1931 Educators providing History courses

Wrexham Foyer

wrexham foyer


In this document the expression ‘we’ refers to, ClwydAlyn Housing Limited, Tir Tai Limited, PenArian Limited and Tai Elwy Limited, that provides housing and related services across North Wales. Each entity is the controller of its own personal data although data may be processed by other Group members on its behalf This privacy notice sets out how ClwydAlyn collects and uses information about you. Please read this privacy notice carefully to understand how we will use your personal information. If you have any questions or queries in relation to this privacy notice, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at: datacontroller@clwydalyn.co.uk 72 Ffordd William Morgan, St Asaph Business Park, St Asaph, Denbighshire, LL17 0JD 0800 1835757 (freephone from a landline) or 01745 536800 This privacy notice explains: What information we may collect about you How we use your information Contacting you Sharing your information Our legal basis for collecting, holding and using your information Security and storage of your information Your rights 1.What information we may collect about you The information we collect about you depends on why we are dealing with you. For example, if you make a housing application or become one of our tenants, we will need more information from you than if you are merely making an enquiry. We may collect the information about you in the following circumstances: If you call our Contact Centre When you call our contact centre we collect Calling Line Identification (CLI) information. We use this information to help improve its efficiency and effectiveness. We record calls for training and monitoring purposes. Additionally, our call handlers will make a record of your call in order to manage your query. We may need to share information with other organisations within or outside ClwydAlyn in order to respond to your call, for example so that we can organise maintenance or repairs or other support. We will usually tell you if it is necessary for us to pass information on to other organisations. If you email us Any email sent to us, including any attachments, may be monitored and used by us for reasons of security and for monitoring compliance with office policy. Email monitoring or blocking software may also be used. Please be aware that you have a responsibility to ensure that any email you send to us is within the bounds of the law. If you make a complaint to us When we receive a complaint from a person we make up a file containing the details of the complaint. This normally contains the identity of the complainant and any other individuals involved in the complaint. We will only use the personal information we collect to process the complaint and to check on the level of service we provide. If a complainant doesn’t want information identifying him or her to be disclosed to any person that the complaint is about, we will try to respect that. However, it may not be possible to handle a complaint on an anonymous basis. Similarly, where enquiries are submitted to us we will only use the information supplied to us to deal with the enquiry and any subsequent issues and to check on the level of service we provide. If you use our services We hold the details of the people who request and use our services so that we can provide these services and for other closely related purposes. For example, we use information about our service users to develop and improve our services and to make sure we are delivering services to different groups fairly. If you apply for housing or become a tenant, there is certain information that we require in order to process your application and manage your tenancy. If you do not provide us with this information, we will not be able to progress your application. When you visit our websites We automatically collect certain information when you visit one of our websites. Please see Use of Cookies below for more information about this. When you use our customer portal, you are able to view information held in our housing management system, including personal details, account statements, tenancy information, repair history and pay your rent / service charges. Please note that we use a third party provider, Verseone to support our customer portal. Information we receive from others We work closely with other organisations, such as local councils, police forces, voluntary sector organisations, other housing providers and our contractors, and we may receive information about you from them. If you visit our premises We may ask you to sign in and out if you visit staff or residents at our premises. Access is controlled for the purposes of building and occupant security. Access is recorded to assist with fire and other evacuation procedures. Furthermore, your image may be captured on CCTV to monitor and collect visual images for the purpose of security and the prevention and detection of crime. If you use our Wi-Fi or computer to access our IT systems, access and activity may be monitored to prevent misuse of Group property, according to our IS Corporate policies. Job applicants When individuals apply to work for us, we will only use the information they supply to us to process their application and to monitor recruitment statistics. Where we want to disclose information to a third party, for example where we want to take up a reference or obtain a ‘disclosure’ from the Criminal Records Bureau we will not do so without informing them beforehand unless the disclosure is required by law. Personal information about unsuccessful candidates will be held for 12 months after the recruitment exercise has been completed; it will then be destroyed or deleted. We retain de-personalised statistical information about applicants to help inform our recruitment activities, but no individuals are identifiable from that data. Once a person has taken up employment with us, we will compile a file relating to their employment. The information contained in this will be kept secure and will only be used for purposes directly relevant to that person’s employment. Once their employment with us has ended, we will retain the file in accordance with the requirements of our retention schedule and then delete it. If you are a member of one of our Boards, Committees or Panels We may ask for personal details for managing and statistical purposes. 2.How we use your information We process your personal information primarily in connection with managing our housing services. If you are a tenant, this includes managing your tenancy and dealing with any applications, queries or complaints that you make. Examples of how we use your information include: to confirm your identity to assess your suitability to access any of our services to manage your tenancy, care or support to ensure our properties are appropriately maintained and in accordance with legal obligations, such as periodic gas safety checks to notify you about important changes to our services to let you know about other relevant services, both ours and those of other parties whose products and services we have agreed should be made available to you (see the section below on 'Contacting you' for more information about this) to update and correct our records to carry out statistical and market analyses, including benchmarking exercises, to enable us to understand you better and improve our services, and in accordance with our operating Regulations to develop, test and improve our systems to ensure that content of our website is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer to administer our website and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes to comply with other legal obligations, such as Health and Safety laws or safeguarding vulnerable people We may combine information we receive from other sources with information you give to us for the purposes set out above (depending on the types of information we receive). 3.Contacting you We will use your contact information to send you important information via letters, emails, text messages, or otherwise to telephone you. We may record telephone calls for security and training purposes. We may use the information we hold about you in order to provide you with information about our services which we feel may interest you. You can opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time, although please note that we will continue to send you important messages about your tenancy. If you have changed your mind about being contacted for marketing purposes, please contact our Customer Services Team on 0800 1835757 (freephone from a landline) or 01745 536800 to update your preferences. 4.Sharing your information We do not sell your information to any third party, but in certain limited circumstances we may disclose your personal information to: any member of our group, which means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries, as defined in section 736 of the UK Companies Act 1985; and/or other third parties in the following circumstances: if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation; in order to enforce or apply our terms and conditions and other agreements; to protect the rights, property, or safety of ClwydAlyn, our customers, or others; to investigate or prevent a crime. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction; to obtain any professional advice; and/or with your consent. 5.Our legal basis for collecting, holding and using your information Data protection law sets out various lawful legal bases (or ‘conditions’) which allow us to collect, hold and use your personal information: Where you have entered into a contract or contracts with us, we may need to use your information to provide you with our services. An example of this is where you have a tenancy with us. Where we are under a legal obligation which requires us to process your personal information. For example, notifications of Health and Safety incidents. We will sometimes use your personal information based upon your consent. We will always tell you where this is the case and ask you to agree before we process your information. An example of using your personal information with your consent is publishing your image as part of a photograph on our website. Finally, sometimes it is necessary to process your personal information for the purposes of our own legitimate interests. We will only do so where these interests are not overridden by the interests and fundamental rights or the freedoms of the individuals concerned. An example of this is when we may contact you about your experience of contacting our Customer Services Team or a recent repair to your property. Data protection law recognises certain "special categories" of personal information, which is information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic information, biometric information for uniquely identifying a person, information concerning health, and information concerning a person's sex life or sexual orientation. Information about criminal offences and records is placed in a similar category. These special categories of personal information are considered particularly sensitive and so we will only collect and use this information where you have given us your explicit consent or where we consider it necessary to do so. 6.Security and storage of your personal information The information about you that we collect may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area (EEA). It may also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA who work for one of our suppliers. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy. We will generally keep personal information about you no longer than is needed for as per our Retention Policy. 7.Your rights You have the right to request from us access to your own personal information. This is sometimes known as a 'subject access request'. You also have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for direct marketing purposes. We will tell you if we intend to use your data for this purpose or if we intend to disclose your information to any third party for this purpose. You can exercise your right to prevent such processing by checking certain boxes on the forms we use to collect your data or by contacting our Customer Services Team on 0800 1835757 (freephone from a landline) or 01745 536800. From 25 May 2018, you will have additional rights to request from us: That any inaccurate information we hold about you is corrected That your information is deleted That we stop using your personal information for certain purposes That your information is provided to you in a portable format That decisions about you are not made by wholly automated means Many of the rights listed above are limited to certain defined circumstances and we may not be able to comply with your request. We will tell you if this is the case. If you choose to make a request to us, we will aim to respond to you within one month. We will not charge a fee for dealing with your request.

Courses matching "History"

Show all 2955

Introduction to Gemmology with Stuart Pool from Nineteen 48 Ltd. Sunday 29th September 10-4.30pm


By Workshop 925

Introduction to Gemmology with Stuart Pool from Nineteen 48 Ltd. Sunday 29th September 10-4.30pm
Delivered In-Person in WokingSun, Sept 2909:00

Monday Night - Conscious Connected Breathwork

By Sunhouse

Change Your Breath Change Your Life Experience the amazing power of your breath to transform stress and tension and create more flow in your life. In these sessions we will use a simple breathing technique know as conscious connected breathing, this activates the nervous system and helps create new neural pathways in the brain. When we breathe in this pattern, we begin to enter into an altered state of consciousness which allows us to release stored emotions and trauma in both the physical and energetic body.  If your looking to release stress and create more space for joy, peace and love then these sessions are for you. Benefits of Conscious Connected Breathwork include: - Release Tension - Reduce Stress & Anxiety - Clear Emotional Blocks - Heal Trauma - Increased Energy - Better Sleep Why not join me for a session? You will be amazed at the releases you can experience with this simple practice. These sessions are a beautiful way to come together and experience the power of group healing where we all learn and grow from each others experiences. They offer the opportunity to delve deeper into our own inner worlds with the support and connection of others.  These are small group gatherings of up to 8 -10 people and no previous experience necessary.  If you have any of the conditions listed below, conscious connected breathwork is not suitable for you. If you would still like to join please let me know, you are welcome and i will offer you an alternative breath to use: Epilepsy or a history of seizures of any kind Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or any history of pyschosis Uncontrolled thyroid conditions Uncontrolled diabetes High blood pressure (not controlled by medication) Glaucoma (untreated) Detached retina (untreated) History of heart disease or stroke Aneurysm of any kind First term of pregnancy Please get in touch if you’re unsure or have any question, and don’t let these necessary health information put you off as breathwork is a super enjoyable, healing and liberating practice. I look forward to meeting you

Monday Night - Conscious Connected Breathwork
Delivered In-Person in CardiffMon, Sept 3017:00 + more
£15 to £24

NLP Diploma

By Proactive NLP Ltd

NLP Diploma training & certification with Proactive NLP Ltd is your first step towards self-mastery. Start getting what you want from life.

NLP Diploma
Delivered In-PersonTue, Oct 108:00 + more
£675 to £750

ABT Accredited Reflexology

By The Angel Academy Of Teaching & Training

Course Introduction for VTCT upgrade The VTCT qualification is recognised around the world and will allow you to be employed in a clinic, salon or allow you to set up your own business. The Federation of Holistic Therapists and the Association of Reflexology, two of the biggest Holistic Therapy organisations which both accept members with this qualification. Description Reflexology uses many techniques to manipulate reflex zones found in the feet, of which correspond to a specific body part. The zones have been mapped and this enables the Reflexologist to treat the whole body via these reflex zones on the feet. The treatment is primarily used for the stimulation of all bodily systems and aiding relaxation. Reflexology is performed frequently within the Health Service personnel and has a role in comforting and supporting terminally ill patients. This 5 day VTCT Course leads to practitioner status, focusing on providing you with knowledge of the principles of reflexology, competence in dealing with clients, correct use of consultation techniques and good use of planning treatments. You will also learn the benefits and techniques of reflexology and how to target certain key areas such as: Pregnancy or Hand Massage. Duration 5 days, 10.00am – 5.30pm. Practical elements are covered over 5 days attendance at our Academy. Theory elements are covered by homestudy. Qualification Structure T/501/9101 - Knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology for Complementary Therapies F/501/9117 - Provide Reflexology A/501/9116 - Reflective Practice for Reflexology Y/501/9253 - Principles and Practice of Complementary Therapies K/501/9256 - Health, Safety and Hygiene for Complementary Therapies H/501/9255 - Business Practice for Complementary Therapies D/501/9111 - Knowledge of Less Common Pathology for Complementary Therapies Course Contents Health, safety, hygiene and security with regard to the complementary therapy industry. Principles and practice of the complementary therapy industry. Knowledge and understanding of anatomy, physiology and common pathology of the human body. How to prepare for and provide an effective reflexology treatment and adapt to client requirements. Contra-indications and contra-actions, advice to be given to the client, record-keeping, evaluation of treatments and reflection on professional practice. Recognising Body Language Stress and Illness Analysis of Posture Legal Aspects, Code of Conduct and Ethics Advanced Techniques including the use of Meridian lines and Chakra's Home Study You can register your place and receive your lifetime membership. You can then make a start on some of the theory work sent to you by us here at the Academy. This includes your Anatomy and Physiology assignments that you can work on in the privacy of your own home. This allows you to have more time to focus on the practical when the class meets together. Approx. 5-10 hours per week need to total your home study time spent. The home work will need to meet the quality of National Standards. You will also be expected to complete 100 reflexology treatments from the start to the end of the course. You will also need to complete some assignments that will be required for your portfolio and a work-book will need to be completed. There are also 2 small exams that will be taken at the Academy in order to assess your understanding of Health and Safety and Anatomy and Physiology. These are multiple choice assessments and are nothing to worry about! Included in the Course Comprehensive course materials, handouts and work-book Online Resources: Virtual Learning Environment packed with extensive support materials, resources, help and advice Post-training support by phone, instant messaging or email (if desired) Assessment of practical/written work included (Must be sent Recorded Delivery) VTCT QCF Diploma in Reflexology Lots of fun and knowledge from Tutors with a whole wealth of skills and experience Light refreshments including tea, herbal tea, coffee and water Cost Training - £999

ABT Accredited Reflexology
Delivered In-Person in LoughtonTue, Oct 108:00

Certified Data Centre Specialist (CDCS)

By Nexus Human

Certified Data Centre Specialist (CDCS)
Delivered OnlineWed, Oct 207:00 + more

Digital SLR Photography


By Stills

Digital SLR Photography
Delivered In-Person in EdinburghWed, Oct 217:00 + more

Reggaeton Open level & Intermediate classes (In-person & Online )


By Pirita Tuisku

Experience the Rhythm of Reggaeton! Get ready to heat up your week with our dynamic Reggaeton classes, part of our exciting weekly dance program. Whether you're joining online or in-person, we've got the perfect vibe for you.

Reggaeton Open level & Intermediate classes (In-person & Online )
Delivered Online & In-Person in EdinburghWed, Oct 218:00 + more
£7 to £43

Lacemaking Taster Session


By Stitching Kitchen

A lace making taster session - learn basic stitches and make a small piece of simple lace.

Lacemaking Taster Session
Delivered In-Person in BrackleyThu, Oct 317:30

ONE SPACE LEFT! 4th October Hannah Weatherill #Agent121. Looking for: ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION


By I Am In Print

LOOKING FOR: ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION Hannah joined Watson, Little in 2024 after four years as an agent at Northbank Talent Management and a year at Penguin Random House UK. She’s building a varied list of commercial and upmarket fiction and non-fiction, and authors she’s represented have been listed for prizes including the Women’s Prize, the British Book Awards, the Jhalak Prize, the Comedy Women in Print Prize and the Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize for Comic Fiction. She’s always looking for excellent writing which marries a strong voice with a catchy concept and a compelling plot, but more specifically, in fiction, she loves to represent: Crime and thriller novels with a confident voice, a clear hook and a fresh approach – especially if it says something about the world we live in today. She recently enjoyed the structure of Wrong Place, Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister, the fun voice and family dynamics of My Sister, The Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite and the holiday setting of Murder on Lake Garda by Tom Hindle. Love stories, whether that’s a smart romcom like Book Lovers by Emily Henry or Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld, an intimate coming-of-age love story like Open Water by Caleb Azumah Nelson or a big, weepy epic. General contemporary fiction about complicated people, families and lives, often when there’s a mystery at its heart. Some of her recent favourites include Really Good, Actually by Monica Heisey, I’m Sorry You Feel That Way by Rebecca Wait, and All My Mothers by Joanna Cannon. She also takes on a small amount of historical fiction, generally set in the 19th and 20th centuries – so she’s not the best fit for books set much further back in time or myth retellings. She’s also looking for non-fiction with a strong voice and new insight into an experience or place, and am particularly interested in self-help, lifestyle and wellbeing, science, psychology, nature writing, memoir, and new ways into genres such as true crime, history or the environment. Over the years, I’ve loved The Salt Path by Raynor Winn, The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, The Five by Hallie Rubenhold and Manifest by Roxie Nafousi. She’s not the right agent for sci-fi, fantasy or action thrillers, and I’m currently not accepting children’s and YA novels, scripts or poetry. Hannah would like you to submit your fiction as a covering letter, 1-2 page synopsis and the first 5,000 words of your manuscript in a single word document.  For non-fiction, she would like to see:- 1-page synopsis – to give an overview of what the book will offer the reader and how it's different from other books out there on this topic A detailed proposed contents list, including proposed sub-section headings as well as chapter headings – to give a sense of the overall reader journey (this is not included in the word count) (In addition to the paid sessions, Hannah is kindly offering one free session for low income/underrepresented writers. Please email agent121@iaminprint.co.uk to apply, outlining your case for this option which is offered at the discretion of I Am In Print).  By booking you understand you need to conduct an internet connection test with I Am In Print prior to the event. You also agree to email your material in one document to reach I Am In Print by the stated submission deadline and note that I Am In Print take no responsibility for the advice received during your agent meeting. The submission deadline is: Friday 27 September 2024

ONE SPACE LEFT! 4th October Hannah Weatherill #Agent121. Looking for: ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION
Delivered OnlineFri, Oct 410:00 + more

Introduction to Phlebotomy Course (GPT003) - 2 Day Classroom


By Geopace Training

Learn how to take blood ... train as a Phlebotomist Nationally Recognised Qualification No previous experience or qualifications needed OCN Accredited - Level 3 (advanced) CPD Accredited (The CPD Certification Service) Covers all steps up to live blood draw Practise on artificial arm and fake blood! Basic understanding of English language required OPEN TO ALL APPLICANTS

Introduction to Phlebotomy Course (GPT003) - 2 Day Classroom
Delivered In-Person in Southend on Sea + 21 moreSat, Oct 508:30 + more