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25 Hazardous courses in Nottingham

Unlock Lifesaving Skills: Construction First Aid & Trauma Training.

By NR Medical Training

In the fast-paced and hazardous environment of construction sites, unique challenges and risks are ever-present. That's why NR Medical Training presents our tailored Construction First Aid and Trauma course, designed especially for construction workers, site managers, engineers, and anyone involved in the construction industry. Taught by experienced Paramedics and EMTs who have seen and managed everything on the course, this comprehensive 2-day workshop provides real-world solutions to real-world problems. Whether it's handling a sudden injury from a falling object or managing a complex trauma situation, our course offers you the skills, insights, and confidence to act appropriately.

Unlock Lifesaving Skills: Construction First Aid & Trauma Training.
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bury St Edmunds & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

Working with environmental responsibilities (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This course follows the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health's syllabus. A one-day programme, it is suitable for all people at all levels in the workplace and gives a basic introduction to the principles of environmental management. On successful completion of the course, participants will be able to: * Understand the terms 'environment' and 'pollution' * Understand the terms 'hazard' and 'risk' related to the environment * Better appreciate environmental issues generally, and specifically in respect of their organisation * Identify hazards to the environment from working practices * Outline the procedures/controls necessary to prevent damage to the environment 1 WHAT IS THE ENVIRONMENT? - PUTTING THE ENVIRONMENT IN CONTEXT * Key environmental issues and how we contribute * Definition of the environment 2 WORKING WITH THE ENVIRONMENT * What is pollution? * Sources, receptors and pathways * Environmental consequences workshop - identifying the environmental consequences of our working practices * Environmental risk assessment * Effective control mechanisms 3 PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS * What is an Environmental Management System (EMS)? * What are the benefits of having an EMS? * EMS structure and models * Identifying what elements of EMS your company has and how they work * Roles and responsibilities 4 CHOICE OF MODULE * Option 1: Organisation-specific module * This module can be used to introduce environmental concepts that are specific to your activities and operations, and will be compiled through discussion with your organisation * Option 2: Environmental best practice * If no organisation-specific module is required, or if participants from a number of organisations attend, generic operational environmental best practices can be covered instead. Areas covered include waste management, fuel storage and use, hazardous materials, emissions to air and water and environmental incidents

Working with environmental responsibilities (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Environmental legislation (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

A thorough account of the UK and European legal framework and its requirements as regards managing environmental performance. This course will help staff to understand: * The framework of UK and European legislation and its enforcement * The principal features of the legislation as they apply to your organisation's activity/product/service * The benefit of having an Environmental Management System such as ISO 14001 * How their own actions and decisions can either expose or protect the organisation in relation to its legal obligations 1 INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES 2 INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND ENFORCEMENT * Sources of law (European and UK) * Structure and enforcement * Key legislation 3 INTEGRATED POLLUTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL (IPPC) AND LOCAL AIR POLLUTION AND CONTROL (LAPC) * Pollution and Prevention Control Act 1999 * EC Directives on PPC * The meaning of BAT * Transitional provisions * Fit and proper persons * Control of emissions to air * National Air Quality Strategy 4 PACKAGING AND PRODUCER RESPONSIBILITIES * Who, what and how * The Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations * Obligations and exemptions * Registration * Recycling and recovery obligations * Records * Duties of the Environment Agency * Offences * Developments 5 WASTE MANAGEMENT * National Waste Strategy * Waste minimisation (re-use/recycling) * Waste definition * Disposal and recovery * Controlled waste management * Hazardous waste management 6 PROPOSED LEGISLATION AND EC DIRECTIVES * EU Commission's waste and resources strategies * Implementation of ELV (End of Life Vehicles) Directive * WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive transposition into UK legislation * Other producer responsibility initiatives * Other proposals from the EU 7 CONCLUSION * Open forum * Summary * Close

Environmental legislation (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Environmental awareness and management (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

A flexible, modular-based, programme to heighten participants' awareness of ways in which their operations can affect the environment, the principles of environmental management and the practical steps they need to take as individuals and as an organisation to improve environmental performance. Depending on the course modules selected, this programme will give participants: * Increased awareness of relevant environmental issues * A greater understanding of, and commitment to, the organisation's environmental management programme * Preparation for any responsibilities they may have under an Environmental Management System * Further benefits according to options chosen 1 ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS * Definition of 'the environment' * Key environmental issues * Global warming * Ozone depletion * Acid rain * Air quality * Water pollution * Contaminated land * Land take and green belt shrinkage * Resource usage * Habitat destruction and species extinctions. * Option: This module can be used to explain the key environmental issues related to the activities of your own organisation. Diagrams, photos, pictures, examples and statistics relevant to your own organisation are used where possible to illustrate the points being made. 2 ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION * Key elements of environmental legislation affecting the activities of your organisation - including international, European and UK legislation. * Legislation of particular relevance to your organisation - how it affects the operations of your organisation * Option: Legislation can be dealt with according to which aspect of the environment it protects (eg, air, water, waste) or which part of your organisation's activities it affects * Consequences of breaching legislation 3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS * Overview of what an environmental management system is * How is an Environmental Management System (EMS) designed and put together? * Key elements (emphasising Plan - Do - Check - Review cycle) * The need to continually improve * Pros and cons * Reasons for having an EMS * Benefits of an EMS * Consequences of not managing the environment * Costs of installing an EMS * Explanation of ISO 14001 and EMAS standards and guidance as applicable to the EMSs of your organisation * Overview of your organisation's EMS * How it was set up / is being developed / operates * Who is responsible for it * Key parts of system (eg, environmental policy, objectives and targets) identified and discussed * EMS documentation - what and where it is. * Workshop option: Brainstorm 'Pros and cons' with the participants, come up with all their ideas for good and bad things about EMS and demonstrate that the 'good' list is longer than the 'bad' 4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES * Define what an environmental impact is and discuss how they are determined, with reference to the EMS * Identify why we want to determine the environmental consequences of operations and activities; how they are used in the EMS for planning, and reducing the impact on the environment * Establish key environmental consequences of construction and operational activities on the site; discuss significance ranking and the control measures in place in your organisation. * Workshop option: In small groups, participants are asked to identify the impact on the environment of your organisation's activities or a part of their activities. They are then asked to rank these impacts in terms of their significance, using guidelines provided to help them be aware of the contributing factors (eg, frequency, severity). For a selected number of the impacts, the participants are asked to identify what control measures there are and which of these they play a part in. All stages can be discussed with trainers as a whole group at various stages during the workshop. 5 PROTECTED SPECIES, NATURE CONSERVATION AND INVASIVE WEEDS * Nature conservation, landscape and visual issues in the planning process - overview of key nature UK wildlife legislation, EIA, appropriate timing of surveys, Hedgerow regulations and landscape and visual impact issues * Ecological issues - ecological legislation, significant species, hedgerows * Archaeology in the development process - why archaeology is important, organisation in the UK, legislation and planning guidance * Construction phase issues and consents - major environmental issues during construction, including water resources and land drainage consents, discharges to land or water, water abstraction, public rights of way, tree protection, waste management, Special waste, noise, good practice pollution control and Environmental Audits * Identification and management of invasive weeds - including legal position regarding management 6 CHEMICALS AND FUELS HANDLING AND STORAGE * How health and safety management is closely linked to environmental management of materials * Planning - what mechanisms are in place for planning materials use; legislation, guidance and policies which define how to manage materials * Materials storage - what are the considerations for storing materials, covering: * Labels: what are the different types and what do they tell us? * Storage facilities: what are the requirements for safe storage of materials (eg, signs, secondary containment, access, segregation, lids/covers) * Handling: safe handling for protecting the environment, organisational procedures, high risk situations (eg, decanting, deliveries), how to reduce the risks (eg, use of funnels, proper supervision, training) * COSHH and MSDS: brief explanation of legislation and its role in environmental control of hazardous materials, how to use the information provided by COSHH assessments * Option: These sessions can be illustrated with photographs/pictures and examples of good and bad storage and handling practices * Workshop Options: Labelling Quiz - quick-fire quiz on what different labels tell us; Build a Storage Facility - participants are asked to consider all the environmental requirements for building a safe storage facility for their organisation 7 ON-SITE CONTROL MEASURES * Overview of the legislation associated with nuisance issues on site and mitigating problems when they arise * Examples of bad practice, including fuel storage tanks and mobile equipment - costs involved with prosecution of fuel spills, remediation costs, management costs, legal fees, bad PR coverage * Identification and management of contaminated land and relevant legislation * Workshop option: Participants are provided with a site plan containing information on site features, environmental conditions and indications of potential issues 8 WASTE MANAGEMENT * Why worry about waste? - a look at how waste disposal can impact on the environment, illustrated by examples of waste-related incidents, statistics on waste production on national, industry-wide and organisational levels, landfill site space, etc * Legislation - overview of the relevant legislation, what the main requirements of the regulations are, what penalties there are, and the associated documentation (waste transfer notes) * Waste classification - a more in-depth look at how waste is classified under legislation according to hazardous properties, referring to Environment Agency guidance * Handling and storage requirements - what are the requirements of the applicable waste legislation and how are they covered by organisational procedures? Examples of good and bad environmental practice associated with handling and storing waste. * Workshop option: 'Brown bag' exercise - participants pass round a bag containing tags each with a different waste printed on. They are asked to pick out a tag and identify the classification and the handling, storage and disposal requirements for the waste they select * Waste minimisation - overview of the waste minimisation 'ladder' and its different options (elimination, reduction, reuse and recycling), benefits of waste minimisation, examples of waste minimisation techniques * Workshop option: Participants are asked to identify opportunities that actually exist within the organisation for minimising production of waste that are not currently being taken advantage of 9 AUDITING * Requirements for environmental auditing of operations * Auditing the EMS * Types of internal and external audits * Requirements EMS standards (ISO 14001 and EMAS) * Carrying out internal audits and being prepared for external audits * Workshop options: * Mock audit 'Brown Bag' - can be used either for trainers to test participants as if they were in an audit situation, or for the participants to test each other and practice their auditing technique. The bag contains tags each with a different topic printed on (eg, waste skips); participants pass the bag round and select a tag; they are then questioned by the trainer or another participant about that topic as if they were in an audit situation. If the participants are auditing each other, they will be provided with a set of guidelines to keep in mind during the workshop. * Virtual auditing - a more practical workshop where participants review photographs of situations/activities relevant to the organisation's operations. They are asked to identify all the good and bad environmental practices that are occurring in the situations. 10 INCIDENT RESPONSE * What should you do when an incident does happen? * What should be in a spill kit? * When should you call in the experts? * When should you inform the Environment Agency or Environmental Health Officer? * Workshop option: The participants are provided with some incident scenarios and asked to develop a response to the incident 11 MONITORING AND REPORTING * Environmental monitoring programmes and procedures * Monitoring and reporting as control measures for environmental consequences * Monitoring and environmental 'STOP' card systems - personal and behavioural monitoring and reporting

Environmental awareness and management (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Breathing Apparatus Awareness Training

By Vp ESS Training

The aim of this course is to give delegates who have to use full working breathing apparatus during their working activities a greater understanding of correct operational procedures. Book via our website @ ESS | Training Courses | Vp ESS (vp-ess.com)

Breathing Apparatus Awareness Training
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Aberdeen & 9 more

Gas Monitor Awareness

By Vp ESS Training

This ESS course is suitable for operatives who during the daily activities have to use gas monitors By the end of the course delegates will have an understanding of the correct operational procedures of gas monitors. Book via our website @ ESS | Training Courses | Vp ESS (vp-ess.com)

Gas Monitor Awareness
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Aberdeen & 9 more

City & Guilds Level 2 Award in Working in High Risk Confined Spaces - 6160-03

By Vp ESS Training

City & Guilds Level 2 Award in Working in High Risk Confined Spaces - 6160-03 - This course is designed to provide delegates that need to enter medium and high risk confined spaces with an in-depth understanding of legislation, regulations and safe systems of work. This course includes recognising all risk levels of confined spaces. Book via our website @ https://www.vp-ess.com/training/confined-spaces/6160-03-city-and-guilds-level-2-award-in-working-in-high-risk-confined-spaces/

City & Guilds Level 2 Award in Working in High Risk Confined Spaces - 6160-03
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Aberdeen & 9 more

H&S for FM (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This workshop has been designed to help managers understand their responsibilities and what they need to do to ensure compliance with current workplace legislation - including the fire safety and CDM regulations. The day will cover the legal background - including an appreciation of how safety legislation has evolved and why; the logic behind recent developments and the implications for staff and employers; key areas of current legislation; roles and responsibilities in health and safety management, including monitoring contractors and suppliers effectively; implementing sound health and safety policies and procedures; getting staff on board, and implementing effective systems. Also, recognising potential risks and hazards and developing strategies to minimise their impact in the workplace. This course will give participants an understanding of: * The broader context of the key areas of health and safety regulation which apply to your organisation * Existing health and safety practice and guide them in how to shape and implement an effective health and safety policy * What they should do and the procedures to support it * Potential areas of risk in the workplace - and how to take action to minimise the threat to staff safety * How sound health and safety processes can contribute to business performance 1 UNDERSTANDING THE WORKPLACE LEGISLATION * Overview of health and safety and workplace legislation * Compliance, the role of the facilities manager, and who is accountable? * Breakout session to discuss where we are now and to highlight issues of concern * Applying required policies and procedures * Developing and implementation/review of the safety policy * Communicating with users, clients and contractors * Health and safety manual * 'Selling' health and safety 2 KEY LEGISLATION - A PRACTICAL WORKING GUIDE * Asbestos Regulations * Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 / 2015 * Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations * Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) * Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Regulations 1992 * Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 * Fire Precautions (Workplace ) Regulations 2006 * Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 * Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 * Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 * Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 * Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 * Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) * Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1992 * REACH - Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals * Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995 * Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations 2006 * Work Equipment Regulations 3 CONTROLLING CONTRACTORS * Understanding the Regulations * Selecting and assessing contractors * Understanding and setting accountability * Why a method statement? * How to apply a permit to work system * Safe systems of work * Round-table discussion to bring out issues from participants' own experience 4 RISK ASSESSMENT * Understanding your hazards * Identifying specialist areas * How to undertake these assessments * Implementation of sound systems and processes * Syndicate exercise identifying where assessments are needed and carrying out assessments 5 KEEPING THE WORK ENVIRONMENT SAFE * Sick building syndrome and legionella * Asbestos * Waste management * Pest control * Provisions for first aid * Accident reporting and investigation * At-work driver safety * Security 6 FIRE SAFETY * Understanding the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order * Fire certificates * The fire risk assessment * Testing fire-fighting equipment? * Emergency procedures * Workshop to examine the procedures for dealing with different types of emergencies 7 ERGONOMICS PROGRAMME * Ergonomics - important or irrelevant? * Are you complying with HSE regulations? * Furniture and equipment * Display screen equipment assessments * Homeworking - your concern or not? * Syndicate exercise to review what to do when relocating or refurbishing an office 8 INSPECTING AND AUDITING * Role of Health and Safety Executive Inspectors - 'be prepared' * FM role * Staff/trade union involvement * Independent audits * Records and reports * Communicating the results 9 ACTION PLAN * Participants to list actions they need to take after the course

H&S for FM (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

City & Guilds Level 3 Award in Working as Member of a Rescue Team - 6160-08

By Vp ESS Training

City & Guilds Level 3 Award in Working as Member of a Rescue Team - 6160-08 - The course includes preparing to carry out emergency activities, entering and exiting confined spaces safely, using emergency equipment, casualty recovery and handling devices in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications, rescuing and recovering casualties, following procedures and working safely. Note: A pre-requisite qualification is required to complete this course. Delegates must hold a valid City & Guilds 6160-03 qualification. Book via our website @ https://www.vp-ess.com/training/confined-spaces/6160-08-city-and-guilds-level-3-award-in-working-as-member-of-a-rescue-team/

City & Guilds Level 3 Award in Working as Member of a Rescue Team - 6160-08
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Aberdeen & 9 more

Confined Space Risk Management and Permits

By Vp ESS Training

Confined Space Risk Management and Permits - This course includes a basic level of confined space knowledge with the opportunity to use confined space equipment in a simulated environment and a team exercise of creating and reviewing a safe system of work. Note: A pre-requisite qualification is required to complete this course. Day 1 is a CS1 course and the Confined Space Risk Management (CSRM) can be completed as a 1 Day add-on. Any of following courses can be completed as a pre-requisite within 12 weeks of the CSRM; CS1, CS2, 6160-09. Book via our website @ https://www.vp-ess.com/training/confined-spaces/confined-space-risk-management-and-permits/

Confined Space Risk Management and Permits
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Aberdeen & 9 more