185 Educators providing Emotional Wellbeing courses

Resilience For Modern Life by Clan Wellness

resilience for modern life by clan wellness

HI! I'M VIRGINIE FERGUSON, FOUNDER AND DIRECTOR OF CLAN WELLNESS. Here at Clan Wellness, we believe that everyone deserves to show up as their best version of themselves and be able to take on life's challenges with confidence. We want to help you master your emotions, lift the clouds from your head, and feel healthier by building mental and emotional resilience. With us, there is no judgment. We all come with our own experience package that has shaped how our nervous system has adapted to keep us safe and alive. Our lives have evolved far quicker than nature has had time to catch up, and our nervous system is no longer adapted to the fast-paced, demanding lives we live today. This is wy Resilience For Modern Life exists. I wasn't always the content woman I am now. Throughout my life, I had bouts of anxiety, insomnia and even depression when I was 19 years young. It’s through my own experience, as a stressed-out and overwhelmed mum of two, working full-time as a project manager in the life science industry, that I went searching for ways to help. Today, as a certified yoga teacher and HeartMath coach, having left the corporate world behind, I blend ancient wisdom with modern science to create a safe and open environment, so that others can become the resilient, healthy, and happy person that they’ve always wanted to be with techniques proven to work. THIS IS WHY WE OFFER A HOLISTIC, NO-NONSENSE AND PRAGMATIC APPROACH THAT IS BACKED BY EVIDENCE-BASED SCIENCE. Around 79% of British adult experience work related stress, and 41% feel it everyday. This means there is a huge opportunity to make things better for your employees and leaders. With the Resilience For Modern Life’s approach, we can break down the stigmas of mental and emotional health in the workplace, and replace them with a supportive and caring work culture driven by compassionate leadership. Supporting employees and leadership team will not only yield more success for your organisation, it will impact them positively in all other areas of their lives too. Our promise is that employees will be healthier and happier, fostering creativity, better communication, and amplifying engagement and performance to fuel business growth and retain talent.




I am a Shaman Alchemist based in Hampshire. I believe that when you listen to your inner guidance and follow your soul's purpose, even though it may be the hardest thing you have to go through at the time, doors do open, opportunities do arise and you are always looked after by the Universe in every way and even beyond that which we know as our 'reality' - as long as you trust in the process... That's the key 'trust' that you are supported by the Universe. I am seeing so many people who have 'fragmented' souls, losing a small part of themselves each time they go through a trauma. Some have unknowingly carried over traumas from past lives and some are not fully here as they are sharing a parallel life simultaneously which if not in balance can drain their energy reservoir... Hmmmm, yeah it's pretty out there! I tap into my past life soul wisdom to bring in alchemical changes - to balance vibrational energies. I know that it is my calling to support others with their spiritual development. I hold shamanic alchemy sessions [https://www.love2meditate.com/privatetreatments.html], workshops [https://www.love2meditate.com/groupsessions.html], courses [https://www.love2meditate.com/courses.html], retreats  [https://www.love2meditate.com/retreats.html]and I have now created an online support system in the form of a magazine - Alchemical Voice [https://www.love2meditate.com/alchemical-voice-magazines.html]. it is a pathway of virtual support for those who don't have anyone else to talk to about their experiences. Digital copies are absolutely free! Furthermore, the Universe has guided me into creating online meditations [https://www.love2meditate.com/meditations.html] which are shamanically infused and include my healing shamanic drumming. These meditations have helped to heal myself as I work on writing them for others. Once completed they are tested by a Kinesiologist to ensure there is powerful transformational vibrations embedded in each one. They are all tested using the Levels of Consciousness (read my blog to know more about LoC [https://www.love2meditate.com/blog/levels-of-consciousness-explained]). Always striving to be the best I can, I will continue my sacred work, expand my knowledge and use the tools I have, to show you how you can help yourself. Be grateful for the past, be grateful for the present and confidently (with power) walk into your future knowing that the Universe has your back. You just need to believe, trust and love yourself. You do need to put in some work too :)