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32 Courses in Birmingham

Training with Birmingham Settlement

By Birmingham Settlement

Birmingham Settlement are running a programme of training sessions between April and July 2024. All sessions are half-a-day and are an excellent opportunity to learn about important topics, starting with Adult Safeguarding on the 18th April.  If you are interested in any of the courses or would like more information, contact our Trainer David Coombes via email david.coombes@bsettlement.org.uk [david.coombes@bsettlement.org.uk] or by phone 07399 560 766. Training Sessions: Adult Safeguarding April 18th 9.15am – 12.30pm (Sports & Community Centre, Kingstanding) Training will include: What is Adult Safeguarding? What is abuse? Categories of abuse. Those most at risk of abuse. Identifying the signs of abuse. Taking safeguarding action. The issue of client consent. Mental Health Awareness April 23rd 9.30am – 12.45pm (Nature & Wellbeing Centre, Ladywood) Training will include: Defining mental health and mental illness. Signs and symptoms of the most common mental health conditions. Identifying and responding to a mental health crisis. Maintaining positive mental wellbeing. How best to support mental health recovery. Trauma Informed Practice May 14th 9.30am – 12.45pm (Nature & Wellbeing Centre, Ladywood) Training will include: What is trauma? Symptoms of trauma. Impact of trauma on children. Understanding the impact of Adverse Childhood experiences. Key principles of trauma informed practice. Managing work stress and undertaking self-care. Professional Boundaries May 23rd 9.15am – 12.30pm (Sports & Community Centre, Kingstanding) Training will include: What are professional boundaries and why are they important? Professional vs Personal boundaries and how they differ. How trauma impacts personal power and the ability to establish boundaries. Signs of boundary violations. How boundaries support wellbeing. Conflict Resolution June 6th 9.15am – 12.30pm (Sports & Community Centre, Kingstanding) Training will include: Defining conflict and exploring the risks vs the benefits of conflict. Looking at anger and aggression. Understanding how the brain responds to threat and danger. Exploring the practical communication strategies effective in the prevention and de-escalation of conflict. Learning to respond rather than react. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion June 11th 9.30am – 12.45pm (Nature & Wellbeing Centre, Ladywood) Training will include: The Equality Act and protected characteristics. Different forms of discrimination. How ‘membership’ of specific groups might bring advantage or disadvantage. Understanding the ‘multi layered’ nature of discrimination. Understanding how diversity and inclusion can positively impact and change what we do. Dementia Awareness July 9th 9.30am – 12.45pm (Nature & Wellbeing Centre, Ladywood) Training will include: What is dementia? The different types of dementia. The signs and symptoms of dementia. Risk reduction strategies. Benefits of early diagnosis. Barriers to diagnosis, treatment, and support. How we can help. Disability Awareness July 18th 9.15 – 12.30pm (Sports & Community Centre, Kingstanding) Training will include: Defining disability, disability as a social construct, non-visible disabilities. Barriers facing those with disabilities and the positive actions and reasonable adjustments we all can make to create more inclusive and less discriminatory environments.

Training with Birmingham Settlement
Delivered In-Person in Birmingham + 1 more locations3 hours 15 minutes, Jul 9th, 08:30 + 1 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Do you struggle to stand up for yourself? Do you always tolerate people treating you badly in relationships? Do you find yourself in bad relationships constantly? Do you always hang on to people for fear of being on your own? This course is to help those who always end up being bullied and mistreated in relationships and struggle to set boundaries, exercise principles and self-value. This course will teach you how to: Correct unhealthy dating patterns Improve self-esteem Have more confidence Not be afraid to walk away from negative relationships Enforce boundaries when disrespected Build respect in relationships Enhance understanding and self-communication Recognise personal needs Pinpoint areas that are causing present issues https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/how-to-set-boundaries-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/how-to-set-boundaries-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

Third-Party Risk Management


By GBA Corporate

OVERVIEW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extending business activities beyond organisational boundaries to create value for the organisation is not new. However, the quantity and complexity of the relationships that now exist beyond organisational boundaries are increasing, as is regulatory and stakeholder scrutiny. While partnerships with third parties, including critical suppliers, can be beneficial to the organisation on so many levels, such alliances can expose the organisation to many unknowns, and those unknowns will undoubtedly increase the level of risk. The key, then, is properly managing the infrastructure, systems, staff and outside support to adequately manage that risk. 

Third-Party Risk Management
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1718 to £3779

Applied Sequence Stratigraphy

By Asia Edge

ABOUT THIS TRAINING COURSE This course aims to help geologists, geophysicists, stratigraphers and reservoir engineers gain a thorough understanding of the concepts and practical applications of sequence stratigraphy through integration of seismic sequence stratigraphy with well log sequence stratigraphy and the application of biostratigraphy to sequence stratigraphy. The course examines the geological principles, processes and terminology related to the interpretation and use of seismic sequence stratigraphy and its integration with well log sequence stratigraphy and biostratigraphy. Concepts are illustrated with field examples of seismic, well-log, core, and outcrop data and reinforced with practical exercises using real data. Course Content in Summary: 1. Introduction to concepts, eustatic controls, seismic stratigraphy and definition of key terms. 2. Controls - eustatic and basinal controls, accommodation and equilibrium types, systems tracts and systems tract boundaries. 3. Sequences and systems tracts - highstand, falling stage, lowstand, transgressive and shelf margin systems tracts. 4. Key surfaces and their identification from well logs, core, outcrop and seismic reflections. 5. Sequence expression in well logs - log characters of parasequences, maximum flooding surfaces and criteria for picking sequence boundaries. 6. Interpretation of systems tracts from well logs - integration of well log sequence stratigraphy with seismic sequence stratigraphy. 7. Seismic expression of sequences - Interpretation of seismic reflections in depositional sequences - seismic sequence; seismic facies. 8. Clastic and carbonate depositional environments - depositional responses to changes in relative sea level. Mixed systems and evaporites. 9. Variations on the model. 10. A review of application and exploration significance. Training Objectives By the end of this course, participants will be able to: * Gain an understanding of sequence stratigraphic controls and concepts. * Recognise sequence stratigraphic surfaces, systems tracts and stratigraphic sequences on well-log cross-sections, seismic lines, and outcrop profiles and depositional facies. * Construct a sequence stratigraphic model by integrating lithological, biostratigraphical, seismic and well data. * Apply sequence stratigraphy effectively for facies predictions in exploration and production. Target Audience This course will benefit explorationists, geologists, stratigraphers and geophysicists who wish to extend their knowledge through integration of seismic sequence stratigraphy with well log sequence stratigraphy. Trainer Your expert course leader is the Geosciences Technical Director for PetroEdge. She was previously, the manager of Robertson Petroleum Training Centre and a Senior Project Scientist at Robertson CGG. She has over 20 years of experience in teaching geology and leading field trips. Prior to her 8 years at Robertson, she was in academia as a lecturer for 6 years and a Research Fellow for 3 years. She has conducted fieldwork and led field trips in the US and many areas in the UK. In addition, she has led university regional geology day schools and has comprehensive experience in course and study programme writing. She has extensive experience in delivering courses and in Clastic and Carbonate Reservoir Geology, Deepwater Turbidites, Sandstone Reservoirs, Wireline Log Interpretation, Integrated Sequence Stratigraphy, Basin Analysis and Exploration & Appraisal workshops globally. In delivering the Exploration Team Management Workshop, she has project managed and taught key principles and modules on project planning, data collection/collation, geophysical assessment, stratigraphy and facies mapping, source rock facies and hydrocarbon generation, play fairway mapping, risking and prospect evaluation. Her knowledge and enthusiasm for instructing is reflected in consistently being rated as excellent by trainees, and clients specifically requesting her participation in courses. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Applied Sequence Stratigraphy
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£3955 to £4599



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Miss Date Doctor’s Trust Building coaching is designed to help couples and individuals build and strengthen trust in their relationships. Trust is a critical component of any healthy relationship, and our coaching can provide you with the skills and tools needed to establish and maintain trust with your partner or potential partner. Our Trust Building coaching includes a range of techniques and strategies, such as effective communication, setting clear expectations, demonstrating reliability and consistency, and developing healthy boundaries. We can help you identify and address any trust issues that may be impacting your relationship, and develop a plan to rebuild trust if necessary. With our Trust Building coaching, you can learn to establish and maintain a strong foundation of trust in your relationships, improving communication, increasing intimacy, and building a brighter future together. Have three 1 hour sessions with a M.D.D qualified professional couples therapist The Miss Date Doctor Trust Building package includes the following: Relationship Trust, Trust Building Coaching, Trust Issues, Effective Communication, Setting Clear Expectations, Demonstrating Reliability, Consistency, Healthy Boundaries, Rebuilding Trust, Relationship Building, Trust Techniques, Trust Building Strategies, Trust and Intimacy, Trust Training. https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/trust-building-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/trust-building-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Miss Date Doctor’s Conflict Resolution coaching is designed to help couples and individuals navigate conflicts in a healthy and constructive way. Our coaching provides you with the tools and techniques needed to resolve conflicts without damaging your relationship or emotional well-being. We understand that conflicts can arise in any relationship, and that dealing with them effectively is key to building stronger, more fulfilling relationships. Our Conflict Resolution coaching can help you develop skills such as active listening, empathy building, and problem-solving, as well as techniques to de-escalate tense situations and prevent conflicts from becoming destructive. Our coaching also includes strategies for preventing conflicts from arising in the first place, such as setting clear boundaries, communicating effectively, and building healthy habits. With our Conflict Resolution coaching, you can learn to navigate conflicts in a way that strengthens your relationship and helps you build a brighter future together. The Miss Date Doctor Conflict Resolution Package helps with the following: Relationship Conflict, Conflict Resolution Techniques, Conflict Management, Active Listening, Empathy Building, Problem-Solving, De-escalation, Preventing Conflicts, Healthy Habits, Clear Boundaries, Communication, Conflict Resolution Coaching, Conflict Resolution Skills. https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/conflict-resolution-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/conflict-resolution-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Co-Parenting Counseling Package: Nurturing Healthy Co-Parenting Relationships for the Well-being of Your Children Are you facing challenges in co-parenting and seeking support to build a healthy and cooperative co-parenting relationship? Miss Date Doctor’s Co-Parenting Counseling Package offers you a constructive and nurturing environment to enhance communication, resolve conflicts, and prioritize the well-being of your children. Co-parenting after separation or divorce can be complex and emotionally charged. Our experienced counselors specialize in co-parenting dynamics and are here to assist you in navigating the journey of raising your children together in a positive and supportive manner. Here’s how the Co-Parenting Counseling Package can support you: * Effective Communication: Our counselors will help you develop open and effective communication strategies, ensuring that you can discuss parenting matters calmly and constructively. * Conflict Resolution: Co-parenting counseling focuses on resolving conflicts in a healthy and respectful manner, reducing tension and promoting a harmonious co-parenting relationship. * Creating a Co-Parenting Plan: We’ll work with you to create a comprehensive co-parenting plan that outlines responsibilities, schedules, and agreements, providing clarity and structure for both parents and children. * Child-Centered Approach: The well-being of your children is paramount. Co-parenting counseling emphasizes a child-centered approach, ensuring that their needs and feelings are considered in decision-making. * Co-Parenting Boundaries: Establishing healthy boundaries is essential for successful co-parenting. Our counselors will help you set clear boundaries and expectations for co-parenting interactions. * Parenting Consistency: Consistency is crucial for children’s stability. Co-parenting counseling promotes parenting consistency between households to provide a sense of security for your children. * Handling Transitions: Our counselors will assist you in managing transitions between households, ensuring that they are as smooth and stress-free as possible for the children. * Conflict Minimization: Co-parenting counseling aims to minimize conflict and create a more harmonious environment for all family members involved. The Co-Parenting Counselling Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to empower you and your co-parent to build a positive and supportive co-parenting relationship. Our counsellors provide guidance and support to ensure that your children grow up in a loving and stable environment, even after separation or divorce. Invest in the well-being of your children and take the first step towards nurturing a healthy co-parenting relationship. Embrace the opportunity to create a positive and cooperative co-parenting dynamic, focused on the best interests of your children. Let our skilled counsellors guide you towards a brighter co-parenting future filled with understanding, cooperation, and mutual respect 3 X 1 hour https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/co-parenting-counselling-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/co-parenting-counselling-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

Working with Children and the Foundations of PBS

By Guardian Angels Training

Enhance your skills in promoting positive behavior and creating supportive environments for children with our PBS course. Evidence-based practices and collaboration emphasised.

Working with Children and the Foundations of PBS
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Internationally



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

* Learning how to have a better relationship * Introspection test * Learn where you are going wrong * Love language testing * Learn about boundaries * Establishing your relationship needs * Address past negative relationship patterns * Learn about boundaries * Relationship facets relationship course * 2-hour session relationship training and 1 phone call 30 mins * Coaching and relationship skills education https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/relationship-course-express-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/relationship-course-express-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

Neurodiversity Workshop Navigating the Workplace

By Mpi Learning - Professional Learning And Development Provider

A four-hour workshop for Neurodiverse individuals and those who recognise some traits in themselves.

Neurodiversity Workshop Navigating the Workplace
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Educators matching "boundaries"

Show all 6
Alumni Europae London

alumni europae london



Alumni Europae ASBL is the association for former students of the European Schools. We believe there is a unique and invaluable connection amongst us that crosses all kinds of social, linguistic and national boundaries. The association was launched at the end of 2011 and has shown great signs of success over these few years of existence. Make sure you join in the fun and register with our new website to get the full AE experience. Alumni Europae wants to unite and reunite former students, as well as parents, teachers and staff from all European Schools, by putting like-minded people in touch on a social and professional level. AE gives you an opportunity to research university and career options, to develop your future based on our members' broad experiences, and keep in touch with people you have shared so much with over the years, not to mention forge new friendships with other alumni from across the world. Once you have registered, you will have access to an archive of members' university experiences, career guidance and a permanent network of information and support. Alumni Europae plans to organize regular events; alumni reunions as well as events supporting the European ideals the Schools were founded upon. We feel this is especially important in a time in which Europe is suffering from an identity crisis in the midst of economic difficulties. Keep checking the website for news on activities and events we will be organising in the near future. The idea of an alumni association for former students of the European Schools is one that has been approached a number of times. Here is a brief history of the associations and what it has become today. 2013 - Alumni Europae ASBL merges with Euresco Euresco, the domain names and all of its activities are transferred to Alumni Europae. 2011 - Creation of Alumni Europae ASBL A new association of former students registered in Belgian Law. They rebuilt connections with schools and have built the organisation you see today. 2003 - The birth of a new community: euresco.org A small team of former pupils led by Nicolas Beffort (Bac 85 FR Woluwé) refused to resign, and decided to give a new birth to the project. They bought the Euresco database and euresco.org domain-name and paid all the debts of the former-organization to start on a new basis. 2001 - End of Euresco as an international organization By the end of 2001, Euresco was virtually bankrupt. The dissolution was effective on December 31st, 2001, and has been published in the Belgian Official Journal (Moniteur belge) on April 11, 2002 1996 - Lack of institutional support In 1996, the European Commission, that supported the launch of the organization from the beginning, could not help Euresco anymore. 1992 - Launch of Euresco Between 1992 and 1996, Euresco published three issues of its Euresco-Book, reaching more than 8,000 former pupils and teachers worldwide. Eight issues of the newsletter (Euresco-News) were also published under the successive Presidencies of François Wathelet, Eberhard Bömcke and Eric Everard.




Home learning should be just as fun and rewarding as it is enlightening and educational. That’s why we design our courses through the eyes of the learner, to best suit your preferences and requirements. Studying with award-winning course materials and unlimited tutor support, you’ll graduate with a fully accredited qualification that will fulfil all your career and aspirational needs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  We have a 97% A-level pass rate, with 33% of all Oxbridge students achieving A or above --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Based in the UK but teaching students all over the world, we push the boundaries of education to ensure our services are at the forefront of distance learning. We work with renowned Awarding Bodies to secure fully accredited qualifications and have some of the best designers producing award-winning learning materials. From your first enquiry, we provide specialist advice to identify the most relevant course for you to reach your personal or professional goals. Once enrolled, you’ll have access to your course in any format you prefer, whether that’s online or paper-based. Our dedicated team is 100% committed to helping you because we care about making a difference. There’s a reason we have a 97% pass rate and 5* Gold Trust Feefo Award. THE DISTANCE LEARNING EXPERIENCE We know you’re busy and have all kinds of commitments. That's why distance learning is designed to work on your terms, around your life, and courses are adapted to suit your personal learning style. You can study at your own pace. Work in any location. Learn in any format on any device. Arrange a call with tutors whenever you need to chat. With no rigid timescales, no classrooms, and no fighting for your tutor’s attention, it’s personal 1-to-1 support. Whether you’re a mum of two, working nightshifts or newly retired, Oxbridge can help you get the education and skills needed to transform your life. You’ll have unlimited tutor support from subject experts. They’re knowledgeable educators who are always ready to answer your questions and support you every step of the way. PROUD MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF DISTANCE LEARNING COLLEGES As a member of the Association of Distance Learning Colleges [https://www.adlc.org.uk/], we formally comply to a Code of Ethics [https://www.adlc.org.uk/code-of-ethics/], which in turn, promises our learners a high standard learning experience. We’ve pledged to ensure that the information we provide about career guidance or prospective studies is accurate, and the advice we give is in your best interest. Our membership allows us to officially uphold this promise to you. We follow all academic guidelines to provide high-quality learning materials, alongside unlimited tutor support, to ensure your learning experience with Oxbridge is a success. As a member, we not only comply, but aim to go above and beyond these standards to empower every learner to transform their lives through distance education.  




Professor of Clinical Traumatology, Sir Keith Porter is involved in the treatment of some of University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust’s (UHB) most complex injury cases. He trained at St Thomas’ Hospital in London in the 1970s before being jointly appointed at the Birmingham Accident Hospital and Selly Oak Hospital in April 1986. He was awarded a professorship by UHB, the University of Birmingham and the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine in 2005 and was knighted for his role in developing trauma treatment for injured British soldiers in 2010. I am proud of the achievements from the robust civilian-military partnership between the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham and the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, during the last decade. There have been significant advances in pre hospital care with critical care interventions and blood delivered by the MERT team and the introduction of haemostatic resuscitation and damage control principles in Camp Bastion, Afghanistan, such that patients have progressively survived more severe injuries in the last decade particularly as the IED have become more sophisticated and destructive. Birmingham has responded and moved forward the boundaries of continued resuscitation, wound surgery and surgical reconstruction using concepts and techniques that are not in war textbooks and have required bespoke and innovative solutions. Landmark advances have included debridement strategies, proactively managing the continuing inflammatory response, defining and understanding complex microbiological challenges including fungal infections and devising bespoke surgical solutions particularly for soft tissue loss. Integral to improving functional outcome has been our close working with Headley Court. Clinicians have worked closely with DSDL, defence research and the NIHRSRMC to come up with solutions to the research questions these complex patient generate. With several hundred unexpected survivors from recent campaigns, QEHB is proud of the part it has played in the chain of care and is working with the RCDM and defence medical services to capture the lessons learnt in what will be a live and evolving document.