• Professional Development
  • Medicine & Nursing
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Personal Development

185 Educators providing Courses in Liverpool

Infinite Perspectives

infinite perspectives


“To successfully meet the needs of Clients in Education, Industry and Commerce through the establishment of first class relationships based on; Mutual trust, Respect and Integrity. We aim to; develop, design and deliver high quality training programmes that inspire learners to fulfil their potential and make a difference, whilst enabling them and their respective organisations to perform at the highest level of performance’’ Infinite Perspectives Limited excels in offering a bespoke training services to both employer and employee, tailoring training to meet their individual needs and providing a high quality service. We work with employers to develop productive, skilled and confident employees whilst creating employment in the local communities where we work. Our Professional; highly experienced and motivated team have over 30 years' experience in training, education and Industry, meeting individual and employer needs to develop an effective workforce. We work in a wide variety of occupational sectors and specialise in helping small and medium sized businesses excel through our bespoke services, which are carefully matched to each clients need. Both Individual and Corporate clients welcome our effective and flexible approach which includes a recruitment service to match our unemployed customers to job vacancies and in-work support to develop the new staff member further. Our Foundation Learning and Access to Apprenticeships support for young people aged 16-24 includes preparing them for Apprenticeships, further education and employment. Apprenticeships

Winstanley College

winstanley college


We aim to ensure all our students finish their courses successfully and grow into well-rounded, confident young people with a lifelong love of learning. We also contribute to the development of an interest in the larger world and the well-being of others. You will be treated as an adult and enjoy a great working relationship with other students and college staff. Winstanley has a pleasant and purposeful culture, allowing you to fulfil your full potential. Louise Tipping Principal Winstanley college is where adult life begins and where you begin to take the first steps towards a successful career. Whatever study or career path you want to follow, we have the right choices for you. We are proud to have nearly 2,000 pupils, making us one of the North West's largest sixth forms. One advantage of our size is that we can offer our students a variety of opportunities that they won't find anywhere else. We want you to enjoy a joyful and well-rounded experience of sixth form education, in addition to working hard in the courses you choose. Many clubs, societies, trips and social events are on offer throughout the academic year. We are proud to have retained an ethos that treats students as individuals, allowing and encouraging them to grow and succeed. I hope you will come and see us at one of our Open Events, where you can talk to staff and students about your own individual needs and aspirations. We hope that you are excited by what you learn about us on this website and we look forward to meeting you.

5D Health Protection Group Ltd

5d health protection group ltd


5D Health Protection Group Ltd is a globally leading accredited microbiology and contract research organisation (CRO) offering exceptional contract scientific testing services on a global scale. We are our customers partner of choice in the field of microbiology, biofilm science, antimicrobials, infection prevention and control. In particular, we have exceptional skills in standard and customised microbiological, antibiofilm, biological and antimicrobial testing. We have over 28 years experience in developing ‘fit for purpose’ scientific research and models that mimic, as close as possible, the complexities of ‘real-life’. Our Liverpool site is segregated into independent laboratory areas that provide a wide range of scientific testing support services. With a dedicated team of very highly skilled PhD scientists with specialisms in an array of different fields including microbiology, biofilms, antimicrobials, biologics, cellular biology, regenerative medicine, biomaterials, clinical engineering, chemistry and diagnostics and biosensors, 5D are able to offer a flexible service to deliver on all your existing and on-going scientific needs. The 5D group work closely with our global customers who operate in many different sectors. These sectors include medical devices, wound care, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics & personal care, veterinary medicine, oral care & dentistry, food & drink, infection prevention & control, built environment, industrial & engineered systems and potable water. We also provide and develop customer specific CPD accredited training courses as part of the 5D Education Academy. As a ‘one stop shop for all microbiology and scientific testing’ the 5D group also provide on-going advice and support to our customers during their development of technical files and design dossiers for CE marks and 510k submissions. At 5D we are always advancing our skills and knowledge to improve on our existing scientific service offerings to our customers.

Tra Performance Education

tra performance education

Ellesmere Port

Learn from world-leading experts in sports science, fitness, health and athletic performance Keeping up to date with current trends and scientific principles in your industry is hard. As academic practitioners, coaches and educators ourselves, we appreciate the vast amount of resources out there. In our collective 30 years of experience in health and fitness, TRA has worked hard to keep up to date with conferences, seminars, podcasts, journal releases and articles. What’s worse, without knowing exactly who to listen to and which resources to follow, you could spend several wasted hours trawling through page after page just for the evidence you need to improve your coaching practice. So, what do you do? Give up trying to keep up to date with the ever-growing fitness knowledge? Stick to training the same clients day-in, day-out without being challenged or have a platform to try out new and innovative training methods? Risk following the wrong people, evidence or training approach and find that your clients just don’t get the results they’re after? Of course not. You want access to the best information and the greatest names in the industry. There are coaches out there who’ve stayed at the front of fitness research, transformed their businesses and networked with the best experts in the world. How? They follow and implement the following simple tips: Narrow down the noise and listen to only the most influential, evidence-based academics and practitioners. Integrated learning when it best suits you. Through face-to-face events, live mentorship programmes, pre-recorded video lectures and audio resources. Built a community of like-minded professionals to discuss how different scientific training principles. You can make changes to your coaching and you can accelerate your business. Work with the type of clients you want to work with and stay at the cutting edge of fitness knowledge.

Revved Up

revved up


Who are we? We are Revved Up. We provide paid work experience for young people from L8 and the surrounding areas to prevent them from being involved in serious organised crime. What do we do? Young, disadvantaged people who are at risk are given opportunities to recruit for and co-facilitate youth projects, events and community consultations. During their time with us, young people are given the opportunity to join our list of members, contribute to/learn the operations/ day-to-day running of our community business, they are all also given personal development programmes, 1:1 coaching and mentoring, social prescribing and business start-up advice. We have regular staff trips and excursions to come up with ideas and celebrate recent successes, these are all chosen by the young people. Our community business originates from another organisation called This Is My Story Limited (TIMS). Over 5 years ago TIMS was founded by Phillip Taylor (1957-2021) Adam Taylor, Sophie Middleman, Mike Hobbs and Deborah Fitzsimmons. The purpose of this organisation was to work with disadvantaged young people involved in crime, drug activity, addiction and those who had severe mental health problems. Adam and his family have spent most of their lives in Toxteth L8 Liverpool and it is one of the most disadvantaged areas in the country. The majority of the work that TIMS did was in Toxteth working with young people (all of whom were referred by word of mouth) that needed help in one of these areas. When TIMS was 2 years old, our founder (Adam Taylor) noticed that the young people he was working with through TIMS expressed a desire to follow in his footsteps and decided to try and make that happen, that is when he started Revved Up Limited.

The Hall School

the hall school


Our Pre-School was opened in September 2013 and extended in 2017 to accommodate 30 hours funding. The building was purpose built and designed to ensure that we provide a happy and nurturing environment where children can learn through play whilst having lots of fun. We treat each child as an individual who has needs that should be met in an atmosphere that celebrates diversity. We will nurture your child’s social and emotional needs. We want children, parents and staff to learn together and for all to develop to their maximum potential. Our aim is to provide the first steps of learning for our youngest children. We want to work in partnership with families to provide high quality education which is fun, creative and motivating. Our website is designed to share as much as we can with you. If you wish to have a look round or require any further information please don’t hesitate to contact us via The Hall School Office. We receive Nursery Education Funding (FEEE) for 3 and 4 year olds. This means that the term after a child is 3 he/she will be entitled to between 15-30 hours free sessions per week for 38 weeks per year. The Pre-School is closed during the school holidays. Our Pre-School is registered and inspected by Ofsted. We are registered to take 60 children at each session and we offer lunch time cover too. We are more than happy to discuss eligibility. Please contact The Hall School office for further information. Applications are accepted from April for the next academic year and are available on our website and via the school office. Our Policies and Procedures help us to make sure the service we provide is a high quality one. Our aim is to make the experience for each child and their family enjoyable and beneficial.