349 Educators providing Courses in London

Hackney Fine Arts

hackney fine arts



Hackney Fine Arts mission Our mission is to teach people of all ages and backgrounds how to make fantastic art from learning the essential artistic skills of drawing and painting from observation regardless of their experience or abilities. Anyone can learn them from any age, regardless of their experience, as creating great pictures requires learning and developing techniques. Once the techniques are learnt on a basic level, we continue to progress our students in each new project they embark on. We harness their skill development, encourage and support each student on their own artistic journeys to fulfil their unique artistic potential. The results will leave you amazed of what can be achieved. We deliver term time and holiday classes for children and teenagers and morning, evening and weekend courses for adults. We use the traditional methods of copying from masters and photographs as our learning resources. Each is carefully chosen to suit our student's level and teach a topic while placing focus on different drawing and painting techniques. Amongst others, our topics include: animals, landscapes, portraits, abstract and still lives. We are passionate about helping our students to develop confidence, focus, creative and analytical thinking. Engaging in creative process has a holistic power to improve wellbeing for all students, including those experiencing mental health difficulties. We are an anti - racist organisation, committed to inclusion and diversity, providing equal learning opportunities to students to represent the diverse ethnicities, religions, cultures, gender identities and socio-economic backgrounds which enrich our local community. We are an inclusive art school and welcome disabled and neurodiverse students, providing SEND teaching assistants when needed. Through the work of our Community Interest Company , we deliver free of charge and affordable courses for eligible Hackney and Tower Hamlets residents on low incomes, benefits, retired and those who cannot normally afford our private courses. Our aim is to equip people with artistic skills, enhance their wellbeing and help contribute towards improving community cohesion. Hackney Fine Arts was founded and is directed by Noel Basualdo, a local mother, fine art painter and teacher with experience teaching in schools, colleges and charities. We have a very high ratio of teacher per students, 5/6 students per teacher, each student is taught individually. Our talented team of teachers are professional artists who regularly exhibit their work and are painting and drawing specialists, have Fine Art degrees & up to date DBS checks.

The Southover Partnership

the southover partnership


The Southover Partnership is one of the UKs leading independent and managed Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) organisations. We are renowned experts in SEN and are passionate about children, learning and teaching. Our dedication to helping children achieve is seen in everything we do. We are committed to providing exceptional and tailored services for each child we teach. What we do The Southover Partnership comprises two core services: The Southover Partnership school – Based across three sites in London. Southover Outreach services – Support in schools & Education Other Than At School (EOTAS) The Southover Partnership history The Southover Partnership was born in the summer of 1994 when Carol Frankl made the decision to start up her own company focusing on special educational needs. She launched the company from her home and named it The Southover Partnership: Southover being her place of residence; Partnership because Carol was adamant that her company would be a collaboration between all parties involved. Southover initially emerged from Carol’s disillusionment with the mechanisms for funding special needs and her passion that each child should have a positive educational experience. At the time there were many grant maintained schools that didn’t have access to local authority services due to the method of funding by central government. The Southover Partnership aimed to ensure special educational needs provision could be met. The service began by offering a select group of students support in school and some at-home tuition. It swiftly extended to providing full-time education to these students. Carol expanded Southover’s services and recruited the highest calibre staff to assist in schools as well as at home. Carol’s outstanding reputation in the education sector put her in demand to provide training and consultancy for SENCOs and schools. So great were the requests for Southover’s servicesprovisions that Carol formed her own school for children with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties and autism. The Southover Partnership school was officially recognised by the Department for Children, Schools and Families in August 2007, with the first inspection taking place in June 2008. This was a huge achievement for Carol, and a real adventure, as prior to this point much of the education for children out of school was provided by local authorities. The Southover Partnership was soon recognised as a leading provider of alternative special needs education

Haverstock Fencing Club

haverstock fencing club



Haverstock Fencing Club was formed in 1995 by a committee of epee fencers from London clubs who wanted to establish a centre of excellence in North London. They quickly managed to gain a reputation on two levels, namely as a place for elite fencers to train for the competition circuit, and secondly as a friendly but professional environment for children and adults to learn how to fence. The evidence of their success speaks for itself. Haverstock fencers have a fearsome reputation on the competition circuit, with many current and former national champions training there, male and female. Haverstock has been the dominant force in British epee fencing almost since it was established. Indeed, when top fencers arrive in London from abroad, Haverstock is normally their first port of call. More importantly, Haverstock has always seen itself as a progressive club, open to all, with a particular emphasis on children and the local community. Beginners courses are often oversubscribed and many of those that went through the early courses are now well regarded on the senior circuit. Haverstock coaches take great pride in the ability of their young protégés, and the club has also catered for disabled fencers. Costs are kept low to ensure the sport is open to all. The club has two full-time coaches (with World and European Championship experience) and two part-time coaches, who take care of all newcomers, giving them a solid grounding in the basic skills required, teaching in a fun but challenging way. Haverstock is one of the best equipped clubs in the country, with plenty of kit for beginners to use for free while they decide whether the sport is for them. Training takes place three nights a week, with a mix of group lessons, individual lessons and fitness work to cater for all levels. We also run popular training camps and weekend courses. The Chairman and committee are dedicated to continuing to cater for both the elite competitors who have so enhanced the reputation of the club as well as newcomers to the sport, along with the many children and adults who are now “hooked” on fencing, having had their introduction to it at Haverstock.