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110 Courses in Sheffield

First aid At Work (RQF)


By Comply Sense

We have brought you the best quality regulated first aid training both jointly offered by Seacass Consultancy and delivered by Comply Sense, this course is regulated by TQUK and comes with certification for 3 years.  You can choose to have this course as a full classroom course or a blended option with 2 days in the classroom plus 6 hours online at home. Using the very latest in equipment and even the use of Virtual Reality, we aim to ensure you get the best experience possible whilst getting your first aid certification.  People really do love our training, we have over 500 Five star reviews, just have a look at our google reviews Click Here [https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=comply+sense&sca_esv=573754553&source=hp&ei=Xx8tZbiLA-uYhbIPh-WymAg&iflsig=AO6bgOgAAAAAZS0tbxNn6PsMcBQe9-ySIDh8RyZ3P5BE&gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0LEorSiqoSjM1YLRSNagwsTA3TTZMTDUxMExOMkxMsjKoSDQ2MU4zMjQ3NQPKJRqaefEk5-cW5FQqFKfmFacCAJ-XFAQ&oq=comply+se&gs_lp=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&sclient=gws-wiz#lrd=0x4875c1ae401cb1ab:0xa343f21756875a16,1,,,,] or our awarding organisation reviews Click Here [https://www.procourses.co.uk/facilitators/15128-comply-sense-darren-robathan-west-sussex]. 

First aid At Work (RQF)
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Crawley

Aesthetic Therapy Training - Beginner to Advanced PACKAGE


By Geopace Training

THIS COURSE PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1: PERIPHERAL I.V. CANNULATION - IV THERAPIES COURSE (GPT008) 2: VACCINATION / INJECTION COURSE (GPT601) Learn how to administer injectables and intravenous therapies ... FAST-TRACK YOUR AESTHETICS TRAINING WITH OUR COMPLETE TRAINING PACKAGE 20% Multi-Course Discount Cover all stages from Level 1 through to Level 4 (FDSc) Cover your theory training online Complete your advanced practical training in 1 day Practical training in Classroom or Virtual Classroom Comprehensive Practise@Home training kits for VC Awards 2 accredited qualifications Dual Accreditations for all courses Covers all steps required to safely perform injectables Covers all steps required to safely perform IV therapies Practise IV on artificial arm with fake blood Practise injection techniques on realistic injection pads Learn beginner to advanced skills and techniques Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS

Aesthetic Therapy Training - Beginner to Advanced PACKAGE
Delivered Online or in Liverpool + 5 more locationsFull day, Jul 26th, 08:30 + 11 more

Vaccination / Injection Course (GPT601)


By Geopace Training

Learn how to administer vaccines or injections ... Nationally Recognised Qualification Includes IM, ID and Sub-Cut Injection methods OCN Accredited - Level 4 (Foundation Degree - FDSc) Covers all steps to safely perform a vaccination Use same techniques and skills for aesthetic therapies Includes B12, Vitamin C and other treatments Essential qualification for all injections Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS

Vaccination / Injection Course (GPT601)
Delivered Online or in Milton Keynes + 7 more locations3 hours, Jul 26th, 13:00 + 18 more

Communicating Effectively


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

We communicate daily in many ways, including email, phone, text, Zoom, Teams, Google Meets, Slack, and even that old-fashioned thing, what was it now... oh yes, talking face-to-face. But, when we look at communication closely and really drill down into what we are doing in conjunction with how our brain works (neuroscience), how internal, organisational, and social politics control what we believe we can say, how hierarchical positioning impacts our honesty and how the lack of psychological safety means we say what we know others want to hear rather than what they need to hear…. It is oh so complicated! This workshop not only explores the concept of excellent communication, but we also want to hear what you believe it is too. We also delve into how organisational culture influences our perception of speaking up. Factors that hinder open and honest communication, and we work collaboratively towards removing these barriers to achieve a communication style that fosters trust and transparency, creating psychological safety.   This workshop is particularly relevant to our Emotional Intelligence workshop (EI and Me). We firmly believe that developing emotional intelligence is the key to unlocking Clean Communication, a skill that is crucial for all of us, regardless of our roles and responsibilities, so that we thrive in our professional environment. If you want to see if we are correct, why not have us facilitate a workshop for you and see what you get by the end of it?  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LENGTH 1 Day NEXT WORKSHOP START Let's chat and confirm a date. WORKSHOP DELIVERY The best environment for this experience is face-to-face, but we can facilitate this workshop online. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUITABILITY - WHO SHOULD ATTEND? WHO SHOULD ATTEND AND WHY? Who? - Perhaps think of this another way… who shouldn’t attend to ensure we can manage Clean Communication? There’s your answer. Why? - Every person needs to understand what we are saying above about how we get trapped in this organisational formatting which changes how we communicate and how it prevents us from communicating cleanly. EVERY organisation has this, despite what our values profess. And 'Values', that’s a whole other story. WORKSHOP CONTENT * Using the 'Moccasin Approach'® to clean our personal and organisational communication * LaPD’s Communication Cycle and what we must consider. (Can you work out what the ? represent above? * Accountability and Responsibility raises its head in Communication. It has to. * Bias, unconscious bias and its impacts on our communication. * The conundrum of communicating with others and their styles (The TRAP). * How would my perfect Manager/Leader communicate with me? * Nonverbal communication (body language), rapport, Clean Communication. * Negative communication can go viral (Self-Fulfilling Prophecy). * Reflections, findings and goals (individual and team). * Meeting our workshop objectives by listing five areas for development. WORKSHOP DELIVERY AND VENUE This workshop is usually one day in duration, and it focuses solely on how we communicate with each other. It can also be a two-day event incorporating aspects of Emotional Intelligence (EI) with group, and individual activities to allow discussions about the various communication we need in your organisation. When you consider the content we deliver, we are sure you will understand why we always prefer to deliver our workshops, courses and programmes face-to-face. Face-to-face workshops and courses can be held at a location of your choice or, if you wish, a central UK location, such as the Macdonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham, located directly across from the Birmingham New Street train station. We can deliver our workshops, courses and programmes online, although this will mean splitting elements into manageable learning events to suit the online environment.

Communicating Effectively
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

Performance Management


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Performance management, Managing Performance, Employee engagement,

Performance Management
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

Emotional Intelligence for Today’s Leadership and Management

By Dickson Training Ltd

EQ is a pattern of how people's biases in their thinking leads them to think one choice or thing is better than another, as well as their clarity in differentiating within those biases to exercise clear and sound judgement. Where your thinking and responses lie within your biases spectrum, and your ability in adjusting to the situation you find yourself in, will determine responses equating to poor or strong Emotional Intelligence (EI). This course will enhance and promote the skill set necessary for any working leader or manager, allowing our in-depth emotional intelligence knowledge to be applied into your working environment. From an employer's perspective, this award can be a significant long-term return on investment by further developing your leaders and managers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT DOES THIS COURSE OFFER? Our program offers an EQ-SWOT™ assessment and EI Model in detail, and through activity and discussion we explore how applying and possibly adjusting, you may offer an improved Emotional Intelligence. Our learning experiences are successful because the outcomes are quickly embedded and demonstrate an immediate visible impact on the day-to-day working environment. Our engaging learning inspires employees to want to personally add value to the companies they work for. We also offer our Paradigm EQ-SWOT™ online assessment and report as a frame of reference within the program. This assessment should be completed before attending the program, and will be expanded upon during the program delivery. COURSE CONTENT The Emotional Intelligence for Today’s Leadership and Management course covers the following topics: * What makes EI so important within the workplace * Self-Awareness and your EQ Profile * The EQ unpacked * Unconscious Bias & EI * How to develop your EI quotient ACCREDITATION ACTIVITY Our accredited tutors deliver training that encourages delegates to confidently and practically apply all they have learnt as soon as they get back into the business. To achieve this award, delegates need to prepare and deliver a 3 minute presentation* on the highlights of their learning and immediate application avenues when back in their working environment. *Participants will be given 30 minutes during the program to prepare for their 3 min presentation at the end of the program. SCHEDULED COURSE DATES Unfortunately this course is not currently scheduled as an open course as it is primarily run as an in-house programme. For more information, please contact us. IN-HOUSE COURSES This is our own management training course which has been developed and refined over the many years we have been providing it to delegates from organisations in virtually every industry. This means that the course syllabus is extremely flexible and can be tailored to your specific requirements. If you would like to discuss how we can tailor this management training course for you and/or run it at your premises, please contact us.

Emotional Intelligence for Today’s Leadership and Management
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Bardsey & 4 more
Price on Enquiry

Emergency First Aid at Work


By Pochat Training

QA LEVEL 3 AWARD IN EMERGENCY FIRST AID AT WORK (RQF) * Full day course * Gives learners the knowledge and skills to be an emergency first aider * Recommended by HSE for low-risk workplaces -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE CONTENTS: * The Roles and Responsibilities of an Emergency First Aider * Assessing an Incident * Minor Injuries * Cuts, Grazes and Bruises * Minor Burns and Scalds * Managing an Unresponsive Casualty * CPR * Safe Use of an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) * Choking * Seizures * Wounds and Bleeding * Shock BENEFITS OF THIS COURSE: * 1.1 million workers in Britain had an accident at work in 2014/2015 * Of those, 2,700 were from the East Midlands * On average, one out of every 370 people received an injury at work * The estimated cost of injuries and ill health last year was £15 billion * The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 require all employers to make arrangements to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. * This includes carrying out a risk assessment, appointing a suitable amount of first aiders and providing adequate first aid training * Typically, first aiders will hold a valid certificate in either First Aid at Work (FAW) or Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) * Our QA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF) - EFAW - training course is the one recommended for first aiders in a low risk workplace * Having the correct first aid provision in the workplace is not just a legal requirement, it is incredibly important for the safety of all members of staff! * As this is a Regulated Qualification, employers can book this course for their employees in the safe knowledge that they have fulfilled their legal responsibilities for providing quality first aid training, without having to undertake any lengthy due diligence checks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCREDITED, OFQUAL REGULATED QUALIFICATION: Our Emergency First Aid at Work course is a nationally recognised, Ofqual regulated qualification accredited by Qualsafe Awards [https://qualsafeawards.org/]. This means that you can be rest assured that your Emergency First Aid at Work Certificate fulfills the legal requirements and is a very good way to make sure you and your employees are trained in First Aid. The Ofqual Register number for this course is 603/2367/X --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Emergency First Aid at Work
Delivered In-PersonFull day, Aug 3rd, 08:00 + 5 more
£100 to £105

Managing My Day


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Helping people become more efficient in how they manage and prioritise their working day, and for leaders and managers, how they can work efficiently by collaborating effectively with their people.

Managing My Day
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

Coaching Skills


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Coaching, Workplace coaching, Floor walking coaching, Organisational coaching,

Coaching Skills
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

The Phoenix Effect


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Organisational development, Organisational culture, Organisational values, Organisational environment,

The Phoenix Effect
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500