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72 Courses in Nottingham

Professional administrator (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Today's administrative professional needs flexibility and a broad portfolio of skills including self-motivation, assertiveness, and the ability to deal with difficult people. You will benefit from this course if you are an administrator, medical/legal secretary or PA, who wants to enhance your administrative support skills, as well as evaluating your existing techniques. This course will help you identify: * your areas of strength and your areas for improvement in the work environment * ways to accept new challenges and responsibilities with confidence * what motivates you at work * techniques to improve your planning and time management * ways of improving your influencing and assertiveness skills * your preferred working style (and relate it to your interaction with others) * ways of using your initiative * how to deal with challenging people, using recognised communication methods The course will help you develop a flexible set of skills that will allow you to succeed at work, no matter what the day throws at you. It will help you communicate effectively with a diverse range of colleagues and others with tact and diplomacy. And, finally, it will help you provide the administrative support that is essential for the smooth running of your area and of the organisation as a whole. 1 INTRODUCTION * Overview * Introductions * Individual objectives 2 WHAT EXACTLY IS YOUR ROLE? * Before looking at new skills and techniques, where are you now? Do you have the skills, knowledge and attitude required to be an exceptional administrator? * Understand your job criteria * Identifying your strengths and areas for development * Activity - skills analysis * Activity - action plan 3 BUILDING TRUST * How can you build trust? * Understanding the links between reliability, consistency and trust * What is required to deliver efficient service? * Activity: efficient service requirements of the professional administrator 4 WORKING STYLES * Identifying your working style preference * Understanding the importance of a flexible approach * Identifying areas of improvement to become a more effective team member * Activity: Questionnaire (completing, scoring and charting) * Activity: drawbacks of my style * Developing your working style 5 ASSERTIVENESS * Understand the differences between behaviours * Activity: Definition and characteristics of assertive / aggressive / passive behaviour * Activity: Identifying different behaviours * Understanding how to be more assertive * How to use assertiveness techniques * How to ask for feedback * Activity: Making requests assertively * Activity: Refusing requests assertively 6 TIME MANAGEMENT * The importance of planning for success * The importance of managing interruptions * The importance of having clear purpose * Time management best practices * Activity: How do you plan your time? What prevents you improving your time management? How will you recognise success? 7 PRIORITISATION * How to prioritise work to meet deadlines * The prioritisation matrix * Activity: Post it! 8 DEALING WITH INTERRUPTIONS * The impact interruptions have on productivity * How to manage interruptions * Activity: What interruptions do you experience? * What tactics can be employed to reduce these interruptions? 9 CLOSE * Open forum * Summary * Action planning

Professional administrator (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Presentation skills

By Rough House Media

WHETHER YOU HAVE TO CHAIR A MEETING, PITCH A PROPOSAL OR SPEAK AT A CONFERENCE YOU NEED GOOD COMMUNICATION AND PRESENTATION SKILLS. Addressing a group of people with assurance and confidence does not come naturally to everyone. Our presentation skills training courses will teach you how to conquer your fears and give a successful and memorable performance. We will tailor the training to your specific needs, from coaching before an important keynote or honing your pitch to improving your negotiation and influencing skills, or learning how to network effectively. A TYPICAL COURSE CAN COVER: * Recognising the strengths of your own communication style * Using the different elements of voice and body language effectively * Conquering your nerves and use body language to your advantage * Pitching presentations so they meet your audiences’ needs * Structuring a presentation so the audience is engaged from start to finish * Using visual aids * Handling questions All our presentation skills training is bespoke, with options including one-to-one coaching, combined training and coaching programmes and group training courses. All these courses can be delivered virtually, as well as face to face. As many of the skills needed to give a good presentation are shared with media interviews, we frequently combine our presentation skills and media interview skills training. VENUE We deliver courses in the most appropriate format for your circumstances – whether face to face or online. Face to face courses are portable: they can be held in purpose-built studios, at your own offices or at an external venue. In the latter two cases, we create a mock studio for the practical exercises. Online courses give you flexibility and enable you to offer training to delegates from all over the world. We have run virtual courses for people from the Far East, South Asia, North America and Europe, as well as the UK.

Presentation skills
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Richmond
Price on Enquiry

Bids and proposals (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This workshop will help you improve the impact, clarity, accuracy and effectiveness of your sales proposals. It takes bid and proposal teams right through the process, from start to finish - from forming the team and gathering the information, through to writing and reviewing the proposal document, and on to presenting it to the client. The learning points shared in the programme come from the trainer's extensive real-world experience with a wide variety of businesses. As a result of attending this programme, participants will be able to: * Write more clearly, more grammatically and more persuasively * Structure their written communications more effectively * Avoid the 'howlers' that can cost you business * Impress your clients * Win more business 1 BID STRATEGY * How to combine your knowledge of the market or customer, your products and services, and your competitors, to create a quality bid * New insights into your comparative advantages and competitive position in the marketplace * Understanding more about how your client views you and other suppliers * A plan of attack to build on your strengths and attack the weaknesses of your competition * Dealing with RFP/ITT situations 2 TEAMWORK * How a bid or proposal team needs to prioritise and manage preparation time * Co-ordinating input from team members * Agreeing responsibilities 3 THE IMPORTANCE AND ROLE OF A WELL-WRITTEN SALES PROPOSAL * Why bother? - the value of the sales proposal to you and to the customer * What the customer wants and needs to make a decision in your favour * Understanding and delivering on customer expectations * Review and discussion of different proposals - with real-life examples 4 THE BEST WAY TO STRUCTURE YOUR SALES PROPOSALS * A section-by-section, page-by-page review of best practice in structuring great sales proposals * How to improve the way you match your proposal to the customer's objectives and requirements * Plan your sales documents systematically - to make them easy to read and more persuasive * How to make your proposal look like the 'least risky' option 5 MAKING YOUR PROPOSAL A COMPELLING AND PERSUASIVE PROPOSITION * Choosing the right words that sell effectively * Selecting the right content and information for your document or proposal * Using an option matrix to summarise complex choices and increase final order value * How to write an executive summary 6 WELL-WRITTEN AND ERROR-FREE * Developing your writing style for maximum impact * Expressing the content (ie, selling points) clearly, concisely and correctly * Proof-reading and editing work effectively, using formal marks and techniques * Improving visual layout, format and appearance * Keeping it customer-focused 7 PRESENTING TO THE CLIENT - OVERVIEW * Presentation options * Understanding the client's objectives - as well as your own * The proposal review meeting - logistics * Managing to the next step * Designing and delivering a compelling presentation * Isolating objections and concerns * Follow-up and follow-through 8 POSITIONING YOUR FINAL PROPOSAL * Finalising your bid - presenting the right 'best few' USPs, features and benefits and making them relevant and real to the customer * Smart ways to position price and be a strong player - without being the cheapest * How to differentiate yourselves by how you present, as well as what you present * How to design and deliver a successful bid presentation 9 BID PRESENTATION PRACTICE SESSION WITH STRUCTURED FEEDBACK * Participants work in small groups or pairs to prepare and later present a sample section from a real life bid or proposal presentation * The trainer will provide assistance and input * During group review and discussions, input from others will be encouraged and many best practice ideas summarised 10 MANAGING THE END GAME * How best to draw-out, understand, isolate and answer customer objections, negotiate points and concerns * How to read the situation to plan the next step * Identifying negotiation tactics - and how to deal with them * Planning for a negotiation and how to get the customer feel they have the 'best deal' 11 WORKSHOP SUMMARY AND CLOSE

Bids and proposals (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Effective project leadership (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The leadership role of the project manager is increasingly recognised as a key determinant in delivering success. These skills can often be critical in project situations, where tight budgets and deadlines demand the highest levels of team performance and where the working environment presents fresh challenges on a daily basis. This programme focuses on the leadership skills required of project managers and will benefit anyone involved in managing projects large or small wishing to extend or enhance those skills. The objectives of this programme are to help the participants: * Understand the significance of leadership skills to the project manager and the impact of these skills on project performance * Review the key skills needed to be an effective 'multi-dimensional' project leader and learn how to develop, adapt and apply them in practice * Learn how to identify the preferred leadership style for the context and organisational culture of a project and how to develop personal style versatility * Understand the role of the project leader in building an effective team and the skills required to promote and sustain team performance * Gain a better understanding of the interpersonal skills needed to motivate individual team members and harness the full potential of the team DAY ONE 1 INTRODUCTION * Aims and objectives * Personal objectives 2 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP * What is a leader? How much can leadership be learned? * The project environment and the impact of leadership skills * The characteristics of high performance project teams and their leaders 3 PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP * Some useful models and theories of leadership explored * Types of leadership; choosing how to use leadership power * Evaluating personal leadership style; how to develop style flexibility 4 SYNDICATE CASE STUDY: LEADERSHIP IN ACTION * Review of the role of leadership in a contemporary project * Feedback and plenary discussion: effective project leadership 5 TEAM EXERCISE: LEADERSHIP SKILLS OF THE PROJECT MANAGER * Teams compete in performing a project simulation * Project review and feedback * Discussion of the outcome: role and skills of the project leader 6 LEADERSHIP SKILLS FOR PROJECT MANAGERS * The 3 dimensions of project leadership: inwards, outwards, and upwards * The vital role of communication skills and how to develop them * Developing a 'project vision': strategic thinking skills * Understanding others; emotional intelligence skills * Being a visible leader; behavioural and influencing skills * Building effective relationships; the importance of trust and respect DAY TWO 7 LEADING THE PROJECT TEAM * The role of leadership in developing team performance * Understanding individual strengths; recognising team role preferences * Managing conflict and promoting positive team dynamics * Setting standards, maintaining discipline and rewarding performance * Harnessing team potential: building motivation within the team * Promoting team learning; the team leader as coach / mentor 8 LEADING THROUGH THE ORGANISATION * Gaining the support others; developing effective influencing skills * Getting empowerment from key stakeholders * Knowing when and how to take the initiative and lead * Building and maintaining rapport with key partners * Becoming an effective team player in leadership teams * Becoming a business leader; leading colleagues and co-workers 9 TEAM EXERCISE: LEADERSHIP AND NEGOTIATION * Teams engage in a negotiation exercise * Exercise review and feedback * Discussion of the outcome: negotiation skills of the project leader 10 NEGOTIATION SKILLS FOR PROJECT LEADERS * Characteristics of effective negotiators * Classic problem behaviours and mind-sets to avoid * Getting to win-win; building partnership and trust 11 LEADING MORE SENIOR STAKEHOLDERS * The challenges and skills of leading and managing upwards * Communicating with more senior stakeholders; building credibility * Negotiating upwards: knowing when and how * The role of networking skills; building and maintaining rapport * Handling disagreements; the art of diplomacy * Handling personality and style conflicts with more senior people

Effective project leadership (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Consultative selling (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

'Selling' doesn't work. You've got to help customers buy. And that means engaging with the customer in a positive way, showing that you understand their requirement and giving them confidence that your product or service is the best possible way of meeting that requirement. This may sound painless but there's more to it than meets the eye and it's all too easy to get it wrong. You need to follow a process. This programme will help participants: * Understand 'how buyers buy' and align their selling activities accordingly * Recognise the difference between 'latent pain' and 'active vision' opportunities * Conduct effective pre-call planning and research * Stimulate interest and establish credibility with your prospects * Get prospects to share / admit high priority pain * Engage in consultative dialogue that promotes the differentiating strengths of your offerings * Gain access to 'power' people within an opportunity * Effectively qualify and disqualify opportunities based on objective decision criteria * Better control and manage sell cycles * Improve their chances of winning competitive opportunities * Shorten sales cycles and avoid 'no decision' * Negotiate the steps leading to a successful sale 1 AN INTRODUCTION TO SELLING * Understanding the key points that encourage a customer to purchase from us * The difference between consultative selling and a transactional sale * Understanding the roles that trust and empathy play in a sale * Understanding how tricks and manipulation can sink a sale * Vital pre-meeting research that must take place before a conversation * Understanding how the customer sees us and why positioning is important 2 STRUCTURING THE SALES CONVERSATION PROCESS * Defining a set process for structuring a sales call with a chance to demonstrate understanding * How the first minute of a conversation can destroy a sale * Understanding BPO objectives for a sale * How a step-by-step sales conversation process helps win more sales * Understanding the mis-match between the customers buying process * How our sales processes can lead to mistakes 3 HOW AND WHY PEOPLE BUY * An insight into the emotional factors behind how people arrive at purchasing decisions * Using research from neuroscience that shows how sales people can really make mistakes * Understanding how people make decisions about larger purchases * Understanding the stakeholders in companies and their buying motives * How to analyse the stakeholders and determine a win-plan 4 UNDERSTANDING THE FUNNEL * Studying the sales and buying process to understand the ratios of sales to prospects and better forecasting * Understanding the role of forecasting in sales analysis * Why many forecasts are nearly always wrong * Understanding the stages of a sales process * How 'verifiable outcomes' can really change forecasting 5 QUESTIONING TECHNIQUES * Understanding the different questioning techniques and when they should be used * Using the 'knowledge tree' as a framework for questioning * Understanding the use of real empathy to help customers uncover their needs * How effective research can really empower your questions * How to ask 'high gain' questions * How to ask difficult questions without feeling intrusive 6 FEATURES AND BENEFITS * How to practically apply them in a sales scenario * How to align the benefits to customers' business goals * Really understanding the difference and how to demonstrate true economic benefits to a customer * How to discover business goals, and align value propositions to these * How to craft an effective value proposition for a customer * Using the SAR storytelling method to really engage customers to align their thinking patterns * Using the latest neuroscience research that explains what customers are really thinking 7 OVERCOMING OBJECTIONS * How 'confirmation bias' can hinder any sales conversation * How the CLARA method of responding to customer concerns can dramatically improve the chances of customers responding to us in a positive way * Practising the method to become comfortable and congruent with it 8 CLOSING THE SALE * A deep dive into what closing is * How different sales have different closes * How too many closing methods can destroy a sale * How to lead up to a close with a logical sequence of questions * Using the ACSAT trust method of closing * A clear methodology with a chance to practise the skills in a fun way

Consultative selling (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Effective Negotiation Skills Course

By Dickson Training Ltd

Negotiation is an everyday challenge for some whether it be in the office, field or at home. Have you ever walked away from a situation thinking "if I'd only put my thoughts, side, opinion or words across better"? This 2-day course is perfect for managers, supervisors and sales people. It will focus on negotiation skills and the techniques that go with it. In this energy-charged provision you'll learn and practice negotiation, assertiveness and influencing techniques. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Course Syllabus The syllabus of the Effective Communication and Influencing course is comprised of seven modules, covering the following: Module One An Introduction to Negotiation * Assessment of your current sales and negotiation strengths and improvement areas * What is negotiation? * Identifying objectives and all factors affecting negotiation * The negotiation model - the four stages Module Two The Preparation Stage * The significance of preparation and why we need to prepare * What do you need to prepare? * Preparing a set of objectives: yours and theirs * Understanding constants and variables * Researching the other party * Creating a "win-win" situation * Preparing yourself for possible set-backs and objections Module Three The Discussion Stage * The importance of rapport building * Opening the negotiation * The power of effective questioning techniques * Improving your listening skills * Controlling emotions * Spotting the signs - non-verbal communication and voice clues Module Four The Proposing Stage * Stating your opening position * Responding to offers * How to deal effectively with adjournments Module Five The Bargaining and Closing Stage * Making concessions - the techniques * Adopting key bargaining skills * Dealing with objections and underhand tactics * Closing techniques * Confirming the agreement * Creating long term, lasting commitment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULED COURSES Unfortunately this course is not one that is currently scheduled as an open course, and is only available on an in-house basis. Please contact us for more information.

Effective Negotiation Skills Course
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Bardsey & 4 more
Price on Enquiry

Advanced sales negotiation skills (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The 'golden rule' of negotiation is simple - don't! But life's rarely that simple and very often we do have to negotiate, particularly if we want to win the business and especially if we want to win it on our terms. Such negotiations are crucial. We need to prepare for them. We need a strategy, and the skills to execute it. Does your team have a structured approach? Is it flawlessly executed, every time? Or is there room for improvement? This programme will help them master the six fundamentals of closing better business: Manage all these elements well and you will win more business, more profitably. This course will help participants: * Negotiate from a position of partnership, not competition * Deal more effectively and profitably with price objections * Identify and practise successful sales negotiating skills * Identify strengths and weaknesses as a sales negotiator * Understand different types of buyer behaviour * Learn to recognise negotiating tactics and stances * Apply a new and proven structure to their business negotiations * Identify and adapt for different behavioural styles * Be alert to unconscious (non-verbal) communication * Prepare and present a proposal at a final business negotiation stage * Project confidence and exercise assertiveness in all sales negotiations 1 PLANNING FOR SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS NEGOTIATIONS This session introduces the concept of business negotiation and looks at its importance in the context of the participants' roles and activities. It briefly examines why we negotiate and the dynamics involved. Session highlights: * What kind of a negotiator are you? * Negotiation skills self-assessment and best practice * How to establish roles and responsibilities for both parties * How to identify and set objectives for both buyer and seller * How to research and establish the other person's position (business negotiation stance) 2 HOW TO STRUCTURE YOUR NEGOTIATIONS This module presents an eight-step framework or structure for use in negotiations and considers how best to prepare and plan your negotiations within the context of a supplier/customer relationship or business cycle. It also includes a brief review of legal responsibilities and what constitutes a 'deal'. Session highlights: * Learn and apply a formal structure to use when negotiating * How to establish short- and longer-term objectives and opportunities * How best to plan, prepare and co-ordinate a major business negotiation meeting, or on-going negotiations * Understanding of basic legal and organisational requirements 3 VERBAL NEGOTIATION SKILLS This session examines the human and communication dynamics inherent in any negotiation situation. It emphasises the importance of professional skills in preparing for a negotiation by identifying needs, wants and requirements accurately and by qualifying the competitive and organisational influences present. Session highlights: * How to fully 'qualify' the other party's needs, requirements and constraints during the negotiation process by using advanced questioning and listening skills * How to pre-empt negotiation objections by promoting and gaining commitment to options, benefits, value and solutions * How best to propose and suggest ideas, using drawing-out skills 4 NON-VERBAL NEGOTIATION SKILLS This module highlights how different personal styles, corporate cultures and organisation positions can influence events, and demonstrates practical methods for dealing with and controlling these factors. It also examines key principles of body language and non-verbal communication in a practical way. Session highlights: * Gaining rapport and influencing unconsciously * Understanding the importance of non-verbal communication; reading other people's meaning and communicating effectively as a result * Ensure that non-verbal behaviour is fully utilised and observed to create maximum impact and monitor progress (eg, buying signals) * Recognising that business negotiations are precisely structured and agreements gained incrementally 5 PROPOSING AND 'PACKAGING' This session highlights how best to present and package your proposal. It looks at how to pre-empt the need for negotiating by creating minor-options and 'bargaining' points, as well as how to manage the expectations and perceptions of the customer or buyer. Session highlights: * How to identify the key variables that can be negotiated * The power and use of 'authority' within your negotiations * How to structure and present your proposal, ideas or quotation to best effect * The importance of when and how to identify and influence buyer's objections 6 DEALING WITH PRICE This module highlights how to best present and package price within your proposal or negotiation. In most cases, price has more to do with psychology than affordability and preparation and careful handling are essential. Session highlights: * The three reasons that people will pay your asking price * How to set price in a competitive market * The key differences between selling and negotiating * Ten ways to present price more effectively and persuasively 7 GETTING TO 'YES': TACTICS AND STRATEGIES There are many different tactics and strategies common to successful negotiators. This session looks at those that are most appropriate to the participants' own personal styles and situations. The importance of 'follow-through' is also explained and how to deal with protracted or 'stale-mate' business negotiations. Session highlights: * How to negotiate price and reduce discounting early in the process * How to recognise negotiating tactics and strategies in your customer or supplier * Key strategies, techniques and tactics to use in negotiation * The importance of follow-through and watching the details * How to deal with stalled business negotiations or competitor 'lock-out' 8 CASE STUDIES AND REVIEW This session examines a number of different situations and participants discuss ways to approach each. This will allow learning to be consolidated and applied in a very practical way. There will also be a chance to have individual points raised in a question and answer session. Session highlights: * Case studies * Question and answer * Planning worksheet * Negotiation 'toolkit' and check-list 9 PERSONAL ACTION PLANS Session highlights: * Identify the most important personal learning points from the programme * Highlight specific actions and goals * Flag topics for future personal development and improvement

Advanced sales negotiation skills (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Bespoke Management Training

By Dickson Training Ltd

One of our greatest strengths is our ability to tailor any of our open management courses to the needs and requirements of different businesses in different industries. We understand that whilst our open management training courses provide a wealth of knowledge in their particular area of focus, not all of it may be relevant for your business and the particular industry you operate in.Rather than making delegates sit through management training that is irrelevant to their job role, we offer bespoke management training where we tailor the course to cover the specific needs of your organisation, ultimately relieving the inevitable boredom and "switching off" that would come with having to sit through training that a person knew they would not need. WHY CHOOSE US FOR YOUR BESPOKE MANAGEMENT TRAINING NEEDS? We have provided tailored, bespoke management training courses to some of the largest organisations in the UK. Using our acquired experience and knowledge of running these courses, we will be able to work with you to create a bepoke management training programme that delivers a significant return on investment, both in terms of tangible and intangible results. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ILM ACCREDITED MANAGEMENT TRAINING COURSES Because we charge a daily training rate rather than a per delegate fee, if you have a number of delegates requiring management training, a bespoke management training course can often be less expensive than putting them all on an open course. A number of courses have been accredited by the ILM, which means you can be assured as to the standard of the course content and delivery. For more information on these, please see our page on ILM Management Training [https://www.dicksontraining.com/management-training/ilm-management-and-leadership-qualifications.php]. All of our ILM Programmes are provided in partnership with BCF Group Limited [https://www.thebcfgroup.co.uk/management-training/bespoke-management-training.php], which is the ILM Approved Centre we deliver under. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERESTED IN FINDING OUT MORE ABOUT BESPOKE MANAGEMENT TRAINING? Between us, we can come up with a training plan which will provide relevant, bespoke management training for your delegates which will maximise the return on both your time and cost. We are happy to come to your premises or arrange training facilities nearer to your location if this would be more convenient. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEEDBACK Below is a small selection of past feedback for our management training and development courses and programmes: > "EXCELLENT INSTRUCTOR. I LOOKED FORWARD TO OUR MONTHLY LECTURES KNOWING THAT I > WOULD HAVE A GOOD LAUGH BUT ALSO THAT I WOULD LEARN MORE ABOUT THE SUBJECT AND > MYSELF. HE HAS BEEN VERY HELPFUL TO ME AND THE REST OF THE STUDENTS, NOT JUST > DURING THE LECTURES BUT OFTEN IN HIS OWN TIME. HIS ENTHUSIASM FOR ALL OF THE > SUBJECTS COVERED DURING THE COURSE WAS EVIDENT THROUGHOUT, WHICH AGAIN HELPED > ME TO ENJOY AND UNDERSTAND THE SUBJECTS AND LECTURES.  > > IF I GET THE CHANCE IN FUTURE TO ATTEND A FURTHER COURSE WITH YOU, I WOULD > JUMP AT THE CHANCE." > > SENIOR ACQUISITIONS SURVEYOR > > Galliford Try -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "A VERY ACCOMPLISHED TRAINER AND SOMEONE WHO I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE TO BE > INVOLVED IN OUR BUSINESS TRAINING GOING FORWARD. THE FEEDBACK I HAVE HAD FROM > ALL LEVELS OF OUR TEAM STRUCTURE IS EXCELLENT." > > GROUP HR OPERATIONS > > EADS Personnel Services UK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "PHIL HAS A LOT OF ENERGY WHICH HE THROWS INTO THE COURSE. THIS VISABLY BROKE > DOWN RESISTANCE AND ATTENDEES ENTERED INTO THE EXERCISES WHOLEHEARTEDLY." > > SENIOR QS > > Bullock Construction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULED COURSES Unfortunately this course is not one that is currently scheduled as an open course, and is only available on an in-house basis. Please contact us for more information.

Bespoke Management Training
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bardsey & 4 more
Price on Enquiry

Self-Leadership & Executive Development Course

By The Power Within Training & Development Ltd

Our self-leadership and executive development programme can be fully ITA SDS funded supporting leaders and business owners and creating a growth plan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDS INDIVIDUAL TRAINING ACCOUNTS (ITA) RELY ON OUR TEAM FOR YOUR EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT The Power Within Training offers unrivalled executive development training for go-getters and self-starters throughout England and Scotland. Did you know that approximately 55% of people making their living in sales don’t have the right skills to be successful? Good sales skills are some of the rarest and most sought-after skills in the workforce. Whether you’re running a business, looking to progress further in your career or want to sharpen your skills before returning to work, our self-leadership training will help you develop the skills you need to succeed. After completing our executive development training, you’ll have a sales mindset and the skills to secure your ideal role, perform better, and utilise high-payoff action-planning techniques. Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR TRAINING SOLUTIONS WHAT IS SELF-LEADERSHIP EXECUTIVE TRAINING? SELF-LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Our self-leadership development course was designed to give you total control of your career, business, and professional life. Most professionals will spend more than 80% of their time at work or in business. We’ve structured our executive training to help those looking to enhance their career prospects or business success by taking advantage of our unique Motivational Intelligence seven steps to success framework. The seven-step success system will take you through a journey of self-discovery, self-awareness, and self-development, which enables you to understand the barriers and self-limiting obstacles that have been holding you back. The Power Within’s self-leadership training will guide you through overcoming these barriers and eliminating them from your life. If you are looking to stand out from the crowd and build a career or business you can be proud of, then this live classroom-based programme is definitely for you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BENEFITS OF SELF-LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT The self-leadership training has been designed from the ground up to inspire, guide, and develop you into not only achieving your goals but being able to measure success in your career, help you find your dream job, and help make an immediate impact in everything you do. Completing our executive leadership development course will allow you to utilise emotional intelligence to get the best of your team while focusing on clear values and principles that increase your overall success and profitability. Working on your self-leadership skills will grant you greater insight into the factors hindering or impacting your success while giving you the tools to make decisions and get into action. Here are some additional benefits of our self-leadership training: * Build Awareness – When you’re a leader, you must inspire and motivate people to achieve and go after the bigger picture for your organisation. You’ll need an effective and flexible leadership style to ensure your team succeeds. We’ll help you discover your leadership style and how you can use it effectively to the advantage of your business. * Increase Team Engagement, Motivation, and Accountability – How can you expect your team to behave if you’re no longer motivated to succeed? The Power Within will give you the tools to keep striving toward success while ensuring your business is focused and motivated. * Cultivating a High-Performance Culture – The right high-performance culture installs peak performance into every team member. Through our executive development, you’ll be able to help each reach their targets while they look for ways to improve constantly. * Develop Strategic Skills – We’ll help you develop leadership skills and self-improvement goals, allowing you to introduce changes to your business based on your guiding visions while encouraging others to share the same vision. If you are looking to stand out from the crowd and build a career or business you can be proud of, then this live classroom-based programme is definitely for you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT ARE THE KEY SKILLS LEARNED FROM EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT TRAINING One of the first sets of vital skills for self-leadership you’ll learn is the ability to stop, step back, and reflect on the things that trigger us to react. When we react, we’re being controlled by the trigger. Another skill we’ll help instill is to consider intention. Intention is important to us, such as our values and what we’re trying to achieve. When you become intentional, you start to live a life of choice. Self-leadership and executive development are a journey. The more self-leadership we attain, the more successful we’ll become. The more successful we become, the more self-leadership we need. Here are some additional critical skills you’ll learn from our self-leadership training: * Self-Awareness – It’s vital to hone your ability to see yourself as clearly as you are. This skill takes dedication, introspection, and mindfulness. Also, a dose of self-awareness helps with self-control, self-confidence, and feelings of validation. Overall, you should be open to critique and accountability. * Goal Setting – A good self-leader must be proactive in not only identifying their goals but how to reach those goals in a manageable manner. Our executive development training will teach you how to break down a larger goal into more attainable steps to avoid burnout while helping you celebrate smaller milestones. * Self-Motivation – A classic way to handle self-motivation is to divide long-term goals into smaller, more attainable ones. This optimization means recognising what about the goal that appeals to you, then forming a strategy that aligns with your strengths and values toward that goal. * Constructive Thought Patterns – Through our leadership skills and self-improvement course, you’ll be able to review your performance and assess your intentions and effectiveness while providing an opportunity to ensure your strategies are geared towards success. This is done by focusing on improving strengths and the mental imagery of yourself that recognizes your capacity to grow, develop, and change. Self-leadership training teaches you to see yourself as having the ability to create, improvise, innovate, and adapt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR LIVE WORKSHOPS ARE BACK WHAT’S COVERED IN OUR EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT? SELF-LEADERSHIP "IT'S A MINDSET THING" When you undergo our self-leadership training, you’ll experience several modules designed to allow your conscious and subconscious belief systems to work together for a predetermined goal or set of outcomes. Self-leadership is one skill that will significantly impact your career, team, and even your life’s happiness. Our executive leadership development course promotes bold and powerful decisions to get you back into the driver’s seat of your life and make the best of each day by setting goals, shifting your mindset, and finding your purpose. During each module, we’ll work with you and help you design and deliver your team leadership programmes catered to your team and your business dynamic. Our goal is to allow you to evolve into a bigger and better leader. Here are some of the modules in our self-leadership training: * Unleash Your True Potential * Create Your Personalised 7-Step Success Framework * Peak Performance and Self-Mastery * Growth Mindset and Mindset Performance * The Power of Feedback * Taking Back Control of Your Personal & Professional Journey * Goal Setting & Defining If you are looking to stand out from the crowd and build a career or business you can be proud of, then this live classroom-based programme is definitely for you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCOVER WHO’S LEADING OUR SELF-LEADERSHIP TRAINING James Fleming, the co-creator of The Power Within, will lead your self-leadership training. James founded The Power Within with his wife, Enas Fleming. They wanted to inspire people around the world to think better, be better and achieve more. James believes that everyone can be whatever they set their minds to. Founding The Power Within allowed James to turn that deep knowledge into a business that helps others think bigger, better, and achieve more daily. He strives to give leaders the tools and knowledge to achieve their full potential while increasing their self-confidence and self-belief through Motivational Intelligence Revolution. James wants to support today’s businesses to become tomorrow’s leaders. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE OVERVIEW Our self-leadership development course is a quick-paced training that is between eight and twelve hours in length. After you attend the face-to-face workshops, you’ll be given access to our online self-leadership training portal. This allows you to continue your journey of self-development by ensuring you’ll always have a system and process to fall back on when you need it. One of the best parts of our executive development course is that you receive this information fully funded. Even if you aren’t eligible for funding, you can still invest in this course and begin a new chapter of professional development for yourself. Elevate yourself if any of our eligibility requirements apply and you early less than 22,000 a year.

Self-Leadership & Executive Development Course
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Motherwell
Price on Enquiry

Women in Construction Management Course

By The Power Within Training & Development Ltd

Supporting Women in Leadership Throughout The UK Our women in leadership course is specifically designed to target challenges and support women in developing their leadership and management careers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AWARD WINNING LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME DISCOVER OUR WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT COURSE The Power Within is dedicated to helping women in construction across England and Scotland achieve business success through our Motivational Intelligence framework. Motivational Intelligence is the third level of intelligence, and the science behind it has won a Nobel Prize. Our women leadership in construction course supports women by improving their motivation, self-belief, decision-making, and leadership skills. This programme is designed to help female business leaders adapt more quickly to their environment, handle adversity more effectively, take productive action, and thrive during times of change. Each is a vital skill needed in today’s ever-changing business environment. When completed, you’ll have the skills needed to make decisions more effectively that help your business grow, become more resilient, and take opportunities when others are stuck. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This course has completely changed my outlook on my responsibilities as a manager/leader. In 26 years with Pfizer, I have never participated in a programme that has as profoundly changed my perspective on my role, my responsibilities and my ability to positively impact my team." FEMALE DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS SERVICES, PFIZER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEADING WITH MOTIVATIONAL INTELLIGENCE What is our Women in Construction Course? In the past five years, we’ve supported thousands of business leaders and managers in nurturing the skills and mindset needed to achieve and exceed their business goals. The Power Within knows women are incredibly effective and consistent at applying our Motivational Intelligence techniques to their lives and business. Our women in construction management course is designed to give you the skills you need to take charge of your business and ensure constant growth while future-proofing your business. The training is perfect for women in construction who are managers or leaders looking to: * Quickly Adapt Their Team to Change * Effectively Mentor Every Team Member * Improve Communication and Collaboration * Gain More Buy-In to New Goals or Strategies * Transform Their Team Culture * Increase Initiative and Self-Motivation Across Their Team How We Help Women in the Construction Industry Our course focuses on imparting fundamental skills, tactical best practices, and powerful insights into the human side of the business. You’ll be provided with valuable knowledge needed to be successful leaders and managers of all levels. We’ll focus on addressing the challenges new businesses around the world face, like leading teams and developing businesses in turbulent and transitional times as well as overcoming the challenges of being women in the construction industry. Throughout the course, particular emphasis is given to helping leaders raise motivational intelligence and foster a growth mindset within their team. LEADING WITH MOTIVATIONAL INTELLIGENCE Our Leading with Motivational Intelligence (MQ) Executive Diploma Programme is specifically designed to help participants create the “complete game” of leadership and management. Leveraged by more than 40% of the largest Fortune 500 companies and implemented around the world, the Leading with Motivational Intelligence (MQ) consistently receives a participant buy-in rate in excess of 97%. However, the most important statistic is: 12 months after completing the course more than 93% of participants continue to use the skills and techniques taught on a daily basis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQA APPROVED EXECUTIVE DIPLOMA What Skills Do We Help Women in Construction Develop? The skills we teach through our women in construction management courses are delivered through seven modularised sessions, each between three and three-and-a-half hours per session, with all sessions starting at 9:30 am via Zoom. An additional two hours per week is spent working on the online training assignments and leadership development plan. Each session will provide the education and information needed to establish yourself in your business. Here is more information regarding each session and the skills taught: SESSION 1: SELF-LEADERSHIP & THE SECRET TO PERSONAL SUCCESS Our first module is focused on setting course expectations and creating the right environment for learning. We’ll introduce the format and logistics, then discuss leading through turbulent times and how we can take control of ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions to lead growth. There is also a discussion on adult learning techniques and how leaders can leverage them to improve the effectiveness of their teams. We’ll also explore how turbulence and transition have changed how we manage and lead our teams. SESSION 2: THE ROLE OF INTELLIGENCE WHEN LEADING In this session, we’ll discuss the three levels of human intelligence and show how they each play in an individual’s performance and behaviors. Through two distinct mindsets, you’ll be shown how an individual’s motivational intelligence ultimately influences their emotional intelligence and intelligence quotient (IQ). Depending on which mindset a person operates under ultimately dictates their view of themselves, opportunities, and the work at which they will allow themselves to succeed. Finally, we’ll discuss switching your team to a growth mindset. SESSION 3: THE PILLARS OF HUMAN PERFORMANCE Completing this session will allow you to deconstruct the components that create a motivational intelligence growth mindset. Through discussion, you’ll see how most organizational challenges can be directly tied back to lapses in these components. We’ll review the leaders who’ve had the most significant influence on the meeting participants and shows the commonalities that make these leaders stand out. Lastly, we’ll introduce terminology, tools, and techniques that leaders can leverage to better coach and mentor their team. SESSION 4: MANAGEMENT VERSUS LEADERSHIP: THE TWO CRITICAL AND CO-DEPENDENT SKILLSETS FOR CREATING TEAM SUCCESS We’ll discuss the difference between a manager’s and a leader’s focus. The discussion focuses on the two most common management mistakes and how they undermine team culture and individual performance. The final debate focuses on the five critical best practices of excellent management, including clearly defining and communicating goals, creating alignment and buy-in, setting proper expectations, monitoring performance, and recognizing and rewarding performance. Our final portion will work to define what management is. Session 5: Exploring and Defining Leadership: Dispelling the Myths that Surround It Session 5 strives to define leadership. Building on this definition is a follow-up discussion regarding how people develop their leadership abilities. We’ll explore the underpinnings of what creates a successful leader. It also includes the importance of asking questions and active listening. We’ll review the five behavioral characteristics associated with motivational intelligence and how leaders can assess the relative strengths or weaknesses of the characteristics within their team. Lastly, we’ll explore great leaders’ five critical best practices, including communicating a compelling vision, modeling the correct behaviors, establishing a team culture anchored in responsibility, consistently building team confidence and self-esteem, and proactively coaching and mentoring. SESSION 6: BUILDING A LEADERSHIP TOOLBOX FOSTERING ADAPTABILITY, RESILIENCE, AND COURAGE We’ll provide information regarding tools and techniques that leaders can utilize to foster greater accountability and ownership win their teams. The Power Within will explore self-esteem’s critical role in the relative strength or weakness of a person’s motivational intelligence and adaptability in life. We’ll discuss how self-esteem has formed and how it will influence how a person interprets feedback in life. Lastly, we’ll explore levels of self-esteem and the associated behaviors of each. SESSION 7: HELPING EMPLOYEES DEVELOP A HEALTHY PERSPECTIVE AND RESILIENT ATTITUDE During the final session, we’ll explore self-esteem’s critical role in the relative strength or weakness of a person’s motivational intelligence and adaptability in life. We’ll talk about how self-esteem is formed and how it influences how a person interprets feedback. Finally, we’ll explore levels of self-esteem and the behaviors of each and the influence of comfort zones, and the tools that leaders can use to help people escape the fear of change. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR COURSE LEADERS The Power Within was founded by husband and wife team James and Enas Fleming, to inspire people worldwide to think bigger, be better, and achieve more. They both work on a personal level with individuals, businesses, and organisations to help them create leaders and build environments where they can thrive. James and Enas challenge the limits with the Motivational Intelligence formula to help you broaden your perspective and create a future on your terms. Here is more about your course instructors: JAMES FLEMING James Fleming – James Fleming, the co-creator of The Power Within. He wanted to inspire people around the world to think better, be better, and achieve more. James believes everyone can do whatever they set their minds to. Founding The Power Within allowed James to turn that deep knowledge into a business that helps others think bigger, better, and achieve more daily. He strives to give leaders the tools and knowledge to achieve their full potential while increasing their self-confidence and self-belief through the Motivational Intelligence Revolution. James wants to support today’s businesses to become tomorrow’s leaders. MARI STEYN Mari is the go-to person for building self-esteem, offering new perspectives and stepping up in Life. With an endless abundance of excitement and love for all people, combined with degrees in Psychology, Knowledge and Information Management and is a Master NLP and Transformation Coach and International NLP and Coaching Trainer and Executive Coach, Mari offers an attractive, fresh, expert approach to Emotional Freedom, Motivational Intelligence, Leadership Development and ReWriting your Story. We undoubtedly have the power within to alchemize ourselves and any situation! Seeing the light go on in someone’s eyes is my ultimate joy. https://www.linkedin.com/in/maristeyn-tpwtd/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAKE CHARGE WITH OUR WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION COURSE The Power Within is a Motivational Intelligence company dedicated to helping businesses and leaders become more accountable, resilient, adaptable, and capable of handling all challenges, regardless of the complexity. Our women in construction management course build upon best practices, strategic insights, and lessons learned over three decades of building leadership universities for Fortune 500 companies. Throughout the course, emphasis is given to helping leaders raise their motivational intelligence and foster a growth mindset within their team. You’ll gain the skills you need to successfully lead your team and overcome adversity while ensuring your company is profitable. To learn more about our course or to register, reach out today.

Women in Construction Management Course
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Motherwell
Price on Enquiry