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5 Educators providing Forest courses in Sheffield

Forest Schools Education

forest schools education



Forest Schools are nature-based communities where trained practitioners nurture learner-led exploration and discovery, nurturing meaningful experiences for positive lifelong impacts. Wellbeing is the foundation of our practice and through recognising the social, emotional and physical needs of participants we provide the guidance and facilitation for our time in nature. Through creating learner inspired experiences based on exploration and discovery, we recognise opportunities to mentor holistic growth over the course of long-term programmes. In developing the community, we nurture a culture based on collaboration and of embracing challenge so that we can allow, over time, for the blossoming of character, resilience and empathy, and for a greater sense of connection, with nature and for our shared future. What are the Benefits of Forest Schools? Improves Confidence Improves Resilience Improves Physical Wellbeing Improves Empathy Gives an Insight into the Natural World Learner-led Learning Improves Physical Wellbeing & Motor Development Long-term Observation & Guidance from Leaders A Typical Day in a Forest School Meeting outside the woodland, excitement is in the air. The birds are chirping, the gentle wind rolls across the hills while wellington boots search for puddles. The woodland has been checked and the equipment is ready to be taken with us, our focus in on the wellbeing, physical and emotional, of each person within our community. Gathering together, we check in on how each person is feeling and what they wish to explore during their time in nature. We introduce new ideas and invite them to engage our help when they wish to. The woodland space is a blank canvas, full of textures and materials to enrich the senses and stimulate the learning journeys that we will all undertake. As leaders we have both an idea for the direction of the day should learners need us to provide this for them, but also understand the importance of encouraging them to decide their own direction. During this time of exploration and discovery, our role as a leader is to provide the nurturing they need whilst also encouraging them to stay with challenge and to make sense of the experiences they have. Through review and reflection their voices are heard, and their emotions are recognised.

The Muddy Puddle Teacher

the muddy puddle teacher


What is different about our outdoor learning training from others is that it has been created by teachers specifically for schools and nurseries. Plus, we have developed a specific approach to help make the teaching of outdoor learning easy for the practitioner but also to help with the quality of our sessions and to ensure we are out there for a reason. The Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach is a much-loved teaching method created by teachers to better support vulnerable learners. Including those children who struggle to meet average age expectations, neurodivergent children and those with varying learner types who typically do not flourish from an indoor environment and indoor methods. The approach is worksheet-free, book free and uses active, playful methods to engage children in academic areas of learning. The resources and training provide lessons for all curriculum areas, including maths and English and support the EYFS, NC, Curriculum for Excellence and Welsch Curriculum. See Plan & Prices Ask us a Question The method involves teaching the curriculum using the outside to allow space, freedom for movement, collaboration, rich speech and language opportunities, and time for play. This is alongside only using natural materials to teach with. This creates an environment of learning that has enhanced creativity, cross-curricula links, and sensory experiences and is entirely sustainable and caring to the outside space. Children who this approach can have profound benefits from: Neurodivergent children, including autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and Aspergers. Children of varying learner types who do not stereotypically learn from an inside environment and indoor methods. Including those will slow processing speeds. Lower ability or working towards children who thrive in active, collaborative and practical teaching methods. Obese or children with poor fine and gross motor skills. Children with SEMH – the outdoors has been proven to positively impact both the child and educators’ mental and physical well-being. Children with speech and language difficulties – our approach provides an open, non-judgmental space for children to express themselves and have more peer conversations. EAL – for children with additional languages, the outdoors can provide like-for-like opportunities so children can experiment with and use their own and new languages. See Plan & Prices Ask us a Question What ages is this for? Typically from babies to age 11 years. However, we have Special needs schools up to secondary, inclusion units and secondary schools supporting those still at the primary level using our approach. Who can do the training? We have different pathways. One route for those in formal settings such as schools and nurseries such as early years educators, LSA’s and teachers. Another is for home settings such as childminders and home educators. There are different pathways for the different age ranges. If you educate all ages, then go down them all! FAQS: Are you like Forest Schools? We are NOT Forest School. We often get confused with Forest School, but we are entirely different. Many of our schools have Forest Schools and Muddy Teachers trained and use both approaches effectively. Forest School is holistic and encourages high risks to promote social and emotional well-being, such as tools and fire and typically is in a woodland area with prolonged amounts of time outside, such as a full day or entire afternoon. The Muddy Puddle Teacher is an Outdoor Learning Approach, essentially an extension of inside teaching and taking lessons outside. We typically use our school grounds and there are no set periods to stay there. It can be anything from 10 minutes to full days in the summer. What is involved in The Muddy Puddle Teacher Training? Individuals & International Schools Individuals and schools abroad typically take the online route and complete the training using an easy-to-use online format. It is very interactive with audiobooks and demonstration videos. It has four stages and each stage takes around 2 hours. There is no written work, just a questionnaire to ensure you get the most from us. You send that once complete and we send back a certificate and a unique MPT Code; a crest can also be requested. Whole Schools or Nurseries We offer 1-year mentorships to schools and nurseries. We have a 100% success rate with this method. 1 x Initial Meeting – Create a bespoke plan with us, just for you and your school. Initial talks will create aims and action plans with your allocated teacher-consultant. 1 INSET Day or 2 Twilight Training Sessions on the Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach 1 Year Subscription to all of our Resources and Additional Courses 4 x Additional Zoom Training Sessions per season to cover Q&A and offer additional support

Courses matching "Forest"

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Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner

By Mpi Learning - Professional Learning And Development Provider

This course shows you how to apply various approaches and algorithms to solve business problems through AI and ML, follow a methodical workflow to develop sound solutions, use open-source, off-the-shelf tools to develop, test, and deploy those solutions, and ensure that they protect the privacy of users. This course includes hands-on activities for each topic area.

Certified Artificial Intelligence Practitioner
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Emergency First Aid at Work + Forestry


By Direct Training (GB) Ltd

Recent changes to Forestry Commission policy recommend those who work in the Forestry industry attend training which includes additional topics relevant to the risks and nature or their work. The Forestry Commission recommend topics including: * Crush Injuries * Catastrophic bleeding including chainsaw including chainsaw injuries and gun shot wounds * Hypothermia / Exposure * Suspension injuries * Lyme's Disease * Lightning & High Voltage injuries * Casualty evacuation planning These are in addition to the normal Emergency First Aid criteria. Who Should Attend? This course is ideal for those who work or intend to work in a forestry, agricultural or remote environment, such as tree surgeons and farmers. Emergency First Aid Course Content * Health & Safety * First Aid Kit * Resuscitation/CPR * AED Familiarisation * Recovery Position * Choking - Adult, Child, Baby * Burns & Scalds * Poisoning including Anaphylaxis * Epilepsy * Shock * Bleeding including Catastrophic bleeding * Asthma * Head Injuries * Breaks, Sprains & Strains * Specific Conditions (Heart Attack) Assessment / Certification Independent qualified assessors carry out the assessments. Each delegate that passes will receive a Certificate valid for Three years. Please note those holding a valid Certificate, training can take place up to 3 months in advance of the expiry date & the new Certificate will be dated from the expiry date of the old Certificate.

Emergency First Aid at Work + Forestry
Delivered In-Person in EckingtonFull day, Aug 14th, 08:00 + 4 more

1-1 Shamanic Yoga Session


By Invisible Caims

A personalized 1-1 session of Shamanic Yoga is a session of healing of the body according to the blockages and limitations that appear to your eyes, which give us the key to solve in a marvellous way what your soul needs. This yoga is suitable to everyone and it is very easy and creative.  SHAMANIC YOGA  is ancestral, ancient, pre-vedic. It has the element of ecstasy, of a non ordinary state of consciousness, where you work with nature, animals, yantras, mantras, mudras, rituals, initiations in the imaginal forest, in the natural code, non the social code.  Merceliade says that this yoga is the oldest form of yoga and we find it in various traditions: Hindu tradition (Shaktism), Himalayan (Naropa, Milarepa etc), South America (Andean yoga), Siberia, Mongolia, Japan (Yamabushi), Taoism, Alchemy. Shamanic yoga is not an exercise of the body, but a mystical, esoteric and initiatory healing practice that is distinguished by two characteristics; the first is ecstasy, the ability to communicate with the invisible, regaining the state of non-duality that is the typical goal of the yogin’s path. Ecstasy is not achieved by hypnosis or drugs or external means, but by means of instruments such as the drum, the breath and is not the trance of the medium. The shaman does not speak through the voice of spirits but draws knowledge directly from them. The second characteristic is the ability to bring back through narration or storytelling what has been grasped in the invisible worlds, during the shamanic journey, and to convince the matter to transform into reality what is told. Through narrative I awaken forces that then I can bring to life.  Giada’s teachings are also combined with INTEGRAL OR PURNA YOGA founded by Sri Aurobindo “Purna’ means ‘complete’ and Purna Yoga distils and integrates the vast aspects of yoga into an invaluable set of tools for transformation and healing.  It offers more than just physical exercise. Purna Yoga teaches the mind, body and emotions how to be at home with the spirit. Purna Yoga is the art of loving oneself by living from the heart. By attending to our classes, workshops, 1 to 1 sessions and retreats you agree to our TERMS AND CONDITIONS Payment  Bookings are non-refundable.  Disclaimer  By booking a class or workshop or retreat or 1-1 session -online or  any other venues – with us, you release Giada Gaslini, Invisible Caims and any business partners working with Invisible Caims  from any liability arising out of any personal injuries, emotional or physical release, death, expectations of results,  theft in the venue or damages that may happen to people and objects while attending. We recommend that you consult your GP regarding the suitability of undertaking an exercise programme, if the class you are booking includes it like with yoga or similar, and following all the safety instructions required before beginning to exercise.  When participating in an exercise, there is the possibility of sustaining a physical injury. If you engage in this exercise programme, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself. You acknowledge that coaching, shamanic healing and counselling are not to be used as a substitute for psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other professionals. Our sessions are aimed at inner research, problem solving and personal growth, they do not replace the work of doctors and psychotherapists because they do not consider, treat or aim to solve pathologies and symptoms that are strictly medical. All contracts subject to and governed by the law according to my current insurance.   Added element of the disclaimer If the class happens  in any venue and you are causing any damage to the property, you are taking responsibility of your actions. It is down to the individual to take personal responsibility when participating in physical activity and when entering a space that is used and shared by other parties.  Invisible Caims does not take any responsibility about possible risks that may arise but can only advise and enforce guidelines and legal requirements as defined by the Scottish Government and local authorities.   

1-1 Shamanic Yoga Session
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Edinburgh
£25 to £140

Microsoft Active Directory


By Systems & Network Training

MICROSOFT ACTIVE DIRECTORY COURSE DESCRIPTION A thorough understanding of this system is essential for anyone managing enterprise MS networks. Essential theory is complimented with a high level of hands on practice allowing delegates to observe the idiosyncrasies of Active Directory and Group Policy at first hand. Delegates learn the fundamental theory of AD and progress onto building a multi-domain network in the classroom. The course includes troubleshooting methods, and essential maintenance procedures. This course is designed to teach you the skills needed for day to day management of these technologies. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Install AD on multiple PCs. * Use the tools to create and manage objects. * Create appropriate group policies to restrict selected user's desktops and network access. * Install DNS to support Active Directory without loosing Internet Connectivity. * Maintain and troubleshoot AD problems * Backup Active Directory. MICROSOFT ACTIVE DIRECTORY COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with AD based networks. * Prerequisites: Supporting Windows server. * Duration 3 days MICROSOFT ACTIVE DIRECTORY COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction to Active Directory Network authentication methods, Active Directory defined, AD naming conventions, network management with AD, AD structures: Domains, Organisational Units, Forests & Trees, Sites, The Global Catalogue. Windows 2003 new features, installing AD. Hands on Installing an AD network. * Windows overview Management methods Server management tools, installing the additional tools, Terminal Server: Administration mode, Administrator accounts in AD, Local Security Policy. Hands on Install the management tools, Management using Terminal Services. * Creating & Managing Objects (a quick look) AD management tools, AD users and computers, Creating & managing OUs, User Accounts and groups, controlling access to AD objects, moving objects, Publishing resources, locating objects in AD, delegating authority. Hands on Creating a control OU structure and delegating authority. * Introduction to Group Policies What are Group Policies? Where Group Policy data is stored, security, Group Policy flow. Hands on Implementing Group Policies * Working with Group Policies Local security templates, administrative templates, scripts, folder redirection, software deployment. Hands on Scripts, redirecting the start menu, creating a secure, robust desktop environment. * Implementing DNS DNS basics, troubleshooting, implementing DNS zones. Hands on Building a unified DNS solution. * Maintaining and managing the AD database AD support tools, database internal structure, replication, replication tools, Single Operations Masters, tools for maintenance, maintenance techniques, Backing up AD, Directory Services restore mode, NTDSUtil, Authoritative & non-authoritative restoration, rebuilding. Hands on NTDSUtil.

Microsoft Active Directory
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally