50 Educators providing Courses in Bristol

Found Outdoors

found outdoors


WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT? Our approach is light touch with minimal intervention in the environment and prioritising nature. We are currently developing our site facilities and creating spaces for small groups and low impact events. These include bushcraft, forest school, wellbeing sessions, forest bathing, yoga, pilates, artist retreats etc. We’re already working with schools, charities, youth and arts groups. If you've got a small scale event, workshop or idea you'd like to make happen, we would love to hear from you. Just drop us a message on our contact page. NATURE Our ethos is very much one of balance, so for us plants and animals are as important as people. We are currently working with fantastic environmental advisors to establish what plants and animals are currently residing on our site. Our aim is to protect the habitats that already exist, create a comprehensive management plan and increase biodiversity where possible. It's all about the science! In common with most of the British Isles the land here has been managed by humans for hundreds of years - a mixture of farming, park land and old tree plantations. It’s not wild in the true sense of an untouched natural ecosystem but it’s a special place that has been left pretty much to itself for several decades. Check out our Instagram to see photos of some of the animals who make their home here. We’re just starting our long term project to create more detailed surveys of the flora and fauna, and are excited to meet and work with new people. If this is your area of expertise, and are able to help, please do get in touch.

The Human Nature Project

the human nature project


Human Nature is a network of nature-lovers, a bid made in what is clearly a time of great need to reverse the established principles used by all the major conservation organizations and rewrite the story on our terms. Nature should be a universal language accessible to all people regardless of race, background or socio-economic status. Yet in this modern world of apartment blocks and iPhones, it is rapidly being driven out of sight and mind. At Human Nature, we are working to reverse this trend: communicating innovatively and effectively the true place that humanity should hold in this world, erasing the tragedy of the commons and bringing nature into the collective consciousness as a positive force to be shared by all. Over the centuries, our species has developed an intricate web of barriers and blockades to separate ourselves both mentally and physically from other lifeforms. We perceive ourselves as uniquely cultured, somehow divinely selected to sit one rung above the rest on the great chain of being- blessed with a superior intelligence and thus untouchable. Obvious parallels could be drawn with colonial views of indigenous groups, and the uphill battle being fought to this day to uproot such age-old paradigms. It’s clear we have a long road ahead, but as events of recent times have shown, the momentum is already shifting. There was a time for multinational charity figureheads, with their steady if slow governance of environmental matters. That time has now passed. And with it rises a new dawn, a blossoming sun signalling the new era of conservation- nature for the people, by the people, and with the people

Veronica Pollard

veronica pollard


I first came across the Alexander Technique when I was looking for something to help me stop getting tension headaches, lower back pain, and neck problems. Finding a teacher and learning the principles, ideas and concepts of the technique gave me an appreciation of what I was doing to myself that created the pain, as well as how I was putting myself wrong in some other areas of my life too! I learned the good news: that if I was causing my difficulties, then I also had the power to stop causing them. I have become a more flexible, happier, calmer and easier to be with person. I move in a more co-ordinated way and have re-found the joy in moving I remember having as a child. I no longer have any tension headaches, neck problems or lower back aches. I feel more at home with myself than I ever have in the past. I am a teacher trained by the ITM (Interactive Teaching Method Association). This means that I studied for four years and passed four written and one practical exam. I spent six months within the course as a student teacher. I graduated in 2003. I am a member of the ITM Teachers’ Association and have a BSc (hons) degree from the University of Bristol. I have taught individuals, small groups and evening classes, as well as workshops and courses for businesses, colleges, the WEA, the WI and the local council. I have run workshops at festivals such as the Larmer Tree and the Big Green Gathering. I have taught music students at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. I also taught students at the Musical Theatre School in Somerset, and dance students at Bristol Dance Centre. I love teaching this work because I love seeing my students improve their movement, their thinking and the way they see themselves as well as the way they see the world.

344 Dance School

344 dance school



344 DANCE SCHOOL is based at DANCE STATION, Alexandra Park, Fishponds, a building comprising 3 fully equipped dance studios, a lecture and music room, changing rooms, rest areas, a studio theatre and a Dancewear shop - KATHY'S DANCEWEAR. Our lessons also operate in rented premises in 8 branches covering the Bristol area:- Church House, Long Ashton The Village Hall, Emersons Green Holy Trinity Church, Bradley Stoke The Batch, Warmley 467c Wells Road, Knowle The Village Hall, Wickwar Children and adults can learn for fun or they can take advantage of the many opportunities offered to them including exams with the ISTD, RAD, LAMDA and LCM; shows; competitions; workshops and masterclasses; summer schools and many other performance opportunities. All our exams are held at our own premises as we are an Approved Exam Centre for all the above examining boards. Whether you dance at Dance Station or one of our branches, the school has a positive, fun, atmosphere to bring out the love of dance and help you get the most out of your lessons. Dance is a performing art and with our beautiful studios and theatres, performance opportunities can be developed to the full. STUDIOS are also available for hire at both our Fishponds and Knowle Branches. FOR CHILDREN it is a chance to learn a variety of dance styles, be creative and make friends wiith similar interests outside of their school groups, build confidence and sociial skills, develop good poise, posture and discipline all within a safe environment with highly respected, experienced and qualified teaching staff. FOR ADULTS we have one of the largest selection of classes in Bristol, catering for all levels from beginners to advanced and for all ages - some of our dancers are over 80 years so it is never too late to learn! We have a great social atmosphere at Dance Station and extra activities often include theatre trips, dance social evenings and meals out. We are also on MOVE GB so if you are a member you can take advantage of their rates. FOR THE SERIOUS DANCER we are able to push you to achieve your maximum potential through the large range of classes and dance techniques on offer, variety of teaching staff, and availability of masterclasses with professionals, and opportunities for private tuition to enable you to compete at the highest levels. We also train Dance Teachers as well as professional dancers, and our teachers are spreading their knowledge all over the country and indeed, the World! Ex-students have gone on to full-time vocational training at such places as Elmhurst, Hammond, The Royal Ballet, Laine Theatre Arts, Rambert, Northern Ballet School, Northern Contemporary, London Studio Centre, Arts Ed, Italia Conti, Bodyworks, Masters, Millenium, Bird, Performers, Wilkes & Liberatus as well as our own 16+ vocational course. Careers have included West End performing, Cruise Ship Performing, National and International tours, Pantomimes, Holiday resort entertaining and teaching opportunities around the world.

Zion Bristol Ltd

zion bristol ltd


Zion is a Community Hub in Bedminster Down, where everyone is welcome. We provide a warm safe space for community groups to run, our cafe is open 9-5pm every weekday and we put on an array of affordable events. Although originally a church, Zion was bought in 2011 by Jess Wright, who lovingly crafted Zion into an essential and well loved hub in Bedminster Down. In the Summer of 2022, members of the community, local businesses and grant organisations came together to purchase Zion as a community share offer! Meet The Team Emma Centre Manager Sadie Cafe Manager Bianca Kitchen Manager Natalie Bar Manager Stuart Cafe Assistant Manager Dan Community Outreach Rosa Programme Coordinator Meet The Directors Martin Sereena Hannah Aimee Claire The History of Zion Back in 2011, Bristol resident Jess Wright purchased an empty Methodist chapel with a loan from Triodos Bank. Once a focus for the local community of Bedminster Down, this historic chapel had been left derelict after the congregation could no longer afford to sustain it. Jess wanted to breathe life back into this beautiful building, a real landmark in BS13. She also wanted to create a much-needed community centre in a residential area with few social or cultural venues. She wanted a place where people of all ages and backgrounds (especially those who were isolated or excluded) could meet to improve wellbeing on a personal and community level. Using a small start-up budget of £5,000 (her own money), Jess began renovating the building. Thanks to the support of a small team of volunteers, Zion opened its doors to the community once again; this time as a small-scale café serving coffee and cakes, and offering a few extras such as film nights and kids’ creative sessions. Over the past 11 years, Zion Community Art Space has become ever more popular. It attracts 15,000 people a year and is now open at least five days a week, offering: a daytime community café that serves freshly made food at an affordable price a broad programme of over 200 events and activities a year, ranging from quiz nights and children’s workshops, to live music, theatre, talks and food events regular daytime drop-in groups such as a Memories Café, Creative Writing Group, Local History Group and Breast-Feeding Support an indoor and outdoor private hire venue for weddings, parties and other celebrations