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77 Freelance Writing courses delivered Online

Freelance Writing For Beginners

By iStudy UK

DESCRIPTION Freelance Writing For Beginners : Freelance Writing Jobs : Beginners Guide A lot of орроrtunitiеѕ abound fоr freelance writing online and offline. Whеn I say орроrtunitiеѕ, I mеаn a whоlе lоt оf them. Aѕ a writеr who knоwѕ hiѕ/hеr оniоnѕ, you саn never ѕtаrvе. Thiѕ iѕ bесаuѕе, on a daily bаѕiѕ, people nееd соntеnt fоr different rеаѕоnѕ. Cоntеnt, juѕt likе fооd iѕ ѕоmеthing thаt people can't dо withоut; реорlе аlwауѕ wаnt tо get their thоughtѕ аnd idеаѕ асrоѕѕ tо оthеrѕ and most times, thе best way to do that iѕ thrоugh written соntеnt. There have never been more opportunities in the freelance writingbusiness. Apart frоm gеtting their idеаѕ асrоѕѕ tо оthеrѕ, реорlе аlѕо wаnt tо еxрrеѕѕ thеir emotions, innеr thoughts, аnd mоѕt imроrtаntlу, thеу wаnt tо market thеir products аnd services thrоugh ԛuаlitу writtеn соntеnt thеу put оut thеrе, often referred tо as соntеnt marketing. Many people are looking to hire freelance writers.  I haven't mеntiоnеd that individuals аnd nеwѕ оrgаnizаtiоnѕ аlѕо use written соntеnt on a daily bаѕiѕ tо gеt оut uѕеful information to thеir tееming аudiеnсе. All thеѕе роintѕ to thе fасt that thеrе is аlwауѕ ѕоmеоnе or оrgаnizаtiоn whо nееdѕ writtеn content for оnе rеаѕоn or the оthеr аnd that is nоt gоing tо stop ѕооn. The purpose of this 'Freelance Writing For Beginners' course is to describe how to find and secure these opportunities. Fоr аgеѕ, writеrѕ hаvе bееn uѕing their writing ѕkillѕ tо make a living fоr themselves, although mоѕt writеrѕ juѕt limit thеir selves to wоrking аѕ journalists оr nоvеliѕtѕ. Hоwеvеr, there iѕ mоrе to writing than juѕt rеѕuming аt оnе оffiсе еvеrу mоrning whеrе уоu writе and еdit news аrtiсlеѕ. Thе еmеrgеnсе оf the intеrnеt hаѕ done a lоt to change the wау wе dо a lot of thingѕ, and freelance writing for beginnersrepresents a real chance of making money from your own home business. Today, highlу skilled people nо lоngеr nееd tо ѕit in a bоxеd office еvеrу dау dоing a ѕimilаr jоb, they саn ѕimрlу ѕit in thеir bеdrооmѕ, connect with clients оnlinе, еxесutе jоbѕ аnd submit, withоut stepping оut of their house. Thiѕ iѕ rеfеrrеd to аѕ frееlаnсе wоrking, аnd writеrѕ аrе оnе оf thоѕе ѕkillеd реорlе whо practice frееlаnсing thе most. Even thоugh freelancing offers writers аn opportunity tо work and еаrn аѕ muсh bу seeking their сliеntѕ by themselves, mоѕt writers аrе ѕtill nаïvе whеn it comes to the frееlаnсing world. They ѕlаvе away thеir livеѕ wоrking fоr оrgаnizаtiоnѕ whеrе the pay thеу rесеivе mоѕt times is nоt соmmеnѕurаtе with their еffоrtѕ. Whаt uѕuаllу саuѕеѕ thiѕ iѕ lасk оf infоrmаtiоn. By thе timе you knоw thаt there are реорlе whо аrе willing tо рау уоu well tо write thеm ԛuаlitу articles, mеmоirеѕ, newsletters, eBooks, and еmаilѕ, уоu will hаvе nо орtiоn thаn tо jump on thе frееlаnсing wagon. Thе ԛuеѕtiоn thаt may be going through уоur mind nоw iѕ, 'how do I become a freelance writer and hоw dо I gеt clients аѕ a freelance writer?' And the answer to thаt iѕ very ѕimрlе - infоrmаtiоn. The оnlу diffеrеnсе bеtwееn уоu and the оthеr writer down the ѕtrееt whо is mаking a lot оf mоnеу аѕ a freelance writer iѕ juѕt information. It iѕ one thing for орроrtunitiеѕ tо bе аvаilаblе fоr writеrѕ, and it iѕ an еntirеlу diffеrеnt bаll gаmе for writеrѕ tо recognize and kеу into thеѕе freelance Ð¾Ñ€Ñ€Ð¾rtunitiеѕ. Aѕ ѕаid earlier, it iѕ only one thing thаt diffеrеntiаtеѕ a successful реrѕоn and thе реrѕоn who iѕ just thеrе. And thаt оnе thing iѕ аvаilаblе infоrmаtiоn. But уоu ѕhоuldn't bоthеr about thаt аnуmоrе аѕ you аrе аbоut tо rесеivе аll the information уоu nееd to turn your lifе аrоund аѕ a writer. In thiѕ course, you will learn How To Start Freelance Writing, уоu will аlѕо lеаrn еvеrуthing уоu nееd to ѕtаrt, as wеll hоw to get рrеmium сliеntѕ who can pay hаndѕоmеlу for your ѕеrviсеѕ. Sо, if уоu are a wannabee freelance writеr struggling tо mаkе mоnеу off уоur skill, you аrе аt thе right place, аnd уоu ѕhоuld fаѕtеn your seatbelt аnd be rеаdу tо learn. I am оnlу giving уоu one assurance, аnd thаt iѕ; if уоu tаkе асtiоn and follow аll the steps I аm going tо outline, you should be well on the way to winning уоur firѕt сliеnt аѕ a frееlаnсе writеr. Enоugh said, lеt'ѕ gеt ѕtrаight tо buѕinеѕѕ. WHAT WILL I LEARN? * Use recommended tools to help in freelance writing jobs * Know how to start a successful business in freelance writing * How to find clients for beginners in freelance writing * Make money as a freelance writer * Write a winning freelance writer profile online * Write a winning proposal for your freelance writing projects * Find the top niches for freelance writing REQUIREMENTS * Students should have a good command of written English * You want to learn how to start freelance writing for beginners WHO IS THE TARGET AUDIENCE? * Anyone who wants to make learn how to start freelance writing Introduction - Freelance Writing For Beginners Introduction To Freelance Writing For Beginners 00:07:00 How To Start Freelance Writing - Word Processors 00:06:00 How To Start Freelance Writing - Proofreading Tools 00:05:00 Communication 00:05:00 Freelance Writing For Beginners : Exploring Freelance Writing Niches - Content SEO Optimized Web Articles 00:08:00 Sales Copy 00:07:00 How To Write A Press Release 00:06:00 Book Blurbs 00:05:00 A Movie Script Pitch Letter 00:08:00 How To Structure An eBook 00:06:00 Freelance Writing For Beginners : Finding Your Clients Writing A Great Profile 00:08:00 Writing A Winning Proposal 00:05:00 Conclusion 00:03:00 Additional Resources Additional Resource - Freelance Writing For Beginners 00:00:00

Freelance Writing For Beginners
Delivered Online On Demand

Freelance Writing Course for Beginner

By Lead Academy

Quality Guarantee: Promising training excellence, satisfaction gurantee Accredited by: CPD UK & Quality License Scheme Tutor Support: Unlimited support via email, till you complete the course Recognised Certification: Unlimited support via email, till you complete the course Recognised Certification: Accepted by thousands of professional bodies Online Learning: Learn from anywhere, whenever you want This course is a great resource for creative writers who can gain the essential skills of different writing styles and develop a fulfilling career in freelance writing. You will have expert guidance on building a freelance writing business, finding clients and managing projects. THIS COURSE AT A GLANCE * Accredited by CPD UK * Endorsed by Quality Licence Scheme * Learn the skills required to become a freelance writer * Understand about working of the word processors * Learn to write a variety of content on different platforms * Learn about proofreading and how to proofread content * Know how to write an SEO article * How to write an informative and engaging press release * Able to understand how to write a variety of content * How to write and design a winning proposal WHY FREELANCE WRITING COURSE FOR BEGINNER RIGHT FOR YOU? This online freelance writing course is designed for beginner writers willing to make their career in Freelance writing. The online course will help you establish a solid ground for writing by providing you with knowledge of all the essential tools and applications. You will get an understanding of proofreading and how it is beneficial in terms of writing once you take this online freelance writing course. This online freelance writing for beginner course will also provide the learners with a comprehensive understanding of SEO and its advantages for article writing. This course will also help you learn about movie pitches, sales copy, winning proposals, press releases and much more. By the end of the course, you will help you enhance your knowledge and understanding of the complete process of writing and proofreading content efficiently and help you become a professional freelance writer. FREELANCE WRITING COURSE FOR BEGINNER DETAILS ACCREDITED BY CPD certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. Many organisations look for employees with CPD requirements, which means, that by doing this course, you would be a potential candidate in your respective field.   The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. COURSE CURRICULUM FREELANCE WRITING * Freelance Writing for Beginners - Promotional * Freelance Writing for Beginners - Introduction * Freelance Writing for Beginners - Word Processors * Freelance Writing for Beginners - Proofreading * Freelance Writing for Beginners - Communication * Freelance Writing for Beginners - Seo Articles * Freelance Writing for Beginners - Sales Copy * Freelance Writing for Beginners - Press Release * Freelance Writing for Beginners - Book Blurbs * Freelance Writing for Beginners - Movie Pitch * Freelance Writing for Beginners - Ebooks * Freelance Writing for Beginners - Your Profile * Freelance Writing for Beginners - Winning Proposals * Freelance Writing for Beginners - Conclusion WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE? This online freelance writing course is ideal for those aspiring to accelerate their career in writing or willing to enhance their job prospects. This comprehensive online course is perfect for those who want to gain a solid knowledge of freelance writing and give a kickstart to their career. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS * There are no academic entry requirements for this course, and it is open to students of all academic backgrounds. * However, you are required to have a laptop/desktop/tablet or smartphone and a good internet connection. ASSESSMENT METHOD This freelance writing for beginner course assesses learners through multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Upon successful completion of the modules, learners must answer MCQs to complete the assessment procedure. Through the MCQs, it is measured how much a learner could grasp from each section. In the assessment pass mark is 60%. CERTIFICATION ENDORSED CERTIFICATE FROM QUALITY LICENCE SCHEME After successfully passing the MCQ exam you will be eligible to order the Endorsed Certificate by Quality Licence Scheme. The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. It will give you a competitive advantage in your career, making you stand out from all other applicants and employees. There is a Quality Licence Scheme endorsement fee to obtain an endorsed certificate which is £65. CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT FROM LEAD ACADEMY After successfully passing the MCQ exam you will be eligible to order your certificate of achievement as proof of your new skill. The certificate of achievement is an official credential that confirms that you successfully finished a course with Lead Academy. Certificate can be obtained in PDF version at a cost of £12, and there is an additional fee to obtain a printed copy certificate which is £35. FAQS IS CPD A RECOGNISED QUALIFICATION IN THE UK? CPD is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations and academic intuitions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. CPD-certified certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. ARE QLS COURSES RECOGNISED? Although QLS courses are not subject to Ofqual regulation, they must adhere to an extremely high level that is set and regulated independently across the globe. A course that has been approved by the Quality Licence Scheme simply indicates that it has been examined and evaluated in terms of quality and fulfils the predetermined quality standards. WHEN WILL I RECEIVE MY CERTIFICATE? For CPD accredited PDF certificate it will take 24 hours, however for the hardcopy CPD certificate takes 5-7 business days and for the Quality License Scheme certificate it will take 7-9 business days. CAN I PAY BY INVOICE? Yes, you can pay via Invoice or Purchase Order, please contact us at info@lead-academy.org for invoice payment. CAN I PAY VIA INSTALMENT? Yes, you can pay via instalments at checkout. HOW TO TAKE ONLINE CLASSES FROM HOME? Our platform provides easy and comfortable access for all learners; all you need is a stable internet connection and a device such as a laptop, desktop PC, tablet, or mobile phone. The learning site is accessible 24/7, allowing you to take the course at your own pace while relaxing in the privacy of your home or workplace. DOES AGE MATTER IN ONLINE LEARNING? No, there is no age limit for online learning. Online learning is accessible to people of all ages and requires no age-specific criteria to pursue a course of interest. As opposed to degrees pursued at university, online courses are designed to break the barriers of age limitation that aim to limit the learner's ability to learn new things, diversify their skills, and expand their horizons. WHEN I WILL GET THE LOGIN DETAILS FOR MY COURSE? After successfully purchasing the course, you will receive an email within 24 hours with the login details of your course. Kindly check your inbox, junk or spam folder, or you can contact our client success team via info@lead-academy.org

Freelance Writing Course for Beginner
Delivered Online On Demand

Complete Freelance Writing Course

By Training Tale

Freelance Writing Online Training You must not miss out on the four Freelance Writing courses if you want to thrive in your workplace and stand out from the crowd. Writing is one of the four domains of language, and it is widely used in business communication in different forms. In this Complete Freelance Writing Course, we have combined four highly valuable courses, namely - * Course 01: Level 5 Proofreading & Copy Editing * Course 02: Level 5 Report Writing * Course 03: Level 4 Copywriting * Course 04: Minute Taking Complete Freelance Writing Course - Level 5 Proofreading & Copy Editing course will give you in-depth knowledge of proofreading and why it is necessary. It will also cover the aspects of copy editing. If you complete this course, you will be able to proofread and edit any writing at your workplace. Thus, through this Course, your area of expertise will be widened, and subsequently, your value as an employee will be increased. Complete Freelance Writing Course - Level 5 Report Writing Course also has various advantages. In any organisation, there are various types of reports to be written, for example, project reports, project proposals, partnership proposals etc. With Complete Freelance Writing Course, you will become an expert Report Writer. Complete Freelance Writing Course - Level 4 Copywriting is highly trending. Copywriters are behind the catchy advertisements you see on different platforms. Imagine you are writing such copies and as a result, the sales get increased in a great number! With this Course, you can learn all the basics, tips and tricks of copywriting. Complete Freelance Writing Course - Minute Taking is also important. In any organisation, you need to attend or facilitate numerous meetings. And, in the meeting, one dedicated person needs to record the details of the meeting. Here comes minute taking. If you know how to take minutes of any meeting, you will get a competitive edge over your coworkers. Won't you love to unlock all the contents of this Complete Freelance Writing Course? Freelance Writing Training Learning Outcomes of Freelance Writing By the end of this Complete Freelance Writing Course, you will be able to - * Become an expert in proofreading and copy editing. * Write different types of business reports. * Write sales copies. * Write copies of ads for different mediums, including TV, Website, Email marketing etc. * Take minutes of meetings effectively. Certification of Freelance Writing After completing the MCQ/Assignment assessment for this Freelance Writing course, you will be entitled to a Certificate of Completion from Training Tale. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Freelance Writing Online Training This Freelance Writer course is ideal for all. This Freelance Writing Course is highly valuable if you want to be a successful executive in your workplace. REQUIREMENTS Freelance Writing Online Training There is no specific requirement to enrol for this Freelance Writing Course. CAREER PATH Freelance Writing Online Training This Complete Freelance Writing Course will open the door for many positions! Such as - * Freelance Writer * Copywriter * Proofreader * Business Executives * Executives in TV, Media * Communication Executives in different organisations

Complete Freelance Writing Course
Delivered Online On Demand

Diploma in Freelance Writing


By John Academy

> Would you like to earn money as a freelance writer? This course will show you > precisely how to built an freelance writing profession online from scratch. DESCRIPTION: Build up your writing capacities with our diploma in freelance writing. Figure out how to compose attractive material and step toward working in the independent written work field. Enrol in this course and train at home and at a pace that's right for you. You will be equipped with the skills you need to become a successful, skilled and in-demand commercial writer.  You will also be taught to write original, persuasive and engaging content, that gets results. Learn to Find the mystery strategy that all the high procuring independent scholars apply to their business. At that point figure out how to utilise this strategy to win more cash all the time, while increasing the value of your customers. Discover precisely the amount to charge customers, how to pitch and who to pitch to, utilising straightforward guidelines and adjustable email formats. WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? * Individuals Who have a flair for writing and are looking to make money online from their writing * Individuals who want to become professional writers * Marketing teams * Small businesses and freelancers who want to attract more clients * Experienced writers looking to refresh or redefine their skill ENTRY REQUIREMENT: * This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds.  * Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. * Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. ASSESSMENT:  * At the end of the course, you will be required to sit an online multiple-choice test. Your test will be assessed automatically and immediately so that you will instantly know whether you have been successful. * Before sitting for your final exam you will have the opportunity to test your proficiency with a mock exam. CERTIFICATION: * After you have successfully passed the test, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. You can however also obtain a Course Completion Certificate following the course completion without sitting for the test. Certificates can be obtained either in hard copy at a cost of £39 or in PDF format at a cost of £24. * PDF certificate's turnaround time is 24 hours and for the hardcopy certificate, it is 3-9 working WHY CHOOSE US? * Affordable, engaging & high-quality e-learning study materials; * Tutorial videos/materials from the industry leading experts; * Study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform; * Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result; * The UK & internationally recognised accredited qualification; * Access to course content on mobile, tablet or desktop from anywhere anytime; * The benefit of career advancement opportunities; * 24/7 student support via email. CAREER PATH: Diploma in Freelance Writing is a useful qualification to possess, and would be beneficial for the following careers: * Completing a range of varied writing assignments for large and small businesses * Working as part of a marketing team to deliver an organisation's advertising strategy * Building your own freelance writing business. Module-1 Introduction to Freelancing 00:30:00 Building a Successful Freelance Writing Career 00:30:00 Types of Freelance Writing 00:30:00 CREATIVE WRITING - An Art 00:30:00 Web Blog Writing 00:30:00 SEO Writing 00:30:00 Module-2 Sales and Marketing writing 00:30:00 Newsletters and Editorial Writing 01:00:00 Magazine Writing 00:30:00 EBook Writing 01:00:00 Choosing the Right Topic- Limitations and Guidelines 00:30:00 Realizing Your Writing Skills 00:30:00 Module-3 Inking your writing Skills 00:30:00 Analyzing Your Writing Needs 01:00:00 How to Establish Credibility 00:30:00 How to Handle Difficult Clients 00:30:00 Finding Freelance Writing Opportunities 00:30:00 Freelance Writing- In a Glimpse 00:30:00 Refer A Friend Refer A Friend 00:00:00 Mock Exam Mock Exam-Diploma in Freelance Writing 00:20:00 Final Exam Final Exam-Diploma in Freelance Writing 00:20:00 Order Your Certificates and Transcripts Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00

Diploma in Freelance Writing
Delivered Online On Demand

Freelance Writing Course - Success Secrets

By Lead Academy

Quality Guarantee: Promising training excellence, satisfaction gurantee Accredited by: CPD UK & Quality License Scheme Tutor Support: Unlimited support via email, till you complete the course Recognised Certification: Accepted by thousands of professional bodies Start Anytime: With 1 year access to the course materials Online Learning Learn from anywhere, whenever you want This extensive course gives you all the secrets to being a successful freelance writer in any genre. From fiction writing to children's book writing, and copywriting, you will learn proven strategies, and insider tips to build a thriving career in your chosen genre. THIS COURSE AT A GLANCE * Accredited by CPD UK * Endorsed by Quality Licence Scheme * Learn the skills required to become a freelance writer * Understand about working of the word processors * Learn to write a variety of content on different platforms * Learn about proofreading and how to proofread content * Know how to write an SEO article * How to write an informative and engaging press release * Able to understand how to write a variety of content * How to write and design a winning proposal WHY FREELANCE WRITING COURSE RIGHT FOR YOU? Whether you are self-taught and you want to fill in the gaps for better efficiency and productivity, this Freelance Writing - Success Secrets course will set you up with a solid foundation to become a confident freelance writer and develop more advanced skills. This comprehensive Freelance Writing - Success Secrets course is the perfect way to kickstart your career in the field of freelance writing. This course will give you a competitive advantage in your career, making you stand out from all other applicants and employees. As one of the leading course providers and most renowned e-learning specialists online, we're dedicated to giving you the best educational experience possible. This course is crafted by industry expert, to enable you to learn quickly and efficiently, and at your own pace and convenience. FREELANCE WRITING COURSE DETAILS ACCREDITED BY CPD certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. Many organisations look for employees with CPD requirements, which means, that by doing this course, you would be a potential candidate in your respective field.   The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. COURSE CURRICULUM INTRODUCTION * Am I the Right Teacher for You. * Your Attitude and Easy Cash Writing * How Much Money Can You Make CREATING MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME * The Main Point of This Course. * Your Working Strategy and Its Measurement * Pleasure or Profit? What's Your Priority MINDSET OF THE MODERN FREELANCER * Why Do You Want to Be a Freelancer. * Do You Have a Heart of Gold. * The Best Attitude to Engender for Freelancing PRACTICAL INCOME CREATION * Drawing Up an 'Activity to Income' Schedule * The Reality of Freelancing for a Living TRACKING YOUR INCOME * Tracking Your Income * Using Spreadsheets to Track and Predict Your Success WRITING FOR MAGAZINE * Writing and Submitting Magazine Articles - the Facts * Choosing Sellable Topics for Magazine Articles WRITING NON FICTION BOOKS FOR PUBLICATION * Why Write Non Fiction Books. * Getting Non Fiction Manuscripts Published * Pitching Non Fiction to Publishers * Choosing Topics for Non Fiction Books * Choosing Your Own Topics for Non Fiction * Choosing Your Own Topics for Non Fiction - 2 * Final Advice for Choosing Non Fiction Topics GENRE FICTION WRITING * Genre Writing Introduction * Genre Writing Requirements * How to Write Romance Fiction * How to Write Thriller Fiction * How to Write Fantasy Fiction * The Difference Between Science Fiction & Fantasy * How to Write Horror Fiction * The Increasing Emergence of Cross Genre Fiction WRITING FOR CHILDREN * Introduction to Children's Writing * Writing for Children - the Marketplace and Publishers * Writing for Children - Do and Don't * Writing for Children - More Do and Don't * Writing for Children - More Do and Don't * Writing for Children - Conclusion BUSINESS WRITING - AND HOW TO GET PAYING GIGS * Business Writing - Introduction * Business Writing - How to Get Corporate Work * Business Writing - How Much Should You Charge * Business Writing - Contracts and Payment * Business Writing - Getting an Upfront Fee * Business Writing - Conclusion TRAVEL WRITING * Travel Writing - Introduction * Travel Writing - Coming Up With Fresh Angles * Travel Writing - Dispelling the Myths * Travel Writing - a Good Camera is an Investment * Travel Writing - Payment and the Big Gigs * Travel Writing - Conclusion GHOST WRITING * Ghost Writing - Introduction * Ghost Writing - Getting Started * Ghost Writing - Contracts and Payment * Ghost Writing - Tools of the Trade * Ghost Writing - Conclusion COPYWRITING * Copywriting - Introduction * Copywriting - Common Sense and Fairy Gloss * Copywriting - Payment Rates * Copywriting - the Basic Rules * Copywriting - Advanced Rules * Copywriting - More Advanced Rules * Copywriting - Using Persuasive Language * Copywriting - Conclusion SELF PUBLISHING * Self Publishing - Introduction * Self Publishing - the Reality * Self Publishing - Defining Your Goals * Self Publishing - Your Strategy for Success * Self Publishing - Choosing Your Platform * Self Publishing - Nine Tips for Amazon Success * Self Publishing Online - Conclusion OFFLINE SELF PUBLISHING * Offline Self Publishing - Introduction Offline Self Publishing - Caring for Your Work GRANTS & FUNDING * Grants and Funding - Introduction * Grants and Funding - Where to Find Donors * Grants and Funding - Conclusion HELPING OTHER WRITERS * Helping Other Writers - Introduction * Helping Other Writers - How to Get the Work * Helping Other Writers - How to Deal With Clients * Helping Other Writers - How to Deal With the Work * Helping Other Writers - Editing Work * Helping Other Writers - Book Doctoring and Mentoring * Helping Other Writers - Teaching Writing * Helping Other Writers - Becoming an Agent * Helping Other Writers - Conclusion SELF PROMOTION AS A WRITER * Self Promotion - Introduction * Self Promotion - Offline * Self Promotion Ideas That Work * More Self Promotion Ideas That Actually Work * Self Promotion - Two Case Studies SELF BELIEF AND MAINTAINING A NEW WRITING CAREER * The End or Just the Beginning. * Self-publishing… Again. * Maintaining a Career: Dealing With Writer's Block * Self Belief: Your Secret Weapon. WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE? This comprehensive Freelance Writing - Success Secrets course is suitable for anyone looking to improve their job prospects or aspiring to accelerate their career in this sector and want to gain in-depth knowledge of freelance writing. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS * There are no academic entry requirements for this Freelance Writing - Success Secrets course, and it is open to students of all academic backgrounds. * As long as you are aged seventeen or over and have a basic grasp of English, numeracy and ICT, you will be eligible to enrol. ASSESSMENT METHOD On successful completion of the course, you will be required to sit an online multiple-choice assessment. The assessment will be evaluated automatically and the results will be given to you immediately CERTIFICATION ENDORSED CERTIFICATE FROM QUALITY LICENCE SCHEME After successfully passing the MCQ exam you will be eligible to order the Endorsed Certificate by Quality Licence Scheme. The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. It will give you a competitive advantage in your career, making you stand out from all other applicants and employees. There is a Quality Licence Scheme endorsement fee to obtain an endorsed certificate which is £65. CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT FROM LEAD ACADEMY After successfully passing the MCQ exam you will be eligible to order your certificate of achievement as proof of your new skill. The certificate of achievement is an official credential that confirms that you successfully finished a course with Lead Academy. Certificate can be obtained in PDF version at a cost of £12, and there is an additional fee to obtain a printed copy certificate which is £35. FAQS IS CPD A RECOGNISED QUALIFICATION IN THE UK? CPD is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations and academic intuitions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. CPD-certified certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. ARE QLS COURSES RECOGNISED? Although QLS courses are not subject to Ofqual regulation, they must adhere to an extremely high level that is set and regulated independently across the globe. A course that has been approved by the Quality Licence Scheme simply indicates that it has been examined and evaluated in terms of quality and fulfils the predetermined quality standards. WHEN WILL I RECEIVE MY CERTIFICATE? For CPD accredited PDF certificate it will take 24 hours, however for the hardcopy CPD certificate takes 5-7 business days and for the Quality License Scheme certificate it will take 7-9 business days. CAN I PAY BY INVOICE? Yes, you can pay via Invoice or Purchase Order, please contact us at info@lead-academy.org for invoice payment. CAN I PAY VIA INSTALMENT? Yes, you can pay via instalments at checkout. HOW TO TAKE ONLINE CLASSES FROM HOME? Our platform provides easy and comfortable access for all learners; all you need is a stable internet connection and a device such as a laptop, desktop PC, tablet, or mobile phone. The learning site is accessible 24/7, allowing you to take the course at your own pace while relaxing in the privacy of your home or workplace. DOES AGE MATTER IN ONLINE LEARNING? No, there is no age limit for online learning. Online learning is accessible to people of all ages and requires no age-specific criteria to pursue a course of interest. As opposed to degrees pursued at university, online courses are designed to break the barriers of age limitation that aim to limit the learner's ability to learn new things, diversify their skills, and expand their horizons. WHEN I WILL GET THE LOGIN DETAILS FOR MY COURSE? After successfully purchasing the course, you will receive an email within 24 hours with the login details of your course. Kindly check your inbox, junk or spam folder, or you can contact our client success team via info@lead-academy.org

Freelance Writing Course - Success Secrets
Delivered Online On Demand

Professional Freelance Writing Diploma

By iStudy UK

OurProfessional Freelance Writing Diploma can help you to take your writing skills to the next level. Learn the craft of creating attractive copies and how to make your mark in your written communication. This role provides you the convenience to maintain self pace in your course content. Get equipped with the skills you need to become a dynamic and highly sought after commercial writer. You will also learn how to write original, persuasive and engaging content that generates great outcome. Gain mastery over all the strategies that experts apply in their business initiatives. These skills will help you to effectively find out ways to become more productive and profitable. Discover the art of pitching and winning over your prospective customers using proven methods and guidelines. COURSE HIGHLIGHTS Professional Freelance Writing Diploma is an award winning and the best selling course that has been given the CPD Certification & IAO accreditation. It is the most suitable course anyone looking to work in this or relevant sector. It is considered one of the perfect courses in the UK that can help students/learners to get familiar with the topic and gain necessary skills to perform well in this field. We have packed Professional Freelance Writing Diploma into 18 modules for teaching you everything you need to become successful in this profession. To provide you ease of access, this course is designed for both part-time and full-time students. You can become accredited in just 11 hours, 10 minutes and it is also possible to study at your own pace. We have experienced tutors who will help you throughout the comprehensive syllabus of this course and answer all your queries through email. For further clarification, you will be able to recognize your qualification by checking the validity from our dedicated website. WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE PROFESSIONAL FREELANCE WRITING DIPLOMA * Lifetime access to the course * No hidden fees or exam charges * CPD Accredited certification on successful completion * Full Tutor support on weekdays (Monday - Friday) * Efficient exam system, assessment and instant results * Download Printable PDF certificate immediately after completion * Obtain the original print copy of your certificate, dispatch the next working day for as little as £9. * Improve your chance of gaining professional skills and better earning potential. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Professional Freelance Writing Diploma is CPD certified and IAO accredited. This makes it perfect for anyone trying to learn potential professional skills. As there is no experience and qualification required for this course, it is available for all students from any academic backgrounds. REQUIREMENTS Our Professional Freelance Writing Diploma is fully compatible with any kind of device. Whether you are using Windows computer, Mac, smartphones or tablets, you will get the same experience while learning. Besides that, you will be able to access the course with any kind of internet connection from anywhere at any time without any kind of limitation. CAREER PATH You will be ready to enter the relevant job market after completing this course. You will be able to gain necessary knowledge and skills required to succeed in this sector. All our Diplomas' are CPD and IAO accredited so you will be able to stand out in the crowd by adding our qualifications to your CV and Resume. Module 01 Introduction to Freelancing FREE 00:30:00 Building a Successful Freelance Writing Career FREE 00:30:00 Types of Freelance Writing 00:30:00 CREATIVE WRITING - An Art 00:30:00 Web Blog Writing 00:30:00 SEO Writing 00:30:00 Module 02 Sales and Marketing writing 00:30:00 Newsletters and Editorial Writing 01:00:00 Magazine Writing 00:30:00 EBook Writing 01:00:00 Choosing the Right Topic- Limitations and Guidelines 00:30:00 Realizing Your Writing Skills 00:30:00 Module 03 Inking your writing Skills 00:30:00 Analyzing Your Writing Needs 01:00:00 How to Establish Credibility 00:30:00 How to Handle Difficult Clients 00:30:00 Finding Freelance Writing Opportunities 00:30:00 Freelance Writing- In a Glimpse 00:30:00 Mock Exam Mock Exam-Professional Freelance Writing Diploma 00:20:00 Final Exam Final Exam-Professional Freelance Writing Diploma 00:20:00

Professional Freelance Writing Diploma
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Diploma in Freelance Writing


By Course Gate

The Diploma in Freelance Writing is designed to teach you the important principles and practical step-by-step techniques for starting a business providing freelance writing services and getting hired as a freelance writer. You will learn: what a freelance writer does, how to develop your skills to succeed as a freelance writer, how to start your own freelance writing business, how to get hired to write for publication, and how to get hired to write for corporate clients. You will also learn the tips and tricks you need to make bid proposals, set your rates, and avoid working for peanuts as a freelance writer. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Diploma in Freelance Writing is perfect for anyone trying to learn potential professional skills. As there is no experience and qualification required for this course, it is available for all students from any academic background. ENTRY REQUIREMENT: * This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. * Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. * Good understanding of the English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. CPD CERTIFICATE FROM COURSE GATE  At the successful completion of the course, you can obtain your CPD certificate from us. You can order the PDF certificate for £9 and the hard copy for £15. Also, you can order both PDF and hardcopy certificates for £22. CAREER PATH This course opens a new door for you to enter the relevant job market and also gives you the opportunity to acquire extensive knowledge along with required skills to become successful. You will be able to add our qualification to your CV/resume which will help you to stand out in the competitive job industry. COURSE CURRICULUM Module-1 Introduction to Freelancing 00:30:00 Building a Successful Freelance Writing Career 00:30:00 Types of Freelance Writing 00:30:00 CREATIVE WRITING - An Art 00:30:00 Web Blog Writing 00:30:00 SEO Writing 00:30:00 Module-2 Sales and Marketing writing 00:30:00 Newsletters and Editorial Writing 01:00:00 Magazine Writing 00:30:00 EBook Writing 01:00:00 Choosing the Right Topic- Limitations and Guidelines 00:30:00 Realizing Your Writing Skills 00:30:00 Module-3 Inking your writing Skills 00:30:00 Analyzing Your Writing Needs 01:00:00 How to Establish Credibility 00:30:00 How to Handle Difficult Clients 00:30:00 Finding Freelance Writing Opportunities 00:30:00 Freelance Writing- In a Glimpse 00:30:00 Recommended Reading Recommended Reading: Diploma in Freelance Writing 00:00:00 Mock Exam Mock Exam-Diploma in Freelance Writing 00:20:00 Final Exam Final Exam-Diploma in Freelance Writing 00:20:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates or Transcripts 00:00:00

Diploma in Freelance Writing
Delivered Online On Demand

Freelance Writing

By The Teachers Training

Freelance Writing is yet another 'Teacher's Choice' course from Teachers Training for a complete understanding of the fundamental topics. You are also entitled to exclusive tutor support and a professional CPD-accredited certificate in addition to the special discounted price for a limited time. Just like all our courses, this Freelance Writing and its curriculum have also been designed by expert teachers so that teachers of tomorrow can learn from the best and equip themselves with all the necessary skills. Consisting of several modules, the course teaches you everything you need to succeed in this profession. The course can be studied part-time. You can become accredited within 04 Hours studying at your own pace. Your qualification will be recognised and can be checked for validity on our dedicated website. WHY CHOOSE TEACHERS TRAINING Some of our website features are: * This is a dedicated website for teaching * 24/7 tutor support * Interactive Content * Affordable price * Courses accredited by the UK's top awarding bodies * 100% online * Flexible deadline ENTRY REQUIREMENTS No formal entry requirements. You need to have: * Passion for learning * A good understanding of the English language * Be motivated and hard-working * Over the age of 16. CERTIFICATION CPD Certification from The Teachers Training Successfully completing the MCQ exam of this course qualifies you for a CPD-accredited certificate from The Teachers Training. You will be eligible for both PDF copy and hard copy of the certificate to showcase your achievement however you wish. * You can get your digital certificate (PDF) for £4.99 only * Hard copy certificates are also available, and you can get one for only £10.99 * You can get both PDF and Hard copy certificates for just £12.99! The certificate will add significant weight to your CV and will give you a competitive advantage when applying for jobs. Introduction to Freelance Writing Am I The Right Teacher For You? You Betcha! 00:02:00 What You Need To Succeed 00:02:00 Your Key is Your Attitude 00:02:00 How Much Money Are We Talking Here? 00:02:00 Creating Multiple Streams of Income The Main Point of This Course 00:02:00 Strategy and Measurement 00:02:00 Setting Your Priorities 00:03:00 Mindset of the Freelancer Mindset 00:02:00 Heart of Gold, Pot of Gold 00:02:00 Acquiring The Very Best Attitude 00:02:00 Practical Cash Creation Practical Cash Creation 00:02:00 The Reality of Writing for a Livin 00:02:00 Tracking Your income Tracking Your Income ONE 00:03:00 Tracking Your Income TWO 00:02:00 Writing For Magazines Writing For Magazines 00:02:00 Choosing Topics For Magazine Articles 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Publication and Sale Writing Non Fiction for Profit ONE 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit TWO 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit THREE 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit FOUR 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit FIVE 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit SIX 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit SEVEN 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction For Money and Kudos Introduction to Writing Genre Fiction 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction TWO 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction THREE - Romance 00:03:00 Writing Genre Fiction FOUR - Thrillers 00:03:00 Writing Genre Fiction FIVE - Science Fiction 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction SIX - Horror 00:03:00 Writing Genre Fiction SEVEN - Fantasy 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction EIGHT - Cross Genre 00:02:00 Writing For Children Writing for Children ONE 00:02:00 Writing for Children TWO 00:03:00 Writing for Children THREE 00:03:00 Writing for Children FOUR 00:02:00 Writing for Children FIVE 00:03:00 Writing for Children SIX 00:02:00 Writing for Children SEVEN 00:02:00 Writing for Corporate Companies Writing for Business ONE 00:02:00 Writing for Business TWO 00:03:00 Writing for Business THREE 00:02:00 Writing for Business FOUR 00:03:00 Writing for Business FIVE 00:02:00 Writing for Business SIX 00:02:00 Travel Writing Travel Writing ONE 00:02:00 Travel Writing TWO 00:02:00 Travel Writing THREE 00:02:00 Travel Writing FOUR 00:02:00 Travel Writing FIVE 00:02:00 Travel Writing SIX 00:02:00 Ghost Writing Ghost Writing ONE 00:02:00 Ghost Writing TWO 00:02:00 Ghost Writing THREE 00:03:00 Ghost Writing FOUR 00:02:00 Ghost Writing FIVE 00:03:00 The Art of Writing Ad Copy The Art of Writing Copy ONE 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy TWO 00:03:00 The Art of Writing Copy THREE 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy FOUR 00:03:00 The Art of Writing Copy FIVE 00:03:00 The Art of Writing Copy SIX 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy SEVEN 00:03:00 The Art of Writing Copy EIGHT 00:03:00 Self Publishing Online Self Publishing Online ONE 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online TWO 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online THREE 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online FOUR 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online FIVE 00:03:00 Self Publishing Online SIX 00:03:00 Self Publishing Online SEVEN 00:02:00 Self Publishing Offline Offline Publishing Advice ONE 00:03:00 Offline Publishing Advice TWO 00:03:00 Offline Publishing Advice THREE 00:02:00 Offline Publishing Advice FOUR 00:03:00 Grants and Funding for Writers Grants and Funding ONE 00:02:00 Grants and Funding TWO 00:02:00 Grants and Funding THREE 00:03:00 Getting Wealthy by Helping Other Writers Helping Other Writers ONE 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers TWO 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers THREE 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers FOUR 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers FIVE 00:03:00 Helping Other Writers Six 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers SEVEN 00:01:00 Helping Other Writers EIGHT 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers NINE 00:01:00 Self Promotion Self Promotion Advice ONE 00:02:00 Self Promotion Advice TWO 00:02:00 Self Promotion Advice THREE 00:02:00 Self Promotion Advice FOUR 00:02:00 Self Promotion Advice FIVE 00:03:00 Self Belief and Your Career The End of the Course 00:02:00 Self Publishing - AGAIN 00:02:00 Maintaining a Freelance Career 00:02:00 Self Belief 00:03:00

Freelance Writing
Delivered Online On Demand

Freelance Writing Course

By iStudy UK

COURSE DESCRIPTION Freelance writing is the practice of writing for money, in its simplest state. Freelance writers produce whatever written text is needed by their clientele, generally at home in their own office, for money. If you want to be freelance writer or want to get the success keys, you are welcome to join Freelance Writing Course. You will gain the skills necessary to thrive in the freelance writing world. Learn the secret self-promotion tactics of a seasoned freelancer quickly. Feel motivated and full of self-belief in a new home based career. You will learn everything you need to know about magazine article and travel writing, ghost writing, genre fiction writing, nonfiction book writing, children's book writing, to effective copy writing, and much more. WHAT'S IN THE COURSE? Discover why I am the right teacher for you. Indeed, I may be the ONLY writing teacher out there who has actually made a good living from writing. Most teachers either live in dusty classrooms teaching theory, or are so called 'gurus' who have no real world experience and yet spout even more theory from behind a blog or a flashy website. Not me, I'm the real deal. I've been making a living from freelance writing for over 25 years, online and offline - so I know how it's done, how it works, and how to make a shed-load of money doing it. Let me show you the best attributes to develop to make your new career a certainty. Talk to me about your problems within the course and let me help you gain the right mindset, attitude, and motivation. I'll be candid and assist you as much as is humanly possible. Plus, I'll be upfront about the money you can make, which is sometimes a lot more than you'd think! The key to making freelance writing work is to create multiple streams of income, so that you're getting a constant flow of money coming in from all kinds of writing work: magazine articles, travel writing, ghosting writing, editing jobs, writing fiction and nonfiction, getting published by the trade AND/OR self publishing certain things. The trick is to diversify and not rely totally on just one form of income. I'll explain fully how that is done effectively at the beginning of the course. Many new writers don't fully appreciate how to run a lucrative business. Basically writing for a living is a business too - and you need to approach it like one. In one crucial set of videos I explain how to plan and strategize your success and use priorities and measurement of your activities to maximize your earning potential. Plus tips on how to reduce your taxes and properly manage your finances. Writing success is about managing your activities - daily - and responding to feedback. My course ensures you don't get caught in a rut and that you respond quickly to the demands that writing for a living will engender. Included are downloadable activity sheets that will help you identify the best paying jobs. More than any other freelance business, you are a product of your own destiny when it comes to writing. You decide on what you want. You decide what you want to do with your time. You are the master of your universe - and you reap the rewards of true independence. During the course I explain how your mindset is your best friend, your best asset, and your key to true success. It's what is in your heart that matters - and I explain why. After this master class in self management I then go on introduce the concept of Practical Cash Creation. This detailed module explains the reality of writing for a living and what it means, how it can impact your life and those around you, how making money changes your life - and your partner's - all for the good. There are more downloadable income to activity schedules and spreadsheets in these modules to help you chart your progress and track your journey to success. Finally we reach the actual meat and potatoes of the course - actual money making activities explained in detail: how actual cash is generated from a myriad of sources. The information in these videos will literally blow you away. Never in one place have so many secrets been laid bare, especially about an industry normally shrouded in secrecy. Now it's no longer necessary for you to learn the hard way - all by yourself and over a long period of time (years!) because I have done all that FOR YOU. All the information you need is here. All the right tips and tactics that work are ALL HERE. Just for you. Writing for Magazines is traditionally seen as the freelancers main income source and the subject receives its full attention from me. The fact is, magazine articles may only make up a small part of your overall income but everything you learn about pitching for work will help sharpen your freelance writing skills. In this series of lectures I help you with Sample Query letters, assistance choosing topics that can't fail to have an editor salivating and a market listing to die for. Non Fiction Writing is covered in a series of SEVEN videos that show you how to construct sure-fire submissions to publishers on all kinds of books: science, fashion, history, whatever you like. You see the thing is that you don't have to write entire books to get paid to write them. Better to pitch nonfiction ideas to publishers FIRST and then let them commission you to write them. This is how true professionals work - and I show you the exact method by which you can compete and win with ease. Again I include an up to the minute listing of nonfiction publishers who are desperate for new book ideas from you. Writing Genre Fiction for big money is the dream of almost all new authors. But how is this achieved? Look no further. Over EIGHT info packed videos and FOUR full-length e-books, I explain how to write effective romance, thrillers, fantasy, horror, science fiction and cross-genre fiction for the modern marketplace, whether you're targeting traditional publishers or you want to self publish on Amazon. This module alone is worth far more than the super low price I'm asking for this extraordinary course. You won't believe what you get! Writing for Children is another favorite choice among new authors who sense there is much money to be made from spinning short tales for kids. It is true that the children's market is huge and lucrative but, do you really have what it takes to be a winner in this field? This special SEVEN part lecture series will put you on the right track. Compiled with the help of a multi-published children's author, this section alone is super valuable to any writer's career. Includes great instruction on technique and comprehensive market listing of children's book publishers Writing for the Corporate World has always been a great fallback for me. If ever there's a market that's always hungry, it's the business world. But many people misunderstand how most companies go about attracting freelance writers... because mostly they don't. We writers often have to make the first move. This section gives you the foolproof strategy I have always used to get business work. It's quick, easy, and costs nothing - but the pay is out of this world! Learn the one trick I present in this eye-popping SIX part section and you'll always be wealthy! Travel Writing - the dream ticket. What could be more exotic and glamorous? Writing travel articles is a bit like being James Bond without the gun! But what do travel magazines really want? What do travel book publishers need? In this wonderful new section I give you the facts. Everything you need to know about writing compelling articles, plus advice on how to get holiday gigs, and how best to do research on location and take photos that will become your way into the big time! Includes a complete list of travel writing publishers and high paying magazine markets. Becoming a Ghost Writer is about getting it all: money without the hassle of being a touring author. Honestly, if you're looking for sure-fire income, there is never a shortage of people looking for ghost writers. And it's incredibly well paid. Your biggest hurdle is finding the right kind of clients, by which I mean the PAYING ones. Only one in ten ghost writing clients want to pay you - even though they will lie and tell you they'll pay you later, which they often won't. This section is all about using business skills to attract paying clients, how to construct ghost writing contracts and how to do a great job quickly AND get paid UPFRONT. Getting Rich as a Copywriter is an ambition like no other. As we speak it is possible to spend up to $2000 on a copywriting course ALONE. But here, within Secrets of a Freelance Writer, over EIGHT packed lectures, you get every piece of information on copywriting you'll ever need. Don't waste your money on hack copywriters who have to sell their overpriced courses to make their mortgage payments. Find out everything you need to know from me, a freelancer - and a nice guy - who has used advanced copywriting skills to build a million dollar empire over the last decade and a half. Get in the know - and quickly! Self Publishing Online is now a necessary skill for all new writers. You simply can't survive as a credible author these days without having an online presence and a means by which to sell you own books. Many traditional authors are making the switch to digital author simply because the royalties publishers pay are too low. Amazon pays 70% to 90%. Traditional publisher pay 10%. It's easy to see why the majority of new authors now CHOOSE self publishing over the long and often disappointing slog of getting an agent then a literary deal where you'll end up barely able to pay the rent and bills. Learn how to self publish online like a professional and watch the money come rolling in! What are you waiting for? Offline Self-Publishing too is still a valid way of making cash quickly - if you know how to do it properly. There are many pitfalls to vanity publishing and you don't want to do that. But if you're a teacher, a coach, or a speaker then publishing your own book in a limited POD run to can be earning money you would normally be leaving on the table. In this four part section, let me show you the best advice for self publishing offline in this digital age. Includes downloadable resources. Grants and Funding for Writers. Did you know there are individuals, government departments, and corporations who regularly give money to authors, writers and poets? Getting grants and funding can be a useful tool to helping your bank balance and your kudos rating but many artists struggle over where and how to begin with this minefield of possibilities. This special section takes the mystery out of getting grants and applying for art funding. Helping Other Writers is one major key to getting wealthy as an author. As the number of wordsmiths taking themselves seriously these days, the larger the market grows for people who need help, help only YOU can give. You may not have considered this as a market before. You may not have thought yourself good enough. No matter. This unique look at cash creation shows you, over TEN fact filled lectures exactly how to make a great living simply helping other writers to succeed. And it's easy to attract the work and keep getting gigs for as long as you like! Self Promotion is necessary but need not be hard. Many writers don't want to promote themselves and then are overwhelmed by all the possibilities, many of which are a waste of time. Let me show you the best ways to promote yourself - the ones that work - so you can save time and get on with what really matters: the writing. Over this extraordinary FIVE part section - the likes of which you've never seen - I'll give you the lowdown on promotion tactics that make money and make sure you benefit from your new career. In the Conclusion, we look at maintaining a freelance career, which is all about combining self belief and proper business practice with writing. The fact is you don't need to be the best writer in the world to make a living as an author, a copywriter, a ghost writer or even a magazine article writer. Your enthusiasm and your dedication will take you a lot further than your talent. Freelance Writing is a dream job where you are rich, independent and FREE. Come join me. Let me show you how it's done! As well as giving all the information about writing for a living you could ever need, this unique course presents a step-by-step, motivational program for personal writing success, whatever your level of expertise. All you need is your enthusiasm and a willingness to learn and you will begin a new life of independence and freedom within days of taking this fun and insightful study aid. GO FOR IT! Join me now. Introduction to Freelance Writing Am I The Right Teacher For You? You Betcha! FREE 00:01:00 What You Need To Succeed FREE 00:02:00 Your Key is Your Attitude FREE 00:02:00 How Much Money Are We Talking Here? FREE 00:01:00 Creating Multiple Streams of Income The Main Point of This Course 00:02:00 Strategy and Measurement 00:02:00 Setting Your Priorities 00:02:00 Mindset of the Freelancer Mindset 00:02:00 Heart of Gold, Pot of Gold 00:02:00 Acquiring The Very Best Attitude 00:02:00 Practical Cash Creation Practical Cash Creation 00:01:00 The Reality of Writing for a Living 00:02:00 Activity To Income Schedule 00:00:00 Your Daily Writing Activities 00:00:00 Tracking Your income Tracking Your Income ONE 00:02:00 Tracking Your Income TWO 00:01:00 Income Tracking Sheet 00:00:00 Freelancer Spreadsheet Template 00:00:00 Writing For Magazines Writing For Magazines 00:02:00 Choosing Topics For Magazine Articles 00:01:00 Markets for Nonfiction Articles 00:00:00 Sample Magazine Query Letter 00:00:00 Writing Non Fiction For Publication and Sale Writing Non Fiction for Profit ONE 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit TWO 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit THREE 00:01:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit FOUR 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit FIVE 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit SIX 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit SEVEN 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction For Money and Kudos Introduction to Writing Genre Fiction 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction TWO 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction THREE - Romance 00:03:00 Writing Genre Fiction FOUR - Thrillers 00:01:00 Writing Genre Fiction FIVE - Science Fiction 00:01:00 Writing Genre Fiction SIX - Horror 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction SEVEN - Fantasy 00:01:00 Writing Genre Fiction EIGHT - Cross Genre 00:01:00 Writing For Children Writing for Children ONE 00:01:00 Writing for Children TWO 00:02:00 Writing for Children THREE 00:02:00 Writing for Children FOUR 00:02:00 Writing for Children FIVE 00:02:00 Writing for Children SIX 00:02:00 Writing for Children SEVEN 00:02:00 Marketing Listing of Children Book Publishers 00:00:00 Writing for Corporate Companies Writing for Business ONE 00:01:00 Writing for Business TWO 00:02:00 Writing for Business THREE 00:02:00 Writing for Business FOUR 00:02:00 Writing for Business FIVE 00:02:00 Writing for Business SIX 00:02:00 Travel Writing Travel Writing ONE 00:02:00 Travel Writing TWO 00:02:00 Travel Writing THREE 00:02:00 Travel Writing FOUR 00:02:00 Travel Writing FIVE 00:01:00 Travel Writing SIX 00:01:00 Travel Writing Publishers 00:00:00 Ghost Writing Ghost Writing ONE 00:02:00 Ghost Writing TWO 00:02:00 Ghost Writing THREE 00:02:00 Ghost Writing FOUR 00:01:00 Ghost Writing FIVE 00:02:00 Ghost Writing Resources 00:00:00 The Art of Writing Ad Copy The Art of Writing Copy ONE 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy TWO 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy THREE 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy FOUR 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy FIVE 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy SIX 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy SEVEN 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy EIGHT 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online Self Publishing Online ONE 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online TWO 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online THREE 00:01:00 Self Publishing Online FOUR 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online FIVE 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online SIX 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online SEVEN 00:01:00 Self Publishing Offline Offline Publishing Advice ONE 00:02:00 Offline Publishing Advice TWO 00:02:00 Offline Publishing Advice THREE 00:02:00 Offline Publishing Advice FOUR 00:02:00 Offline Publishing Resources 00:00:00 Grants and Funding for Writers Grants and Funding ONE 00:02:00 Grants and Funding TWO 00:01:00 Grants and Funding THREE 00:02:00 Grants Currently Available to Writers 00:00:00 Getting Wealthy by Helping Other Writers Helping Other Writers ONE 00:01:00 Helping Other Writers TWO 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers THREE 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers FOUR 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers FIVE 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers Six 00:01:00 Helping Other Writers SEVEN 00:01:00 Helping Other Writers EIGHT 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers NINE 00:01:00 Helping Other Writers TEN 00:00:00 Self Promotion Self Promotion Advice ONE 00:02:00 Self Promotion Advice TWO 00:01:00 Self Promotion Advice THREE 00:02:00 Self Promotion Advice FOUR 00:01:00 Self Promotion Advice FIVE 00:02:00 Self Belief and Your Career The End of the Course 00:01:00 Self Publishing - AGAIN 00:02:00 Maintaining a Freelance Career 00:02:00 Self Belief 00:02:00 Useful Websites for Self Publishing 00:00:00

Freelance Writing Course
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Certificate in Freelance Writing


By Studyhub UK

OVERVIEW Uplift Your Career & Skill Up to Your Dream Job - Learning Simplified From Home! Kickstart your career & boost your employability by helping you discover your skills, talents and interests with our special Certificate in Freelance Writing Course. You'll create a pathway to your ideal job as this course is designed to uplift your career in the relevant industry. It provides professional training that employers are looking for in today's workplaces. The Certificate in Freelance Writing Course is one of the most prestigious training offered at StudyHub and is highly valued by employers for good reason. This Certificate in Freelance Writing Course has been designed by industry experts to provide our learners with the best learning experience possible to increase their understanding of their chosen field. This Certificate in Freelance Writing Course, like every one of Study Hub's courses, is meticulously developed and well researched. Every one of the topics is divided into elementary modules, allowing our students to grasp each lesson quickly. At StudyHub, we don't just offer courses; we also provide a valuable teaching process. When you buy a course from StudyHub, you get unlimited Lifetime access with 24/7 dedicated tutor support. WHY BUY THIS CERTIFICATE IN FREELANCE WRITING? 1. Unlimited access to the course for forever 2. Digital Certificate, Transcript, student ID all included in the price 3. Absolutely no hidden fees 4. Directly receive CPD accredited qualifications after course completion 5. Receive one to one assistance on every weekday from professionals 6. Immediately receive the PDF certificate after passing 7. Receive the original copies of your certificate and transcript on the next working day 8. Easily learn the skills and knowledge from the comfort of your home CERTIFICATION After studying the course materials of the Certificate in Freelance Writing there will be a written assignment test which you can take either during or at the end of the course. After successfully passing the test you will be able to claim the pdf certificate for £5.99. Original Hard Copy certificates need to be ordered at an additional cost of £9.60. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This Certificate in Freelance Writing course is ideal for * Students * Recent graduates * Job Seekers * Anyone interested in this topic * People already working in the relevant fields and want to polish their knowledge and skill. PREREQUISITES This Certificate in Freelance Writing does not require you to have any prior qualifications or experience. You can just enrol and start learning.This Certificate in Freelance Writing was made by professionals and it is compatible with all PC's, Mac's, tablets and smartphones. You will be able to access the course from anywhere at any time as long as you have a good enough internet connection. CAREER PATH As this course comes with multiple courses included as bonus, you will be able to pursue multiple occupations. This Certificate in Freelance Writing is a great way for you to gain multiple skills from the comfort of your home. COURSE CURRICULUM Introduction to Freelance Writing Am I The Right Teacher For You? You Betcha! 00:02:00 What You Need To Succeed 00:02:00 Your Key is Your Attitude 00:02:00 How Much Money Are We Talking Here? 00:02:00 Creating Multiple Streams of Income The Main Point of This Course 00:02:00 Strategy and Measurement 00:02:00 Setting Your Priorities 00:02:00 Mindset of the Freelancer Mindset 00:02:00 Heart of Gold, Pot of Gold 00:02:00 Acquiring The Very Best Attitude 00:02:00 Practical Cash Creation Practical Cash Creation 00:02:00 The Reality of Writing for a Livin 00:02:00 Tracking Your income Tracking Your Income ONE 00:03:00 Tracking Your Income TWO 00:02:00 Writing For Magazines Writing For Magazines 00:02:00 Choosing Topics For Magazine Articles 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Publication and Sale Writing Non Fiction for Profit ONE 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit TWO 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit THREE 00:01:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit FOUR 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit FIVE 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit SIX 00:02:00 Writing Non Fiction For Profit SEVEN 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction For Money and Kudos Introduction to Writing Genre Fiction 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction TWO 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction THREE - Romance 00:03:00 Writing Genre Fiction FOUR - Thrillers 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction FIVE - Science Fiction 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction SIX - Horror 00:03:00 Writing Genre Fiction SEVEN - Fantasy 00:02:00 Writing Genre Fiction EIGHT - Cross Genre 00:02:00 Writing For Children Writing for Children ONE 00:02:00 Writing for Children TWO 00:02:00 Writing for Children THREE 00:03:00 Writing for Children FOUR 00:02:00 Writing for Children FIVE 00:03:00 Writing for Children SIX 00:02:00 Writing for Children SEVEN 00:02:00 Writing for Corporate Companies Writing for Business ONE 00:02:00 Writing for Business TWO 00:02:00 Writing for Business THREE 00:02:00 Writing for Business FOUR 00:02:00 Writing for Business FIVE 00:02:00 Writing for Business SIX 00:02:00 Travel Writing Travel Writing ONE 00:02:00 Travel Writing TWO 00:02:00 Travel Writing THREE 00:02:00 Travel Writing FOUR 00:02:00 Travel Writing FIVE 00:02:00 Travel Writing SIX 00:02:00 Ghost Writing Ghost Writing ONE 00:02:00 Ghost Writing TWO 00:02:00 Ghost Writing THREE 00:03:00 Ghost Writing FOUR 00:02:00 Ghost Writing FIVE 00:03:00 The Art of Writing Ad Copy The Art of Writing Copy ONE 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy TWO 00:03:00 The Art of Writing Copy THREE 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy FOUR 00:03:00 The Art of Writing Copy FIVE 00:03:00 The Art of Writing Copy SIX 00:02:00 The Art of Writing Copy SEVEN 00:03:00 The Art of Writing Copy EIGHT 00:03:00 Self Publishing Online Self Publishing Online ONE 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online TWO 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online THREE 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online FOUR 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online FIVE 00:02:00 Self Publishing Online SIX 00:03:00 Self Publishing Online SEVEN 00:02:00 Self Publishing Offline Offline Publishing Advice ONE 00:03:00 Offline Publishing Advice TWO 00:03:00 Offline Publishing Advice THREE 00:02:00 Offline Publishing Advice FOUR 00:03:00 Grants and Funding for Writers Grants and Funding ONE 00:02:00 Grants and Funding TWO 00:02:00 Grants and Funding THREE 00:02:00 Getting Wealthy by Helping Other Writers Helping Other Writers ONE 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers TWO 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers THREE 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers FOUR 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers FIVE 00:03:00 Helping Other Writers Six 00:02:00 Helping Other Writers SEVEN 00:01:00 Helping Other Writers EIGHT 00:03:00 Helping Other Writers NINE 00:01:00 Self Promotion Self Promotion Advice ONE 00:02:00 Self Promotion Advice TWO 00:02:00 Self Promotion Advice THREE 00:02:00 Self Promotion Advice FOUR 00:02:00 Self Promotion Advice FIVE 00:03:00 Self Belief and Your Career The End of the Course 00:01:00 Self Publishing - AGAIN 00:02:00 Maintaining a Freelance Career 00:02:00 Self Belief99 00:03:00

Certificate in Freelance Writing
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