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634 JavaScript courses

Complete JavaScript


By Systems & Network Training

COMPLETE JAVASCRIPT TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course covering JavaScript programming. Core JavaScript is covered first, including the basics, arrays, functions, classes, modules and Regular expressions. Client side JavaScript is then covered including JavaScript in browsers, Scripting CSS, the jQuery library and HTML APIs. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Read JavaScript. * Write JavaScript. * Debug JavaScript. COMPLETE JAVASCRIPT TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to learn JavaScript. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days COMPLETE JAVASCRIPT TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * CORE JAVASCRIPT * Lexical structure: Character set, comments, literals, identifiers, and reserved words, optional semicolons.. * Types, values and variables: Numbers, text, boolean values, null and undefines, the global object, wrapper objects, immutable primitive values and mutable object references, type conversions, variable declaration, variable scope. * Expressions and operators: Primary expressions, object and array initializers, function definition expressions, property access expressions, invocation expressions, object creation expressions, operator overview, arithmetic expressions, relational expressions, logical expressions, assignment expressions, evaluation expressions, miscellaneous operators. * Statements: Expression statements, compound and empty statements, declaration statements, conditionals, loops, jumps, miscellaneous statements, summary of JavaScript statements. * Objects: Creating objects, querying and setting properties, deleting properties, testing properties, enumerating properties, property getters and setters, property attributes, object attributes, serializing objects, object methods. * Arrays: Creating arrays, reading and writing array elements, sparse arrays, array length, adding and deleting array elements, iterating arrays, multi-dimensional arrays, array methods, FCMAScript 5 array methods, array type, array-like objects, strings as arrays. * Functions: Defining functions, invoking functions, function arguments and parameters, functions as values, functions as namespaces, closures, function properties, methods and constructor, functional programming. * Classes and modules: Classes and prototypes, classes and constructors, Java-style classes in JavaScript, augmenting classes, classes and types, object oriented techniques in JavaScript, subclasses, classes in ECMAScript 5, modules. * Pattern matching and regular expressions: Defining regular expressions, string methods for pattern matching, the RegExp object. * JavaScript subsets and extensions: JavaScript subsets, constants and scoped variables, destructuring assignment, iteration, shorthand functions, multiple catch clauses, E4X: ECMAScript for XML. * Server-side JavaScript: Scripting Java with Rhino, asynchronous I/O with node. * CLIENT SIDE JAVASCRIPT * JavaScript in web browsers: Client side JavaScript, embedding JavaScript in HTML, execution of JavaScript programs, compatibility and interoperability, accessibility, security, client side frameworks. * The Window object: Timers, browser location and navigation, browsing history, browser screen information, dialog boxes, error handling, document elements as window properties, multiple windows and frames. * Scripting Documents: Overview of the DOM, selecting document elements, document structure and traversal, attributes, element content, creating, inserting and deleting nodes. Example: generating a table of contents, document and element geometry and scrolling, HTML forms, other document features. * Scripting CSS: Overview of CSS, important CSS properties, scripting inline styles, querying computed styles, scripting CSS classes, scripting stylesheets. * Handling events: Types of events, registering event handlers, event handler invocation, document load events, mouse events, mousewheel events, drag and drop events, text events, keyboard events. * Scripted HTTP: Using XMLHttpRequest, HTTP by <script>: JSOMP, Comet with server-sent events. * The jQuery library: jQuery basics, jQuery getters and setters, altering document structure, handling events with jQuery, Animated effects, Ajax with jQuery, Utility functions, jQuery selectors and selection methods, Extending jQuery with plug-ins. The jQuery UI library. Client side storage: localStorage and sessionStorage, Cookies, IE usingData persistence, Applicatioin storage and offline webapps. * Scripted media and graphics: Scripting images, Scripting audio and video, SCG:scalable vector graphics, Graphics in a <canvas>. * Scripted HTTP: Using XMLHttpRequest, HTTP by <script>: JSOMP, Comet with server-sent events. * The jQuery library: jQuery basics, jQuery getters and setters, altering document structure, handling events with jQuery, Animated effects, Ajax with jQuery, Utility functions, jQuery selectors and selection methods, Extending jQuery with plug-ins. The jQuery UI library. * Client side storage: localStorage and sessionStorage, Cookies, IE usingData persistence, Applicatioin storage and offline webapps. * Scripted media and graphics: Scripting images, Scripting audio and video, SCG:scalable vector graphics, Graphics in a <canvas>. * HTMLS APIs: Geolocation, history management, cross-origin messaging, web workers, type arrays and ArrayBuffers, blobs, the filesystem API, client side databases, web sockets.

Complete JavaScript
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

HTML CSS and JavaScript for Beginners - A Web Design Course

By Packt

This is a step-by-step course including everything you need in order to get started and learn all the fundamental core concepts of web design and web development. In this course, learn how to build amazing interactive and dynamic websites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

HTML CSS and JavaScript for Beginners - A Web Design Course
Delivered Online On Demand

API for Beginners: JavaScript and Getting Started with APIs and AJAX

By Packt

Explore using JavaScript XHR and fetch to connect to multiple web API endpoints retrieve JSON data and update HTML

API for Beginners: JavaScript and Getting Started with APIs and AJAX
Delivered Online On Demand

DOM Manipulation with JavaScript

By Course Cloud

COURSE OVERVIEW Are you looking to become a Javascript Developer? The DOM Manipulation with JavaScript course breaks down DOM manipulation in JavaScript into easy to follow bitesize modules, ideal for beginners. You will learn how to interact with the DOM to create dynamic interaction on web pages, create new HTML elements and style them dynamically, equipping you with the skills to effectively manipulate the DOM within your website. Through this instructor-guided course, you will build a solid base of knowledge required to become a JavaScript Developer and create dynamic and interactive web pages that can respond to users' actions. It will teach you everything you need to know to make the most of Javascript to get, change, add or delete HTML elements, for expert web development.  Enrol in this step-by-step training course today and learn DOM manipulation from the experts. This best selling DOM Manipulation with JavaScript has been developed by industry professionals and has already been completed by hundreds of satisfied students. This in-depth DOM Manipulation with JavaScript is suitable for anyone who wants to build their professional skill set and improve their expert knowledge. The DOM Manipulation with JavaScript is CPD-accredited, so you can be confident you're completing a quality training course will boost your CV and enhance your career potential. The DOM Manipulation with JavaScript is made up of several information-packed modules which break down each topic into bite-sized chunks to ensure you understand and retain everything you learn. After successfully completing the DOM Manipulation with JavaScript, you will be awarded a certificate of completion as proof of your new skills. If you are looking to pursue a new career and want to build your professional skills to excel in your chosen field, the certificate of completion from the DOM Manipulation with JavaScript will help you stand out from the crowd. You can also validate your certification on our website. We know that you are busy and that time is precious, so we have designed the DOM Manipulation with JavaScript to be completed at your own pace, whether that's part-time or full-time. Get full course access upon registration and access the course materials from anywhere in the world, at any time, from any internet-enabled device.  Our experienced tutors are here to support you through the entire learning process and answer any queries you may have via email.

DOM Manipulation with JavaScript
Delivered Online On Demand

How to Process Time Series Data with JavaScript

By Packt

In this course, learn how to process data to pull out relevant information, structure the data for visualizing using JavaScript's map and filter methods, use D3.js's scale functions, and more. Basic HTML and CSS skills, some JavaScript programming, and a basic understanding of D3js are required.

How to Process Time Series Data with JavaScript
Delivered Online On Demand

How to Visualize Data with JavaScript

By Packt

In this course, we'll learn how to visualize trends in temperature data with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. We recommend that you have some background in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You don't need to be an expert by any means, but you should have experience building web pages with HTML and CSS, and you should have basic programming skills with JavaScript.

How to Visualize Data with JavaScript
Delivered Online On Demand

NodeJS, MongoDB, and Express - Beginner to Intermediate JavaScript

By Packt

NodeJS allows you to build complex and powerful applications quickly and easily, writing JavaScript code. It also allows you to use JavaScript for web applications with flexibility for a wide range of different purposes. Learn about MongoDB as a database and how to build it as well as Express as a framework to build web apps on top of Node.js.

NodeJS, MongoDB, and Express - Beginner to Intermediate JavaScript
Delivered Online On Demand

20 Web Projects with Vanilla JavaScript

By Packt

Build 20 mini frontend projects from scratch with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript

20 Web Projects with Vanilla JavaScript
Delivered Online On Demand

JavaScript Basics


By Janets

Register on the JavaScript Basics today and build the experience, skills and knowledge you need to enhance your professional development and work towards your dream job. Study this course through online learning and take the first steps towards a long-term career. The course consists of a number of easy to digest, in-depth modules, designed to provide you with a detailed, expert level of knowledge. Learn through a mixture of instructional video lessons and online study materials. Receive online tutor support as you study the course, to ensure you are supported every step of the way. Get a certificate as proof of your course completion. The JavaScript Basics course is incredibly great value and allows you to study at your own pace. Access the course modules from any internet-enabled device, including computers, tablets, and smartphones. The course is designed to increase your employability and equip you with everything you need to be a success. Enrol on the now and start learning instantly! WHAT YOU GET WITH THIS COURSE * Receive a digital certificate upon successful completion of the course * Get taught by experienced, professional instructors * Study at a time and pace that suits your learning style * Get instant feedback on assessments * 24/7 help and advice via email or live chat * Get full tutor support on weekdays (Monday to Friday) CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT After the successful completion of the final assessment, you will receive a CPD-accredited certificate of achievement. The PDF certificate is for 9.99, and it will be sent to you immediately after through e-mail. You can get the hard copy for 15.99, which will reach your doorsteps by post.  METHOD OF ASSESSMENT You need to attend an assessment right after the completion of this course to evaluate your progression. For passing the assessment, you need to score at least 60%. After submitting your assessment, you will get feedback from our experts immediately. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR The course is ideal for those who already work in this sector or are aspiring professionals. This course is designed to enhance your expertise and boost your CV. Learn key skills and gain a professional qualification to prove your newly-acquired knowledge. COURSE CONTENTS * Section 01: JavaScript Introduction   * Section 02: JavaScript Examples * Section 03: JavaScript Data Types * Section 04: JavaScript Objects And Functions * Section 05: Java Script Scope * Section 06: JavaScript Events And String

JavaScript Basics
Delivered Online On Demand

Front-End Web Development with Modern HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

By Packt

Learn all the core fundamentals of modern web design, covering all the commonly used syntax for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JavaScript DOM with the help of this beginner-friendly course. Go from a static web page to an interactive one with JavaScript. This course is designed to get you started quickly and easily with creating web pages.

Front-End Web Development with Modern HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Delivered Online On Demand