67 Educators providing Courses in Edinburgh

Naomha OM - Teacher: Maimouna

naomha om - teacher: maimouna


I am a Healer from a generation of healers in my family, a Holistic Therapist, a Shaman and an Essenian Therapist. I am also an Artist and a Writer. I am a woman committed to love, life, and the natural world, the same world we will leave to our children. I thrive on writing, singing, dancing, listening to music. I restore my energy balance in Nature, in quiet and peaceful environments. Forests fascinate me with their mysteries, sounds, movements, secrets, and all Nature’s beings living there and communicating together. It is a resourcing and healing place for me. Jesus and Mother Mary guide me since my childhood even though I’ve become aware of that much later in my life. It is, therefore quite natural that they are both very present in the therapies I offer. Even though I am very close to the Christic and Mother Mary energies, my work has nothing religious. I am not part of any religion, nor am I attached to any spiritual movement or current, which allows me to be free in my choices to serve the Divine Source, only the Divine Source. This Divine Source in who I believe, the Divine Source Mother&Father God and I recognize the Divine Source in everything, in every being, spirit, shape, life. I see the Divine Source in You, in Nature, in the Universe, in Me, in All. I like to say: “All is One, One is All, All is in One, One is in All”. During therapies sessions I offer, I listen to you with all my love, heart, and availability in respect of your free will. The Divine Source guides me to achieve the energetic harmonization you need. This can be Essenian therapy, shamanic therapy, reiki therapy. I can use crystals, healing musical instruments and channelled songs to accompany the session. Heavenly spirits, guides of light, and spirits of Nature might Join the session, especially those of the totem animals that accompany me daily. I don’t know in advance. However, they always manifest themselves with the greatest love, and they are always a gift to you and me. The session of energetic harmonization will allow you to set out the self-healing process within yourself, the process we all have within us. Sometimes, if I am allowed, I use the gift of magnetism with hands given to me by the Source to ease or even remove pain. I am the channel through which the Divine Source passes to bring you what you need, in the present moment, you are your own healer.

Jyoti Pilates

jyoti pilates


I don’t come from a dance or sports background, and originally trained as a textile designer. I still design, so now combine my love of printed pattern, with my fascination with people’s movement patterns. So I’m no stranger to what sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen does to your body. And how I long to stretch and move after a day of that. I first came across Pilates about 16 years ago in my late 20’s, when I felt it was about time I started exercise of some sort, never having been ‘sporty’ or a fan of the gym. I wasn’t sure what to expect from my first class, but I did like the sound of improved muscle tone and length. I soon discovered there was a whole lot more to it than that. Although there are many physical benefits, the reason I returned after that first class, and keep returning to my mat after all these years is simply how great it makes me feel. Energised and relaxed at the same time, and definitely walking taller (a bonus when you are only 5’ 4”!) I’m certain that doing Pilates has kept the niggling aches and pains of age at bay; has allowed me to do all the other things I love with ease and grace, and has left me feeling stronger and healthier now than I did when I first started. I completed my teacher training with Body Control Pilates in 2008, and since then have loved watching the changes in my client’s bodies and their enthusiasm as they learn, and I have also learnt so much from them in return. I am a supervising teacher for BCPA in Edinburgh, helping to train new teachers, so there may be a student teacher and an extra pair of eyes to assist you in your class!