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15 Courses in Bradford

1 Day First Aid for Mental Health

By Prima Cura Training

First Aid for Mental Health 1-day course stands at the forefront of addressing the crucial aspect of mental well-being. Designed to equip individuals with essential skills and knowledge, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of mental health first aid.

1 Day First Aid for Mental Health
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Learning Disability Awareness

By Prima Cura Training

It is estimated that more than 1.2 million people in the UK are living with a learning disability. Healthcare and social care workers must have an adequate understanding of the needs of people with learning disabilities. It is also essential that they listen to the needs, hopes and aspirations of those living with learning disabilities, their careers, friends, and families. An improved knowledge, together with current guidance and best practice recommendations help to improve the care provided to people who have learning disabilities.

Learning Disability Awareness
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Closed Groups First Aid For Mental Health FAA Level 3 Award NUCO

By Mindmaps Wellbeing

Supervising First Aid for Mental Health FAA Level 3 Award in supervising First Aid for Mental Health (RQF). Award in Leading First Aid for Mental Health at SCQF Level 6. This course builds on the Level 2/5 Award in First Aid for Mental Health and covers a wider range of mental health conditions. Goes into detail on the range of therapy and professional support that a person may be given by professional bodies during treatment for a mental health condition.

Closed Groups 
First Aid For Mental Health FAA Level 3 Award NUCO
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
Price on Enquiry

Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace

By Maximum Performance

This workshop is designed to build participants' knowledge, skills and confidence in mental health and resilience in the workplace. The workshop will benefit all those looking to increase their knowledge around the subject enabling them to support someone exhibiting sigs of mental ill health, as well as increasing their own resilience and being aware of their own mental wellbeing. * AN IN DEPTH UNDERSTANDING OF MENTAL HEALTH AND THE FACTORS THAT CAN AFFECT WELLBEING * PRACTICAL SKILLS TO SPOT THE TRIGGERS AND SIGNS OF MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES * CONFIDENCE TO STEP IN, REASSURE AND SUPPORT A PERSON IN DISTRESS * KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND CONFIDENCE THROUGH PRACTICAL EXERCISES TO INCREASE LEVELS OF PERSONAL RESILIENCE 1. INTRODUCTION * Workshop objectives and benefits from attending * Participants' experience and confidence in this area * Personal objectives 2. UNDERSTANDING MENTAL HEALTH * What is mental health? * Mental health and stigma * Types of mental ill health disorders 3. SUPPORTING OTHERS * Warning signs of mental ill health * How to support someone exhibiting signs of mental ill health 4. SUPPORTING YOURSELF * Stess: coping mechanisms and self-care * What is resilience, why is it important and how can you increase your levels? * Building your support network 5. NEXT STEPS * Individual learning and action planning * Group review and close

Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

Managing Absence and Health Issues Effectively

By Maximum Performance

Sickness absenteeism is still a problem for the UK. According to recent CIPD surveys, average sickness absence continues to increase year on year in many organisations and such absence is particularly significant in the public sector, where it is now 50% higher than in the private sector. The need to manage sickness absence effectively and consistently remains a challenge for many organisations, as does balancing a robust approach alongside a desire and need to treat individuals sensitively and with compassion and respect. This workshop equips managers with the knowledge, skills and confidence to manage sickness absence proactively and appropriately in accordance with your organisation's policies, best practice and legal considerations. * UNDERSTAND THE IMPACT OF SICKNESS ABSENCE AND THE NEED TO MANAGE ABSENCE FAIRLY, CONSISTENTLY AND APPROPRIATELY * UNDERSTAND THE ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF LINE MANAGERS AND HOW TO WORK EFFECTIVELY WITH HR AND OTHER SOURCES OF SUPPORT SUCH AS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH * ADOPT A POSITIVE AND PROACTIVE APPROACH TO MANAGING SICKNESS, INCLUDING CONDUCTING EFFECTIVE RETURN TO WORK INTERVIEWS * MANAGE DIFFERENT TYPES OF ABSENCE, INCLUDING SHORT-TERM PERSISTENT ABSENCE AND LONG-TERM ABSENCE, AS WELL AS CONTINUING HEALTH ISSUES THAT HAVE AN IMPACT ON WORK * BUILD CONFIDENCE IN ADDRESSING SENSITIVE ISSUES, INCLUDING SUPPORTING AND MANAGING EMPLOYEES WHO HAVE A DISABILITY, AND ISSUES SUCH AS MENTAL HEALTH, WORK RELATED STRESS, ETC. 1. INTRODUCTION * Course objectives and benefits from attending this course * Participants' experience and confidence in this area * Personal objectives 2. THE CONTEXT * Understanding the impact of absence and health issues at work * Different types of absence - short-term and long-term absence * Understanding disability * Balancing the need to manage absence fairly while treating individuals with compassion and respect * What is expected from an employer and from employees in relation to managing absence 3. MANAGING SICKNESS ABSENCE * Sickness absence policy and procedures * Clarifying roles and responsibilities - manager, employee, HR, Occupational Health, EAP, etc * Notification and certification of absence - what happens in practice? * What happens when someone returns? Conducting effective return to work interviews * Monitoring absence and understanding trigger points * An overview of key stages in managing absence informally and formally, including formal reviews and dismissal 4. THE LAW * Legal requirements and risks associated with unfair dismissal claims * Understanding discrimination, what is a disability in law, and reasonable adjustments * Case law 5. HAVING THE CONVERSATION * On-going short-term persistent absence with a pattern, potentially a disability; knowing when to escalate * Long-term absence, working with Occupational Health, and consideration of dismissal * Work-related stress and mental health issues affecting conduct at work * Working proactively to support attendance, eg, flexible working, phased returns to work, reasonable adjustments 6. AND FINALLY... * Open forum - remaining challenges and 'what if' scenarios * Action planning - identifying how participants will transfer this learning into the workplace and what else they may need which will help them to do this effectively * Review and close

Managing Absence and Health Issues Effectively
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

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