170 Educators providing Esoteric Practices courses delivered Online

The Faculty Of Astrological Studies

the faculty of astrological studies


The Faculty of Astrological Studies was founded at 19.50 BST on 7th June 1948 in London, England. The image on the right shows the FAS birth chart. The Faculty’s aim then and now is to raise the standard of astrological education. Since its establishment, the Faculty has become known worldwide as a first class astrological teaching body and its Diploma, the D.F.Astrol.S., is among the most highly valued and recognised international qualifications for the professional astrologer. All Diploma holders must abide by the Faculty’s Code of Ethics. Over the years more than 10,000 students from over 90 countries have enrolled on the Faculty’s courses, and many of the world’s leading astrologers are or were Faculty Diploma holders, such as Liz Greene, Charles Harvey, Julia Parker, Melanie Reinhart and Howard Sasportas. Click here for a list of Alumni. Fellows of the Faculty include Sue Tompkins, Clare Martin and Carole Taylor, and honorary Diploma holders include Rob Hand, Darby Costello and Nick Campion. The Faculty’s courses are comprehensive and flexible, guiding you from the very beginning of your astrological studies right through to professional qualification at Diploma level. You can study by Distance Learning via Email, at London Classes, through Online Classes, and at the Faculty’s annual Summer School. As a teaching and examining body, the Faculty’s team of dedicated, experienced tutors, all of whom hold the Faculty’s Diploma, are devoted to teaching astrology to students all over the world. We hope you will join us as a student. Learning astrology is immensely rewarding and, whether your studies are for personal enjoyment or with a view to becoming a professional astrologer, we are sure you will be fascinated by the richness and depth of the new world which will emerge as you embark on this inspiring journey.

The Natural Wellbeing Academy

the natural wellbeing academy


Kinross, Perthshire

- Accredited Practitioner Qualifications & Online Training, - The Complementary Medical Association (CMA) Approved Training School - 1-1 Healing, Group Workshops - Multi-Dimensional Living - Founded in 2014 - Practicing meditation since 1986 Find relief from: *anxiety, *depression, *tiredness, *energy draining and *energy leakage, *overwhelm, *inner child issues, *trauma, *low self-esteem, *limiting beliefs, *conditioning & patterns, *ancestral trauma, *psychic attack, *Implants, *entities and *attachments, *energetic imbalances: *mental, *physical, *emotional and *spiritual imbalances, *addictions, *toxic relationships, *asthma and *respiratory ailments How it works 💎 non-invasive 💎 natural 💎 self-paced 💎 with integrity 💎 empowering 💎 heart based 💎 life-skills and self awareness toolkit 💎 heals the 'seed' of the issue, not papering over the cracks Our Formula to Wellbeing, over decades of experience is: *integrity: to fearlessly live the authentic truth of who you are *empowerment: expanding your truthful integrity & creating your life your way, which offers breathing space for others to find their unique way *growth: Fruitful experiences as we embody these practices Mind, Body & Soul We work with the 'Spirit' of the person, aiding conscious, heart-based living; making life more meaningful and fulfilling. By going to the 'seed' of the issue, not papering over the cracks for it to appear somewhere else in the future this methodology helps people understand and heal themselves in a compassionate manner. About Your Guide: Lynda offers an Integrated Approach, treating the whole person in a holistic manner * Energy Healer Practitioner and Teacher Trainer * Crystal Healer  * Healing Diets Coach  * Yoga Siromani * Reflexologist * practicing Transcendental Meditation (T.M) since 1986 Spiritually she works as an empath, channel, psychic, is a Lemurian elder, works with Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels, Galactic Beings, works with Lady Gaia, Stone Circles, ancient monuments and any other landmarks which connect with her. Alongside online courses and Teacher Training Lynda launched a pioneering Healing Centre in 2014 which housed a plethora of therapists and the City's first vegan cafe.