• Professional Development
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  • Arts & Crafts
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Personal Development

473 Courses in Coventry

Our suite of modules are based around helping the customer to buy and enabling salespeople to maximise their conversations with their customers.

Professional Sales Programme
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Oracle SQL Advanced


By Systems & Network Training

ORACLE SQL ADVANCED TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION The Oracle SQL Advanced course is designed to give delegates practical experience in using some of the more advanced features of Oracle SQL. Additional datatypes and the use of advanced SQL functions and expressions are covered together with enhanced table handling features. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Retrieve data using correlated subqueries, in-line views and multi-column subqueries. * Use the WITH Clause. * Inserting and Updating Rows Using Complex Subqueries * Create Hierarchical Queries. * Use ROLLUP, CUBE and GROUPING SETS group by enhancements. * Implement the GROUPING and GROUPING_ID functions. * Manage large data sets. * Insert data conditionally and unconditionally. * Merge Rows in a Table. * Create TIMESTAMP and INTERVAL Datatypes. * Use TIMESTAMP, TIMEZONE and INTERVAL functions and literals. * Use regular expressions and implement related functions. * Manage objects with the data dictionary. * Manage schema objects. * Perform flashback operations. * Create and using external tables. * Control user access to database objects. ORACLE SQL ADVANCED TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone who needs to use the more advanced features of SQL to improve their productivity in querying and updating an Oracle database. * Prerequisites: Delegates should have attended the Oracle SQL course or have a similar level of experience. * Duration 2 days ORACLE SQL ADVANCED TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Retrieve data using subqueries ANY, ALL or SOME operators, Correlated subqueries, In-Line views, The Exists operator, The WITH clause, Multi-Column subqueries, Insert and update using a query, Correlated update and delete. * Hierarchical queries Hierarchical data, The START WITH and CONNECT BY clauses, The LEVEL pseudo-column, Sequencing the output, Eliminating nodes and branches. * Enhanced grouping features Review of basic grouping concepts, The ROLLUP and CUBE extensions, The GROUPING SETS extension, Using the GROUPING and GROUPING_ID functions. * Manage large data sets Multi-table Inserts, Conditional and unconditional Inserts, Merging data into a table, Table and view based merge, A sub query based merge. * Flashback technology Flashback query, The AS clause, Flashback table, Flashback drop. * Date, time and time zone support Date, Timestamp and Interval datatypes, Handling dates and times, Handling intervals, Date, timestamp and interval functions and literals, Related NLS parameters. * Regular expression support Regular expression notation, Character matching, Repetition operators, Sub expression grouping, Regular expression functions. * Manage objects with the Data Dictionary The Data Dictionary, Useful Data Dictionary tables, Using the Data Dictionary. * Manage schema objects Column operations, Constraint operations, Creating and dropping Indexes, B-Tree indexes, Function based indexes, Descending indexes, Creating and using external tables. * Access control System privileges and roles, Create users, Alter user details, Grant and revoke object privileges.

Oracle SQL Advanced
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Demand Side Management - Integration of New Technologies, Regulatory Changes & Renewable Energy Resources

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

ABOUT THIS VIRTUAL INSTRUCTOR LED TRAINING (VILT) This Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) course presents advanced methodologies that implement demand response and energy conservation programs in light of the integration of new technologies, regulatory changes and the accelerated penetration of renewable energy resources. This VILT course provides examples and case studies from North American and European jurisdictions covering the operational flexibilities on the demand side including requirements for new building codes to achieve zero net energy. The course describes a public agency's goals and objectives for conserving and otherwise reducing energy consumption and managing its demand for energy. This course presents the demand response implemented for economics and system security such as system balancing and relieving transmission congestion, or for system adequacy. The course also presents the principal attributes of conservation programs and the associated success criteria. In a system with increased penetration of renewable resources, demand response provides flexibility to system operators, helping them to maintain the reliability and the security of supply. Demand response is presented as a competitive alternative to additional power sources, enhancing competition and liquidity in electricity markets. The unique characteristics are discussed from a local, consumer centric and also from a system perspective bringing to life the ever changing paradigm for delivery energy to customers. Interoperability aspects and standards are discussed, as well as the consumer centric paradigm of Transactive Energy with IOT enabled flexibilities at system level, distribution networks and microgrids. The VILT course introduces the blockchain as a new line of defense against cyber threats and its increasing application in P2P transactions and renewable certificates. Our trainer's industry experience spans three decades with one of the largest Canadian utilities where she led or contributed to large operational studies and energy policies and decades of work with IEEE, NSERC and CIGRE. Our key expert also approaches to the cross sectional, interdisciplinary state of the art methodologies brings real life experience of recent industry developments. Training Objectives * Innovative Digital Technologies * How systems Facilitate Operational Flexibility on the Demand Side * The Ecosystem of Demand Side Management Programs * Advanced Machine Learning techniques with examples from CAISO * Regulatory Policy Context and how to reduce regulatory barriers * Industry Examples from NERC and ENTSO * Relevant Industry standards: IEEE and IEC * Manage Congestion with Distributed Operational Flexibilities: Grid to Distribution Controls; examples from NERC (NA) and ENTSO (Europe) * Grid solutions with IEC 61850 communication protocols * Decentralized grid controls * The New Grid with accelerated V2G and Microgrids * How DSM is and will be applied in Your System: Examples and discussions Target Audience * Regulators and government agencies advising on public energy conservation programs * All professionals interested in expanding their expertise, or advancing their career, or take on management and leadership roles in the rapidly evolving energy sector * Energy professionals implementing demand side management, particularly in power systems with increased renewable penetration, to allow the much needed operational flexibility paramount to maintaining the reliability and stability of the power system and in the same time offering all classes of customers flexible and economical choices * Any utility professional interested in understanding the new developments in the power industry Course Level * Basic or Foundation Training Methods The VILT course will be delivered online in 5 half-day sessions comprising 4 hours per day, with 2 x 10 minutes break per day, including time for lectures, discussion, quizzes and short classroom exercises. Course Duration: 5 half-day sessions, 4 hours per session (20 hours in total). Trainer Your first expert course leader is a Utility Executive with extensive global experience in power system operation and planning, energy markets, enterprise risk and regulatory oversight. She consults on energy markets integrating renewable resources from planning to operation. She led complex projects in operations and conducted long term planning studies to support planning and operational reliability standards. Specializing in Smart Grids, Operational flexibilities, Renewable generation, Reliability, Financial Engineering, Energy Markets and Power System Integration, she was recently engaged by the Inter-American Development Bank/MHI in Guyana. She was the Operations Expert in the regulatory assessment in Oman. She is a registered member of the Professional Engineers of Ontario, Canada. She is also a contributing member to the IEEE Standards Association, WG Blockchain P2418.5. With over 25 years with Ontario Power Generation (Revenue $1.2 Billion CAD, I/S 16 GW), she served as Canadian representative in CIGRE, committee member in NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada), and Senior Member IEEE and Elsevier since the 90ties. Our key expert chaired international conferences, lectured on several continents, published a book on Reliability and Security of Nuclear Power Plants, contributed to IEEE and PMAPS and published in the Ontario Journal for Public Policy, Canada. She delivered seminars organized by the Power Engineering Society, IEEE plus seminars to power companies worldwide, including Oman, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Portugal, South Africa, Japan, Romania, and Guyana. Your second expert course leader is the co-founder and Director of Research at Xesto Inc. Xesto is a spatial computing AI startup based in Toronto, Canada and it has been voted as Toronto's Best Tech Startup 2019 and was named one of the top 10 'Canadian AI Startups to Watch' as well as one of 6th International finalists for the VW Siemens Startup Challenge, resulting in a partnership. His latest app Xesto-Fit demonstrates how advanced AI and machine learning is applied to the e-commerce industry, as a result of which Xesto has been recently featured in TechCrunch. He specializes in both applied and theoretical machine learning and has extensive experience in both industrial and academic research. He is specialized in Artificial Intelligence with multiple industrial applications. At Xesto, he leads projects that focus on applying cutting edge research at the intersection of spatial analysis, differential geometry, optimization of deep neural networks, and statistics to build scalable rigorous and real time performing systems that will change the way humans interact with technology. In addition, he is a Ph.D candidate in the Mathematics department at UofT, focusing on applied mathematics. His academic research interests are in applying advanced mathematical methods to the computational and statistical sciences. He earned a Bachelor's and MSc in Mathematics, both at the University of Toronto. Having presented at research seminars as well as instructing engineers on various levels, he has the ability to distill advanced theoretical concept to diverse audiences on all levels. In addition to research, our key expert is also an avid traveler and plays the violin. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information about post training coaching support and fees applicable for this. Accreditions And Affliations

Demand Side Management - Integration of New Technologies, Regulatory Changes & Renewable Energy Resources
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1112 to £2099

Pre-Experienced Worker Route Package


By Optima Electrical Training

If you have at least 5 years working experience and you would like to attain Gold Card status via the Experienced Worker route by joining the City & Guilds 2346 NVQ Level 3, you will also need to hold the below two pre-requisite qualifications: City & Guilds 2391-52 Inspection and Testing Course C&G 2382-22 BS7671 18th Edition

Pre-Experienced Worker Route Package
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in London & 2 more

MySQL foundation


By Systems & Network Training

MYSQL FOUNDATION TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION The MySQL foundation course covers the basics of the SQL language as implemented by MySQL. The course is designed to give delegates practical experience in writing SQL statements using the MySQL client program and MySQL Workbench. The basic SQL statements, including the use of SQL functions and the basic table and view handling statements are introduced. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Create, alter and drop a MySQL database. * Write SQL statements. * Use SQL expressions and functions. * Create and alter tables, indexes and views. * Use transactions. * Grant and revoke access privileges. * Export and import data. MYSQL FOUNDATION TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone who needs to access and work with a MySQL Database. * Prerequisites: An understanding of databases and exposure to information technology in general would be useful. * Duration 3 days MYSQL FOUNDATION TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Database concepts What is a database? database management systems, tables, rows and columns, indexes, primary keys, unique constraints and foreign keys, client-server architecture, supported data types, storage engines and table types, Information_Schema and MySQL Databases. Hands on using a database. * Using the MySQL client What is the MySQL client? getting started and logging in, selecting a database, client commands, entering and executing SQL statements, retrieving previous commands, creating, editing and executing SQL files, redirecting output into a file, command line execution of MySQL scripts. Hands on Using the MySQL client. * Basic SELECT The SQL SELECT statement, case sensitivity, quotes, statement terminator, syntax conventions, SELECT clause, FROM clause, conditions and the WHERE clause, logical operators, ORDER BY clause, column aliases, arithmetic expressions, precedence of operators. Hands on querying the sample database. * LIMIT, UNION and AGGREGATE functions The LIMIT clause, UNION, UNION ALL, aggregate functions, GROUP BY clause, using Rollup with GROUP BY, HAVING clause. Hands on using limit, union and aggregate functions. * Subqueries and joins Subqueries, cartesian products, table aliases, natural joins, join using, join on, multi-table joins. Hands on using subqueries and joins. * Numeric and character functions Function types, testing functions, numeric functions character functions. Hands on using numeric and character functions. * Data, time and other functions Date and time column types, date and time formats, Date format function, functions to return date time, functions to extract components from date time, date time arithmetic, miscellaneous functions. Hands on using date, time and other functions. * Databases and tables Creating a database, selecting a database, creating tables, Auto_increment, show create table, column operations, constraint operations, copying tables, renaming tables, changing engine for tables, dropping tables, temporary tables. Hands on maintaining databases and tables. * Indexes and views What is an index? creating an index, reviewing indexes, dropping indexes, what is a view? creating views, view restrictions, dropping views. Hands on maintaining indexes and views. * Managing data Inserting rows, replacing rows, updating rows, deleting rows, Truncate statement, The COMMIT and ROLLBACK commands, savepoints, implicit commits. Hands on managing data. * Access control Creating users, renaming users, dropping users, granting privileges, revoking privileges. Hands on creating users, granting and revoking. * Import and export Exporting using SQL, importing using SQL, exporting from the command line, importing from the command line. Hands on export and import data.

MySQL foundation
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Drilling Essentials for New Engineers and Non-Technical Professionals in Oil & Gas

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

ABOUT THIS TRAINING COURSE Time is money in the oil business. Drilling time is big money. Whether in a technical, managerial or supporting role, you are a valuable asset to ensuring that project delivery targets are met and profits are realised. As drilling activities continue, professionals like you must grasp the language and technology of drilling operations in order to maximise expenditures throughout the producing life of a well. Drilling equipment and procedures have a unique language that must be conquered for maximum benefit. Clear and understandable explanations of drilling rig equipment, procedures, and their complex interactions provide an excellent foundation for smooth communication and increased efficiency in inter-department project team efforts. Drilling Essentials will help you de-mystify activities around the rig and well planning. It will explain the fundamentals of drilling with an emphasis on key areas such as logistical considerations, costing, and analysis of drilling contracts. Understand the urgency of drilling requests, know more about the cost implications of drilling-related problems, and understand the risks involved in a drilling contract. With the course director's drilling knowledge and skills, this is your opportunity to explore and understand important drilling concepts, principles, and technology which are presented in a reader-friendly format and illustrated with examples. As a non-drilling professional, you too can grow with the drilling industry with a deeper understanding of the critical role you play in contributing to its success! Training Objectives By attending this industry fundamentals Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) course, you will be better able to: * Understand drilling terminology & drilling processes for completing onshore & offshore wells * Appreciate major cost components of drilling operations and its impact for better project planning and management * Better visualise major drilling equipment and their technical functions to promote a deeper understanding of the logistical and technical considerations * Gain valuable insights on the drilling industry with a synopsis of recent technology developments that impact the drilling process Target Audience This Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) course has been developed for new engineers and forward-looking executives in the following fields who are interested in enhancing their knowledge and awareness of the drilling process for increased productivity & contribution to the team they're supporting: * Accounting * Commercial * Finance & Administration * General Management * Logistics * Procurement * Tender Contract * Administration * E & P IT * Finance * Joint Ventures * Materials Planning * Sourcing * Training * Business Development * Estimation & Proposal * HSE * Legal * Planning & Budgeting * Supply Chain * Drilling Fluids Organisational Impact Your expert course leader has over 45 years of experience in the Oil & Gas industry. During that time, he has worked exclusively in the well engineering domain. After being employed in 1974 by Shell, one of the major oil & gas producing operators, he worked as an apprentice on drilling rigs in the Netherlands. After a year, he was sent for his first international assignment to the Sultanate of Oman where he climbed up the career ladder from Assistant Driller, to Driller, to wellsite Petroleum Engineer and eventually on-site Drilling Supervisor, actively engaged in the drilling of development and exploration wells in almost every corner of this vast desert area. At that time, drilling techniques were fairly basic and safety was just a buzz word, but such a situation propels learning and the fruits of 'doing-the-basics' are still reaped today when standing in front of a class. After some seven years in the Middle East, a series of other international assignments followed in places like the United Kingdom, Indonesia, Turkey, Denmark, China, Malaysia, and Russia. Apart from on-site drilling supervisory jobs on various types of drilling rigs (such as helicopter rigs) and working environments (such as jungle and artic), he was also assigned to research, to projects and to the company's learning centre. In research, he was responsible for promoting directional drilling and surveying and advised on the first horizontal wells being drilled, in projects, he was responsible for a high pressure drilling campaign in Nigeria while in the learning centre, he looked after the development of new engineers joining the company after graduating from university. He was also involved in international well control certification and served as chairman for a period of three years. In the last years of his active career, he worked again in China as a staff development manager, a position he nurtured because he was able to pass on his knowledge to a vast number of new employees once again. After retiring in 2015, he has delivered well engineering related courses in Australia, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, China, South Korea, Thailand, India, Dubai, Qatar, Kuwait, The Netherlands, and the United States. The training he provides includes well control to obtain certification in drilling and well intervention, extended reach drilling, high pressure-high temperature drilling, stuck pipe prevention and a number of other ad-hoc courses. He thoroughly enjoys training and is keen to continue taking classes as an instructor for some time to come. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Drilling Essentials for New Engineers and Non-Technical Professionals in Oil & Gas
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£2321 to £2699

Suicide First Aid Lite


By Changing Minds Training

This half-day Suicide First Aid Lite training course gives learners the knowledge and tools to understand that suicide is one of the most preventable deaths and some basic skills can help someone with thoughts of suicide stay safe from their thoughts and stay alive.

Suicide First Aid Lite
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London

Plasma Fibroblast Training

By LMA Skin Clinic

Plasma pen fibroblast training for the face and body including soft surgery. Train one to one or very small groups. International accreditation. Lifelong support. Train with Carol May LMA Skin Clinic. On completion you will be able to offer your clients: Wrinkle rejuvenation & face lifting Hooded eyes & eye bags Glabella lines Nasal labia Marionette lines Neck lines Stretch marks & scar repair Mole removal Skin tags Cherry angioma Thread veins Xanthelasma Seborrheic keratosis plus many more soft surgery options You will benefit from online pre study plus in-clinic training and ongoing support Models can be provided if required You will receive a genuine medical grade plasma device (not electrical arcing) Total price is £2400 Your training fee can be paid in installments with Klarna We welcome national and International students

Plasma Fibroblast Training
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Stoke on Trent
£1100 to £2400

Petroleum Geochemistry in Petroleum Exploration

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

Enhance your knowledge in petroleum geochemistry with EnergyEdge's course on petroleum exploration. Enroll now!

Petroleum Geochemistry in Petroleum Exploration
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£2399 to £2599



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

* Solution-Focused Coaching Model * Grow Coaching Model * 0SKAR Coaching Model * CLEAR Coaching Model * AOR Coaching Model * FUEL Coaching Model * WOOP Coaching Model COACHING PROCEDURE FOR COACHING FOR CEOS: * Pre-session check-in and questionnaire and assessment * Mindset Analysis and introspection testing * Psychological analysis * Follow up for feedback and well-being and progress check-up calls * Accountability Coaching * Anxiety Coaching * Target-driven coaching helpful for individuals with procrastination issues or issues tackling challenging career goals * Leadership Coaching and Self-belief Coaching * Organizational objective coaching * Bring awareness to self-talk and unconscious biases * 24/7 ACCESS TO YOUR COACH * Coach available on Whatsapp, Phone, Zoom, and Face to Face   CEO Coaching helps coach the world’s best CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, and companies to increase revenue and grow their business. Our coaches have extensive real-world experience in overcoming the challenges, inherent in entrepreneurship and executive leadership. Consult with a CEO coach today to receive a customized business plan that will enable you to achieve extraordinary results. We work with you by understanding the business issues and strategic imperatives of the enterprise. We then use a combination of 360 feedback (including Board members) and formal assessment tools to ensure we have a clear picture of you as an individual leader and the environment in which you need to create success. We assess your team and work with you to understand where you’ve got the capability and where the team may be vulnerable. https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/coaching-for-ceos-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/coaching-for-ceos-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more