• Professional Development
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  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Personal Development

15 Courses in Bristol

Dignity in Care


By Magpie Training

Dignity in care course

Dignity in Care
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Consett



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

* Introspection test * Analyse behavioural patterns * Mindset shift exercises * CBT exercises * One to one person-centred counselling * Self-acceptance coaching * Addressing past issues * Observation of repetitive cycles * Pinpoint triggers * 6 sessions https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/my-behaviour-is-out-of-control-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/my-behaviour-is-out-of-control-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

Stoma Care

By Prima Cura Training

This course provides both underpinning knowledge of stoma care and practical techniques to deliver person centred support for someone who requires stoma care.

Stoma Care
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Catheter Care

By Prima Cura Training

Catheter care training is aimed at people working in health and care settings. The course provides staff members with the knowledge and understanding on performing safe changing and emptying of catheter bags.

Catheter Care
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Asthma Awareness

By Prima Cura Training

This course aims to raise awareness about the triggers, signs and symptoms, and preventive measures to better manage and support people living with asthma.

Asthma Awareness
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Educators matching "person centred"

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The Restore Trust

the restore trust


A fair society where socially excluded people are supported to obtain skills, qualifications and employment to build sustainable, independent lives contributing positively to society History: At its foundation, The Restore Trust was set up in 2009 by the current CEO Suzanne Thompson and SMT board of Avon & Somerset Probation Trust, in conjunction with the National Offender Management Service. The organisation was registered as an independent VCSE in 2010 and is managed by an excellent board of trustees. Whilst the organisation retains a specialism in working with people with complex needs and criminal convictions, it can work with anyone in the community who is experiencing barriers in accessing training and employment. Many of our clients have complex needs in relation to homelessness, mental health problems, drug/alcohol dependency and offending behaviour. We pride ourselves on our non-judgemental, person-centred approach in our work with clients that builds their confidence, motivation and helps to inspire change in their lives. Mission/Values: Our mission is to work collaboratively with different organisations to promote equality of opportunity, strengthen the sector by access to high quality services to enable people to reach their full potential by gaining the skills, confidence, qualifications and employment suited to their needs and aspirations, ultimately contributing positively to society and the local economy. This mission aligns with our core values of working in a non-judgemental and person-centred way to build constructive and supportive working relationships with our clients to help them progress and achieve the goals they have identified. We offer a relaxed, informal environment and with additional wrap around support when required, including provision of free refreshments and snacks to support clients learning on-site. A key part of our success comes from our partnerships, and we pride ourselves on having an excellent staff team with backgrounds in Criminal Justice, Welfare, and Community work with disadvantaged young people and adults. The superb quality of our board members also brings an additional wealth of expertise and experience to our organisation. Looking to partner and support other organisations A key part of our success at The Restore Trust comes from our formal and informal partnerships with a range of statutory, private and voluntary organisations. We recognise the need to work collaboratively to achieve mutual positive outcomes for our clients and to work in ways in which organisations can mutually benefit from partnership support. We welcome dialogue around how we can work with other organisations to strengthen the sector, and continue to expand access to a range of services for our clients to support their journey towards employment.

Spirit of the Inca

spirit of the inca


Lying flat on my back for 16 days back in 1980 something, I was in so much physical pain that I could not move. It was then that I began to realise that I needed to change my life! I had been literally 'floored'! Stopped in my tracks. I had nowhere to run, or hide. "It wasn't by chance that during that time I came across a reflexologist who helped me to see that this was a turning point in my life. As a result of that meeting, and the healing that followed, I trained to become a reflexologist. My healers journey had begun and everything changed. "Over the course of the next few years, I noticed that some clients healed and others did not. My curiosity and desire to be of service led me to explore all kinds of therapeutic processes... counselling, gestalt, person centred therapy, psychosythesis. It was a great help in understanding how the mind affected the body. And I noticed that now I was able to help more people to heal.. and yet I noticed that still some clients did not. "My wondering about this led me fully into the healing arts and I began to understand that we each have a soul's journey. I had to ask myself: 'Why am I here?' 'What am I meant to be doing with my life?' "At the level of the soul I needed to know that my life has meaning and purpose beyond the everyday, and I learned that creative expression is vital to my wellbeing, as is finding a meaning and purpose that fits who I am. During this time I had many teachers. I trained to be a yoga teacher, I discovered 5 Rythms dance, and explored ways to use my voice... each time reaching out beyond my comfort zone, beyond who I thought I was.. to discover aspects of me that had been hidden or surpressed in the simple act of living this everyday reality. "My wondering led me to run a women's group for ten years. I wanted to explore what it means to be a woman in today's world. Together, we explored the sacred feminine, the goddess, the myths that we live by, we explored sacred landscapes, ceremony and ritual and found ways to connect with Mother Earth, a connection lost in working world today. During those years I took groups on Outward Bound courses in the landscape of Dartmoor. It was as much my journey as it was for those who shared it with me. We all learned a lot about ourselves, about what we were truly capable of. Incredible transformations took place in us all. Above all I learned the resilience of the human spirit, how stepping beyond fear creates inner trust and confidence... and that when we truly face our fears and embrace them we liberate ourselves then our presence liberates others. "Finally my journey led me to Shamanic Training. I have worked with a number of shaman in my life, and now, Incorporating the processes and techniques that I have learned both from the Inca tradition and many other great teachers along the way, I have developed a training which is powerful, beautiful and for me is the final piece in the puzzle. "Working at the level of energy affects all of the bodies: the soul's journey, the mental body, the emotional body and the physical body. I have also learned on this journey that it is a sacred journey, a journey towards wholeness... and the more I heal of myself, the more I affect those around me in a positive, life enriching way. "This is the work that I do in the world, it's the gift that I bring. "My medicine stones form a powerful healing tool called a Mesa. "My Mesa contains the wisdom that comes from my personal healing, the transformation of old worn-out stories of powerlessness, turned into power; of pain and suffering turned into compassion; and ancient wisdom handed down through the ages, through a lineage of medicine men and women whose grace, dignity and childlike innocence reminds me of what we have lost in the Western world. "And now I teach others how to build theirs."