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7 Courses in Bradford

The Therapeutic Power of Language

By Human Givens College

– a psychotherapy skills masterclass The language we use has a huge impact on others – on this practical, inspiring course you will learn how to combine solution-focused techniques and effective language skills to help relieve distress and improve outcomes, as quickly as possible… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD Certificate : 12 hours * * Length 2 days (9:30am - 4:00pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Excellent course! I’ve learnt so much and been inspired so much. Gareth has a > wonderful style of delivery... > > MARY FLYNN This course is suitable for anyone working with adults, teens or children – the knowledge and skills you will gain have a wide range of applications in addition to therapy and counselling, including coaching, healthcare, teaching, motivation, overcoming resistance, emotional turmoil and much more. You will leave with a powerful toolkit of precisely-targeted and creative therapeutic language skills, as well as a range of effective brief therapy strategies. These can be easily tailored to any individual and used to successfully help people resolve a wide range of conditions and problems as quickly as possible. If you want to be more effective in what you do, these are core skills to have…   Denise Winn previously taught this course, it is now delivered by Gareth Hughes WHY TAKE THIS COURSE Language is key to everything we do – being aware of the power of language to help or do harm is essential when we’re trying to help people. Knowing how to use it well can make all the difference to a successful therapeutic outcome. Paying attention to the language we use is central to the human givens approach to therapy and counselling: our choice of words is crucial in building rapport with people, learning more about someone – their unique qualities and abilities – in listening and responding, in providing motivation and in collaborating to agree goals and strategies for the effective resolution of their problems. The careful use of language is essential for other areas of life too: at work, home, with family and friends – and this  2-day course is accessible to all. It can be taken as part of the Human Givens Diploma or as a stand-alone course. You will gain a solid foundation in the most effective brief solution-focused strategies and language skills that are essential if you want to be able to help people as quickly as possible. By distilling the essence of proven brief therapy approaches and working in tune with the givens of human nature, outcomes can be dramatically improved and suffering successfully reduced. You will also learn how any team of professional healthcare workers can safely incorporate brief therapy techniques into their work with patients suffering from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD, anger, OCD, eating disorders, addiction and relationship/marital/family problems, thereby improving outcomes and reducing suffering on an even wider scale. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD TO KNOW This course gives you essential skills that are used in the successful treatment of a wide range of conditions, such as anxiety disorders, depression [https://www.humangivens.com/college/lift-depression/], addictions, self-harm, OCD and the rewind technique [https://www.humangivens.com/college/rewind-technique-training/] for treating trauma and phobias. They are also fundamental skills to have when using guided imagery and visualisation [https://www.humangivens.com/college/guided-imagery-and-visualisation/]. This course is an essential component of Part 1 of the HG Diploma. > I feel very excited and energised. I can't wait to start using these > techniques... > > OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * The essential skills needed for successful brief therapy * New information about the APET™ model – why it is so important to construct therapy that is in tune with our how brains work (our emotional reactions come first) – this speeds up therapy and explains why purely cognitive and behavioural approaches can take so long * An ability to get to the root of the matter quickly by establishing which innate needs are not being met and why (the essence of effective brief therapy) * Quick rapport building skills * How to use the RIGAAR™ structure to improve therapy outcomes * Reflective listening and reflective reframing * How to use therapeutic language skills directly and indirectly to initiate change * Ways to use solution-focused questioning to create a framework for change * How to identify and use your client’s own life resources * An understanding of why the human givens approach dramatically increases the likelihood of therapy being brief, regardless of the presenting problem * A range of psychological interventions to use with common psychiatric problems: anxiety, panic attacks, depression, intrusive thoughts, relationship difficulties and so on * Promoting cooperation by developing realistic and achievable goals * How to identify exceptions (when the problem doesn’t occur) and get the patient to take credit for them * How to generate motivation for change in your patients * Separating the patient’s core identity from their problem * How to minimise or overcome resistance * How not to be drawn in to a client’s negative self-view * Great use of case histories to illustrate the skills covered * How to use the psychological laws of positive expectancy and concentrated attention * An understanding of why taking this collaborative human givens stance, reduces stress and pressure on you * Plenty of opportunity to consolidate what you are learning by practising the skills yourself -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW IS THE COURSE STRUCTURED? Held over two consecutive days, this skills-based practical workshop combines a blend of talks, demonstrations and exercises.  Each day starts at 9.30pm and finishes at 4.00pm, with 2 breaks for networking and refreshment and 45 minutes for lunch. Course notes, refreshments and lunch are included on both days. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? You and your patients will benefit enormously from you attending these two days. If you are a counsellor, psychotherapist, clinical psychologist, mental health nurse, GP, doctor, nurse, OT, physiotherapist, youth worker, social worker, health visitor, support worker or any other caring professional, and wish to be more effective in what you do, this course gives you the perfect opportunity to discover new, subtle but highly effective skills with plenty of time to practise to help you assimilate them into your own work. Many other professions – such as educational and business professionals – also find the skills and information covered highly applicable to and beneficial for their own work. It is also suitable for anyone who is thinking of a career in this field as these are core skills needed for successful brief, solution-focused psychotherapy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 12 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

The Therapeutic Power of Language
Delivered In-Person in Leeds + 1 more locations6 hours 30 minutes, Jul 16th, 08:30 + 3 more

Complex Trauma: how to work effectively with challenging cases

By Human Givens College

This practical workshop covers the unique challenges of working with complex trauma cases and gives you clear guidance on the most effective ways to help -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Accredited CPD: 6 hours * Length: 1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Absolutely jam-packed with techniques/information and resources. Ros is > superlative. A calm, confident and articulate trainer... > > J YAP, THERAPIST WHY TAKE THIS COURSE Clients suffering from Complex PTSD (C-PTSD) or who have experienced trauma in a shutdown or dissociative state, can present unique challenges to practitioners working with them – but with the right knowledge and skills we can help sufferers move forward in their lives. In this hands-on, experiential workshop you will learn more about what makes trauma ‘complex’, why shutdown or dissociation are often experienced by sufferers, and how to best work with such presentations using the Human Givens framework of understanding. You will also have the chance to collaborate with other experienced practitioners and clinicians during exercises designed to further your understanding, add to your existing skillsets, and bring wider context to an often-misunderstood area of work. During this intensive day of live, in-person training, experienced psychotherapist Ros Townsend will introduce you to a framework within which you can set your understanding of complex trauma presentations and discover the opportunities that we have to help clients move forward from their difficulties. You will learn more about the neurobiology of the automatic survival options that we have available to us, especially dissociative and ‘shutdown’ states, and leave with an understanding of how to use this knowledge to inform your work, giving you greater confidence to work creatively and flexibly with such presentations. From understanding the symptoms that are now recognised as distinguishing C-PTSD, to adapting existing HG techniques and strategies and introducing new tools and skills, this course will explore how we, as clinicians, can approach such complex presentations without getting lost in the complexity ourselves. Using case histories and discussion you will have the chance to understand more about the unique challenges that such work presents and to leave feeling more confident in your ability as a therapist to work effectively and contextually with these. > Such a thought-provoking and informative day. Complex PTSD is a real buzz word > at present, this took the mystery out of it in a clear and understandable way > – highly recommend... > > MELISSA DERRICOURT     WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * What Complex PTSD (C-PTSD) is * What other symptoms a client may present with in addition to those meeting the criteria for ‘classic’ PTSD * How to effectively work with these within the Human Givens framework of understanding * Vital tools for psycho-education – both adding to your own understanding and to pass on to clients * Why individuals enter into a dissociative or ‘shutdown’ state * The difference between ‘freeze’ and ‘shutdown’ * Why anger can present when an individual comes out of a ‘shutdown’ state * How to help a client deal effectively with anger if it does arise * The crucial role of the pattern-matching processes in the brain in post-traumatic stress symptoms – and how the kinds of templates stored can subtly differ in more complex trauma * How to adapt existing techniques – such as rewind and deconditioning molar memories – to work creatively with such presentations * The Dos and Don’ts when working with Guided Imagery in complex presentations * How to refine your Guided Imagery skillset to powerfully benefit clients who have experienced trauma in a shutdown state * Why any work that we do must be informed by the innate ability we all have to recover from trauma * How to avoid negatively reframing trauma and making symptoms worse * The most effective ways to help clients towards recovery and post-traumatic growth Under careful guidance from the tutor, you will: * Explore and discuss the different survival options available to us as humans in traumatic situations * Learn more about the neurobiology of these states – including our passive survival responses * Develop a new framework of understanding within which to set your work with all kinds of trauma * Understand more about why ‘shutdown’ or ‘dissociation’ are often associated with complex presentations * Understand why addictions and self-harming behaviours are often a part of the picture * Work collaboratively with peers and colleagues to extend and develop your own skillsets and knowledge * Explore how guided imagery can be adapted and used to most powerfully benefit clients suffering in this way You will leave with: * The confidence to work creatively and flexibly with a wider range of presentations * A clear understanding of a framework within which you can work and continue to develop and adapt your tools and skillsets * An appreciation of the importance of taking your time with such work and proceeding at a pace right for each individual client * An understanding of how to support clients in moving forward from the use of faulty coping strategies – such as addiction and self-harm * Greater confidence in creating metaphors that work powerfully for clients * An understanding of how helping a client to meet their emotional needs is particularly key to recovery in the most complex cases Throughout the day there will be plenty of opportunity for you to ask questions and to engage in collaborative work and discussion with the tutor and with experienced colleagues and practitioners. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE Working with Complex PTSD requires specific skills and experience and thus is only suitable for practitioners either already working in this area and looking to extend their skillset or those who are already practicing as therapists and wish to begin working in this area. If you are an experienced practitioner from another modality, we recommend you familiarise yourself a little with the HG approach before you attend, see: About HG therapy [https://www.humangivens.com/human-givens/human-givens-therapy/hg-approach-difference/], benefits of the approach [https://www.humangivens.com/college/about-the-college/benefits-of-human-givens-approach/], and what is RIGAAR [https://www.humangivens.com/2021/11/25/why-human-givens-practitioners-use-rigaar/]. WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? * Any qualified therapist working with distressed or traumatised people. In order to take full benefit from the course, you will ideally have already taken our Guided Imagery and Visualisation for therapeutic change [https://www.humangivens.com/college/guided-imagery-and-visualisation-workshop/] and Rewind Technique [https://www.humangivens.com/college/rewind-technique-training-workshop/] workshops. NB If you are an experienced practitioner from another modality, we recommend you familiarise yourself a little with the HG approach before you attend, see: About HG therapy [https://www.humangivens.com/human-givens/human-givens-therapy/hg-approach-difference/], benefits of the approach [https://www.humangivens.com/college/about-the-college/benefits-of-human-givens-approach/], and what is RIGAAR [https://www.humangivens.com/2021/11/25/why-human-givens-practitioners-use-rigaar/]. * Any qualified practitioner in the field of psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy or counselling can attend; again you would benefit most by having previously attended our Guided Imagery and Visualisation [https://www.humangivens.com/college/guided-imagery-and-visualisation-workshop/] and Rewind Technique [https://www.humangivens.com/college/rewind-technique-training-workshop/] workshops and familiarising yourself a little with the HG approach to therapy. COURSE PROGRAMME This intense 1-day training proceeds through a blend of talks, skill-developing exercises, discussions and deconstruction of real-life case-studies. There is also plenty of opportunity for networking and discussion during the breaks. The training runs from 9.30am–4.00pm. * From 8.30am Registration (Tea and coffee served until 9.25am) * 9.30am What is complex trauma? A framework for understanding * 11.00am Discussion over tea/coffee * 11.30am Adapting our toolkit: working creatively with complex presentations * 1.00pm Lunch (included) * 1.45pm Self-efficacy: supporting a client to become an active agent in life * 2.45pm Discussion over tea/coffee * 3.00pm Reframing: adding context in complex cases * 3.30pm Serving clients well * 4.00pm Day ends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://directory.cpdstandards.com/providers/human-givens-college/ This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

Complex Trauma: how to work effectively with challenging cases
Delivered In-Person in Bristol + 2 more locations6 hours 30 minutes, Sept 27th, 08:30 + 1 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

* Help with anxiety * Life guidance * Objective led life coaching * Help with ptsd * Help with exam stress * Student dating advice * Discovering your purpose * Combat trauma issues * High performance coaching * Introspection test and personality test * Confidence building * Gain understanding of self * Help with combating negative behavioural patterns https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/student-life-coaching-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/student-life-coaching-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

* Address negative behavioural patterns * Treat anxiety and depression symptoms * Resolve bad temper and aggression issues * Teaching coping skills for dealing with different problems * Stop negative cycles * Manage anxiety better * Help mental health and physical health problems * Management of thoughts, emotions, actions * Help with insomnia * Address problematic thought patterns * This package is for people with bad behaviour * PTSD * Alcohol misuse * 6 sessions https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/cognitive-behavioural-therapy-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/cognitive-behavioural-therapy-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

How to Control Chronic Anxiety

By Human Givens College

– the practical skills you need High levels of anxiety can be very debilitating – this workshop gives you important insights and a wide range of proven techniques to help reduce long-term anxiety, panic attacks, GAD and much more… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD Certificate : 6 hours * Length 1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Jo is incredibly adept at teaching this important subject, backed up with > evidence and so many useful techniques. Thank you > > CATHERINE, FAMILY SUPPORT WORKER WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Tried and tested psychological techniques for dealing with over-anxiety * Why it’s important to distinguish between two fundamental kinds of anxiety – and methods for dealing with both * How to recognise panic attacks and deal with them effectively * The genetic factors that make some people more vulnerable to anxiety * Ways to change a poor sleep pattern caused by anxiety * New perspectives on what drives anxiety – including when its basis lies in trauma * Why some people may dissociate (appear to ‘tune out’ or not be present) when very stressed, and what to do about it * The three different components of anxiety – and why anxiety can get out of control * How anxiety affects the body – and how the body affects anxiety * Why people become hypervigilant – and how this can be reduced * How to separate a person from their anxiety * Five effective methods for bringing down physiological arousal very quickly – and safely * Why social anxiety occurs and how to handle it * Tips for reducing anxiety in those with additional conditions, such as autistic spectrum disorder, ADHD, bipolar and borderline personality disorder * What happens in the brain when we become anxious – insights from neuroscience * How guided imagery speeds up treatment for high anxiety plus special tips for using it with clients suffering from over-anxiety * How stories can complement therapy for anxiety * A range of new skills and techniques for reducing severe anxiety, with plenty of opportunity to practise them yourself on the day     > Very useful - lots of practical new anxiety management techniques > > COUNSELLOR WHY TAKE THIS COURSE https://directory.cpdstandards.com/providers/human-givens-college/ More and more people’s lives are being blighted by anxiety, causing distress to all involved. The anxiety may have initially been focused on realistic, understandable concerns – such as financial difficulties, health, job insecurity or unemployment, relationship problems (particularly complex in blended families) or fears about the future in an increasingly uncertain world – but has spiralled out of control. Or it may have no clear cause and manifests as an ever-present feeling of being ‘wired’, tense or vulnerable, very often accompanied by out-of-control thoughts. The person may be hypervigilant, unable to relax and highly miserable. Left unaddressed, chronic anxiety can also badly affect sleep and physical, as well as mental, health. The good news is there’s much that we can do to reduce this suffering. This highly practical course focuses on giving you the key information and practical skills you need to lower anxiety levels and help people manage their own anxiety better. It concentrates on generalised anxiety (including generalised anxiety disorder – GAD), social anxiety and panic attacks, but also addresses how to handle anxiety that is a feature of conditions such as autistic spectrum disorder, ADHD and bipolar and borderline personality disorder. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD TO KNOW This day complements the Online Course: ‘Understanding anxiety – and managing it without drugs’ Trauma, phobias and obsessive compulsive disorders are dealt with on separate practical skills training days (see “The Rewind Technique – Effective treatment for trauma (PTSD) and phobias” and “Obsessive compulsive disorder – understanding OCD and how best to treat it.”) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE PROGRAMME The ‘How to Control Chronic Anxiety’ course starts at 9.30am and runs until 4.00pm. * From 8.30am Registration (Tea and coffee served until 9.25am) * 9.30am Understanding the causes, indications and impacts of chronic anxiety * 11.00am Discussion over tea/coffee * 11.30am Approaches to help overcome difficulties with anxiety * 1.00pm Lunch (included) * 1.45pm Anxiety and associated conditions * 3.00pm Discussion over tea/coffee * 3.15pm Using guided imagery and mental rehearsal * 4.00pm Day ends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? Anyone who works with or treats people who may be highly anxious – such as psychotherapists, counsellors, health and social care professionals, educators and individuals working in a variety of capacities in any number of organisations. The course will also provide valuable understanding and practical help for anyone struggling to deal with their own chronic anxiety or for those in relationships or families affected by chronic anxiety.* The day offers the chance to gain life skills of benefit to everyone. * Please Note:  This course is not a substitute for individual therapy but there are lots of techniques that anyone suffering from anxiety can take away and use themselves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://directory.cpdstandards.com/providers/human-givens-college/ This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

How to Control Chronic Anxiety
Delivered In-Person in Leeds + 2 more locations6 hours 30 minutes, Sept 17th, 08:30 + 1 more

Neurodiversity Awareness


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Neurodiversity awareness training, Neurodiversity awareness,

Neurodiversity Awareness
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

Fathers and Perinatal Mental Health

By Mark Williams

What is perinatal mental health and fathers?  The term ‘perinatal’ refers to the period of time around childbirth. Interpretations of the timeframe of this period vary; in some cases, it includes the time before conception until two years after an infant has been born. In the UK, the First 1001 Days Movement raises awareness of the developmental significance of the first two and a half years of a child’s life. In the course we explain: High risk of suicide in new fathers. The impact on the partner and the development of the child. PTSD, Perinatal Anxiety and Depression in fathers.  Signs, Symptoms and how to engage with fathers.  Importance of bonding and attachment with father - baby. Biological risk factors 

Fathers and Perinatal Mental Health
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bridgend
Price on Enquiry

Educators matching "PTSD"

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The Northern College Of Clinical Hypnotherapy

the northern college of clinical hypnotherapy



Our Multi award winning Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapy (NCCH) courses are recognised in the UK, Europe, Asia and internationally. We provide a range of professional Hypnotherapy Courses and CPD in the Classroom and Online. Training with us enables our students to start from scratch or enhance their knowledge. Students begin by gaining a Foundation in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Our Foundation in Clinical Hypnotherapy gives you an opportunity to see if learning with us is really for you.  You'll gain 14 hours of CPD, be able to see the materials and resources, meet your tutor and potential colleagues too. You also gain Student membership with The Complementary Medical Association and a years free membership with the International Hypnotherapy Association. The course focuses on confidence building, such a great tool for your clients and for yourself when starting anything new. Step into the dynamic world of hypnotherapy with the Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapy (NCCH), where our courses are designed to accommodate your schedule and learning style. Dive into our online platform, where every lecture, demonstration, study notes, and assessments are readily available, allowing you to study at your own pace. As part of our vibrant community of clinical hypnotherapists, you'll engage in peer supervision, attend Masterclasses, and participate in live learning chatrooms with 24-hour access for discussions and practice. Additionally, experience the immersive learning opportunities of our face-to-face retreat-style workshop weekends. Here, you'll gain practical experience and put your newfound knowledge into action through experiential exercises. Whether you're a beginner or seeking to enhance your expertise, NCCH offers a warm welcome and a wealth of resources to support your journey. Our Foundation in Clinical Hypnotherapy provides 14 hours of CPD, access to enriching materials, and connections with tutors and fellow practitioners. Plus, you'll receive valuable membership benefits with The Complementary Medical Association and the International Hypnotherapy Association. Confidence-building lies at the core of our curriculum, empowering you to excel in your practice and positively impact your clients' lives. Our Diploma course, available in classroom-based, hybrid, and virtual formats, guides you through an 10-module programme leading to an Accredited and Certified Practitioner Level Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Along the way, you'll have opportunities to join prestigious professional associations and immerse yourself in a supportive community dedicated to your success. With our flexible learning paths, personalised support, and commitment to excellence, NCCH ensures that your journey to becoming a certified hypnotherapist is both clear and achievable. From small working groups to ongoing support and CPD opportunities, we're with you every step of the way. Whether you're joining us locally or from afar, NCCH welcomes you to join our mission of fostering mental well-being worldwide. Together, let's illuminate our communities with compassion and expertise. Join us at NCCH and become a bright light in your community today!