2384 Educators providing Courses in London

Hies Global

hies global


We recognise and accept that the globe has evolved into a "Global Village." Personal and professional interactions have expanded beyond the confines of the home. Individuals and corporations alike rely largely on the worldwide flow of resources to improve in their endeavours, whether for personal or professional development. We recognise this contemporary trend and endeavour to use our substantial immigration skills, expertise, and resources to simplify the relocation process in accordance with changing demands and immigration legislation. We firmly believe that the primary focus of any immigration procedure should be on the people. Nowadays, in this age of mistrust and security concerns, it is all too easy to be distracted by the complexities of immigration regulations and lose focus on the most essential issue in the entire process—the people. Hies Global emphasises that "the people" are the most vital piece of any immigration procedure. Our primary goal is to use our knowledge, expertise, and technical resources to reduce anxiety and provide peace of mind while you or your organisation tackles more pressing concerns. Hies Global Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. promises to provide specialised expertise, services, and counselling while upholding excellent work ethics. Our diverse approach distinguishes our long-term customer connections. Hies Global is a multi-speciality immigration service firm that provides a really unique perspective on our cherished client relationships. We are managed by a team of attorneys that specialise in employment, commercial law, litigation, and diplomatic relations.




Assist Tutor is a leading private education company providing private tuition in small groups or one to one as well as childminding. The company’s vision is enlightened for more than a decade by the experience and vision of its director Mr Ibrahim SAL. Based on Mr Sal’s philosophy Assist Tutor created a student centred learning strategy. Therefore, Assist Tuition Centres have always put the students’ success in front of everything. Achieving this hard task was quite a challenge on its own, nevertheless, developing its own dynamic scheme of work has helped the institution to reach its goals. Apart from preparing its students to higher academic levels, Assist Tutor targets to improve humanitarian qualities of its students. Assist Tutor always advice its learners to become active and helpful with in their societies. Being a good person will always help someone to become more successful regardless of the type of the challenge. Assist Tutor’s popularity lays in its success. Apart from helping to students get high pass grades in their A levels and GCSE exams, most of Assist Tutor learners achieve high passes in selective school exams, 11 Plus exams and all other national tests. Most of our learners are appointed to national maths and science challenges and they become winners. These success stories create a powerful recommendations about our services through word of mouth. Although we are barely advertising, we are accepting great numbers of enrolment requests.




Aksantys is an independent, multi-disciplinary non-profit organization aimed at supporting and creating innovative IT solutions and educational programmes to boost the digital transformation in Europe and abroad. By possessing and developing unique abilities to collaborate jointly at the entrepreneurial, as well as policy making level, Aksantys’ mission is to strengthen the potential of the digital transformation to improve the economic welfare of societies Established in the UK and rebranded in France, Aksantys today provides innovative IT tools and programmes to the private and public sector, as well as policy advices and education in the field of digitalization in vocational education and training. Drawing on an experienced in-house team, a network of experts and partners, Aksantys’ activities are territorially focused at the EU and African level. Our activities are addressed to diverse type of stakeholders. Therefore, they are divided into two types of specific activities: Activities provided at the policy framework level. As well as activities proposed at the company level. At the policy framework level: The diagnosis of the skills needs and skills forecasting at the national, sectoral and local level. The diagnosis of the skills supply and skills shortages at the national, sectoral and local level. Innovative tools for the work-based learning. Measures aimed at identifying digital competence gaps. Rich set of tailored-made courses on digital competences: information and data literacy, digital technologies for communication and collaboration, netiquette, cyber security and others. At the company level:




We envision a world in which children with developmental disabilities are fully able to access the health and education services they need to achieve their full potential. Mission To change the lives of some of the world’s poorest people living with developmental disabilities, and the lives of their families, by improving access to and better quality of healthcare and education services and support. Aims The aim of MAITS is to improve the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable individuals living with disabilities by helping them to reach their full potential, be healthy and have an improved sense of well-being, through access to family support, quality healthcare and education. We do this through a team of trainers from all over the world, who are experienced professionals, and who give their time to provide capacity building, training and resources to those caring for and providing health and education services to individuals with disabilities in community or institutional settings. Our team We do this through a very small staff team, training consultants and a team of qualified volunteers from all over the world, who are experienced healthcare and education professionals. Our volunteers provide training and support to those caring for and providing health and education services to individuals with disabilities in community or institutional settings. We also have a small grants programme which enables training to take place in any location where there is a need globally. The aim is to enable individuals to reach their full potential, with improved health, well-being and quality of life through access to family support, quality healthcare and education. Overview We work with and help some of the most marginalised people globally –those with disabilities living in some of the poorest countries in the world. There are 150 million children living with a disability and of these the majority live in developing countries. Since 2011, we have provided training to 4675 staff working in the disability sector in 21 countries and helped over 600,000 individuals living with disabilities. The people we have trained include therapists, nurses, special educators, staff working in children’s homes and community health workers. Part of our work involves providing training at the grass roots level, to community health workers and care staff, on conditions such as cerebral palsy, autism and learning disabilities to enable early identification, referral to specialists where possible and the provision of home support to promote development and independence, using training packages and tools we have developed specifically. Some of our training can be life-saving, especially in the case of infants and children with feeding difficulties, which often leads to malnutrition, severe respiratory problems and early mortality. With the right training, these consequences can be dramatically reduced, improving the child’s quality of life and their life expectancy. MAITS’ specialists have developed and delivered training and resources for healthcare staff to address this issue, both in children and infants, the latter at the request of medical colleagues working on measures to prevent infant mortality. Our training also provides other innovative solutions to improving the lives of those with disabilities.

Ruskin Road Repair Cafe

ruskin road repair cafe


At Ruskin Road Repair Cafe, we are committed to working with people to help them develop the skills to repair rather than replace broken or faulty consumer products, and keep them out of landfill. When you bring in an item which does not require professional expertise to safely fix, volunteer fixers will work with you to repair or maintain it, offering as much explanation or support as is necessary so that you can develop the confidence to try and fix the item yourself if it breaks again. Of course you are always welcome to come back again for more help! At a Repair Café there are the tools and materials to help you make any repairs you need. On clothes, furniture, electrical appliances, bicycles, crockery, toys, et cetera. And there are also repair specialists such as electricians, seamstresses, carpenters and bicycle mechanics. Visitors bring their broken items from home. Together with the specialists they start making their repairs in the Repair Café. It’s an ongoing learning process. If you have nothing to repair, you can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee. Or you can lend a hand with someone else’s repair job. The Repair Café teaches people to see their possessions in a new light. And, once again, to appreciate their value. The Repair Café helps change people’s mindset. This is essential to kindle people’s enthusiasm for a sustainable society. But most of all, the Repair Café just wants to show how much fun repairing things can be, and how easy it often is.

The Food and Environment Research Agency

the food and environment research agency


Fera has the scientific and regulatory expertise to provide consultancy services to help you with every step of the regulatory framework process. Our experience derives from working in government, industry, contract research organisations and in regulatory consultancies. We have well-established working relationships with many competent authorities, which means we can support you to achieve product registrations effectively and efficiently. Chemical Services Terrestrial Ecotoxicology Fera offers a wide range of standardised laboratory studies, aged residue tests as well as more complex higher tier studies under extended laboratory, glasshouse, semi-field and field conditions with standard or bespoke designs. Environmental Fate By understanding how chemical products are transformed, distributed and taken up by organisms in the natural environment, we can provide the data required for environmental risk assessments – ensuring you meet all regulatory requirements in the development of safe plant-protection and veterinary products. Aquatic Ecotoxicology Work with a partner with more than 20 years of experience in a wide range of study types on water quality and aquatic life. Accessing our new state-of-the-art facilities, purpose-built, high spec aquatic facility. Endocrine Disrupting Screening Recent updates to the EU regulations for biocide products (2017/2100) and plant protection products (2018/605) now require products to be labelled as endocrine disruptors, if they have a demonstrated adverse effect in an individual or its offspring which is a consequence of an endocrine mode of action. Plant Metabolism Fera offers a comprehensive range of dietary exposure testing services that includes primary plant metabolism and rotational crop studies, performed in dedicated environmentally controlled facilities.

Cherwell Academy

cherwell academy


It is a great pleasure to welcome you to The Cherwell School. The Cherwell School is a unique and remarkable school that has been central to our part of Oxford for a long period of time. We have a commitment to excellence in all that we do. The opportunities that we offer are extensive and rich. As a school community we take responsibility to reduce barriers and offer a 'no limits' culture and ethos. We believe in the importance of seeing each child as an individual within our wider community. We are a non-uniform school. Our young people are encouraged and supported to be themselves. We work with them to develop incredibly strong and durable relationships with the adults around them - it is this which makes our big school feel small. We offer a rich ambitious curriculum that genuinely opens up the world to our young people. In addition our personal development programme and wider curricular offer helps to create rounded young people who mix skillfully with staff and with each other. All of this is done in a highly inclusive environment that champions diversity. We have a commitment to support children with Special Educational Needs. The school is an exciting place to be. There is always something different, innovative and enriching happening. We currently have over 30 clubs and societies operating as well as continual unique events and experiences. Our students tell us that they are proud to come to The Cherwell School and we are proud of who they are and what they become.

Eduemp Uk

eduemp uk


Edu Emp UK Limited has been developed to provide a tailored range of professional services to fulfil our clients‘ needs with emphasis on education. The company is built on a fundamental platform based on a track record of providing value added with a wealth of international and senior management experiences in teaching and learning in every strata of education ranging from classroom to middle and senior management in education. These experiences are further supported with various professional trainings and qualifications in Education, Employment Studies and Human Resources Management. These professional services may be bespoke and tailored to the organisational needs with emphasis on driving overall efficiency and profit margins through education and training. To be able to provide professional services that will have an overall impact, to provide transformational leadership to leaders through leadership training designed to meet specific business needs identified. Working closely with leadership and or management on programmes that will engage and motivate your staff in line with your organisational goals and needs. To work with a group or individuals within your organisation who needs the required support in meeting the business or organisational goals. To recruit the best skilled set of personnels based on outstanding qualities, experiences and competence that will match your organisational culture, objectives and corporate business needs. We will look beyond just a job scope and or job title, yet we will have a profound understanding of who you are as a company or organisation and source a best fit programme or candidate based on the bigger picture of the organisational goals and corporate needs.