothy Maxwell, Senior Director Sustainability, Davy Horizons Director Karin Mueller, Managing Director, Liebfrog Director Jatin Patel, Head of Diversity and Inclusion, England Rugby Director Andrew Wilson, Director and Head of Responsible Business, Lexington Director Nadia Al Yafai, Head of Mutuality and Social Impact (Purpose Lead), Royal London Jennie Galbraith "I am delighted and honoured to be appointed Chair of the ICRS at this critical time for our profession. As sustainability issues have risen up the global political and corporate agendas, our roles as practitioners have only grown, both in scope and importance. This is a really exciting time to be involved in sustainability and I look forward to working with the Board to ensure that we continue to drive our profession forward and support our members to be brilliant at what they do." Victoria Taylor "This is such a fast-moving and critical time for sustainability within business and society. I am super excited to become Vice Chair of the ICRS – an organisation leading the way for CRS practitioners and the continued establishment of our profession. CRS needs more talented individuals and ambitious companies to be focused on progressing sustainability, and I am thrilled to be a part of what the ICRS has already achieved and can and will achieve" Robbie Epsom "After two years of serving as a Board Director at ICRS, I’m excited to be allowed to continue my support as co-Vice Chair of the Board. As sustainability continues to rise up the agenda, CRS professionals are increasingly taking up senior and influential roles within organisations. I’m delighted to be part of a leading professional body helping individuals and organisations to excel at CRS; their leadership will be crucial in the transition to a sustainable economy.” Dr Sam Healy "There has been a seismic shift in the importance of responsible and sustainable business practice. Climate change, human rights, and diversity and inclusion are becoming critical business enablers. And so now, more than ever, it’s vital that practitioners feel supported - through the development of their skills and knowledge and the forging of their network. I’m proud to serve on the Board and excited to be part of shaping our profession for the challenges and opportunities ahead." Karin Mueller "My passion is developing great leaders. Leaders that can effectively challenge the status quo, inspire others, and make a real difference within organisations in an increasingly fast changing, complex and volatile world. I am delighted to contribute to the success of the Institute as we help our members excel at doing just that, by providing access to the latest thinking, training, debates, mentoring, a resourceful network, and much more." Jatin Patel "The ICRS is operating in an environment filled with opportunities and challenges. Being a Director, and more importantly, being at the forefront of facilitating discussions which address the climate crisis, the importance of corporate responsibility and building inclusivity into the approaches which tackle these issues is a great honour and one I do not take lightly. And only through collaboration can we make collective gains. Collaboration and sharing of best practice is what we’re all about!" Andrew Wilson "I am delighted to be a Board Director of ICRS. It is the preeminent organisation representing the interests of professionals working in this area. What impresses me most is the power and influence of the ICRS which comes directly from the knowledge and wisdom of all our members – both individuals and organisations. I really appreciate the opportunity to contribute to this collective effort we are all undertaking to enhance the positive role of business in society." Nadia Al Yafai “I’m excited to be an ICRS Director at a time when our profession is not just ‘at the table’ but moving swiftly to ‘owning the table’. From community to sustainability to diversity, our agenda is recognised as central to driving change. The move to purpose-driven business is a key shift in the CR&S professional’s portfolio and one I want to drive alongside embedding a just transition/social impact focus, uniting the social and environment. I’m honoured to support the profession to thrive!”

New Perspective

new perspective


The Social Impact Specialists Hanif Osmani Hanif founded the New Perspective Group to help tackle socio-economic inequality. His professional community development journey began in 2002 as a trainee on a £56m regeneration programme on the Ocean Estate in East London, one of the most deprived areas of the UK – and the estate on which he grew up... [FLIP TO READ MORE] Hanif has held several posts, including senior management and leadership roles in a local authority, housing association and two grassroots charities, developing and delivering innovative community development programmes that have been praised as examples of best practice. Strategy, innovation and partnership development are the common threads that run throughout his career, and his areas of expertise include community engagement, economic development and health & wellbeing. He strongly believes in the power of enterprise and well-paid employment to lift disadvantaged communities out of poverty, and both of these topics are close to his heart. He is an autodidact with a broad range of interests, including tech, photography, videography, branding, marketing, graphic design, web design, and more. Hanif seeks to encourage organisations to fully utilise these tools to help drive engagement, deliver real social impact, and fully harness the power of one of his true passions: storytelling. Alexandra Porter Alexandra is a visual anthropologist and filmmaker with a degree in Social Sciences and Social Anthropology and a Masters in Visual Anthropology and Documentary Production. She is deeply passionate about equality and has worked with a broad range of charities to help inspire change and improve the quality of life for some of society's most disadvantaged groups. [FLIP TO READ MORE] In the UK, Alexandra has worked with Oxfam, the British Heart Foundation, the AAFDA charity (Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse), and the Liverpool Blind Football Club. For her degrees, she conducted in-depth qualitative research on stigmatised facets of culture across the globe. As part of her Masters, she moved to Los Angeles to study and film artists living with chronic illnesses in order to understand a patient's expression of their lifeworlds, and how to improve an individual's quality of life. Her film "Pathos: The Art of Life" was officially selected for the Fine Arts Film Festival, Venice, California 2020 and screened at the Burning Man Multiverse 2020. "Trust Your Senses" received an honourable mention at the Experimental Forum 2020. Alexandra currently resides in Barcelona, where she has undergone further training in documentary filmmaking. She has also been involved with local grassroots charities such as Lloc De La Dona (an association supporting migrant women involved in sex work), the Las Kelly's (cleaners fighting for better working conditions in the tourism sector) and Volver a Latir (a rehoming association for foster dogs across Spain). Emran Hoque Emran is a multidisciplined creative specialising in visual identities and creative design. He is trained in art, design, branding, and marketing, and has worked with public, private and non-profit organisations to tell their stories through distinctive, meaningful and emotive design. [FLIP TO READ MORE] Emran has worked with the NHS, Greater London Authority (GLA), educational institutions such as SOAS, local authorities, and others to support them with brand development, web design, and other digital design services. His expertise includes making websites and digital media accessible to neurodiverse people, and his personal experience of dyslexia gives him a unique perspective as a digital professional. For over ten years, he led a creative studio in the heart of London’s creative hub, Brick Lane, and, as a freelance branding consultant, has worked internationally with some of the largest creative agencies and their clients. Emran has a strong track record of working with charities, and in 2021 he founded Digiroots CIC, a non-profit that aims to build the capacity of small grassroots charities and bridge the digital divide. He regularly organises and delivers community arts programmes for disadvantaged communities that may not otherwise have the opportunity to explore and express themselves through the creative arts. Suzanne Wolfe Suzanne is an experienced social housing professional who has spent 35 years working with social landlords, developers, local authorities, charities, and others to create and deliver real social value. Her expertise covers all aspects of housing, including social investment, resident engagement, development and regeneration, finance, and technical services... [FLIP TO READ MORE] In 2004, Suzanne joined an East London social landlord, Poplar HARCA, as Neighbourhood Director and led the area through a period of profound change, quickly building trust and working closely and effectively with the diverse local community. Together, they achieved the transformation of the area from what was regarded as one the worst areas in Tower Hamlets to one of the very best. Suzanne is a capable advocate, problem solver and negotiator. She is motivated by her experience of seeing successful neighbourhood regeneration create opportunity, raise educational outcomes and improve life chances generally. As Chief Executive of the Industrial Dwellings Society, she delivered a corporate turnaround from regulatory downgrading at the start of her tenure, securing the top Governance and Viability ratings from the Regulator of Social Housing in just two years. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Housing, co-opted member of BME London Landlords, and has worked at senior levels for four inner London councils and three Housing Associations.

Code Red The Empowerment Project

code red the empowerment project


The founder, Calvin E J Wilson LLM (LSE), is a Barrister who has a longstanding interest in educating students, young adults, and their parents on the workings of the criminal justice system. The Empowerment Project Qualifications and Studies Barrister at Law, Inns of Court, School of Law, United Kingdom Attorney at Law Supreme Court of Trinidad and Tobago Senior Crown Prosecutor, Crown Prosecution Service, United Kingdom Banker, Bank of Commerce, Trinidad and Tobago Master of Laws (Commercial) London School of Economics Bachelor of Laws University of London The Empowerment Project Experience Post graduate education and training in the law, with valuable experience on the frontline of the Criminal Justice System including almost eight years prosecution experience at the Crown Prosecution Service and the Criminal Courts, and operational experience with advising Teams at New Scotland Yard. Devised and successfully delivered this series of workshops and has conducted mentoring, motivational speaking and awareness raising sessions at Youth Clubs and Community Centres around London. Direct contacts with officers of the Met Police at ranks of Constable, Sergeant, and Inspector. Guidance and mentoring experience with black young adults. The Empowerment Project Skills Strong professional, administrative, managerial, and creative skills. Resolute adherence to good governance, accounting and auditing best practices. Devising and implementing new and improved working arrangements and innovative projects. Unique skill set that is critical to the effective leadership and delivery of the objectives of Code Red Empowerment. Established Consulting firm Calvin Wilson and Associates, which offers strategic and public affairs advice to governments and the private sector globally, on anti-money laundering and combatting the financing of terrorism issues, and on preventing trans-national criminal gangs from preying on young people. Founded The Empowerment Project The Empowerment Project Books Author of the book “Voices from Violence. A Woman’s Journey to Self-Healing” which is presented to audiences in the Readers Theatre format by CODE RED Ensemble, as an advocacy vehicle to empower young girls and women and to sensitise boys and men in order to reduce or eliminate the level of violence globally. Desilu Banton desilu banton I was born in Dulwich Hospital, East Dulwich Grove,SE22 3PT, on 11th December 1961. I began my life in a house at 102 Railton Road, Herne Hill,SE24 OET, on the ‘Front Line’ of ‘Brixton’, London. What I remember most of my childhood is drawing, drawing all the time, every opportunity. My father loved music and loved to dance. We would dance together. My mother designed clothes and was a dressmaker and cake baker. My parents had arrived in England in 1954 from Jamaica and lived in the Brixton area. They lived on Concannon Road from around 1955 and moved to Railton Road in 1959 after they had wed at the church at Santley Street, around the corner of Concannon Road. Today I live by my painting and continue in my mothers’ and fathers’ legacy as a creator. I am open to producing works of art by commission. painting Painting is expression, a way of me talking with everybody else about how I feel, like a bluesman would play his blues. The whole thing is about feeling. Painting is blues. I paint those feelings that are from inside my head, from inside my soul. The spiritual part of all this is the heritage, the thing that comes from my ancestors, the ingredients that everybody talks about when they talk about the past, where we all come from, which is DNA, the genes. What I am doing is recording the memory that comes to me from nature, along with the music that came from West Africa and the Atlantic experience, all of it, and what I do then is give it form, give it some skin, textures and colours, the whole thing is like an umbilical cord that has not lost its life force, it is the whole nine yards. Jackie Burton Jackie Burton Born and raised in West Yorkshire, I took a trip to London in 1983 and have remained here since then. I am a black woman, a Christian and a mother. A retired Social Worker, I have a passion for children, young people and their families. Over the last 40 years I have had roles in church including youth leader and Pathfinder club leader as well as teaching in children’s Sabbath school & children’s church. It was my joy, to find the most creative and interesting ways to engage children and young people with so many varied learning styles. Over the last 12 years of my career I was a Team Leader for a local authority Fostering Service; having responsibility for facilitating training, assessing foster carers and placing children from diverse and challenging backgrounds with those carers. Life-long learning is part of who I am and I started becoming more interested in paper crafts when my now, 25 year old son was around 3 years old. We started to make cards for every occasion and stopped buying them from the shops. Paper crafts opened the door to so many other crafting pursuits and my love for crafting has only grown since then, from wedding decoration, decoupage & canvas art to knitting & simple sewing, I have done many and various and still do. Nothing pleases me more than sharing my love for something with others, and creative crafts is certainly one of those very many things. I have done this via children’s craft workshops; transforming spaces for Vacation Bible School (VBS); school holiday clubs; card making workshops for children and adults. If it includes crafting, I will consider it. Currently I am involved in a weekly Craft Café project where we are using hobby crafts to support people in our community who may be lonely, socially isolated or feeling low. Sr Josephine Udie MP, MSc, GC HDip, NP Reverend Sister, Steer Right Project Coordinator, Power Coach Expert, Health Care Professional Reverend Sister, Steer Right Project Coordinator, Power Coach Expert, Health Care Professional Sister Josephine is passionate about the dignity of the human person. As a trained Power Coach and Health Care professional, Sister enjoys using her skills to coach, support and empower children and families to become who they are meant to be. Steer Right is a charity for which Sister Josephine is Project Coordinator, uses the strap line Little help Big Difference to highlight the effectiveness of what a small amount of intervention can do. Amari Smith-Foster Amari Smith-Foster I am a mental health advocate and a student counsellor. I am extremely passionate about mental health and well-being. After battling with my own mental health, being sectioned at just 13 and becoming part of the system, I am using those same life experiences to help others overcome. My story, my pain and this rollercoaster of a journey has given me great insight to help others and make a change. Me speaking up and using my voice, allows so many others, old, young, male, and female to feel heard, to feel seen. Now I am in a position, I have promised myself , it is pivotal that I make a change for the mental health system. My social profiles: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/onetap/?next=%2F LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amari-smith-foster-26a68417b/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMHXb5U40E0Zw1B3h4vcJg Please feel free to contact me should there be any issues. Norman Mine Norman Mine Norman Mine is an Italian-born London based multidisciplinary artist whose practice encompasses visual art, acting and social work. Using autobiographical scenarios as a starting point, Mine's practice expands into fantasy and delusion and in his alter-ego, Dino Desica, an aspiring Italian actor who exists only through a video format, as "performance to camera", becoming an ephemeral simulation of the self. Mine's practice explores the infinite possibilities of the self, the authenticity and the structures of inclusion and exclusion in which it is constructed. For the past three years Mine has run creative workshops co-working with people of different generations, backgrounds, and abilities; developing a specific approach that unsettles the scenario in which participants perform to stimulate creativity and imagination as an opportunity to navigate within. Mine has obtained a Masters Degree in Fine Art at Goldsmith College in 2018. His work has been shown at Performance Istanbul (2021), disORDER Live Collective (2020), Deptford X (2019), The Koppel Project (2019), Platform1 Gallery (2018), Art Night London (2017). He was a recipient of the DYCP grant, Art Council England (2021). In 2022 Mine has founded Norwood JunkAction, an eco-community art project based in Croydon, London. Diana Wilson Diana Wilson Diana Wilson is an Executive and Life Coach professional as well as a Psychodynamic Counsellor, who in parallel, has enjoyed a substantial career in Education and Training and Development across Schools and local Government. Diana is fluidly proficient in a myriad of modalities with a keen focus on Cognitive Behavioural Coaching. She offers leading-edge, inspirational coaching that stimulates thinking, accelerates transformation, and empowers clients to accomplish their aspirational goals. My social handles: Website: www.dwcoach.co.uk LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/diana-wilson-564a6941 Richmond Trew Richmond Trew A Professional Trainer/Workshop Facilitator with 25 years’ experience of working in communities and custodial settings nationally and internationally. He is also a recording & performing artist fronting the collective Abstract Word and currently has Publishing & Production contracts with (Peer Music LTD-MAP Music). Richmond also leads a group of free-lance Arts Practioners under the name of Journeyman Arts (Using the Arts to share & pass on Knowledge). He also Runs 492 Korna Klub next generation Ltd that runs live improvised drama weekly on Galaxy Radio.

AS Mentoring

as mentoring

Ealing Green,

Aeryn Priyanu , Employment Consultant Aeryn has always had an interest in language and communication. Starting her early career in teaching English as a foreign language, she went on to shadow a Speech and Language Therapist and this started her interest in working with people on the autism spectrum. She worked in primary schools as a Learning Support Assistant then moved on to work for the National Autistic Society in a day centre. Aeryn started off as a Support Worker, moving up to become Deputy Manager of the day service. She supported individuals in their daily life and helped them gain work experience and vocational skills. As well as working as a consultant with AS Mentoring, Aeryn works in a college for young people with autism, facilitating individuals with functional and social aspects of life, supporting students to meet their targets and maintain long life independent living skills. Photo of Alan Alan Castellaro, Employment Consultant Alan's interest in Autism began when he attended St Andrew's primary school in Chinnor, Oxfordshire, one of the first schools in the country to teach Autistic children one to one. In 2009 he volunteered on a project for Kith and Kids supporting a young man with Autism and they have remained in regular contact ever since. He then worked for 4 years with Dimensions as an Assistant Service Manager of a residential home for adults with severe physical disabilities and Autism. For the last 4 years he has worked for Ambitious About Autism starting off as a Learning Behaviour Specialist and moving up to become a Learning Support Co-ordinator, and was instrumental in helping set up Ambitious College, London's first College for young adults with Autism. He has a BA Hons in Writing and Publishing and has a rich and varied employment history to draw upon. Photo of Alice Alice Mitra-Hall, Employment Consultant Alice previously worked for The National Autistic Society where she ran a Day Centre and facilitated a weekly social group. During this time Alice supported adults on the spectrum to develop their independent living and social skills, as well as supporting service users to apply for and attend college and work schemes, CV writing and interview practice. Alice has a BA Hons degree in Psychology and has also worked in a number of schools supporting teenagers with autism and has provided specialist individualised support for a family for over 10 years. Photo of Amira Amira Hassan, Employment Consultant Amira has been a mentor at AS Mentoring for 4 years. Amira has a variety of clients for both workplace and job-seeking support. After completing her PhD in Neuroscience from Imperial College London, Amira decided to be involved with AS Mentoring full time and is currently managing the Workshops Programme, overseeing the development and online delivery of workshops and group events throughout the year. Amira is warm and friendly, providing individual, autism-specific support and advice. Photo of Anna Anna Roads, Employment Consultant Anna spent 24 years in the investment management sector, working in sales, marketing, product development and client relationships for a number of blue chip firms including Lazards, Fidelity and Goldman Sachs. She developed successful business relationships with large corporates, consultancies and public sector organisations. In her leadership roles, she also enjoyed coaching and developing careers for younger team members. These are skills and contacts she brings to ASM clients. Over the past 6 years she has developed a number of voluntary roles; relaunched the local NAS branch as Chair (2011-2015), served on a local parents special needs forum (2012-2014), been elected a parent governor at a special needs school and worked as a volunteer mentor on a Research Autism Project. Her focus has been on education and now employment, both as a parent of a young person with ASC and through the influence of autistic colleagues she has served with before. Before joining the City, she gained a law degree from Cambridge University, an MBA from Cranfield Business School and qualified as a solicitor. Photo of Charlotte Charlotte Leighton, Employment Consultant Charlotte specialises in providing workplace support for individuals as well as working with organisations to provide autism specific support and advice. This experience has been honed through her work at ASM and her previous role as an Employment Support worker and trainer at The National Autistic Society. Charlotte has subsequently worked for HAIL in Haringey for two years managing social enterprises staffed entirely of employees with autism and learning disabilities. She has also worked as an Appropriate Adult supporting vulnerable individuals whilst in police custody. For the past ten years Charlotte has confidently designed and delivered social skills groups and workshops for adults with autism. As well as working for ASM she is also employed part-time for Resources for Autism in Barnet managing their adult services. Charlotte is able to support individuals emotionally as well practically as she holds certificates in Person Centered counselling and a diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. David Perkins, Director David was Head of Services at Prospects, the National Autistic Society's specialist employment service, from 2007 – 2013; he left in June 2013 to set up AS Mentoring. He has extensive experience of supporting people with an ASC into employment across the UK and abroad, and of providing a wide range of training, assessment and consultancy services to employers and other organisations in the UK, Europe and the US. He has worked continuously with people with autism since the early 1980s. David has spent the bulk of his working life in the voluntary sector and prior to the NAS spent many years running a group of specialist adventure playgrounds in London for over 1200 disabled children, (some 30% of whom were autistic). He has a BSc (Hons) in Operational Research from Lancaster University. Photo of Emma Emma Hills, Employment Consultant Emma has been teaching psychology and health related subjects to adults since 2009 with the majority of her work focusing on providing social purpose education in the community to hard-to-reach groups, including those with disabilities. Much of her work focuses on supporting learners through transition and has led her to develop herself as a coach as well as an educator. More recently she has found herself key-working with learners with disabilities in a transition college as well as training and supervising the staff who support them. Emma mentors and tutors a diverse range of learners including learners on the autism spectrum in her continuing work in the community. Emma works part-time as an Employment Consultant with ASM and finds her knowledge and experience gained from facilitating community courses such as 'confidence building', 'communication skills' or 'interviewing skills' compliments the role well. She has a BSc Hons Psychology, PG-dip Social research, PGCE in post-compulsory education and is a registered health and social care trainer as well as a full member of the Association for Coaching. Emma is also currently studying for an MA in Education: Culture and Identity, at Goldsmith university. Photo of Eve Eve Riches, Employment Consultant Eve Riches is an employment consultant for AS Mentoring, where she provides one to one support and workshop creation and delivery. Eve has a background in teaching Psychology and has been involved in mentoring for her whole career. She has a lifetime of lived experience of neurodiversity. Outside of ASM, Eve works as a life coach and mentor. Photo of Gurleen Gené Wyrley-Birch, Employment Consultant Gené is committed to raising awareness and understanding of ASC to improve social inclusion, acceptance and understanding; to making a real difference to the lives of people on the autism spectrum and in broader society. Over the past 12 years, while caring for and advocating for her son, Gené has developed an in-depth knowledge and understanding of autism as well as related challenges including ADHD, PDA, Social Communication Disorder and Sensory Processing Disorder. She has a creative, positive and flexible approach and is determined to combined her personal and professional experiences to help clients into work and successfully retain their jobs. Throughout her previous roles in both Investment Banking at JP Morgan and UBS Warburg and Commercial Conferencing, Gené had an active role in recruiting, training and mentoring new team members. Gené has worked across many sectors, including Finance, Pharmaceuticals, Defence, Utilities, Aviation and Telecommunication. Gené Holds a BA degree in Industrial & Organisational Sociology and Industrial & Organisational Psychology from the University of Cape Town. Photo of Gurleen Georgia Thursting, Employment Consultant Georgia has worked with autistic adults and children in a variety of settings including education, play and social settings for the past year. As a support worker with Resources for Autism, she continues to support her clients in achieving their personal and work goals and loves to get creative with her approach. Georgia also works for Share Community in Battersea as a music tutor/ therapist, building the confidence of adults through music and artistic expression. She also enjoys planning and delivering online workshops for adults with Autism, focusing on well-being, physical health and emotional expression through music making. Outside of her work in Autism, is a trained musician, singer/ guitarist and enjoys performing at events across the UK. Photo of Gurleen Gurleen Manku, Regional Employment Consultant Gurleen has 18 years' experience of autism. She has a sibling on the spectrum, and has previously worked in primary education for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN), and has been a SEN Secondary School Govenor. In 2015 Gurleen volunteered at Autism West Midlands to support adults with autism to find employment. She then worked for Enable, Shropshire Council as a Job Coach in various workplaces supporting adults with autism and learning disabilities. Gurleen is highly experienced in delivering Pre-employment support, mentoring and Workplace support at AS Mentoring across the West Midlands since 2015. Gurleen holds a BSc in Business Psychology and is a member of the British Psychological Society, within the Division of Occupational Psychology. She has also completed her Masters in Occupational Psychology. Photo of Gurleen Mahlia Amatina, Employment Consultant Diagnosed with autism as an adult, Mahlia has first-hand experience of the challenges that can arise from a range of workplace settings, but more importantly; how to overcome these. Outside of AS Mentoring, Mahlia works as a visual artist, where she raises awareness and understanding of neurodiversity through different art forms. With a special interest in autism and work, Mahlia is keen to combine lived workplace experience with her mentoring skills as an employment consultant to support clients. Photo of Helen Mark Blake, Employment Consultant Mark has a broad range of experience across social care with several client groups and in varied settings. Following an arts degree he spent a couple of years on voluntary projects with disabled adults living independently, and with homeless men in an emergency night shelter in central London with subsequent paid roles including community support work with disabled adults moving back into the community following long periods in residential hospitals. Mark has also spent time as a residential care worker in adolescent residential units. The last 30 years has seen a focus on Adults and Children with Disabilities in a both a Day Service and Residential Home setting. As a Manager of services in these fields Mark has increasingly focused his support to children and adults on the autistic spectrum and has become keenly aware of the challenges faced by them and their families in achieving independence and realizing their potential. It is this interest that has led to an involvement in a mentoring role with AS mentoring and employment. Photo of Helen Mike Leat, Employment Consultant Mike comes from a background in advocacy, design and communication. Through his own business he previously ran an Easy Read design service which employed people with a learning disability and autism. In 2015 he co-produced a DVD on Autism and Mental Health for the Autism Partnership Board in Surrey. Mike previously worked for The National Autistic Society Assist service providing one to one support/mentoring sessions, and facilitating social and support groups for autistic adults. After completing an undergraduate module in autism with The Open University, Mike went on to complete a Postgraduate Certificate in Autism and Asperger syndrome. Mike also works with a project called ‘Autism by Experience’ which is a team of mostly autistic adults providing Understanding Autism training to staff in a variety of roles including health and social care. Photo of Laura Lauren Moore, Employment Consultant Lauren has a number of years experience of supporting people with autism as well as additional needs. Her main influence for working with people on the spectrum is her younger sibling who was diagnosed with autism at a young age. Over the past decade she has worked in a school specifically of young people with social, emotional and mental health difficulties, starting as a Teaching Assistant and then working as the Intervention Co-ordinator for the secondary department. Lauren also worked in a specialist autism college as a Learning and Behaviour Specialist, moving up to become a Learning Support Co-ordinator. She studied History at undergraduate level and has more recently graduated with a Masters in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in July 2018. Photo of Rachel Rachel Pearson, Senior Regional Employment Consultant Following a successful 13-year career in the City Rachel moved into HR and Business Consultancy specialising in organisation restructuring projects involving (often large scale) job review, recruitment and redundancy programmes. She has extensive experience of working with SME employers and large organisations in the public and private sectors around all aspects of the employment relationship. Rachel previously volunteered with the National Autistic Society's Prospects Team and she now works as an employment consultant specialising in supporting people with an ASC to find and retain work. She also works with the NAS's Employment Training and Adult Services Teams supporting students and employees, and providing advice and guidance to employers. With a close family member on the autistic spectrum, Rachel also volunteers with her local NAS branch in Surrey. She holds an MSc in Human Resource Management and is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development. Photo of Siobhan Siobhan Pauley, Employment Consultant Siobhan has first-hand experience of supporting someone with Asperger’s Syndrome and ADHD as her son has moved through various life transitions, experiencing the hurdles faced by people on the autistic spectrum. She spent 30 years working within Human Resources of a large financial institution attaining her MCIPD status, where she became the company’s Reasonable Adjustment Officer. It was her responsibility to ensure that employees with disabilities were able to receive the right workplace accommodations to enable them to access various roles in the company. This has given her considerable insight to enable her to support our clients. Following a career move, Siobhan is setting up AS Mentoring services in and around Poole, Dorset- as well as working part time to support an individual with profound learning difficulties within an independent living service.

A-list Film Production Pro

a-list film production pro


ably. Productions Inc.: a production company that deals in all aspects of creative projects from film and television production to CD manufacturing http://www.acepix.com Ace Pix International, Inc.: a full in-house motion picture / television production and distribution company http://www.ancientpictures.comAncient Pictures: a Seattle-based motion picture and commercial production Company, as well as a networking center for writers to meet, enhance their skills and network in the film industry http://www.apotheosispictures.comApotheosis Pictures Productions: an independent film production company and the developers of the ScreenForge screenwriting software for Microsoft Word. ScreenForge is the best and most affordable screenplay formatting software available for MS Word, and a viable alternative to the much more expensive stand-alone screenwriting programs Armageddon Productions: creators of the 1997 home video release "Bloodletting," they develop and produce feature films, digital visual effects and music and movie soundtracks. They have also developed screenplays for other companies, such as Full Moon Pictures' "Witchouse" and "Alien Arsenal," and Regent Entertainment's upcoming "The Brotherhood" Assembler Films: a company that has shot and released films in Italy, Japan, India, the U.S. and Canada, to name a few Belarus Productions: Minsk-based independent production company, providing assistance to film-makers and broadcast journalists. TV production, film production, crew hire, equipment rent and location scouting in Belarus Black Cab Productions: an independent film, music, and literary production company specializing in horror, bizarre, and dark works http://www.blackfishfilms.comBlackFish Films: quality international productions specializing in non-broadcast projects for educational, military and corporate projects. Shooting 16, 35 and 70mm. Free goodies for independent producers Blokland Pictures: specializing in the development, production, and distribution of feature film drama; serving the international specialty marketplace http://www.angelfire.com/tn/tcthepackrat/bloodyfun.htmlBloody Fun Pictures: no-budget video/filmmaking, since 1996 http://www.bwave.f9.co.ukBrainwave: in the business of producing their own peculiar brand of entertainment for over a decade: films, radio plays, songs, etc. on the smallest budgets imaginable http://www.brilligprods.comBrillig Productions: exploring creative areas of filmmaking; developing narratives that range from the fanciful to the bizarre, visual designs that push the limits of independent cinema, and story-telling techniques that are inspired and inspirings http://www.c21etv.comC21ETV: one-stop-shop providing multimedia design, implementation and programming, VCD business cards production, video/TV production, digital, broadcast, industrial, post production http://www.cabiriafilms.com Cabiria Films, Prague: Filming in East Europe – locations & production services Cambridge Films: an independent production company http://www.cinedictum.com Cinedictum: a production company which produces cinedicta. Described as a form of film-aphorism, cinedicta are very short films whose concise narrative holds both entertainment and moral value, while addressing universal themes http://www.commercialfactory.comThe Commercial Factory: specializing in the production of high-quality television commercials, from the original idea to broadcast ready http://www.cotenfilms.comCoten Films: an independent film production company specialising in corporate and private video work, Web design and new media. Responsible for the action comedy feature film "Cop on the Edge IX" and the forthcoming "Days' End" http://www.crystalpyramid.comCrystal Pyramid: broadcast video production company in San Diego, California http://www.homestead.com/degalazare/dlp.htmlDega Lazare Productions: movies and other multimedia productions being made in the small town of Kahnawake by teens. From action/adventure to horror and comedy, it's all there http://www.dereko.tvDereko Entertainment: a small, independent and privately held feature film production company based in Los Angeles, California. Whose goal is to produce and release one or more feature films per year, both domestic/international territories Documentary Educational Resources (DER): produce, distribute and promote anthropological and documentary films and videos http://www.doublegproductions.comDouble G Video Productions: a video productions company providing a wide range of service and talent bank for your productions needs. "From gold to gold let Double G video productions get your story told!" http://www.egygrip.comEgygrip: a skilled team of professionals based in Egypt, and capable of managing every step of the video or film production process from concept to compeletion Emerald Oceans Entertainment: a multi-media company with film and music divisions. Founded in 1995 as a film production company it has evolved into its current broader base, which is helping it establish its place in the industry Eye Light Media: creating films, videos, music and Web sites from a Christian world view The Farnham Film Company: a UK-based TV production company interested in co-production–particularly of children's programming http://www.angelfire.com/film/file5home/about.htmlFile5 Productions: producer of market-specific sports videos by writer-director-actor David Lima http://www.filmforum.comFilm Forum: New York's leading movie house for independent premieres and repertory programming http://www.fireflyonline.comFirefly Entertainment: established in 1994 to allow aspiring talents and interested persons to achieve their goals in film, television, and theatre. The group has won multiple awards, is comprised of members of all ages, and is based in west central Pennsylvania http://www.footlooseproductions.com/Footloose Productions: film and video production company specializing in documentaries, commercial films, photo shoots, movies, and music videos http://www.fourhorsemenfilm.com/Four Horsemen Films, LLC: an independent film production company in New Jersey http://www.angelfire.com/movies/gmcproductions/gmc.htmGMC Productions: teenage independent film makers on a low budget. See screening room with video clips, and check out past films Goldader Film Productions GmbH: creates and produces feature films, TV movies, commercials, music videos, 3-D animated shorts, interactive CDs and DVDs, educational and corporate films, CDs and DVDs Gulliver Media Australia: producing award-winning television documentaries and videos Harrington Productions: content creators for video, film and new media. Based in Maui, Hawaii, they supply field production packages, crew and post production. Client list includes ABC-Sports, ESPN, E! Entertainment, NBC, BBC and The Discovery Channel http://go.to/headscrewHeadscrew: working entirely in the film medium, they provide affordable commercial shoots for local Seattle businesses, create traditional clay, cel, line and computer animations and also stage location shoots for studios who are unable to re-locate a full crew for short periods of time http://www.focusfilms.comHocus Focus Films, Israel: Filming in a foreign country could sometime become a metaphysic experience. In Israel, life itself is. To cut Red Tape, achieve Green Lights, and avoid Blue Holes. Contact a production house that can accommodate all your needs http://www.hollywoodpa.comHollywood PA: the world's first Global Movie Set. This is an independent film, shot in Central Pennsylvania. You were able to watch it live from the set, interact with the cast and crew and discover the passion and pain in filmmaking http://www.iconent.comIconoclastic Entertainment: dedicated to finding and creating the finest screenplays on the planet http://www.imageproducers.comImage Producers: a full service video and multimedia production company working on a local, regional, national, and international basis. Their creative staff works together to develop the concept, write the script, shoot the footage, and take the project through post-production to deliver the finished product http://www.ipcfilms.comIPC Films: IPC is a production company looking for ideas, projects, scripts, talent, and investors http://www.jam-productions.comJam Productions a San Francisco Bay Area video/film company that does broadcast quality commercials, special event filming, indie film projects, multi-media and more http://www.jamsessionfilms.comJam Session Productions: a minority/woman-owned midwest-based film and multimedia company whose projects have included music videos, commercials and PSA's, training films, industrial films, TV program segments and more Janson Media: an international program sales and distribution company, a "content" company. We have licensed programming to over 180 countries around the world. Please see our Clients page, for a fairly complete list of the broadcasters and cable and satellite networks to whom we license programming http://www.jetifilms.comJeti Films: an independent film company based in Louisiana http://www.kaizenfilms.comKaizen Films: their mission is to develop new technologies and techniques to enhance the production of motion pictures, while maintaining cinema as an art form http://www.kineticimage.comKinetic Image Co., Ltd.: an Ohio-based motion picture production company that, for nearly twenty years, have specialized in creating exciting motion picture entertainment on budgets that would shame a cat. They created a number of well-received cult items which have graced the schedules of the USA Network and Cinemax http://www.kiwifilm.comKiwi Film & Video, Asia: a Hong Kong and Singapore based film and video production service company catering to a broad range of clients from around the world; fully-equipped camera crews is their specialty http://www.ltfilms.comLarry Taylor Productions: dedicated to providing creative projects for family entertainment, including movies and television programs, as well as the construction of a new and unique style of theme park. The vision: To put the heart into every picture. http://www.leafpile.tvLeaf Pile TV: Tune In: This TV variety program is filled with a swarm of segments composed of local events and artist interviews which provide musical entertainment and hilarious sketch comedy. Leaf Pile also has freelance videography for your major rock video or demo. Check out our exclusive camera packaging http://www.littlerickyproductions.comLittle Ricky Productions: feature films that reach the moral conscience of America http://www.mecfilms.comMatrixx Entertainment: The World's First Virtual Movie Studio(tm). Services include: producing, financing and distributing independent feature films; Web site, production and legal consulting for entertainment clients; books and manuals on filmmaking and more Media Movers,Inc.: full service localization company offering services in dubbing,subtitling,voiceovers & production in Asian, Indian & European http://members.aol.com/mptvMPTV: offering on-location video production, graphics and animation design, AVID video post production, Macromedia Director authoring, and many more services http://www.mptv.commptv.com: Film, video and audio production and distribution http://www.mundiali.comMundiali Entertainment: providing a venue for the production of lower cost motion pictures ($15 and $20 million each) and television programming (based on a cooperative agreement between Mundiali and either a television network or special project investors) http://members.tripod.com/%7EOverboardProductionsOverboard Productions: an independent film production copmpany headed up by Matt Fore http://www.angelfire.com/ga/PARALLELAFTERNOONParallel Afternoon Productions: independent thinkers with a vision that strives to be unequaled http://www.peacerecord.comPeace Record Company: a multi-faceted audio/video production company offering video editing, acting video demo production, video/audio tape duping, video projection and sound systems rentals, wedding videos, on location multi-camera video recordings of special events and more http://www.phproductions.comPH Productions: services include business and personal consulting and coaching, project development, script writing, video production, video biographies, television programs, infomercials, commercials, photography and 3-d animation http://www.psavideo.comProduction Services Arizona: since 1971, providing quality, production services in the areas of video, multimedia, and animation graphics. Serving clients worldwide from Korea to France, South America to Canada in medium to high budget corporate marketing and training venues. Full collateral support through PS/A's graphics dept. Rawbass: design and production of all types of artistic media http://www.rcwmediaworks.comRCW Media Works: an independent production company that realizes that it is not the size of your budget that determines quality, it is the dedication and heart that you put into your projects http://www.realitycrash.comReality Crash Productions: showcases original and creative projects from writers, artists, film makers and critics. They are looking for people to contribute to the site. You retain full rights for your work and a web page is provided for you http://www.revivalentertainment.com/Revival Entertainment: this team is producing films of the highest quality in Surrey England http://www.riggedproductions.comRigged Productions: film and video, cartoons and art, writing, music and audio, and other works http://www.riverproductions.comRiver Productions: an independent film company located in Los Angeles, CA, headed by Michael J. Isgrig (writer, director, producer), Lynn C. Grant (writer, producer) and Kym R. Wulfe (executive producer, head of business and legal affairs) http://www.roman-pictures.comRoman Pictures: a motion picture production company which primarily produces "budget-controlled" feature-length movies that are licensed for distribution and exploitation in the direct-to-video, cable, TV and satellite markets http://www.runningdogfilms.co.ukRunning Dog Films: a new British film company dedicated to making films using cheap and affordable technology combined with proven no/lo budget production practices http://www.shadesofday.comShades of Day: the art of independent film and video producing. Extensive database of cinema related resources http://www.sharpshootertv.comSharpshooter Worldwide: a television production company that specializes in on location filming, any where in the world. Their motto is: "We don't go after awards or publicity. We just do the work." http://www.smileycrew.comSmiley Crew Productions: a California-based film crew specializing in both TV and film. Their main agenda focuses on their popular cable access comedy show, and their pro creative, anti "trend" statements http://www.smorgasbordproductions.comSmorgasbord Productions: a small company involved in the production of multimedia. Film, video, animation, graphic art and comic books are their products Starsmead Production Ltd: comprehensive production services for television and film http://www.studiosatlascolinas.comThe Studios at Las Colinas: a full-service production and entertainment facility located in the heart of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex; offering complete music, film, video, and multimedia production capabilities, as well as parties and events hosting http://www.suedeinteractive.comSuede Interactive: an in-house production facility (located in the NY Metro area) for radio and TV commercials, audio/video/film productions and Internet services (Web site design, search engine placement, e-commerce and hosting) http://www.tafproductions.comTAF Productions: an independent production company, based in the Netherlands, that specializes in executive and unit production services. Additionally, they create their own screen productions Tangled Web Productions: a feature film production company that writes, directs, and produces their own projects. They currently have four projects in development http://www.telenet.bc.caTelenet Communications: video, audio and multimedia production using DV cameras, non-linear editing software and audio foley Terrazas Video: Southern Arizona's largest production facility. Film, video, grip, lighting and stage. Visit their Web site for a complete list of resources TEWS Entertainment: founded by Tim Sullivan and Erik Woods in 1995, responsible for "Of Fortune and Glory," winner of the Best Picture award at the 2000 REwind Video Awards in Calgary http://www.thrae.comThrae Entertainment: your source for no-budget moviemaking on the Web. Provides information and insight into the world of movies without the burden of large financial resources, a place for moviemakers to share their experiences and information about their films http://www.torontopictures.comToronto Pictures: a production company, with its own film-school. Under the leadership of internationally-awarded film director, writer and producer Bruno Pischiutta, they specialize in producing feature films, documentaries and TV series http://www.transworldvideo.comTransworld Video Productions: from idea to shrink wrap; Cable TV to Network. Duplications and conversions to the world formats: NTSC, PAL, SECAM http://www.twodollarpistol.comTwo Dollar Pistol Films: specializing in the writing and production of independent feature films, shorts and documentaries and providing a wide array of digital production services for independent, private and corporate projects http://www.unknownproductions.comUnknown Productions: independent movie production with distribution from Cinematrix releasing, giving the world another entertainment choice http://1aindfilm.twoffice.comVariety Plus Enterprises, Inc.: serving the lower Westchester and New York City community since 1984. They specialize in creating stories, screenplays, and feature length motion pictures http://www.waterfrontchicago.comWaterfront Productions: a Chicago, Illinois-based production company that shoots and edits complete projects on film and video. Separate packages are available for just shooting or editing, if needed http://www.whodat.comWho Dat Music Productions: in Astoria, New York, is the developer of the Who Dat AudioLogo® brand identity for the Internet. We have produced elements for CD-ROM, DVD, Streaming Media for the Internet, Web Site Developers, Multimedia Productions, Interactive Productions, Original or Library Music for Film and Video, Narrators and Voice Over Talent, Web Casting, Corporate Presentation and the entire production if necessary http://www.worldwidefilmworks.comWorld Filmworks: a company designed to create musical/theatre productions, music videos, commercials, and short films, with an eye toward the ever-increasing presence of the Internet as the future of distribution http://www.youngmankang.comYoung Man Kang Films: a writer/director with more than 20 films and more than 50 TV commercials in his portfolio http://www.zone5pictures.comZone 5 Pictures: the source for all of your business media needs, including film and video production, studio photography, Web development, graphic design, feature films and animation/3D

Courses matching "Leadership"

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NLP Business Diploma (Fundamentals of Collaborative Working)

By Proactive NLP Ltd

NLP Business Diploma - The Fundamentals of Collaborative Relationships training & certification with Proactive NLP Ltd is your first step towards developing collaborative leadership and collaborative cultures. Start transforming your projects now!

NLP Business Diploma (Fundamentals of Collaborative Working)
Delivered In-Person in London + 1 moreTue, Oct 808:00 + more
£675 to £750

-New Horizons- Personal Assessment Course (women only)


A six-module course over 6 weeks of 2h per week. Interactive training and coaching to take you on a journey of self-discovery. Start on a path of self-evaluation to realise your full potential, build confidence, and set suitable career and personal goals. Learners will receive CPD accredited certification when they successfully complete the course.

-New Horizons- Personal Assessment Course (women only)
Delivered In-Person in LondonWed, Oct 911:00 + more

ISO 42001 Artificial Intelligence Lead Implementer Course

By Cognicert Limited

The “ISO 42001:2023 Lead Implementer Course” is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead the implementation of an Artificial Intelligence Management System based on ISO 42001:2023. This comprehensive course covers the key principles, requirements, and best practices for establishing and maintaining an effective Artificial Intelligence management system. Participants will learn how to develop, implement, and manage processes that comply with the ISO 42001 standard.

ISO 42001 Artificial Intelligence Lead Implementer Course
Delivered Online & In-Person in LondonMon, Oct 1408:00

Leadership and Management Programmes


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Leadership and Management development, Leadership training, management training, Leadership development

Leadership and Management Programmes
Delivered in Birmingham + 1 more or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates
£9000 to £15000

e-ALS (One Day Course) - Moorfields Eye Hospital, London


By Hunter Clinical Training

One day e-ALS Course. The ALS course is designed for healthcare professionals who would be expected to apply the skills taught as part of their clinical duties.

e-ALS (One Day Course) - Moorfields Eye Hospital, London
Delivered In-Person in LondonSat, Oct 1907:15 + more

Leadership Professional - Mastery Programme

By Mpi Learning - Professional Learning And Development Provider

Four half-day Leadership modules with mini work placed projects to bring the learning into action in the workplace.

Leadership Professional - Mastery Programme
Delivered in Loughborough or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates

Leadership Professional - Essentials Programme

By Mpi Learning - Professional Learning And Development Provider

Five half-day Leadership modules with mini work placed projects to bring the learning into action in the workplace.

Leadership Professional - Essentials Programme
Delivered in Loughborough or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates

Leadership Professional - Intermediate Programme

By Mpi Learning - Professional Learning And Development Provider

Five half-day Leadership modules with mini work placed projects to bring the learning into action in the workplace.

Leadership Professional - Intermediate Programme
Delivered in Loughborough or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates

Leadership Skills

By Step Into Learning

Individuals with great leadership skills empower teams to achieve their full potential, make decisions, and stategise well to help organisations thrive. This course provides the knowledge and skills to help you hone your leadership skills.

Leadership Skills
Delivered In-Person in Launceston or UK WideFlexible Dates

Effective Leadership Development

By Leadership Management International (LMI) UK

Everyone has what it takes to become an effective leader, but first you must learn the skills needed to succeed in a position of responsibility. Our program will help people nurture the talent within and allow managers to lead confidently. Sometimes, working longer hours isn’t the right approach, as you risk burning out and abandoning the task at hand. Instead, effective leadership teaches you how to organise your workload, practice better time management and learn the power of delegation.

Effective Leadership Development
Delivered In-Person in Leatherhead or UK WideFlexible Dates