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Gender Identity courses in Bradford

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Understanding Gender and Gender Identity

By Enspark

Respecting gender identity is an important part of creating an inclusive workplace environment. Because it is a new concept to some, it is helpful and even crucial to provide periodic training on the appropriate way to discuss the topic at work and how to prevent misunderstandings and even harassment. This video outlines what gender identity is, the importance of appropriate and respectful language, the harm caused by misgendering, and several best practices for creating a workplace that is respectful to people of all gender identities. Length: 4:39 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Distinguish between gender identity and sexual orientation, recognizing that gender identity pertains to a person's intrinsic sense of self within a gendered context, while sexual orientation relates to one's attraction to others.;Gain an understanding of the fluidity of gender identity, including concepts like transgender, gender-fluid, genderqueer, and non-binary, to appreciate the diverse ways individuals identify and express their gender.;Learn practical strategies to promote respect for gender identity in the workplace, such as using gender-neutral language, avoiding misgendering, and understanding the importance of names and pronouns in supporting individuals' gender identities.

Understanding Gender and Gender Identity
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Gender Identity: Changes Organizations are Making to Increase Awareness

By Enspark

Would you like to make your workplace more inclusive? Organizations around the world are making changes and adding new programs to increase awareness about gender identity, and these efforts go a long way in helping all employees feel included. These efforts don't require a large investment. Learn about what other organizations are doing to promote awareness around gender identity and to create an inclusive environment for all in this video and decide where you'd like to begin. Length: 2:28 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Assess the significance of gender identity awareness in contemporary organizations and its impact on promoting equal respect and opportunities for all employees.;Examine the various strategies and initiatives organizations are implementing to increase gender identity awareness, including online learning resources, mentorship programs, and inclusive HR policies.;Develop practical skills and insights for promoting gender identity awareness within your organization, including accommodating name changes, providing gender-neutral facilities, and fostering gender-inclusive dress codes.

Gender Identity: Changes Organizations are Making to Increase Awareness
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Gender Identity: What does LGBTQIA+ mean?

By Enspark

Inclusive organizations are ones where members of the LGBTQAI+ community thrive. Providing a welcoming environment means ensuring that all employees have an understanding about respecting sexual identity. The acronym used to refer to this large segment of the population continues to grow to represent the identities of others. This video outlines the meaning behind 'LGBTQIA' and is intended to provide employees with further cultural competency. Length: 5:14 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Define and explain the components of the LGBTQIA+ acronym, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, aromantic, agender, non-binary, and genderqueer identities.;Recognize the distinction between sexual orientation and gender identity, emphasizing the importance of respecting both aspects of an individual's identity.;Understand the significance of recognizing and supporting diverse gender and sexual identities, fostering inclusivity, and becoming an ally within the LGBTQIA+ community.

Gender Identity: What does LGBTQIA+ mean?
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Promoting Pronoun Inclusivity: Navigating Gender Identity and Using Appropriate Pronouns

By Kiwi Education

Discover the power of pronoun inclusivity and respectful gender communication in our course. 🌈 Gain insights into diverse pronouns, addressing mistakes, and becoming a trans ally. Join us in promoting understanding and equality! #PronounInclusivityCourse #GenderEqualityNow

Promoting Pronoun Inclusivity: Navigating Gender Identity and Using Appropriate Pronouns
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Becoming More Pronoun Inclusive in the Workplace

By Enspark

Pronouns are a fundamental aspect of human communication, and recognizing their importance, especially in the context of gender identity, is essential for creating an inclusive and welcoming workspace. This comprehensive course is designed to foster an understanding of the significance of pronoun inclusivity in today's diverse work environments. Analyze the evolving landscape of gender identities and pronoun usage, shedding light on non-binary, genderqueer, and other identities that may not conform to traditional binary gender norms. Participants will explore the profound impact that pronoun inclusivity can have on teamwork, communication, and overall workplace satisfaction. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Define and explain the concept of pronoun inclusivity and its significance in fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace.;Comprehend the evolving landscape of gender identities and be familiar with a variety of pronouns beyond the traditional he/him and she/her.;Recognize the importance of pronoun inclusivity in attracting and retaining diverse talent, creating a respectful work environment, and reducing communication breakdowns.;Implement practical strategies to promote pronoun inclusivity within your organization, including introducing pronouns during introductions, updating materials, and encouraging respectful language use.

Becoming More Pronoun Inclusive in the Workplace
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Professional Psychotherapist Training

By iStudy UK

The Professional Psychotherapist Training course is designed for the people who want to start counselling as their profession or want to know more about psychotherapy. In this course, you will gain a basic understanding of the theoretical knowledge about psychotherapy and learn to do psychoanalysis of a person. Psychotherapy refers to the treatment of mental disorders by psychological rather than medical means. At first, the course introduces you to various mental and psychiatric disorders. Then you will be presented with various psychotherapeutic approaches and methods. You will learn about anxiety, mental depression, schizophrenia, eating disorders, gender identity disorders, and more. The course helps you to find out the symptoms of these disorders. Next, the course discusses person-centred therapy and psychoanalysis, Gestalt therapy, Existential therapy, etc. Finally, you will know how to work as a psychotherapist and give treatment to your clients online and offline. WHAT WILL I LEARN? * Have theoretical knowledge on providing psychotherapy * Being aware of psychotherapeutic approaches and types * Understand various types of mental health disorders * Have a knowledge on opening private practice and advertising REQUIREMENTS * Interest in Psychology and/or Psychotherapy * Interest in working with people at a 'therapy' level Module: 01 About the Instructor FREE 00:05:00 About the Course 00:04:00 What is 'Psychotherapy'? 00:09:00 Difference between 'Counselling' and 'Psychotherapy 00:10:00 Who needs psychotherapy? 00:09:00 Setting up therapeutic environment 00:08:00 Listening Skills & Listening Stages 00:09:00 Module: 02 Establishing positive therapeutic relationship 00:10:00 Stress - and Anger management FREE 00:13:00 Person-Centred Therapy 00:10:00 Psychodynamic Therapy & Psychoanalysis 00:11:00 Gestalt Therapy 00:13:00 Existential Psychotherapy 00:09:00 Individual Psychotherapy 00:06:00 Module: 03 Group sessions (workshops) 00:11:00 Couple psychotherapy 00:10:00 Online (Skype) Therapy 00:10:00 Psychotherapy for Depression 00:09:00 Psychotherapy for Anxiety disorders 00:07:00 Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia 00:10:00 Gender Identity Disorder (Gender Dysphoria) 00:10:00 Module: 04 Psychotherapy for Eating Disorders 00:09:00 Suicidal thinking & talking 00:10:00 Self harm cases 00:10:00 How to set up own practice 00:08:00 Relationship breakdown 00:09:00 Where to advertise own services 00:10:00 Registration & Accreditation 00:08:00 Thank you & Good Bye! 00:03:00 Course Certification

Professional Psychotherapist Training
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Gender Identity: Understanding Gender-Neutral Restrooms in the Workplace

By Enspark

Inclusivity is something a lot of organizational leaders say they want, but what about restrooms? Gender-neutral restrooms are a great way to make sure that everyone feels welcome, understood, and respected in your organization. There are multiple approaches to making the change, and while some take more effort than others, it is worth it for the inclusion benefits it provides. This video is great for HR professionals, managers, and decision-makers in a company. Length: 3:39 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Acknowledge the importance of gender-neutral restrooms in promoting inclusivity and understanding the needs of transgender, non-binary, and diverse individuals in the workplace.;Recognize how gender-neutral restrooms are designed to prioritize safety, privacy, and comfort for all users, with an emphasis on individual stalls and appropriate signage.;Develop strategies to address objections and encourage open dialogue, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and accepting workplace that respects the diverse needs and experiences of all individuals.

Gender Identity: Understanding Gender-Neutral Restrooms in the Workplace
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Prevention of bullying in schools Course

By Elearncollege

DESCRIPTION Prevention of bullying in schools Diploma  This Prevention of bullying in schools diploma course starts with discussing the term 'bullying'. Some children are prone to bullying others, and the course discusses this and cyberbullying. The course dives deep into the legal aspects of bullying and reviews laws that are in place to protect children from bullies in schools and what incidents can be legally reprimanded according to government guidelines.  Bullying is not a simple phenomenon. One person is not enough to stop bullying from happening in schools. Instead, the whole school has to be actively involved in curbing it. It must be acknowledged by the school community members to recognise it as an issue that needs a solution. There should be shared knowledge about its existence to communicate openly with the teachers and their parents.  The Prevention of bullying in schools diploma course is meant for students, teachers, and parents. It contains all information necessary to deal with the alleviation of issues surrounding bullying in schools. The course, along with its exercises, will prepare you to handle problems and respond appropriately when facing situations that involve bullying. As the course discusses the legal aspects of bullying, you will understand essential regulations and acts that are in place. This knowledge will help you set boundaries when discussing bullying issues with authorities such as teachers or government officials.  The Prevention of bullying in schools diploma course mainly focuses on discussions around exceptional cases where people are bullied based on their disabilities, gender identity, race, and other prejudice-based judgements. The course is of particular use to parents as it talks about and gives advice on how to help children deal with bullies and the emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical pain that bullying can cause. The course also talks about how humans need to be open-minded and tolerant towards groups that we may not identify as our own by instilling ideas and values in children so that bullying does not occur. Children mostly learn these ideas from adults around them, which means that parents and teachers play a huge role in its eradication.  This Prevention of bullying in schools diploma course discusses bullying in schools in particular, which makes it a beneficial course for parents and those working in schools or with children, like teachers and administrators of educational institutions. A course such as this can create more inclusive, friendlier, and tolerant schools for students with all kinds of backgrounds.  The Prevention of bullying in schools diploma course focuses even more on bullying in primary and secondary school sections. It provides:  * The learner's knowledge of how bullying can be eliminated.  * The tools and techniques that may be used to achieve this.  * The statistics show that this is a serious issue that needs to be dealt with.  It dives deep into the factors that cause bullying, the roles and responsibilities of school administrators and teachers, modern-day bullying, cyberbullying, and social media's role in perpetuating this.  The Prevention of bullying in schools diploma course will get you acquainted with the laws and regulations that are in place to protect individuals from being bullied. Knowing this lets you understand which situations you can bring legal authorities involved. The focus is on groups that are protected by laws like minority groups and disabled individuals and the parts of the legislation that have been implemented to protect these groups from being discriminated against. Through this course, you will also learn how you can identify bullies and methods that can be used to teach children to be kinder and more caring towards others so that bullying may be prevented.  What you will learn   1: Defining Bullying  2: The bullying vocabulary  3: Position of the school  4: Talking with the children  5: People involved in bullying  6: Acting against bullying  7: Managing Bullying  8: Raising awareness  9: Peer Support  10: Preventive Strategies  COURSE OUTCOMES After completing the course, you will receive a diploma certificate and an academic transcript from Elearn college. ASSESSMENT Each unit concludes with a multiple-choice examination. This exercise will help you recall the major aspects covered in the unit and help you ensure that you have not missed anything important in the unit. The results are readily available, which will help you see your mistakes and look at the topic once again. If the result is satisfactory, it is a green light for you to proceed to the next chapter. ACCREDITATION Elearn College is a registered Ed-tech company under the UK Register of Learning( Ref No:10062668). After completing a course, you will be able to download the certificate and the transcript of the course from the website. For the learners who require a hard copy of the certificate and transcript, we will post it for them for an additional charge.

Prevention of bullying in schools Course
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Diploma in Psychotherapy and Counselling Course Online at QLS Level 4

By Lead Academy

Quality Guarantee: Promising training excellence, satisfaction gurantee Accredited by CPD UK & Quality License Scheme Tutor Support Unlimited support via email, till you complete the course Recognised Certification: Accepted by thousands of professional bodies Start Anytime With 1 year access to the course materials Online Learning Learn from anywhere, whenever you want This Diploma in Psychotherapy and Counselling Course is a transformative journey of personal and professional growth, where you will acquire therapeutic skills, gain knowledge of psychological theories and develop a solid foundation to become a compassionate and competent psychotherapist and Counselor. THIS COURSE AT A GLANCE * Eligible to apply for the insurance * Accredited by International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) * Accredited by CPD UK * Endorsed by Quality Licence Scheme * Define psychotherapy and understand who needs psychotherapy * Recognise the difference between counselling and psychotherapy * Learn how to set up the therapeutic environment and the positive therapeutic relationship * Learn a variety of listening skills and ways to help those who are dealing with mental health issues * Know how to manage stress and anger * Understand existential psychotherapy, psychodynamic therapy, and psychoanalysis as well as other approaches and schools of thought * Recognise the various types and forms of psychotherapy, such as couple therapy, group therapy, and individual therapy * Learn about anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, gender identity syndrome, and eating disorders * Know how to assist a client who is having suicidal or self-harming thoughts, as well as how to deal with a relationship breakdown * Know how to start your own practice as a psychotherapist * Know how to conduct child counselling through various methods and techniques * Understand the psychology behind growth and development * Recognise the psychological issues faced by children and know how to work with children * Develop compassion towards people suffering from mental and emotional issues * Understand what causes depression and recognise the types of depression * Recognise various types of medicine and methods that can treat depression * Identify the counselling approaches that can be made to treat depression * Understand the responsibilities and qualities of a counsellor WHY DIPLOMA IN PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COUNSELLING COURSE RIGHT FOR YOU? If you have good active listening skills, are empathetic and nonjudgmental, and have a strong desire to help people improve their lives, this Level 4 Counselling and Psychotherapy Course is ideal for you. This course covers the practical aspects of becoming a counsellor or psychologist to ensure that you follow professional norms and keep your safety in mind. You'll learn how to help those who are dealing with emotional and mental issues by assisting them in identifying their problems and developing strategies to deal with them. This psychotherapy and counselling courses online will teach you ways to set up a therapeutic environment, how to establish a positive therapeutic relationship and ways to manage stress and anger. You learn about the various therapy methods as well as the types and forms of therapy. This course will also prepare you to assist people to overcome and heal from suicidal thoughts, self-harm and relationship breakdown. You will also acquire knowledge about child counselling and depression counselling in detail. Upon successful completion of this Level 4 Online Counselling and Psychotherapy Courses, you will be equipped with the essential skills and knowledge to start your own counselling practice and help people overcome a number of mental illnesses and emotional difficulties. You can also contact us for more information. DIPLOMA IN PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COUNSELLING COURSE DETAILS ACCREDITED BY International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) is a leading accredited organisation that certifies and regulates alternative therapists, healers, and training providers around the world. After completing the IPHM accredited course you will be eligible to apply for the insurance.   CPD certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. Many organisations look for employees with CPD requirements, which means, that by doing this course, you would be a potential candidate in your respective field.   The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. COURSE CURRICULUM INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE * About the Instructor * About the Instructor INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOTHERAPY * What is 'Psychotherapy'. * Difference between 'Counselling' and 'Psychotherapy' * Who Needs Psychotherapy. THERAPEUTIC RELATIONSHIP & ENVIRONMENT * Setting Up Therapeutic Environment * Listening Skills & Listening Stages * Establishing Positive Therapeutic Relationship * Stress - And Anger Management APPROACHES & SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT * Person-Centred Therapy * Psychodynamic Therapy & Psychoanalysis * Gestalt Therapy * Existential Psychotherapy TYPES & FORMS OF PSYCHOTHERAPY * Individual Psychotherapy * Group sessions (workshops) * Couple psychotherapy * Online (Skype) Therapy MENTAL HEALTH CONDITIONS * Psychotherapy for Depression * Psychotherapy for Anxiety Disorders * Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia * Gender Identity Disorder (Gender Dysphoria) * Psychotherapy for Eating Disorders HELPING THE CLIENT IN CRISIS * Suicidal Thinking & Talking * Self Harm Cases * Relationship Breakdown WORKING AS A THERAPIST * How to Set Up Own Practice * Registration & Accreditation * Where to Advertise Own Services * Thank you & Good Bye! CHILD COUNSELLING * Psychology of Growth and Development * The Development Cycle * Parent, Child, Teacher Relationships * The Complexities of Growth * Introduction - Psychological Development THERAPEUTIC LANGUAGE * Conflict and Stress * Behavioural Therapies * Working with Children * The Use of Language * Memory PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES * Grief and Bereavement * Exploring Grief and Letting Go * Dysfunctional Families * What is Co-Dependency * Child Bullying and Child Abuse WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE? This Level 4 Counselling and Psychotherapy Course is primarily aimed at: * Therapist * Psychologist * Counsellor * Aspiring psychologist/counsellor * Students of Psychology * Anyone working in any care or therapeutic setting This course, on the other hand, is not limited to a single career or field of endeavour. It may also benefit a broader group of people who want to learn about Counselling and Psychotherapy in order to become more self-aware, compassionate, gentle, and kind to themselves and others around them. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS * There are no academic entry requirements for this Level 4 Counselling and Psychotherapy Course, and it is open to students of all academic backgrounds. * However, you are required to have a laptop/desktop/tablet or smartphone and a good internet connection. ASSESSMENT METHOD This Level 4 Counselling and Psychotherapy Course assesses learners through multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Upon successful completion of the modules, learners must answer MCQs to complete the assessment procedure. Through the MCQs, it is measured how much a learner could grasp from each section. In the assessment pass mark is 60%. You can also check out our popular Professional Psychotherapy Training Course today! CERTIFICATION ENDORSED CERTIFICATE FROM QUALITY LICENCE SCHEME After successfully passing the MCQ exam you will be eligible to order the Endorsed Certificate by Quality Licence Scheme. The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. It will give you a competitive advantage in your career, making you stand out from all other applicants and employees. There is a Quality Licence Scheme endorsement fee to obtain an endorsed certificate which is £65. CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT FROM LEAD ACADEMY After successfully passing the MCQ exam you will be eligible to order your certificate of achievement as proof of your new skill. The certificate of achievement is an official credential that confirms that you successfully finished a course with Lead Academy. Certificate can be obtained in PDF version at a cost of £12, and there is an additional fee to obtain a printed copy certificate which is £35. FAQS IS LEVEL 4 COUNSELLING EQUIVALENT TO A DEGREE? Level 4 qualification is thoroughly recognised as being equivalent to completing the first year of a bachelor's degree. Getting a Level 4 diploma will show that you have the knowledge, and skills in counselling. IS A COUNSELLOR THE SAME AS A PSYCHOLOGIST? No. A counsellor and a psychologist are two different types of professions. A counsellor provides guidance, support and advice to people to overcome emotional illness, but the psychologist studies human behaviours, emotions and mental processes. WHAT ARE THE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN A COUNSELLOR AND A THERAPIST? A Counsellor, who is also entitled as a therapist, are life advising and coaching practitioners. With psychotherapists, you can resolve your emotional issues by modifying specific aspects of your life that make you vulnerable. The similarities are that both help people improve their mental state. IS THERE ANY ADVANCED COURSE OF THE DIPLOMA IN PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COUNSELLING COURSE LEVEL 4? Yes, we do have an advanced diploma in psychotherapy course. After completing the diploma in psychotherapy and counselling course level 3, you can do the advanced diploma. HOW WILL I PURCHASE THIS COURSE? First, select your desired course plan among the multiple existing course plans on the right side of your screen, then select the payment type, and once you made the payment, you can access the course any time you want. I MADE MY PAYMENT. HOW WILL I GET ACCESS TO THIS COURSE? A confirmation email will be sent to your registered email after payment. Hereafter anytime, you can start your learning journey with Lead Academy. I AM FROM OUTSIDE THE UK. WILL I GET ACCESS TO THE COURSE? Yes, you can. Since it is an e-learning course, anyone from anywhere can enrol in our courses. WHAT IS AN ACCREDITED COURSE? The professional body approves the procedures if any e-learning platform claims its courses are accredited. WHAT IS THE BENEFIT OF DOING AN ACCREDITED COURSE? You will only realize the benefit of having an accredited certificate once you face the corporate world. As employees, job places, and more value the accredited certificate, you must own this certificate by doing the course with us. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY A CPD COURSE? CPD refers to Continuing Professional Development, and the CPD-accredited course is developed for individuals who want to improve and update their skills within their professional field continuously. This certificate claims that the certificate holder's knowledge is up-to-date in their work area.

Diploma in Psychotherapy and Counselling Course Online at QLS Level 4
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Art and Play Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified


By Academy for Health and Fitness

Sale Ends Today Art and Play Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified Admission Gifts FREE PDF & Hard Copy Certificate| PDF Transcripts| FREE Student ID| Assessment| Lifetime Access| Enrolment Letter Art and Play Therapy is a method where a world of creativity meets healing. With 1 in 6 people in the UK experiencing a mental health problem each year, the demand for innovative therapeutic approaches has never been higher. This course bundle taps into the power of art and play as transformative tools, opening new pathways for emotional expression and recovery. Get ready to explore and harness creativity for profound healing. The Art and Play Therapy Diploma encompasses a broad range of therapeutic techniques designed to foster healing and mental well-being through creative expression. From foundational courses in Art Therapy and Play Therapy to advanced studies in Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, this bundle provides the skills necessary to facilitate transformation in clients of all ages. You'll learn how to apply these therapies in various settings, understand the psychological underpinnings of art and play, and integrate mindfulness and biohacking to enhance therapeutic outcomes. Courses Are Included In This Art and Play Therapy Diploma Bundle: * Course 01: Art Therapy Diploma * Course 02: Diploma in Play Therapy * Course 03: Psychotherapy * Course 04: Mental Health Care Training - MCA & DOLS * Course 05: Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance * Course 06: REBT Therapy * Course 07: Advanced Diploma In Psychology * Course 08: Counselling Training for Counsellors * Course 09: Biohacking Your Physical and Mental Health * Course 10: Meditation & Consciousness Teacher/Practitioner Program * Course 11: Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) * Course 12: Educational Psychology and Development * Course 13: Online Depression Management * Course 14: Psychology of Anxiety and Stress * Course 15: Anti Social Behaviour Course * Course 16: Dyslexia Awareness Training * Course 17: Autism and developmental Disorders * Course 18: Psychology & Treatment of Addiction * Course 19: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Practitioner Certificate Course * Course 20: Compassion Focused Therapy * Course 21: Diploma In Occupational Therapy * Course 22: Nutritional Therapy * Course 23: Journal Therapy Course * Course 24: Speech and Language Therapy * Course 25: Neuropsychology & Development of Children * Course 26: Life Coaching and Mindfulness Diploma * Course 27: Spiritual Life Coaching * Course 28: Family Support Worker Course * Course 29: Forgiveness Coaching and Therapy * Course 30: Persuasion Masterclass: How To Powerfully Influence Anyone Joining on this journey with our Art and Play Therapy Diploma will not only broaden your professional toolkit but also deepen your understanding of human psychology and the healing arts. This training is ideal for those looking to make a significant impact on the lives of others. Enrol now and transform lives through the art of therapy! Learning Outcomes of Art and Play Therapy * Master art and play therapy techniques for diverse client needs. * Develop foundational and advanced psychotherapy skills. * Implement mindfulness and performance enhancement strategies effectively. * Understand and apply psychological theories in therapeutic contexts. * Design and execute tailored therapy plans for individual healing. * Utilise CBT and REBT in clinical and non-clinical settings. With this Art and Play Therapy Diploma course you will get 30 CPD Accredited PDF Certificates, Hard Copy Certificate of Art Therapy Diploma and our exclusive student ID card absolutely free. Why Prefer this Course? * Get a Free CPD Accredited Certificate upon completion of the course * Get a Free Student ID Card with this training program (£10 postal charge will be applicable for international delivery) * The course is Affordable and Simple to understand * Get Lifetime Access to the course materials * The training program comes with 24/7 Tutor Support Start your learning journey straight away! Moreover, this diploma offers learners the opportunity to acquire a Recognised Qualification that is highly valued in the field of Art and Play Therapy. With this Certification, graduates are better positioned to pursue career advancement and higher responsibilities within the Art and Play Therapy setting. The skills and knowledge gained from this course will enable learners to make meaningful contributions to Art and Play Therapy-related fields, impacting their Art and Play Therapy experiences and long-term development. Course Curriculum Course 01: Art Therapy Diploma * WHAT IS ART THERAPY? * TRAINING: FROM APPRENTICE TO PRACTITIONER * THE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND TO ART THERAPY * THE EMERGENCE OF ART THERAPY AS A PROFESSION IN THE UK * PROFESSIONAL ISSUES * FRAMES OF REFERENCE: PSYCHOANALYSIS, ART AND ART THERAPY * ART THERAPY IN PRACTICE * AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE * References - Arts Therapy Course Course 02: Diploma in Play Therapy * Module 01: What Is Play Therapy * Module 02: Advantages And Outcomes Of Play Therapy * Module 03: Models And Approaches Of Play Therapy * Module 04: The Play Settings: Therapist, Abused Child And Materials * Module 05: Typical Issues In Play Therapy * Module 06: Play Therapy For Sexually And Emotionally Abused Children * Module 07: Play Therapy For Children Who Are Homeless * Module 08: Play Interventions For Disaster Mental Health * Module 09: Case Studies And Recent Trends In Play Therapy Course 03: Psychotherapy Module: 01 * About the Instructor * About the Course * What is 'Psychotherapy'? * Difference between 'Counselling' and 'Psychotherapy * Who needs psychotherapy? * Setting up therapeutic environment * Listening Skills & Listening Stages Module: 02 * Establishing positive therapeutic relationship * Stress - and Anger management * Person-Centred Therapy * Psychodynamic Therapy & Psychoanalysis * Gestalt Therapy * Existential Psychotherapy * Individual Psychotherapy Module: 03 * Group sessions (workshops) * Couple psychotherapy * Online (Skype) Therapy * Psychotherapy for Depression * Psychotherapy for Anxiety disorders * Psychotherapy for Schizophrenia * Gender Identity Disorder (Gender Dysphoria) and much more... =========>>>>> And 27 More Courses <<<<<========= How will I get my Certificate? After successfully completing the course, you will be able to order your Certificates as proof of your achievement. * PDF Certificate: Free (Previously it was £12.99*30= £390) * CPD Hard Copy Certificate: Free ( For The First Course: Previously it was £29.99) CPD 300 CPD hours / points Accredited by CPD Quality Standards WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Anyone interested in learning more about the topic is advised to take this course. This bundle is ideal for: * Aspiring therapists. * Educational professionals. * Mental health workers. * Creative arts facilitators. * Social workers. * Child care providers. Please note: This course doesn't entitle you to practice as a professional in this specific field. Rather, this course will assist you in understanding the fundamentals so that you can improve your knowledge in the relevant field. REQUIREMENTS This bundle doesn't require prior experience and is suitable for diverse learners. CAREER PATH This bundle will allow you to kickstart or take your career in the related sector to the next stage. * Art Therapist: $40,000 - $60,000 * Play Therapist: $35,000 - $55,000 * Clinical Psychologist: $48,000 - $82,000 * Psychotherapist: $45,000 - $70,000 * Child Life Specialist: $39,000 - $60,000 * Mental Health Counselor: $37,000 - $57,000 CERTIFICATES CPD ACCREDITED DIGITAL CERTIFICATE Digital certificate - Included Upon passing the Course, you need to order a Digital Certificate for each of the courses inside this bundle as proof of your new skills that are accredited by CPD QS for Free. CPD ACCREDITED HARD COPY CERTIFICATE Hard copy certificate - Included Please note that International students have to pay an additional £10 as a shipment fee.

Art and Play Therapy Diploma - CPD Certified
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Educators matching "Gender Identity"

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Leeds Recovery College

leeds recovery college


Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is the main provider of specialist mental health and learning disability services in Leeds. We also provide specialist services across York, the Yorkshire and Humber region, and some highly specialised national services. Our vision is to provide outstanding mental health and learning disability services as an employer of choice. This means supporting our service users and carers, our staff and the communities we serve to live healthy and fulfilling lives where we can all achieve our personal and professional goals, and live free from stigma and discrimination. We are an NHS foundation trust. That means: we have some freedoms to decide locally how to meet our obligations we are accountable to local people, who can become members and governors we are authorised and monitored by NHS Improvement, who support us and hold us to account We provide services for people experiencing a mental health crisis that requires urgent assessment and treatment. This may be someone’s first experience of mental health distress or a relapse of an existing mental illness. We offer services to people who need support and treatment for a wide range of mental health conditions, from depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder, to dementia, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and personality disorders. Find out more about the services we offer. We support people living with issues such as addictions, eating disorders, or physical problems with psychological causes, and those needing the support of our gender identity service. Our Trust provides assessment and diagnosis of people of all intellectual ability, who may have autism. We offer community, supported living and inpatient care to people with a learning disability, who can present with challenging behaviour or complex physical health needs. We offer services across the region, and in a variety of locations, including inpatient children’s services in York, deaf children’s services across northern England, and secure services for Leeds and York.